Your mission: Design a road trip that starts and ends at the state capital and visits all 7 of the places on your PowerPoint. You will want to connect the locations in the shortest way to save gas!

1. On a piece of scratch paper, write down the name of the 7 locations or places found in your Powerpoint. If you included more places, you can use them also, but you don’t have to.

2. Open Google Maps and click on Get Directions.

3. Type the capital city and state into the A box.

4. Now type another location into the B box.

5. Click where it says “Add Destination”

6. Continue to add additional locations by click the “Add Destination” link until you have all of the ones you wrote down on the scrap paper. Your last destination should return you to the capital city to form a nice loop trip!

7. Click on the GET DIRECTIONS in the box next to “By Car”. The map will show a blue line for your route according to the order you listed your cities or locations. You need to have a loop trip with the shortest miles possible. You might have to adjust the order of your locations.

8. In the sample at the right, we don’t make a loop at all. Mileage is over 500 miles! The order should be changed and La Grande moved to below Elgin. Joseph should be after Halfway. To make these changes, place the cursor on top of the Circle Letter and drag to its new position in the order. Now my map, with the addition of Sumpter, will look like as below. The distance is

345 miles starting and ending in Baker City.

9. When you have your finished map, push the Print Screen button at the top of the keyboard. Go back to your Powerpoint and include the map (paste and then crop), a bulleted list of the locations visited, and the total number of miles involved. The miles can be found just below the By Car box on Google maps.

10. A finished sample from Mrs. Rembold’s ABC’s of Oregon shows below:


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