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平成30年度 小学校外国語活動 第3学年年間指導計画例 1~2/15時間2018~2019 Elementary English 3rd Grade Modified Unit Schedule ExampleHours: 1~2/15単元[Unit]LT1 単元1:Hello!あいさつをして友達になろう(関連教材:HF1-L1)LT1 Unit 1: Hello! Let's greet and become friends (Related Materials: HF1-L1)単元目標[Unit Goals]【コ】相手に伝わるように工夫しながら,名前を言って挨拶を交わそうとする。【慣】挨拶や名前の言い方に慣れ親しむ。【気】世界には様々な言語があることに気付く。[C] While finding ways to communicate with your partner, try to say your name and exchange greetings.[F] Become familiar with greetings and saying names in English.[A] Become aware that many languages exist around the world.表現[Expressions]Hello. Hi. I'm (Hinata). Goodbye. See you. ※この単元でHow are you? I'm (happy).の表現を扱う。*The expressions "How are you?" "I'm (happy)." are also used.語彙[Vocab]挨拶 [greetings] (hello, hi, goodbye, see you), friends, I, am, how, are,気持ちを表す語 [feelings] (fine, happy, good, sleepy, hungry, tired, sad, great)第1時[Hour 1]目標:【気】世界には様々な言語があることに気付く。Goals: [A] Become aware that many languages exist around the world.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?映像資料を視聴し,世界には様々な言語があることを知る。Main Activities: ?Watch video materials; learn about world languages.※この単元で,How are you? I'm (happy).の表現に出合うが,十分ここで慣れ親しむ時間がないため,この単元以降毎時間丁寧にこれらの表現に十分慣れ親しむようにする。*Expressions such as "How are you?" "I'm (happy)." will appear, but there is not enough time to familiarize students with them in this short unit. However, students will encounter these phrases every class hour going forward, which should enable students to become sufficiently familiar with them.第2時[Hour 2]目標:【慣】挨拶や名前の言い方に慣れ親しむ。 【コ】相手に伝わるように工夫しながら,名前を言って挨拶を交わそうとする。Goals: [F] Become familiar with greetings and saying names in English.[C] While finding ways to communicate with your partner, try to say your name and exchange greetings.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?名前を言って挨拶をする。?名前を友だちに伝え,名刺カードを渡す。Main Activities: ?Say your name as you greet others.?Express your name to your friends and give them a name card.平成30年度 小学校外国語活動 第3学年年間指導計画例 3~6/15時間2018~2019 Elementary English 3rd Grade Modified Unit Schedule ExampleHours: 3~6/15単元[Unit]LT1 単元4:I like blue.すきなものをつたえよう(関連教材:HF1-L4, L5)LT1 Unit 4: I like blue. Express your likes and dislikes. (Related Materials: HF1-L4, L5)単元目標[Unit Goals]【コ】進んで,好みを尋ねたり答えたりして伝え合おうとする。【慣】色の言い方や,好きかどうかや何が好きかを尋ねたり答えたりする表現に慣れ親しむ。【気】多様な考え方があることや,音声やリズムについて外来語を通して日本語と英語の違いに気付く。[C] Actively try to ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes.[F] Become familiar with colors, asking and answering yes/no questions about likes and dislikes, and expressing what you like or dislike. [A] Be aware that there are many different ways of thinking. Notice the differences in rhythm, etc. by hearing native English pronunciation of loan words used in Japanese.表現[Expressions]I like (blue). Do you like (blue)? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. I don't like (blue).語彙[Vocab]what, like, do, don't, 色 [colors] (red, blue, green, yellow, pink, black, white, orange, purple, brown), スポーツ [sports] (soccer, baseball, basketball, dodgeball, swimming), 飲食物 [foods/drinks] (ice cream, pudding, milk, orange juice), 果物?野菜 [fruits/vegetables] (onion, green pepper, cucumber, carrot), rainbow※What ~ do you want?の表現をここで扱う。*The expression "What ~ do you want?" is also used here.第1時[Hour 1]目標:【気】多様な考え方があることや,音声やリズムについて外来語を通して日本語と英語の違いに気付く。Goals: [A] Be aware that there are many different ways of thinking. Notice the differences in rhythm, etc. by hearing native English pronunciation of loan words used in Japanese.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?虹に色を塗って,虹を完成する。?映像資料を視聴し,世界の子供たちの描く虹の絵を見て違いに気付く。Main Activities: ?Color in and complete the rainbow.?Watch video materials; compare your own rainbow to the rainbows drawn by children around the world.第2時[Hour 2]目標:【慣】色の言い方や,好きかどうかや何が好きかを尋ねたり答えたりする表現に慣れ親しむ。Goals: [F] Become familiar with colors, asking and answering yes/no questions about likes and dislikes, and expressing what you like or dislike. ----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?指導者の質問に対して,Yes. またはNo.で答える。?会話を聞き,登場人物の好きなものを選ぶ。Main Activities: ?Answer "Yes" or "No" in response to questions asked by the instructor.?Listen to the conversation and identify which things the characters like.第3時[Hour 3]目標:【慣】色の言い方や,好きかどうかや何が好きかを尋ねたり答えたりする表現に慣れ親しむ。Goals: [F] Become familiar with colors, answering yes/no questions about likes and dislikes, and expressing what you like or dislike. ----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?指導者の質問に対して,Yes. またはNo.で答える。?会話を聞き,登場人物の好きなものを選ぶ。Main Activities: ?Answer "Yes" or "No" in response to questions asked by the instructor.?Listen to the conversation and identify which things the characters like.第4時[Hour 4]目標:【コ】進んで,好みを尋ねたり答えたりして伝え合おうとする。Goals: [C] Actively try to ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?友達の好き嫌いを予想してインタビューする。?自分の好きなものを言って自己紹介をする。Main Activities: ?Predict what your friends like and dislike, then interview them. ?Express your own likes in a self-introduction.平成30年度 小学校外国語活動 第3学年年間指導計画例 7~10/15時間2018~2019 Elementary English 3rd Grade Modified Unit Schedule ExampleHours: 7~10/15単元[Unit]LT1 単元6:ALPHABETアルファベットとなかよし(関連教材:HF1-L6)LT1 Unit 6: ALPHABET Let's make friends with the alphabet! (Related Materials: HF1-L6)単元目標[Unit Goals]【コ】進んで,自分の姓名の頭文字を伝え合おうとする。【慣】活字体の大文字とその読み方に慣れ親しむ。【気】身の回りには活字体の大文字で表されているものがあることに気付く。[C] Actively express the initials of one's own name.[F] Become familiar with the shape and reading of printed uppercase letters.[A] Become aware of the things around you that use uppercase letters.表現[Expressions](The ‘A’ card), please. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome.語彙[Vocab]大文字 [uppercase letters] (A~Z), card, alphabet, please, here, thank, welcome, 数 [numbers] (21~30, 0), book, drum, fish, gorilla, hat, ink, jet, king, monkey, notebook, pig, queen, rabbit, sun, tree, umbrella, violin, watch, box, yacht第1時[Hour 1]目標:【気】身の回りには活字体の大文字で表されているものがあることに気付く。Goals: [A] Become aware of the things around you that use uppercase letters.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?映像資料を視聴し,大文字の様々な表示を見て何を表しているかを考える。?児童用テキスト誌面から大文字を探す。Main Activities: ?Watch video materials. See a variety of uppercase letters and think about what they represent.?Find the uppercase letters hidden in the pages of the student textbook.第2時[Hour 2]目標:【慣】活字体の大文字とその読み方に慣れ親しむ。Goals: [F] Become familiar with the shape and reading of printed uppercase letters.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?アルファベットの大文字の読み方と文字を一致させるゲームをする。?身体を動かしたり,手遊びをしたりしながら歌う。Main Activities: ?Play a game that matches the sound with the correct uppercase alphabet letter.?Move your body or hands while singing the ABC song.第3時[Hour 3]目標:【慣】活字体の大文字とその読み方に慣れ親しむ。Goals: [F] Become familiar with the shape and reading of printed uppercase letters.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?文字の形などに着目して,仲間分けを行う。Main Activities: ?Focusing on the shape of letters, divide them into categories.第4時[Hour 4]目標:【コ】進んで,自分の姓名の頭文字を伝え合おうとする。Goals: [C] Actively express the initials of one's own name.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?自分の姓名の頭文字を伝え合う。?自分や友達,家族などの名前の頭文字のカードをもらって貼る。Main Activities: ?Express the initials of your name.?Collect cards that match the initials of your name (or a friend or family member's name) and paste them in the textbook.平成30年度 小学校外国語活動 第3学年年間指導計画例 11~15/15時間2018~2019 Elementary English 3rd Grade Modified Unit Schedule ExampleHours: 11~15/15単元[Unit]LT1単元8:What's this? これなあに?(関連教材:HF1-L4, L7)LT1 Unit 8: What's this? Let's make a quiz! (Related Materials: HF1-L4, L7)単元目標[Unit Goals]【コ】進んで,クイズを出したり答えたりしようとする。【慣】身の回りの物の言い方や,ある物が何かを尋ねたり,それが何かを答えたりする表現に慣れ親しむ。【気】外来語とそれが由来する英語の違いに気付く。[C] Actively try to ask and answer quiz questions.[F] Become familiar with the names of objects around you. Become familiar with asking and answering, "What's this?"[A] Notice the difference between Japanese loan words and the original English words they derived from.表現[Expressions]What's this? Hint, please. It's (a fruit). It's (green). It's (a melon). That's right.語彙[Vocab]it, hint, nest, 動物 [animals] (elephant, tiger, owl, raccoon dog), 昆虫 [insects/bugs] (dragonfly, grasshopper, spider, moth)第1時[Hour 1]目標:【気】外来語とそれが由来する英語の違いに気付く。Goals: [A] Notice the difference between Japanese loan words and the original English words they derived from.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?映像資料を視聴し,ある物が何かを考えて答える。Main Activities: ?Watch video materials and try to identify what things are.第2時[Hour 2]目標:【慣】身の回りの物の言い方や,ある物が何かを尋ねたり,それが何かを答えたりする表現に慣れ親しむ。Goals: [F] Become familiar with the names of objects around you. Become familiar with asking and answering, "What's this?"----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?あるものについてのヒントを聞いて,それが何かを考えて答える。?誌面や教師用絵カードを見て,その絵が何を表しているか答える。Main Activities: ?Listen to hints about something and answer what it is.?Look at the pages of the textbook or flashcards and identify what you see.第3時[Hour 3]目標:【慣】身の回りの物の言い方や,ある物が何かを尋ねたり,それが何かを答えたりする表現に慣れ親しむ。Goals: [F] Become familiar with the names of objects around you. Become familiar with asking and answering, "What's this?"----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?あるものについてのヒントを聞いて,それが何かを考えて答える。?ブラックボックスの中に入っている物に触って,それが何かを当てる。Main Activities: ?Listen to hints about something and answer what it is.?Feel an object inside of a black box and try to identify it.第4時[Hour 4]目標:【コ】進んで,クイズを出したり答えたりしようとする。Goals: [C] Actively try to ask and answer quiz questions.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?あるものについてヒントを考え,クイズを出したり答えたりする。Main Activities: ?Think of hints for something, then ask and answer quiz questions.平成30年度 小学校外国語活動 第3学年年間指導計画例 帯活動2018~2019 Elementary English 3rd Grade Modified Unit Schedule Example Supplemental Lesson単元[Unit]LT1単元9:Who are you? ~"In the Autumn Forest"~きみはだれ?(関連教材:HF2-L7)LT1 Unit 9: Who are you? ~"In the Autumn Forest"~ I see something... (Related Materials: HF2-L7)単元目標[Unit Goals]【コ】進んで,絵本などの短い話を反応しながら聞くとともに,せりふを真似て言おうとする。【慣】誰かと尋ねたり,それに答えたりする表現に慣れ親しむ。また,絵本などの短い話を聞いて,おおよその内容が分かる。【気】日本語と英語の音声やリズムなどの違いに気付く。[C] Actively listen and react to a short story (such as a picture book) and try to imitate some of the story's dialogue.[F] Become familiar with asking and answering, "Who are you?" Listen and understand the gist of a picture book or short story.[A] Become aware of the differences in speech and rhythm between English and Japanese.表現[Expressions]I see something (white). Are you (a dog)? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. Who are you? I'm (a dog). Who am I? Hint, please. 語彙[Vocab]who, 動物 [animals] (cow, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, chicken, wild boar), 状態?気持ち [conditions/feelings] (long, shiny, scary, round, furry), 身体の部位 [body parts] (head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, shoulders, knees, toes), not第1時[Hour 1]目標:【コ】進んで,絵本などの短い話を反応しながら聞くとともに,せりふをまねて言おうとする。【慣】誰かと尋ねたり,それに答えたりする表現に慣れ親しむ。また,絵本などの短い話を聞いて,おおよその内容が分かる。【気】日本語と英語の音声やリズムなどの違いに気付く。Goals: [C] Actively listen and react to a short story (such as a picture book) and try to imitate some of the story's dialogue.[F] Become familiar with asking and answering, "Who are you?" Listen and understand the gist of a picture book or short story.[A] Become aware of the differences in speech and rhythm between English and Japanese.----------------------------------------------------------------主な活動:?絵本の読み聞かせを聞いたり,絵本についての質問に答えたりする。?せりふをまねて言う。Main Activities: ?Listen to the picture book story and answer questions about the story.?Imitate the dialogue from the story.Types of goals:【コ】コミュニケーション = [C] Communication【慣】慣れ親しみ = [F] Familiarity【気】気づき = [A] AwarenessShorthand for textbooks:HF1 = Hi, friends! 1LT1 = Let's Try! 1WC1 = We Can! 1HF2 = Hi, friends! 2LT2 = Let's Try! 2WC2 = We Can! 2L(#) = Lesson (number) of Hi, friends!U(#) = Unit (number) of Let's Try! or We Can! ................
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