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Rethink Waste at home Survey and Action Plan - Teachers GuideThe 2020 Regional Recycler competition encourages schools and early learning centres (ELCs) to investigate whether their waste and recycling programs are engaging with the families in their wider student community. Are your families confident or confused to reduce waste and recycle more?Is this impacting on the waste generated at the school or centre, and can this be improved?Getting startedWebpage link: mbrc..au/regional-recyclerRegister for the 2020 Regional Recycler competition by Friday 31 July 2020.Once your school/ELC is registered to participate in the Regional Recycler Competition by the due date, the survey will be emailed to you with a school or centre specific link. Email the link home to your families or promote through your school newsletter to complete within a two (2) week period by Monday 8am, 24th August. From the survey results, plan some Actions that will increase their understanding, engagement and collaboration in choosing more sustainable habits that have significant environmental benefits. If you need a report provided of your survey results, contact Council on moretonbaywaste@moretonbay..au. This will be a fun and interesting exercise for your students to be changemakers in their school or centre, and at home with their families. The annual Regional Recycler competition awards to aim for are:Winning school or early learning centre award:$2,500 prize money + a recycled metal and timber trophyThree (3) Highly commended finalists will be awarded $500 eachRethink waste at home - Survey questions and fieldsNote: some questions have one answer only, and some questions require multiple appropriate responses.Use the table below to collaborate and review the Survey responses from your families to design the Rethink Action Plan.Mandatory Fields for Surveyed families:Teacher/Educator to complete the total number of Survey responses to plan your Rethink Waste Action PlanName of survey respondent:Total number of Survey responses from your families:________ Surveys completedSuburb:Questions:Insert the total number of responses against each answer to the following Questions:How many people live in your household?Select one answer:OneTwoThreeFourFiveMore than five.Who usually looks after sorting and organising the waste and recycling at home? Select all applicable options:Adult male/sAdult female/sChild male/sChild female/sWhere do you find information on waste and recycling?Select all applicable options:All disposers need to check their local Council for current information on what is accepted for disposal in wheelie and bulk bins. If you are in a mixed residential and commercial property, you may have a commercial waste company bulk bin and check on their website for accepted waste and recyclables.Local Council website, brochure/flyer, including Councillor newsletters.Search for information online as required.School or Early learning centre information including newsletters.Planet Ark or Recycling Near You website.War on Waste or Gardening Australia ABC TV advertising or news articles.Print newspapers or magazines.Electronic newsletter or emails from recycling and sustainable waste. organisations eg Clean Up Australia Day, Boomerang Alliance, Sharewaste.Family, friends, neighbours. Do you place your waste and recycling in a bin for a weekly/fortnightly collection service?Select one answer:Wheelie bins - Pair of 240 litre bins: general waste (red or green lid) and recycling (yellow lid)Wheelie bins - smaller 140 litre general waste bin (red or green lid) and larger 240 litre recycling bin (yellow lid)Bulk bin - plastic 1100 litre bulk bins on wheels: general waste (red lid or sign) and recycling (yellow lid or sign)Bulk bin - larger metal bulk bin: general waste (red lid or sign) and recycling (yellow lid or sign). Estimate 3 cubic metres or larger for multi-residential unitsNo, I take our household waste to a Council waste facilityHow much general waste do you dispose per week?Select one answer:Refer to the number of people in the surveyed household. This will indicate whether the waste generation is high for a small number of residents or low for a larger number of residents. More than 1 large garbage bag full, I fill the bin each week (over 80 litres)1 extra large garbage bag full (70 - 80 litres) 1 large garbage bag full (50 litres)1 medium garbage bag full (30 litres)1 small garbage bag full (10-20 litres)Less than 10 litres per week (only a little amount per week)How much recycling do you place in recycling bins each week (a fortnightly wheelie bin collection service or more frequent bulk bin service)? Select one answer:As above, this will indicate if the surveyed household are using a lot or a little of the single-use packaged consumables (food, liquid and household items). Or if they are recycling through Containers for change or other drop off recycling programs.I fill the recycling wheelie bin each week and recycle more at the local Waste facility or Containers for change depot (over 240 litres).I half fill the recycling wheelie bin each week (approx. 120 litres)Only ? or less of my recycling bin has recyclables each week (under 50 litres)I recycle approx 50 litres each week in a bulk bin OR at the local Waste facility OR Containers for change depot: approx. one (1) storage box or laundry tub quantity.I recycle approx 100 litres each week, in a bulk bin OR at the local Waste facility OR Containers for change depot: approx. two (2) storage boxes or laundry tubs quantity.I recycle approx 150 litres each week, in a bulk bin OR at the local Waste facility OR Containers for change depot: approx. three (3) storage boxes or laundry tubs quantity.I recycle more each week than the quantities listed above.Do you know what recyclable items are accepted in yellow lid mixed recycling bins (Council or commercial waste company bins)? Select one answer:The correct answer for accepted recyclable items in Council recycling bins is answer a. Answers b. to d. will identify confusion or misinformation in what can be recycled in Council bins and most commercial recycling bins in the Brisbane area. Empty and clean recyclable packaging, paper and cardboard including rigid plastic bottles/containers/trays, aluminium and steel cans/empty aerosols/trays and scrunched foil, glass bottles and jars (no lids), liquidpaperboard milk and juice cartons.Recyclable packaging with food and other residue (not emptied or rinsed), paper and cardboard including shredded paper, polystyrene, and any plastic with a recycling triangle and number.Recyclable packaging, paper and cardboard including disposable coffee cups, plastic cutlery, plastic straws, soft plastic bags, wrappers and film.Anything I think could be recycled including greenwaste, fabric, appliances, and batteries.Do you regularly use other recycling programs - drop off or postal?Select all applicable options:The survey responses below will demonstrate more commitment to recovering and recycling through a range of local programs. Containers for change on drink containers for 10 cent refund or donate to a registered charity/organisation.Redcycle soft plastic recycling for plastic bag, wrapper and film packaging at Coles and Woolworths supermarkets.Batteries at Aldi, Officeworks or Battery world stores, Ecoactive or Council Waste Facility (Bunya, Caboolture, Dakabin, Redcliffe).Mobile phone recycling through Mobilemuster, mobile phone store, or Officeworks.Print cartridges through Cartridges 4 Planet Ark, or Officeworks.Pens and markers through Officeworks or Terracycle.Coffee pods through Nespresso or Terracycle.E-waste (computers, printers and TVs) through Officeworks, Council Waste Facility (Bunya, Caboolture, Dakabin, Redcliffe), or Endeavour Foundation Redcliffe.Beauty, dental packaging and other recycling programs through Terracycle.X-ray recycling through Caboolture and Dakabin Waste facilities or Siltech PMR at Brendale.I do take recyclable or reusable items to Council waste facilitiesI only use the recycling bin at home.Do you how to dispose of hazardous waste? Includes batteries, vehicle batteries, gas bottles, tyres, chemicals and paint, oil, smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, epirbs, and some renovation waste including asbestos materials.Select all applicable options:I would check if I need a licenced commercial operator to remove suspected asbestos materials from my home eg asbestos used in older homes constructed before the early 1990’s for roofing, fencing, walls and panelling, cladding, insulation, plumbing etc.I recycle household batteries at Aldi, Battery world or Officeworks or mail to ecoactive; and check the Australian maritime safety authority for safe disposal of epirbs and marine beacons.I check Councils website to see what I can bring to an appropriate Waste Facility for recycling or safe disposal.I refer to Council’s handy ‘Search where to recycle or dispose’ online tool to check where to safely dispose.I talk with family, friends or neighbours to ask how to safely dispose.I throw it in the closest bin.Do you reuse, recover, donate, gift or sell household items to avoid disposal? Refer to the Mandatory safety standards before selling or donating items.Select all applicable options:Council Waste facilities:Household furniture and other reusable items for Treasure Market resale.Clothing, shoes and smaller household items for Charity bins.Books, music and games.Green waste (vegetation and lawn clippings) to be mulched.Metal furniture, fencing and roofing, metal appliances (including air conditioners and fridges) and other unwanted metal items for recycling.E-waste for recycling (TV, Computer and printer).Hazardous items for safe recycling by licensed contractors: vehicle batteries, gas bottles, tyres, paint, chemicals, motor oil, smoke alarms, fluorescent globes and tubes, household batteries.Concrete for crushing and reuse.Charities:Clothing, shoes, and manchester.Furniture.Crockery, cutlery, glassware and servingware.Books, music and games.Other:Sell items that are repurposed or restored.Sell items in usable and good condition.Gift items in usable and good condition to family friends and neighbours. Have you used the Council Bulky household collection service for bulky items or green waste (vegetation)? Select one answer:Yes.No, I was not aware of this paid collection service but may use it.No, I wouldn’t use this paid collection service.Have you tried to Avoid waste at home to:Select all applicable options:Buy only what you need.Buy food and household items in your own reusable containers from Bulk food stores.Fill reusable produce bags with loose fruit and vegetables, instead of bringing more plastic bags and packaging home.Use reusable containers for food storage at home.Use reusable beeswax wraps for food storage instead of plastic bags and film.Store information including recipes and instructions on your computer or device electronically, rather than printed or written paper copies.Have you tried to Reduce waste at home to:Select all applicable options:Keep items in good condition so they last longer.Repair items rather than disposing and buying a replacement.Repurpose items you already own rather than buying more items.Use food within the use by date and menu plan to avoid food waste.Carry a reusable mug or water bottle to refill during the day.Remember to take reusable shopping bags on shopping days and have one spare in your bag or car just in case.Start a composting system at home for food scraps, shredded paper and grass clippings/prunings/leaves. Swap with family/friends or hire clothing to increase the variety in your wardrobe.Treasure hunt for second hand clothes, furniture and other personal or household items at local charity stores.Look for everyday items that are made using recycled materials from household items eg printer/copy paper using 50-100% of post-consumer recycled paper; or Omo, Surf, Comfort, Dove, TRESemme and other packaging that are made with 25-100% post-consumer recycled plastic.Rethink waste Action PlanRecord the total of each response in the table above and save the table on a separate file as a summary of the survey responses completed by your families. Note: You will be asked to upload the file with your competition entry.Analyse the survey responses from your families including: Is there a lack of knowledge or understanding of what can be disposed in household waste and recycling bins?Is there a lack of knowledge or resistance to recycling more household materials?Do your families want more waste and recycling information through the school/ELC newsletters and correspondence?Are your families trying to Avoid and Reduce generating waste at home? Is there an opportunity for the school/ELC to support with activities and fund raising to assist the families with Avoiding and Reducing waste by Reusing food and other containers or wrappers?Actions can be planned in your Rethink waste Action Plan to: provide information for the wider school/ELC community, encourage positive change,engage your students as leaders of positive change,create annual activities, programs and events to involve and engage with the wider school/ELC community,reduce waste and improve the waste hierarchy strategies with the wider school/ELC communities’ impact on your school/ELC, andmeasure and record your school/ELC actions for improvements and barriers.Use the Rethink waste Action Plan templates provided (Word or Excel versions available) or create your own. Schedule the actions for a date or period.Nominate who will implement the actions, and what resources are required.How will you evaluate the actions?Implement the Actions and review the changes/improvements to the amount of waste being managed by the school/ELC, or number of pledges to Rethink waste, or quotes from families who have read and implemented hints and tips at home, or other measurement tools. Evaluate the actions and record the improvements/responses on your Action Plan. What were the strengths and opportunities, weaknesses and barriers of the action? How would you improve on this action?Schedule the next date to try this Action with a new focus or during a national campaign plete the Review field highlighting successful actions and any barriers to the success, include opportunities for new or improved actions to increase the success or access to more your wider community. What can you try to improve the response or engagement for your actions?Save all Photo permission forms used in the Action plan as a single pdf document.Enter the Regional Recycler competition 2020 and upload your Rethink waste Action Plan, Survey results summary, and photo permission forms. Closing date: Monday 5pm, 12 Oct 2020.Thank you for being a part of the solution in helping the community to Rethink Waste! ................

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