Telecare LIN



September 2012

Welcome to an additional supplement from the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) Knowledge Transfer Network and the Telecare Learning and Improvement Network.

This supplement to the September 2012 Newsletter provides a summary of news stories relating to Telecare and Telehealth from the UK and around the world. They cover the following topic areas:

a) Policy, funding and trends

To view information on policy, funding and trends that may be of interest, click on the links below:

£1.25m plan to empty NHS beds across Staffordshire ahead of winter demand | This is Staffordshire (UK)

5 ways healthcare innovators are helping old people

6,000 die a year due to poor patient checks - Telegraph (UK)

About 1,260 hospital admissions a day due to smoking, new figures show | The NHS Information Centre (UK)

Acute hospital care 'on brink of collapse' say doctors | Society | The Guardian (UK)

Affordable old age: U-turn on money for elderly care - UK Politics - UK - The Independent (UK)

Age UK response to Social Care White Paper (UK)

Ageing Well Challenge Prize - Nesta (UK)

Annual Parliamentary report on R&D in Assistive Technology published (UK)

Autism in California: SB 764 makes healthcare accessible with telehealth | Laura Shumaker | an blog

BBC News - Diabetes rate in Scotland continues to increase (UK)

BBC News - Diabetic foot care 'appalling' (UK)

BIA welcomes first awards made through the Biomedical Catalyst - The BioIndustry Association

Big social care savings possible (From This is Hampshire) (UK)

Cap on care at home could force under-65s into institutions | Society | The Guardian (UK)

Care home costs soar across retirement Britain - Telegraph (UK)

Carers missing out on 'transformative' telecare | Carers UK (UK)

CCGs come together to discuss the future | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

CCGs could be forced to keep in line with council plans (UK)

CCGs need to understand when clinical involvement is essential |

Census 2011 stats keep Dilnot front of mind | Joseph Rowntree Foundation (UK)

Census 2011: one in six people in Britain now over 65 - Telegraph (UK)

Census 2011: the results map of England and Wales | UK news | (UK)

Class divide in health widens, says thinktank | Society | The Guardian (UK)

Cleveland Fire Brigade takes on home alarms service - Local News - News - Gazette Live (UK)

Coalition rethink over Dilnot's £35,000 old age care cap | Society | The Guardian (UK)

Commissioning Outcomes Framework targets revealed by NICE |

Commissioning Show - QIPP showcase: LTC management that works |

Consultation launched on proposals for commissioners to deliver best value | Department of Health (UK)

Consultation on joint strategic needs assessments and joint health and wellbeing strategy guidance | Department of Health (UK)

Consultation on new licensing regime for providers of NHS services | Department of Health (UK)

Consultations launched on sector regulation of health service | Department of Health (UK)

Co-ordinated care project: demonstrator sites - The King's Fund (UK)

Cornish telehealth programme set to improve management of urinary tract infections (UK)

Could TripAdvisor-style reviews work for social care providers? | Health and Social Care (UK)

Councils urged to replace social workers with non-qualified staff - 8/23/2012 - Community Care (UK)

David Cameron to push through cap on care costs - Telegraph (UK)

David Cameron: A £35,000 cap on care bills: PM pledges to end heartbreak of elderly forced to sell homes | Mail Online (UK)

Dementia - supporting people to live well with dementia: consultation on draft quality standard (UK)

Department of Health awards £500m contact centre services deal | Guardian Government Computing | Guardian Professional (UK)

Developing the use of direct payments in residential care | Department of Health (UK)

DH patient choice pilots recruit just 36 patients (UK)

DH unveils licencing and competition plans | News | Health Service Journal (UK)

Dilnot calls for rapid action on costs cap for elderly care - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent (UK)

Doctor Shortage May Swell to 130,000 With U.S. Cap - Bloomberg

E-Health Insider :: Cornwall to buy 'at scale' tele-services (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Lansley out, Hunt in (UK)

E-Health Insider :: NHS Constitution to opt data into trials (UK)

E-Health Insider :: NHS Direct makes strides with NHS 111 (UK)

| Denmark's National Telemedicine Action Plan to be Built on Continua Health Alliance Design Guidelines

Elderly care reforms will have to wait, warns Chancellor - Telegraph (UK)

Elderly care services showing worst decline in Labour-run poor boroughs | UK news | The Guardian (UK)

Evaluation Telecare capital grant in Wales Preliminary findings

'Four million could benefit from telecare' - Public Service (UK)

Gloucestershire telehealth patients enjoy better health | NHS Gloucestershire (UK)

GP commissioning remit to mirror PCT role | (UK)

GP providers win just a fifth of NHS 111 contracts | (UK)

GPs do not understand social care services, study shows | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

GPs embrace a new way to network - Pulse (UK)

GPs lead the way by reducing hospital admissions | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Health and wellbeing board GP says council partners must be honest | (UK)

Health firms told to get set for £20bn NHS bonanza | Business | The Guardian (UK)

Health Informatics Scotland Conference 2012 - Health Informatics Scotland (UK)

Health Management and Policy Alert: End of life diabetes care (UK)

Health Management and Policy Alert: Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (JHWSs) “ draft guidance consultation (UK)

Health Management and Policy Alert: Resources for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) (UK)

Implementing the next stage in the transition to the new health and care system | Department of Health (UK)

Information sharing challenge funding to help develop digital services announced | Department of Health (UK)

Integrated care north and south of the border | Chris Ham - The King's Fund (UK)

Integrated care would cut '2.3 million emergency hospital admissions in older people' - Pulse (UK)

Lax rules on care alarms 'putting lives of pensioners at risk' (UK)

Liverpool becomes 'age-friendly' city (UK)

Liverpool starts building a dementia centre with telecare assessment facility (UK)

Local Healthwatch regulations - a summary report of engagement | Department of Health (UK)

Millions of hospital data errors 'threaten GP commissioning' (UK)

Millions of people could benefit from telecare | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Moderate' clients to lose support as council plans eligibility hike - Community Care (UK)

National framework to improve mental health and wellbeing published | Department of Health (UK)

New fund launched for NHS digital innovations (UK)

New home care system failing to make savings for Birmingham City Council - Health News - News - Birmingham Post

New NHS bodies can 'lead work' from October | (UK)

New patient chart to save 6,000 lives a year in the UK - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent (UK)

NHS 'brand' could be sold abroad to generate income for hospitals | Society | The Guardian (UK)

NHS changes threaten co-ordination of services | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

NHS Choices provides new tool to find local care providers (UK)

NHS Clinical Leaders Network: Health Innovation Education Cluster (HIEC) “ Telehealth workshop “ please tell us your views! (UK)

NHS Commissioning Board will continue to fund GP software | Guardian Government Computing | Guardian Professional (UK)

NHS Confederation comments on innovation scorecards proposals (UK)

NHS could 'lose' 7,000 beds if home care for elderly improved, says charity | Society | (UK)

NHS Direct among providers for London NHS 111 service | Guardian Government Computing | Guardian Professional (UK)

'NHS faces severe pressure from localised IT' - Public Service (UK)

NHS franchising: the toxic world of globalised healthcare is upon us | Allyson Pollock | Comment is free | The Guardian (UK)

NHS 'has enough beds to cope', minister says - Telegraph (UK)

NHS improvement body: Managing director seconded to lead new national organisation | NHS Commissioning Board (UK)

NHS Midlands and East celebrated for using digital tools to transform healthcare | NHS local (UK)

NHS needs to close wards and hospitals to centralise care, says doctors' leader | Society | The Guardian (UK)

NHS overseas franchise plan is key to future of the health service | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

NHS patient records to revolutionise medical research in Britain | Science | The Guardian (UK)

NHS Patients want to Video Call their Doctors « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor (UK)

NHS rationing is putting health at risk, says doctors' leader | Society | The Guardian (UK)

NHS Reform timeline | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

NHS reforms will lead to 'tsunami of bureaucracy': NHS leader - Telegraph (UK)

NHS reforms: Moving care to the community | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

NHS social network How Are You? launches UK's first health app store - NEWS - articles - Pharmaceutical Industry - PMLiVE (UK)

NHS super-merger proposals 'create logical landscape for healthcare' | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

NHS Wales launches iPhone health app | Guardian Government Computing | Guardian Professional (UK)

NHSD to develop endpoint location, telehealth directories

North West telehealth pilot saves £2.2m (UK)

NQB sets out how quality will be maintained and improved in new health system | Department of Health (UK)

Oklahoma Study Confirms Importance of Telemedicine for Rural Patients | Heartland Telehealth Resource Center

Our health service presents wicked problems | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

Paul Burstow accuses Treasury of blocking social care reforms | Society | (UK)

Paul Burstow: increasing the use of telehealth and telecare technologies in the UK on Vimeo (UK)

Paul Burstow's legacy as social care minister | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

PCT and SHA leaders to be stripped of 'management responsibility' in October | News | Health Service Journal (UK)

Pensioners alarm ordeal sparks system review calls - News - (UK)

Personal health budgets easy read leaflet published | Department of Health (UK)

PM: NHS Constitution to be modified to allow drug companies patient records access - Pulse (UK)

Postcode lottery in access to telecare revealed by national audit - 9/17/2012 - Community Care (UK)

Pressure on ambulances from NHS 111 number | News | Healthcare Today UK (UK)

Report recommends which specialised services should be commissioned nationally | Department of Health (UK)

Research indicates UK public has no idea what telehealth is (UK)

Reshuffle: Jeremy Hunt replaces Lansley as health secretary - Community Care (UK)

Resources for CCGs « NHS White Paper (UK)

Review of national arrangements for providing information and advice to carers | Department of Health (UK)

Sector regulation: an update on plans for consultation and implementation | Department of Health (UK)

Serco out-of-hours GP service failures create spike in Cornwall A&E use | Society | (UK)

Smartphone application for antibiotic prescribing | Department of Health (UK)

Taking public health beyond NHS and local government | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Technology Strategy Board - Call for innovation to help people live active lives (UK)

Telecare - Warwickshire Web (UK)

Telecare 24 hours emergency response in Warwickshire (UK)

Telecare is revolutionising the work of care homes : North Yorkshire County Council (UK)

Telehealth proves a life-saver | This is Gloucestershire (UK)

Telehealth Soapbox: The NHS can simply not afford to continue to do more of the same

Telehealth: only part of the solution | BMJ (UK)

Telehealth: Running before walking? | BMJ (UK)

The Big Interview with Adam Steventon, Nuffield Trust - Pulse (UK)

The focus on reablement | Opinion | Health Service Journal (subs) (UK)

The health and care system in April 2013 [infographic] | Modernisation of health and care (UK)

The new NHS' greatest risk | Leader | Health Service Journal (UK)

The new structure of the NHS in England | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

The next 50 years: Is the NHS financially sustainable? - The King's Fund (UK)

Transforming the delivery of health and social care - The King's Fund (UK)

UK-Worcester: assistive technology (telecare and telehealth) services (UK)

What can England learn from Scotland on integrating health and social care? | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

What do NHS staff think about the NHS? | BMJ (UK)

What does a GP practice of the future look like? | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Who is fighting the patients' corner? | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Whole System Demonstrator leader warns of "negative effects" | Australasian Telehealth Society (UK)

Whole Systems Demonstrator (WSD): Nuffield's summary so far (UK)

Wiltshire Council - introducing new telecare services for 3,000 adults, with no disruption to their care | PA Consulting Group (UK)

Wolverhampton - the use of telecare to increase the independence for individuals and their carers within supported living schemes for people with learning disabilities (UK)

Work Begins On City's First Dementia Centre : UK Construction News (UK)

b) Business intelligence and product development

To view information on business intelligence and product development that may be of interest, click on the links below:

"If We Build It, Will It Stay?" A Case Study of the Sustainability of Whole-System Change in London (UK)

"Pilotitus" in mHhealth Industry Addressed at the Connected World Forum in Dubai in November -

£19m 'e-Health' scheme to improve UK cancer research : Cancer Research UK (UK)

£29 million for life sciences research announced at British Business Embassy (UK)

1 in 5 Rxs for Seniors Is Inappropriate | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

10 interesting health entrepreneurs talking about healthcare innovation on Twitter

3 Critical Technologies for Healthcare

3 Steps of Launching a Telemedicine Program

3G-enabled glucometer vendor gets US$25.5M in backing, Articles | MobileHealthLive

4G in the UK: What it is, when it's coming and what it means for you

5 critical technologies health systems should require | Healthcare IT News

5 patient care areas where telemedicine is making a difference | PhysBizTech

5 Reasons You Ought To get involved with telecare home business

5 Trends Will Reshape Health IT In 2013 - Healthcare - Leadership - Informationweek

5 ways mobile apps streamline patient-doctor communication | Healthcare IT News

5 ways telehealth improves market position | Healthcare Finance News

5 ways telemedicine is driving down healthcare costs | Healthcare IT News

5 ways telemedicine is reducing the cost of healthcare | Healthcare Finance News

6 Apps to Turn Your iPad Into a Productive Business Tool

67% of Apple device sales in UK Healthcare market are through a relationship with a single mHealth app developer « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor (UK)

70 is the new 60: We need to stop characterising the growth of older people in the UK in alarmist ways | British Politics and Policy at LSE (UK)

8 telehealth trends from the trade show trenches - Hands On Telehealth

80% of docs say technology improves provider-patient communication - FierceHealthIT

A blueprint for the future of home care (US)

A creative discussion of medicine, mHealth chat with Dr. Eric Topol archive available

A Mayo Model: The Collaborative Future of Medicine - Judith Graham - The Atlantic

A Modeled Analysis of Telehealth Methods for Treating Pressure Ulcers after Spinal Cord Injury

A new video platform for medical information.

ADI aims ECG chip at consumer health monitors - 8/6/2012 - Electronics Weekly

ADVANCE Perspective: Nurses : The Future of Telehealth

Age of Context: Social Media Becomes a Mature Platform - Forbes

Aircraft monitoring technology could benefit heart patients (UK)

AirStrip secures patent for viewing patient data on mobiles | mobihealthnews

Airtime Gets Video Posts and Buddy List Enhancements

Alere acquires MedApps for home health monitoring | mobihealthnews

Allscripts adds telehealth platform to EHR | EHR Watch

Allscripts forges telehealth agreement ahead of other EHR companies

American Well, Allscripts announce integration on EMR platform | mHIMSS

Analog Devices Introduces Single-Lead Heart-Rate Monitor - ElectroIQ

ANCCEH Telehealth Paper - Health Informatics Society of Australia

Apollo Hospitals to start Telemedicine 2.0

App to connect acne patients with dermatologists - - ModernMedicine

Apps help to snoop on your sleep | .au

Are digital health patents beginning to shape the market? | mobihealthnews

Are smartphone apps smarter than a doctor? | News - Home

Artery Size May Predict COPD Flares

Association Between Personal Health Record Enrollment and Patient Loyalty

AT&T, Alere Partner On Diabetes Tools - Healthcare - Mobile & Wireless - Informationweek

ATA to Develop Certification for Online Medical Services

AusTender: Current ATM View - TMVA12

Australian government announces telehealth initiative | eGov monitor | The Information Daily

Azumio acquires SkyHealth, sets sights on launching comprehensive health and fitness dashboard

Baby boomers trust physicians' recommendations on medical apps -

Baby sensor cap test to learn how autism develops - Telegraph (UK)

Baby-driven robots could help disabled children - Health - Children's health -

Bant Diabetes App wins the ˜Peoples Choice Award at the World Congress “ Healthcare Human Factors

Barbara Ficarra: Too Much Hype in the Mobile Health App World?

BBC News - 'Brush' offers clues to fighting lung disease (UK)

BBC News - Call for national system for monitoring vital signs (UK)

BBC News - Daisy Hill Hospital recruits robots to aid care (UK)

BBC News - Dundee to host e-health research centre of excellence (UK)

BBC News - Elderly care: Government to 'set out cost limit' (UK)

BBC News - Formula 1 technology used in hospital (UK)

BBC News - Gadgets will become 'pro-active' says Peter Cochrane (UK)

BBC News - Heart failure implant operation trialled in UK (UK)

BBC News - Is there a future for luxury care homes? (UK)

BBC News - Lords communications committee criticises broadband focus (UK)

BBC News - One in 10 NHS appointments missed - health department (UK)

BBC News - Open-source project to get gadgets talking via the net (UK)

BBC News - Organise urgent care better, NHS told (UK)

BBC News - Personal care costs rise by 150% in seven years (UK)

BBC News - RCP: Change in patient monitoring could save lives (UK)

BBC News - 'Spray-on skin' helps heal leg ulcers (UK)

BBC News - Technology opens the doors of Africa's health sector (UK)

BBC News - Very old 'missing out on basic heart care' (UK)

BBC News - Webcams used for Nottingham stroke patients (UK)

BBC News - Wrong medical equipment 'undermining aid effort' (UK)

BBC News - WRVS: elderly care confusion 'must end' (UK)

Bed sensors, virtual pets and 3 other innovations for the nursing home

Bid to cut appointments by using ˜virtual clinics (From Daily Echo) (UK)

Bioinformatics and Web 2.0

Biometric bracelet could send remote-monitoring data to EHRs - FierceHealthIT

Blue Button Mashup Challenge

Blueprint Health announces second class of digital health startups

Body 2.0: Upgrade Your BodyHealth 2.0 News

Boy with Down syndrome able to communicate like never before, thanks to iPad apps | Fox News

Britain unprepared for 'tsunami' of dementia patients - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent (UK)

British Heart Foundation - Elderly hearts overlooked (UK)

Broadband speed to be doubled in up to 7,000 GP practices by next year - Pulse (UK)

Cambridge Consultants Develop Concept Eco-friendly Blood Glucose Meter

Can Designers And Developers Save Health Care?

Can Hospital Chains Improve the Medical Industry? : The New Yorker

Can Mango Health succeed where others have failed?

Can open data spark long-awaited change in the NHS? | Public Leaders Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Can smarter use of information save the NHS £20bn? | Health | PA Consulting Group

Can Telehealth shape the future of medical treatment? - TechDay

Can Telemonitoring Help Keep Diabetes Patients Out Of The ER? | Chronic Condition Management

CardioSource - Medication Adherence and Readmisions

Care at a Distance : On the Closeness of Technology

Care home chains launch ratings survey as watchdog turns new leaf | Society | The Guardian (UK)

Care Redesign ” A Path Forward for Providers ” NEJM

Care village communities important to future of housing market (UK)

Care workers in London asked to identify those vulnerable to fire risks (UK)

Caregivers are voracious health information consumers | Pew Internet & American Life Project

Caregivers Online | Pew Internet & American Life Project

Careline Personal Pendant Alarms for the Elderly (UK)

Careline UK Personal Alarms | The Stroke Association (UK)

Cary News | WakeMed opens new off-site center for monitoring intensive care patients

Case Study: Ethical Guidance for Pediatric e-health Research Using Examples From Pain Research With Adolescents.

Challenge 5 under ICT Call 10: ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance

Challenges of making a diagnosis in the outpatient setting: a multi-site survey of primary care physicians -- Sarkar et al. 21 (8): 641 -- BMJ Quality and Safety

Cloud computing expected to grow rapidly in health care -

CMS Adds Three More Healthcare Organizations to its Pilot Telemedicine Program

Comments - Study: Financial Benefits of Using Telehealth in ICUs Remains Unclear - iHealthBeat

Communication breakdown: improving dialogue between seniors and the state | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Communities Dominate Brands: And What Do We Do With Our Mobiles? Some New Survey Data Tells More

Community volunteers help village's older people stay independent | Society | The Guardian (UK)

Consultant outlines 5 ways in which telemedicine saves money | mHIMSS

Continuity through patient-held records | BMJ

Current and future state of mhealth: PwC

Curtin e-health study shows we trust the stethoscope | Australian Healthcare & Hospitals Association

Cutting costs of long-term healthcare

Cutting the cost of adult social care | Care Industry News (UK)

Cutting the drive out of the doctors visit

Cystic Fibrosis Telehealth example ABC 4 corners program - YouTube

Data Linkage Service | The NHS Information Centre (UK)

Degrees of difficulty: commissioning away a deficit - Health Foundation (UK)

Depression treatment 'should be based on patient preference' - Pulse (UK)

DFR announces working group for telemedicine study (US)

Diagnosing eye injuries in the emergency department with a smartphone

Diagnosis Promising For mHealth

Dial A Diagnosis: Your Phone Can Now Tell You If You're Getting E.Coli

Did the NFC technology focus cause Samsung to miss out on the biggest ever TV opportunity for mHealth? « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

Digital first: Home (UK)

Digital health startup HealthTap wants to help physicians do virtual house calls

Digital health startup wants to help prevent diabetic foot ulcers, one bathroom at a time

Digital healthcare conference hopes to help remote communities | Scotland | News | STV

Digital Initiatives Register ” NHS Connecting for Health (UK)

Digital Medicine: Indians Expect To Lead The mHealth Revolution : PwC Survey

Disruptive Health Technologies

Do we need mHealth to communicate the benefits of connecting everything? « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

Docomo says remote monitoring will be "key service", Articles | MobileHealthLive

Doctor on Wheels - Technology Review

Doctors are as worried as patients in the consulting room - Health Foundation (UK)

Doctors could treat patients via iPhone app: study | SBS World News

Doctors learn how to treat new media - The Irish Times - Tue, Sep 11, 2012

Doctors, Have You Ever Wanted To Set Up Your Own Practice Via Telehealth? - Computers and Internet Articles

Doctors: Become a key opinion leader using social media

Document of the Week (13th August): Digital technology essential guide § NHS Right Care (UK)

Does home telemonitoring improve patient outcomes?

Does The Language Fit The Evidence? - Association Versus Causation - Health News Review

DoHA drives telehealth uptake - Australian Ageing Agenda: Aged Care and Retirement Industry News and Issues

Doubts raised over safety of 'doctor by broadband' - Telegraph (UK)

Dr. Rafael J. Grossmann - Hands On Telehealth

Dutch builds community for dementia patients - The National

Ear-worn sensor could be used to gather patients' vital signs | News | The Engineer (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Don't panic, says new app (UK)

EHealth Insider :: EHI Live

E-Health Insider :: EHI Live interview: Dr Mark Davies (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Helena Shovelton to chair 2020health (UK)

E-Health Insider :: HSCIC releases historic prescribing data (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Hull and East Yorks buys CSC whiteboards (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Kelsey deputies announced by NHS CB (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Newham Skype pilot cuts DNAs (UK)

E-Health Insider :: NHS 111 goes digital (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Patient List to launch open source app (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Risky business (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Southern group hopes for 'quantum leap' (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Western Isles bins paper handovers (UK) Portal | Call for proposals Challenge 5: ICT for Health Portal | Opinion Article: Paper-Lite and Beyond - Shaping the Future of Electronic Healthcare in the NHS Portal | Patient Survey Reveals Significant Benefits of Telehealth Programme in Gloucestershire Portal | Telemonitoring Can Make Cardiac Implant Therapy More Efficient and Cost-Effective

Electronic jewelry for health

Electronic versus conventional discharge summaries (UK)

Emerging Technologies for Chronic Disease Care

Employers grow onsite health clinics, and employer-sponsored telemedicine will grow | Health Populi

eNeighbor Telehealth

ESC Congress 2012 | e-health and remote monitoring using implantable devices

ESC Congress 2012 | Telemonitoring in heart failure: is the concept proven?

Eucomed - Good practice in reimbursement of cardiac implant Telemonitoring “ lessons from 5 member states

Europe developing roadmap for mHealth use and acceptance

Europeans developing automatic monitoring for Parkinsons

Evolving Technology Gives True Voices to Children Who Cannot Speak -

Exclusive: PCTs missing health check targets | (UK)

Exercise can boost health of heart failure patients: study

Expect rapid growth for telehealth, mHealth markets

Experimental weigh scale also checks your heart

Explaining variation in use of emergency hospital beds by patients over 65 - The King's Fund (UK)

EyeNetra scoops up $1M for mobile eye exams | mobihealthnews

Factors influencing the adoption of home telecare by elderly or chronically ill people: a national survey

Failure to take medications costs over $300 billion annually | World of DTC

FDA approves electronic pills to track med adherence - FierceHealthIT

FDA Approves Epinephrine Auto-Injector That Talks Patients Through Injection Process - Physician's First Watch

FDA approves ingestible sensor that transmits patient data to doctors - HealthPop - CBS News

FDA Approves Sotera Wireless Technology for Monitoring Vital Signs | Xconomy

FDA Approves the Ingestible Smart Pill

FDA clears Accu-Chek Combo system - Roche's new interactive insulin pump system for... -- INDIANAPOLIS, July 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

FDA clears cardiac monitor from Preventice, Mayo Clinic | mobihealthnews

FDA failing to capture privacy issue info on medical devices - FierceHealthIT

FDA OKs remote heart monitor

FDA regulation may hinder mHealth innovation - FierceMobileHealthcare

Federal Telemedicine News: Allscripts Integrating Telehealth into EHR (UK)

Feeling Sick? Use This Web Tool to Self-Diagnose Your Symptoms

Fewer than one per cent of GP surgeries provide online access to health records | 2020health's Blog (UK)

Financial Benefits of Telehealth

Finding local falls services - Age UK (UK)

First Patient In Deep Brain Stimulation For Alzheimers Study | Medical Device Industry News Resource

Five new technologies for aging in place | Aging In Place Technology Watch

Five of the fastest growing digital health companies

Five ways in which the medical app industry is maturing

For the NHS the big question is can the number of referrals from GPs to secondary care be reduced?

For Those in Early Recovery from Detox, Telemedicine Provides Safe Way to Heal

Ford Sync Voice Control now supports Allergy Alert App

Four Million Kaiser Permanente Members Using App to Manage Health

Four New IEEE Standards-Development Projects for Medical-Device Communications Underway - MarketWatch

Free Doctors Visits Through Telehealth Services

Free iPad app guesses your risk for common diseases

Free social platform helps users jointly care for a loved one | Springwise

Funding social care: live discussion roundup | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Further Information on What Assistive Technology Is | BATA - British Assistive Technology Association (UK)

Future care: Care and technology in the 21st century | Carers UK (UK)

Gamified Prescriptions Help Users Take Their Medication Properly

GE Healthcare cancer campaign combines social media and gaming

General information and case studies ” NHS Connecting for Health (UK)

Get the most out of home blood pressure monitoring -

Getting to Value: Eleven Chronic Disease Technologies to Watch

GGI telecare audit shows reablement funding has yet to make real impact on reforming social care across England

Glitches in Medical Devices an Increasing Threat to Patients - Forbes

Global List of Health Innovation + Healthcare & Life Sciences Investor Conferences

Global mobile health market now worth $11.8B by 2018 | mobihealthnews

GlobalMed - Telehealth, Telecare and Telemedicine...What's the Difference?

Going Above and Beyond: Robust Telehealth Solutions Fill Gaps in Care, Reduce Hospital Readmissions and Cut Costs | Healthcare Information Technology

Good Governance Institute - 'Care and support at home: an audit of telecare services in England' (UK)

Google Fiber Transforms Kansas City Into One Giant Beta Test | Fast Company

GP victory over pay for PCEHRs | Australian Doctor

Growing reimbursements for telehealth services offer rural providers new opportunities

Guest Blog: Using online reviews to choose care homes | Age UK Blog (UK)

HANDI Presentations | HandiHealth

Happtique Releases Draft App Certification Program Standards For Public Comment - Entertainment News - redOrbit

Health benefits company invests in SoloHealth

Health Canada approval for CardioComm Solutions to market the HeartCheck ECG monitor as a prescription product

Health conference reveals digital way forward through co-production | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Health grapples with bring-your-own device

Health IT and the Rise of Patients as Consumers

Health IT helps fight the war at home

Health IT Integration Key To Reducing Medication Errors - Perspectives - iHealthBeat

Health IT: The Path Toward Accountable Care - YouTube

Health Literacy The Missing Link in Patient-Physician Communication

Health Management and Policy Alert: A guide to commissioning for equality (UK)

Health Management and Policy Alert: Building a business case for adaptive technologies in England (UK)

Health Notes: New gadget reminds patients to take pills

Health practitioners look to smartphones and Web tools to connect with patients ” Health ” Bangor Daily News ” BDN Maine

Health Tech Today with Dr. Bill Crounse

Health trial for Dorset heart patients (From Dorset Echo) (UK)

Health video startup launches aiming to be as ubiquitous as YouTube (video)

Healthcare + Digital Health Facts | Rock Health

Healthcare Analytics: A Call for Clarity « Chilmark Research

Healthcare IT BINGO!

Healthcare IT should 'do no harm'

Healthcare Marketing: Social Media Users Want the Doctor to Be In and Online -

Healthcare Social Media / 88% of physicians would like to see patients track their vital data from home

HealthCare Social Media Review #11 « The Healthcare Marketer

Healthcare Technology and the Role of the Physician - Howard J. Luks, MD (UK)

HealthTechZone - Healthcare Technology

Heartspring creates iPod Touch app to monitor mental, physical health | Wichita Eagle

Hector: Robotic Assistance for the Elderly - Forbes

Hello, Doc? With Telemedicine, Medical Help Is Just a Phone Call Away

Helping reduce the risk of falling - Health - Fife Today (UK)

Helping your patients make sense of the mHealth Marketplace? « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

Hershey Medical Center uses telemedicine to treat stroke

HHS, VA To Leverage Health IT To Improve Care for Veterans - iHealthBeat

Highland Testbed for Telecare Development (UK)

HL7 e-health information-sharing standard to be free (UK)

Home Care Technology Report

Home monitoring of heart failure via web-enabled bathroom scales wins award funding

Hospital initiative cuts readmissions and ED wait times -

Hospital uses Instagram to live stream a childs open heart surgery

Hospitals Reaping Financial Benefits of Telehealth

Hospitals Treating The Poor Hardest Hit By Readmissions Penalties - Kaiser Health News

House calls increase satisfaction and cut hospital admissions among elderly -

How a medical app helped make me a better doctor

How can the NHS be more innovative? Live discussion | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

How CCGs can improve quality while making savings (part 2) | (UK)

How Consumer Electronics Empower those with Special Needs

How Mobile Technologies Fuel TeleHealth Advances

How Much Can Patients Learn in a 15-Minute Doctor Visit? -

How much does Medicare reimburse for telehealth?

How The iPhone Is Revolutionizing Nursing

How to ... use housing staff to diagnose and manage dementia | Housing network | Guardian Professional (UK)

How to Carry Your Doctor in Your Pocket |

How To Create A Healthcare Infographic « Health Care Social Media Monitor

How to measure for improving outcomes - The King's Fund (UK)

How to quit smoking using your smartphone | Digital Trends

How White Paper promise for social work failed to materialise - Adult Care Blog (UK)

HRSA Awards California Telehealth Network $1.3 Million to Expand Telehealth - California Telehealth Network

Huawei announces substantial investment in UK (UK)

Human hotspots - wireless for your body

Humana promises numbers will show power of telehealth | Healthcare IT News

Humana to show power of telehealth

Humana's national project looks to prove validity of telehealth

Hypertension Poorly Controlled By 53% Of Americans

If you think telemedicine is about technology, think again

In the new NHS, you are what you tweet - Health Service Journal (subs) (UK)

Independa and IDEAL LIFE Join to Help Elderly Remain Safely at Home

Individual health and social care event timeline | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

Infographic: See how Skype is changing health care

Infographic: The mHealth Market is Exploding | mHealthWatch

Ingestible sensor sends health data to your phone

Innovation Isn't About New Products, It's About Changing Behavior | Fast Company

Instead Of Tracking Your Activities, Saga Tracks You | Fast Company

Insulin-Pump Therapy for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Integrated commissioning for better health and care | NHS Commissioning Board (UK)

International Centre for Health Innovation | Innovation Laboratory for Alzheimer's Care Launched

Internet Use and Home Broadband Connections | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

Internet-Based Aftercare for Patients with Back Pain; A Pilot Study | Abstract

Investment in Digital Health Triples Over Past Year

Invicta Telecare provide a lifeline to residents (UK)

IOCOM Visimeet Videoconferencing Solutions

IP Group pumps £500,000 into health webcam spin-out - Telegraph (UK)

iPad app helps doctors explain medical procedures to patients

iPads for social work assessments: a good idea? - Mad World (UK)

iPhone 5 Lightning Dock Could Drive Medical Devices to Bluetooth - Health Care IT - News & Reviews -

iPhone Magnifier App Helps Partially Sighted to See Better

iPLATO and Docobo mobilise to meet the needs of CCGs - Docobo Ltd (press release)

iPod could save a life (with tweets) · ZGJR · Storify

Is it time for robots to take over care in the NHS? | Highland Marketing (UK)

Is it time to drop the ˜knowledge translation metaphor? A critical literature review

Is mHealth just a tool or a widget thats just like any other technology? « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

Is mHealth Poised to Explode? Infograph Showing Growth of mHealth | Smart Phone Health Care

Is personalized medicine a myth? -

Is Population Health Management Latest Health IT Fad? - Healthcare - Clinical Information Systems - Informationweek

Is the advanced ACO payment model an unlikely source of innovation?

Is there hope for clinicians in the digital age? | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Is this the future of residential care for people with dementia? - 7/30/2012 - Community Care (UK)

Is Your Doctor Out of the Office? Try An E-Visit

Is your home telecare aware?

Isolated or insightful? Two doctors prognoses for mobile medical apps (Best of MedCitizens)

John Tizard: Is the Future Limited for Traditional Public Sector Outsourcing - And Should It Be? (UK)

Joining in the conversation - social media and mental health services

Jon Linkous - Hands On Telehealth

Jumping the gun in the telehealth steeplechase? | Nick Goodwin - The King's Fund (UK)

Just 6% of health providers access EHRs with mobile devices - - ModernMedicine

Just launched: Our 2012 Consumer Health Apps Report | mobihealthnews

Kaiser Permanente shares their vision of the future of Healthcare at NASA mHealth Conference « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

Keep Watch At All Times - Philips

Keeping Telehealth Data Secure - InfoRiskToday

Key Opinion Leaders in Healthcare Social Media - YouTube

Key technologies driving healthcare

KTwo Technology teams up with BBMP to launch 18 e-Kshema health kiosks funded by MPLAD

LACE+ index: extension of a validated index to predict early death or urgent readmission after hospital discharge using administrative data | van Walraven | Array

Large-System Transformation in Health Care: A Realist Review

Latest Posts in Digital Medicine

London Telecare - Latest News (UK)

Lords say UK's planned broadband network will not be fast enough | Technology | (UK)

'Magic Carpet' Could Prevent Elderly Falling - Yahoo! News UK (UK)

Mainstream gait monitoring a step nearer?

Major telehealth initiative will improve remote Indigenous access to healthcare (Australia)

Making the most of Technology: How telecare can improve your health, wellbeing and your quality of life as a carer. « Carers Support Service (Regis, Chichester & Rural)

Manhattan's Physician Group Opens Patient-Centered Medical Home in Harlem - PR Newswire - The Sacramento Bee

Map of CCG authorisation waves | (UK)

Match Your Innovation Process to the Results You Want - Vijay Govindarajan and Mark Sebell - Harvard Business Review

Max Little: A test for Parkinsons with a phone call | Video on

Mayo Clinic holding a contest to know how effective social media is in healthcare

Mayos telestroke coming to CGRMC

Mediaburst's remote monitoring system set for Greater Manchester launch | Manchester Evening News - (UK)

Medicaid: Its Role Today and Under the Affordable Care Act

Medical app regulations, device security share the spotlight at mHealth World Congress | mHIMSS

Medical Apps - Censoring or Regulation by the FDA & how much is hype?

Medical Apps: The Next Generation | The Health Care Blog

Medical Device Security: How Safe is Wireless Technology? | The National Law Review

Medical devices: identity tracking changes on the way (Global)

Medical News: Needleless Blood Sugar Monitoring a Step Closer - in Practice Management, Practice Management from MedPage Today

Medication that can tell your doctor when it hasnt been taken

Medicine, Morality and Health Care Social Media | Mayo Clinic Center For Social Media

MEDlove 2012: Personalisation in the health sector: from ˜Mass Production to ˜Mass Co-production (UK)

Med-Tech Innovation Conference & Exhibition 2012 & Med-Tech Innovation START-UP/SME CLINIC - Programme | Online Registration by Cvent

Medtronic Launches CareLink Express

Medtronic launches remote defibrillator monitoring system | MassDevice - Medical Device Industry News

Memory improves for older adults using computerized brain fitness program | Health, Medical, and Science Updates

Mental health spending falls for first time in 10 years | Society | The Guardian (UK)

mHealth Congress: Payers build consumer engagement with mHealth tools

mHealth helps patients stick with the program

Mhealth program assists with the prescription of apps to patients

mHealth Use - and Market Opportunity - Soaring

mHealth World Congress: Become a mHealth innovator to better patient care

Micromanufacturing Technique That Might Shrink Medical Sensors

Microsoft-supported health appstore launches in UK | mobihealthnews (UK)

Milton Keynes leads the way in European health management (UK)

Mobile health drives wearable computing | mobihealthnews

Mobile health is a pathway to reduce disparities

Mobile health pervades recent top healthcare rankings | mobihealthnews

Mobile health: What should be regulated and what not? | Healthcare IT News

Mobile Phone-Powered Telehealth at Green Mini Clinic |

Mobile phones help bolster Uganda's fight against HIV - Yahoo! News

Mobile telehealth: NHS Somerset monitors health via touchscreen phone (UK)

Mobile Telemonitoring for Arrhythmias in Outpatients in the Republic of Georgia: A Brief Report of a Pilot Study | Abstract

Mobile: The biggest trend in health care communications | Articles | Main

Momentum for home monitoring of costly chronic diseases | mobihealthnews

Monitor to arbitrate private company complaints over commissioning of GP services - Pulse (UK)

Moray telehealth doctor pilot - Daily Record (UK)

More Americans Have at Least 2 Chronic Health Issues: CDC

More help for the vulnerable - Community - The Star (UK)

More than half of all mobiles will be smarthphones by 2013 - Telegraph (UK)

Most Doctors Interested in Mobile Access to EHR Systems, Survey Finds - iHealthBeat

Most schemes to cut unplanned admissions do not work | (UK)

Moving from culture clash to collaboration, Discussions | MobileHealthLive

mTBI Pocket Guide Mobile Application

Multiple tech interventions boost patient engagement - FierceMobileHealthcare

My Health Manager users more likely to remain Kaiser Permanente members | Healthcare IT News

myhomehelper - Web Based Computer Memory Aid (UK)

Nashua company's robots to work with nurses in patients' homes | New Hampshire NEWS02

National anti-suicide plan emphasizes mobile technology | mobihealthnews

National eHealth Strategy Toolkit

National framework to improve mental health and wellbeing published | Department of Health (UK)

Nature News Blog: Digital pills make their way to market : Nature News Blog

NeuroMetrix Sensus Diabetic Pain Management System

New alarm system launched | This is Bath (UK)

New Bill Aims To Help VA Physicians Offer Telehealth Services - iHealthBeat

New NYU center to study advanced wireless technologies in medicine | mobihealthnews

New online tool to search for care providers | News | Healthcare Today UK (UK)

New Remote Monitoring System Cuts Cardio Patient Wait From 84 Minutes To Under 15 Minutes Says Medtronic | Medical Device Industry News Resource

New robot will connect doctors, patients - The Boston Globe

New Skin Health Monitor Tracks Vital Signs and Activity

New Statesman - NHS doesn't stand for "National High Street" (UK)

New Technology Allows Patients To Be Monitored From Home

New technology coming to boost preventive care -

New technology improves care | Berkshire East Community Health Services News (UK)

New Telehealth Robot Allows Virtual Meetings With Doctors, Patients - iHealthBeat

New Telemedicine Market Forecasts Show Software Sales To Reach $2.5 Billion by 2018, Driven by Tablets Like Apple's iPad

New telemedicine pilot program merges robotics and urology in Boston

New thinking needed to promote active ageing - The Irish Times - Wed, Aug 15, 2012

New UK store wants to offer certification for health apps, Articles | MobileHealthLive (UK)

New Wireless Sensor Can "Predict the Future" for Fall-Risk Patients

New Wireless Urine and Temperature Management Systems Receive US Department of Defense Research Grant - MarketWatch

New 'world first' home telehealth solution - Australian Ageing Agenda: Aged Care and Retirement Industry News and Issues (UK)

News from the California Telehealth Network

No More Diabetes Testing Using Blood? New Glucose Sensor

NorthumberlandNews Article: Telemedicine nurses use technology for better health care

NRHA makes telehealth recommendations to Institute of Medicine

Nursing in todays hospitals is a very different task from nursing 20 years ago

Obesity in Middle Age May Hasten Cognitive Decline -

Odd jobs for the elderly' service gets extra £15k | This is Derbyshire (UK)

Older Americans upbeat about aging, future: survey - Yahoo! News

On Beyond Healthcare: Save the Country with Preventive Care

On mobile technology: are developing nations leading the way? | Alaska Dispatch

Only ten GP practices offering electronic prescription service - Pulse (UK)

Open mHealth | Transforming mobile health through open architecture and an open community.

Opinion: Telemedicine Poised To Reduce Health Care Disparities, Costs

P4 Digital 2012 | Highlands and Island Enterprise (UK)

Partners in national telemedicine deal - Mass High Tech Business News

Patch that could replace insulin jabs for diabetics | Mail Online (UK)

Patch that lets GP give you a check-up from miles away - Health - (UK)

Patient And pharmacist Telephonic Encounters (PARTE) in an Underserved Rural Patient Population with Asthma: Results of a Pilot Study | Abstract

Patient Centered Medical Home

Patient Connect to expand remote health monitoring service

Patient Gateway a portal for patients to monitor their health |

Patient monitoring firms aging in place? technology sees institutional interest | MedCity News

Patient non-compliance complicates remote monitoring

Patient survey suggests benefit from common procedures varies markedly by NHS provider | The NHS Information Centre (UK)

Patients Believe Tech Can Fix Medical Errors, says Survey

Patients can benefit from telecare technology, study claims (UK)

Patients lives at risk in NHS hospital wards 'on brink of collapse' - Telegraph (UK)

Patients must have control of their medical records | BMJ (UK)

Patients Who Consult Web Not Motivated by Mistrust of Physicians - iHealthBeat

Payers push for patient engagement through games, mobile apps - FierceHealthIT

People with dementia to be tracked | News | Healthcare Today UK (UK)

People's health movement gains momentum | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Personalized Medicine Gets a Boost from Big Mobile | Healthcare IT News

Pharmacies in Wales to offer free tests | News | Healthcare Today UK (UK)

PharmaPhorum: Are mobile apps an opportunity for pharma? Not likely? « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

Physical Activity Levels May Increase Due To Mobile Phone Technology

Praising Telemedicine Up and Down the Country (UK)

Preemptive healthcare? and the next big thing

Preventice to exhibit mobile health technology at 2012 American Academy of Dermatology Summer Academy - MarketWatch

Pros and Cons of Telemedicine for Today's Workers - US News and World Report

Proteus gains de novo FDA clearance for ingestible biomedical sensor | mobihealthnews

Proteus Ingestible Sensor for Tracking Medication Intake Receives FDA Clearance

Provider claims to offer lowest priced telehealth in the UK, Articles | MobileHealthLive (UK)

Public health: when Tony told us to eat five a day, the poorest didn't hear him | Politics | The Guardian (UK)

Q&A: VA's Adam Darkins on telemedicine, EHRs and 'an Internet for healthcare' | Healthcare IT News

Qualcomm Life 2net: Wireless Health the Next Gen mHealth Solutions |

Randy Roberson - Hands On Telehealth

RCGP consults on 10 year plan for the future of general practice - Pulse (UK)

RCGP: Personal health budgets 'should not be used for ineffective therapies' - Pulse (UK)

Readmission penalties to hit two-thirds of hospitals - FierceHealthcare

Record number get heart check up (UK)

Recording of Redesigning the Front End of Social Care now available - In Control (UK)

Redesigning hospital rooms for health - Vital Signs - MarketWatch

Reduce Elder Care Spending by Helping Seniors to Avoid Hospitals

Reimbursement key to adoption of remote monitoring of heart devices

Remote monitoring helps Beacon community slash readmissions

Remote Monitoring or Close Encounters? Ethical Considerations in Priority Setting Regarding Telecare (UK)

Remote monitoring still seeks business models, EHR connectivity | mobihealthnews

Remote Patient Monitoring Market To Double By 2016 - Healthcare - Mobile & Wireless - Informationweek

Remote-Monitoring Device Debuts for Patients with Cardiac Devices

Report: Healthcare Should Embrace Digital Technology | Healthcare Information Technology

Report: One-Third Of U.S. Moms Own Connected Devices, 97% Of iPad Moms Shopped From Their Tablet Last Month | TechCrunch

Research and Markets: Analysis of the North American Telehealth Industry - A CEO's Guide to Convergence between Healthcare and Information and Communications Technologies | Business Wire | Rock Hill Herald Online

Research on the provision of Assistive Technology in Ireland

Researchers make progress toward predicting epilepsy seizures | Society | Guardian Weekly (UK)

Retail clinics grow in popularity, but still put only a dent in patient care -

Review of national arrangements for providing information and advice to carers | Carers Chill4us

Robots used to train medical students and handle telehealth services | Atlanticon Blog

SAN ANTONIO: AirStrip Intellectual Property Receives Key Patent Protection | Business Wire | Rock Hill Herald Online

San Francisco Fall 2012 - Health 2.0 Events and Conferences

Sandwell Telecare Assisting You (STAY) (UK)

Satisfaction with telemedicine for teaching listening and spoken language to children with hearing loss

Scarborough care home shortlisted at innovation awards for use of telecare monitoring (UK)

Scarborough Care Home's Pioneering use of Telecare (UK)

'Scorecards' to end inequality over NHS drugs | Society | The Guardian (UK)

SecuraTrac teams with Vital Connect to launch mPERS device | mobihealthnews

Security of mobile devices a continuing concern - FierceMobileHealthcare

Sensors for Brain Injuries May Help Future Athletes -

Sensors help seniors age at home | Healthcare IT News

Sentara jumps on telehealth collaboration bandwagon - FierceHealthIT

Sentara Medical System to Offer Virtual Medical Consultations With Telehealth Partnership | Healthcare Information Technology

Shock as survey reveals most UK adults have never heard of telehealth and telecare (UK)

Should Medical Apps Be Regulated? - Slashdot

Should patients be able to control their own records? | BMJ

Should the CQC board be setting an example? | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Signs of Cognitive Decline and Alzheimers Are Seen in Gait -

Siri, Take This Down: Will Voice Control Shape Our Writing? - Robert Rosenberger - The Atlantic

SK Telecom Opens a New Age of Telecare for the Aged

Sky News: Doctors to be paid for e-health work

Skype and online privacy: Called out | The Economist

Skype and text to avoid patients missing appointments NHS told - Telegraph (UK)

Smart sutures detect infection, promote healing - FierceHealthIT

Smarter Computing for Smarter Healthcare

Smartphone app to diagnose pneumonia - SFGate

Smartphone apps for health, medical issues |

Smartphone apps now playing doctor “

Smartphone as Doctor | Innovations

Smartphone security: The first link in the healthcare value chain | mHIMSS

Social care white paper: A policy disaster, but a political victory? | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Social care white paper: what has the government agreed to? | Housing network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Social housing can relieve pressure on NHS » Health »

Social media for NHS dummies (UK)

Social Media Gets an A+ For Use in Healthcare

Social media use by docs not a black-and-white issue - FierceHealthIT

Social work 'too often missing from end-of-life care' - Community Care (UK)

Software pairs smartphone, Twitter to enable remote stroke consults

solutions for employers, solutions, TeleCare, telecare, support your employees, self management

Some Americans take to the idea of robot healthcare | Healthcare IT News

South Yorkshire Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care - CLAHRC SY (UK)

Specialized Parkinson's Care on ADVANCE for Long-Term Care Management

St Cecilia's care home uses telecare to check for incontinence and falls (UK)

Staff Voices: Doc In A Box - How Does Telehealth Technology Improve Behavioral Health Access to Warfighters? ” The Center for Deployment Psychology

Standardised NHS charts will save lives | eGov monitor | The Information Daily

Stare into this iPhone app to find out how healthy your heart is | DVICE

States Using Telehealth To Address Physician Shortages in Rural Areas

StethoCloud “ The $20 Stethoscope Attachment For Smartphones To Diagnose Pneumonia | Singularity Hub

Stethoscope makes early diagnosis of pneumonia | SmartPlanet

Store All Your Fitness and Health Stats in This One App

Strategic Society Centre (UK)

Strategies for pediatric telehealth: Lessons from TeleConnect ” Vector

Stroke wise: iPad apps (UK)

Study shows significant use of health IT by nurses |

Survey indicates patient interest in increasing telehealth practices - Health IT Pulse

Survey Shows Consumers Will Pay More for Sensors than for Apps | Fenwick & West Life Sciences Group - JDSupra

Survey: Patients Want Online, Mobile Access to Their Health Data - iHealthBeat

Tapcare - cheap, personal telecare (UK)

Taylor & Francis Online :: Malicious Meddling or Transparent Tracking? Telecare as a Logical Extension of Modern Communications Technology - The American Journal of Bioethics - Volume 12, Issue 9

Tech Titans: HealthPoints Inc. - Dallas Business Journal

Techday » Can Telehealth shape the future of medical treatment?

Technologies for Global Health - The Imperial College London / Lancet Commission | LinkedIn

Technology can transform the NHS “ but not on its own | Healthcare Network | (UK)

Technology 'can't replace' doctors | News24

Technology expands reach of special care | The News Journal |

Technology helps Moray patients track their vital signs (UK)

Technology that cares - Aged Care INsite

Technology will help practices hit productivity targets, DH guide says |

Tech-Savvy Senior Citizens on the Rise | Reach The Public

Telecare service to monitor the aged

Teleconferencing technology cuts costs and patient discharge times

telehealth | e-health | remote consultation | Cisco | Skype

Telehealth advances: empowering people to manage their own health and wellness | Future of Healthcare | PA Consulting Group

Telehealth and Allscripts EHR, new dynamic duo | Healthcare IT News

'Tele-health' brings care into people's homes

Telehealth Can Make Caregiving More Manageable

Telehealth definition: the introductory glossary

Telehealth for long term conditions - Medical News 2012 - LUpus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS): The LuPUS Message Board

Telehealth Gaining Fans in Leaps and Bounds

Telehealth in Rural Regions via Satellite Internet

Telehealth means better care for patients and a new business opportunity for care delivery organizations

Telehealth needs a human face - Pulse (UK)

Telehealth Offers New Solutions in Healthcare | Port Answer

Telehealth pilot | Community Health Services | (UK)

TeleHealth plays vital role in infection reduction project - Pharmacy Today

Telehealth prescribing requires physician visit in Mass., but not Vermont.

Telehealth saves lives - Aged Care INsite

Telehealth saves Medicaid money, helps burn patients - Boston public health |

Telehealth service delivers 'significant' benefits - Public Service (UK)

Telehealth Solution Improves Quality of Life for the Aged  

Telehealth solutions: 6 advantages for managing long-term conditions

Telehealth specialist consultations 'indispensable' to health equity for rural people | Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

Telehealth To Benefit From SCOTUS Ruling, but Barriers Remain - Features - iHealthBeat

Telehealth Treatment, Not Telemedicine | GlobalMed Blog

Telehealth Trends Put Consumers in Control | Public Speaker John Sculley - Innovation in Global Business and Technology

'Telehealth' units on the way to Blackburn with Darwen patients (From Lancashire Telegraph) (UK)

Telehealth Update - VA Boston Healthcare System

Telehealth Will Prevent Long Sits in Waiting Rooms

Telehealth, telemedicines little sister, will be the disruptive technology - Boston public health |

Telehealth: Lowering Patient Costs and Reducing Hospital Admissions in K.C. | Healthcare IT News

Telehealth: the benefits of video conferencing | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Telehealth: the hospital in your home (UK)

Telehealth: Usage and Guidelines | HealthWorks Collective

Telemedicine and Prisoners: Saving Costs, Possibly in Texas

Telemedicine Defined in Todays Telehealth | MTM Blog

Telemedicine expert IDs 5 conditions ideal for mobile healthcare | mHIMSS

Tele-medicine facility to begin soon in Madhya Pradesh - The Times of India

Tele-medicine for diabetics - The Times of India

Telemedicine for Transplant Patients

Telemedicine gives rural doctors immediate access to help

Telemedicine means caregivers are remote, but their care isn't - Los Angeles Times

Telemedicine nurses use technology for better health care

Telemedicine ROI: A Needle in a Haystack | GlobalMed Blog

Telemedicine set-up costs are substantial? but costs benefits unclear?, says study, Articles | MobileHealthLive

Telemedicine Starts with the Doctors Voice

Telemedicine Starts with the Doctors Voice - HealthLeaders Media

Telemedicine technology an asset to rural healthcare | Grand Forks Herald | Grand Forks, North Dakota

Telemedicine, reducing readmissions among Independence Blue Cross innovation finalists

Telemedicine, teleradiology, telemonitoring poised for large growth | HealthNowMD

Telemedicine: 7 Sep 2012: Hansard Written Answers and Statements - TheyWorkForYou (UK)

Telemedicine: The Veterans Affairs doctor will see you now - virtually

Telephone system could save hospitals up to £1m / Slough Observer / News / Roundup (UK)

Telerheumatologys time has come | Rheumatology Update

Ten Things Everyone Should Read About Health Care | FreedomWorks

Tender for Strategic Partner to mainstream Telecare in Hampshire, Hampshire County Council - 9/3/2012 - Community Care (UK) - Contract notice UK-Grays: medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products 2012/S 183-301232

Testing Standard Medical Practices -

Text4Health tackles diabetes in New Orleans | Healthcare IT News

The 4th Annual Health Care Social Media Summit | Ragan Store

The 7 deadly sins of telehealth marketing | mHIMSS

The Age of 'Wearatronics'

The benefit of apps in healthcare | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

The challenge of recruiting in primary care for a trial of telemonitor

The connected home: why your fridge may soon be sending you messages | Technology | (UK)

The cost reduction imperative

The doctor will see you now... by Skype - Health - Northampton Chronicle and Echo (UK)

The Doctor Will Skype You Now - Businessweek

The Effect of Telephone Consultation on the Quality of Life of Patients Receiving Interferon Therapy: A Quasi-experimental Study | Abstract

The FDA Takes On Mobile Health Apps - IEEE Spectrum

The Future of Health Care Innovations Depend on Today's Policies - Perspectives - iHealthBeat

The future of health care: Apps that make people care about health ” Mobile Technology News

The Future of Healthcare is Already at Your Fingertips [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Future of Platforms in Healthcare

The gadgetization of medicine | mHIMSS

The health and care system in April 2013 [infographic] | Modernisation of health and care (UK)

The impact of telehealth and telecare: evaluation of the Whole System Demonstrator project | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

The importance of the iPod as assistive technology in dementia wellbeing - Wellbeing and environments in dementia: a multidisciplinary approach

The iPhone Is The New Doctors Housecall | Cult of Mac

The King's Fund Blog - The King's Fund (UK)

The marketplace is designed to generate real business and lasting effective relationships - Europe's Newsroom

The Medical Minute: New Era Begins in Stroke Care |

The most exciting part of eHealth

The NHS can be guilty of inertia but so can the private sector | Public Leaders Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

The problem with transformative technologies in medicine

The rise and rise of retail clinics: a growing site for primary care, everywhere | Health Populi

The Rise of Medical Apps: Digital Health | Consumer Instinct

The rise of social care 'e-services' | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

The role of mHealth in teaching hospitals, resident training and patient care | mHIMSS

The Strategic Sourceror: Mobile Technology Solutions in Healthcare

The Telecare Blog: Why don't we have interoperability of telecare devices... yet? (UK)

The Truth About Mobile Health: Infographic | | Digital Medicine

The Ultimate Guide To Emerging Technologies | Edudemic

The Usage of Tablets in the Healthcare Industry | Healthcare IT News

The village where people have dementia and fun | Society | The Guardian (UK)

'The Wild, Wild West': Doctor Commenting on Mobile Health

The Wristwatch That Monitors Your Health - Popular Mechanics

Theres and App for That: Using Mobile Technology to Improve Healthcare and Lower Costs | Dr. Kevin Campbell, MD

There's More to Twitter and Telehealth Than You Think | HealthWorks Collective

Think Local Act Personal Publishes its Progress Report and Work Programme - News - Think Local Act Personal (UK)

Thinking Big About Big Data: GNS Tackles Personalized Healthcare

This Solution Costs 100x Less than MailChimp, Campaign Monitor

Thousands of new patient groups set up as a result of DES - Pulse (UK)

Thousands of nurses cut from the NHS: official figures - Telegraph (UK)

Threadbare social care white paper plans exposed by MPs | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

TIME: How to Carry Your Doctor in Your Pocket? « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

TIMEs Mobile Tech Issue: Tracking Disease One Text at a Time | Healthland |

Tom Sorell & Heather Draper, Telecare, Surveillance, and the Welfare State | PhilPapers

Too Much Hype in the Mobile Health App World? | HealthWorks Collective

Top 12 reasons health providers pay too much for IT | Government Health IT

Top surgeon criticises 'chronic' lack of cash for stroke victims' physiotherapy | Society | The Observer (UK)

Top tips: how to unite housing and health | Housing network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Towards a unified theory of patient data | BMJ

Tricks From the Elderly to Stop Worrying -

Tunstall is Key Partner in dallas Programme (UK)

Twitter founders launch two new websites, Medium and Branch | Technology | (UK)

Twitter, smartphones help in treating stroke victims - FierceMobileHealthcare

UK doctors to be offered 'highway code' for social media - NEWS - articles - Pharmaceutical Industry - PMLiVE (UK)

UK paraplegic woman first to take robotic suit home | Reuters (UK)

UK patients still in the dark about telehealth | Nursing in Practice (UK)

UnitedHealthcare Adopting VA's Blue Button Technology for Patient Records - Health Care IT - News & Reviews -

University seeks volunteers for telecare study - Sheffield - Local News - Postcode Gazette (UK)

UPnP aims for smart home | IP Network content from Broadcast Engineering

Usability and Feasibility of Smartphone Video Capabilities for Telehealth Care in the U.S. Military | Abstract

Use of iPad By Healthcare Professionals : Infographic | Digital Medicine

Using HeartWise Blood Pressure Tracker as a ambulatory monitoring tool for patients requiring blood pressure management

VA kicks Project ECHO telemedicine service into high gear

VA Reaching Out to Rural Veterans With Telehealth - Health Care

VA will use $983K grant to expand telehealth to vets - FierceHealthIT

VA Will Use Telemedicine to Train Primary Care Docs | GlobalMed Blog

VatorNews - Cardiio unveils touchless iPhone heart rate monitor

Veterans in rural areas to get expanded access to health care

Video conferencing takes next leap to connect colleagues in the cloud - JSOnline

Videoconferencing props up e-health development | Enterprise Innovation

Videoconferencing Receives Progressively More Limelight in the Telemedicine Market, Finds Frost & Sullivan | NEWS.GNOM.ES

Viewpoint: GPs at the heart of health and social care integration | (UK)

Vinod Khosla: Technology Will Replace 80 Percent of Docs | The Health Care Blog

Wakefield family benefit from new telecare solution! (UK)

Walgreens clinics tap Aetnas iTriage for mobile appointment setting | mobihealthnews

We can find resources for the elderly, says Danny Alexander | Politics | The Guardian (UK)

Wearable Electronic Sensors Could Be The Future Of Surgeons Gloves - PSFK

Wearable ID system could pave way to passive mHealth interoperability

Wearable monitoring system for Parkinson's patients

Wearable technology market to exceed $6B by 2016 - Computerworld

Wearable technology: a vision of the future? | Technology | The Guardian (UK)

Weight loss and exercise apps top performers in health category, Articles | Mobile Business Briefing

Welch Allyn Devices Become First Vital Signs Monitors Authorized for Wireless Deployment Within U.S. Federal Government Healthcare Agencies | EON: Enhanced Online News

Welch Allyn gets FIPS validation for wireless vitals monitors | mobihealthnews

What changes are needed to increase telecare uptake? - Aged Care INsite

What health professionals should know about dementia | Healthcare Network | Guardian Professional (UK)

What is self management support - Health Foundation (UK)

What is the length of an audiences attention span? | Articles | Home

What Types of Health Care Activities Would Consumers Like To Do via Mobile Phone? - Data Points - iHealthBeat

Whats the impact of telehealth on hospital use? - Pulse (UK)

Whats the Matter with Mobile Health Apps Today? | The Doctor Weighs In

What's the point of patient feedback if there is no action? | Healthcare Network | (UK)

When doctors and patients talk: making sense of the consultation (UK)

When Health's at Stake, Waiting Is Hardest Part -

WHITE: Telemedicine essential for improving health - Washington Times

Who's watching Mom -- and what is watching the watchers? | Aging In Place Technology Watch

Why Aren't We Downloading Health Apps?

Why Consumerization Is Coming to Cardiac Monitoring

Why is the most innovative digital health startup

Why Great Innovations Fail: It's All in the Ecosystem - Forbes

Why health and medical apps should be certified

Why Health Care Needs Social Media

Why I Disagree With Vinod Khosla About Digital Health -- And Hope He Succeeds Brilliantly - Forbes

Why is Healthcare the Next Big Thing in India? [Infographic]

Why is the EU wasting money on R&D into homecare future scenarios that ignore the newest mass media? « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

Why patients need access to their lab test results

Why Telehealth Consults are Better Than Face-to-face “ Wisdom From Dr. Jay Sanders | HealthWorks Collective

Why Telehealth Services Can Remedy Healthcare Deficiencies

Why telemedicine must become a healthcare priority in America - The Hill's Congress Blog

Why the media should challenge stereotypes of elderly care | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Why the rise in cancer rates could actually be good news - Telegraph (UK)

Widen the Web - Telemedicine Rules, and Rightly So

Will smart pills, cash boost drug compliance? -

Will telehealth shape the future of medical treatment? - New Zealand Doctor

Will the Affordable Care Act Help Telehealth Flourish?

Wireless devices incite 'Medical Spring'

Wireless spectrum set aside for medical body area networks

Withings launches new iOS mobile app

Workforce reform stalls as deaneries train hundreds of additional hospital doctors - but just eight more GPs - Pulse (UK)

Workshop announcement | Elderlys everyday practices

You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable to disrupt health

Young diabetes patients 'empowered' by mobile treatment apps, SMS - FierceMobileHealthcare

Young docs can't imagine practicing without mHealth technology - FierceMobileHealthcare

Your Mobile Phone As A Door Key | Fast Company

You're Not Alone: How Telemedicine is Changing the Way We Think About Health Care | iTriage Health Blog

c) Research, evaluation and evidence

To view information on research, evaluation and evidence that may be of interest, click on the links below:

A Pilot Study of Delivering Peer Health Messages in an HIV Clinic via Mobile Media | Abstract

A randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of an interactive mobile messaging intervention for underserved smokers: Project ACTION.

A Systematic Review of Healthcare Applications for Smartphones

A Usability Study of Patients Setting Up a Cardiac Event Loop Recorder and BlackBerry Gateway for Remote Monitoring at Home | Abstract

Ageing population and climate change will cause 10,000 more heat-related deaths every year - Telegraph (UK)

Annals of Internal Medicine | Telemonitoring did not reduce hospitalizations or ED visits in high-risk elderly patients

APN telephone follow up to low-income first time mothers - Hannan - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - Wiley Online Library

Astonishingly high' diabetes rates found in ethnic groups in UK (UK)

BBC News - Diabetes warning for people of Asian, African and Caribbean descent (UK)

Beacon trial reduced readmissions of heart patients to 3% using home video conferences | MedCity News

Case Study: Ethical Guidance for Pediatric e-health Research Using Examples From Pain Research With Adolescents.

Continuity, but at what cost? The impact of telemonitoring COPD on continuities of care: a qualitative study.

Controlled trial of a collaborative primary care team model for patients with diabetes and depression: Rationale and design for a comprehensive evaluation

COPD patients with low health literacy fare worse | Reuters

Correct placement of blood pressure cuff during blood pressure measurement

Cost-effectiveness of a multifactorial fall prevention program in nursing homes

Dartmouth research imparts momentum to mobile health

Diagnosis at a distance: the invisible work of patients and healthcare professionals in cardiac telemonitoring technology - Oudshoorn - 2007 - Sociology of Health & Illness - Wiley Online Library

Does telecare reduce the number of treatment days?

Economic cost of home-telemonitoring care for BiPAP-assisted ALS individuals

Effects of post-discharge telephone calls on the rate of emergency department visits in paediatric patients

Evaluation of a telemedical care programme for patients with Parkinson's disease

Exploring barriers to participation and adoption of telehealth and telecare within the Whole System Demonstrator trial: a qualitative study

Exploring barriers to participation and adoption of telehealth and telecare within the Whole System Demonstrator trial: a qualitative study

Exploring barriers to participation and adoption of telehealth and telecare within the Whole System Demonstrator trial: a qualitative study (UK)

Extended diabetes study validates pilot - 60%+ clinical time saved - Simple Telehealth - Public Sector Collaborative Workspace (UK)

Face-to-face vs telephone pre-colonoscopy consultation in colorectal cancer screening; a randomised trial

Factors influencing the adoption of home telecare by elderly or chronically ill people: a national survey.

Fall detectors: a review of the literature (UK)

Frail elderly patients experiences of information on medication. A qualitative study

Group based diabetes self-management education compared to routine treatment for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A systematic review with metaanalysis

Hypertension: Development of a prediction model to adjust self-reported hypertension prevalence at the community level

Impact of adherence to the GOLD guidelines on symptom prevalence, lung function decline and exacerbation rate in the Swiss COPD cohort

JMIR--Are Personal Health Records Safe? A Review of Free Web-Accessible Personal Health Record Privacy Policies

JMIR--Computer Skills and Internet Use in Adults Aged 50-74 Years: Influence of Hearing Difficulties

JMIR--Parent Opinions About Use of Text Messaging for Immunization Reminders

JMIR--Speech Perception Benefits of Internet Versus Conventional Telephony for Hearing-Impaired Individuals

JMIR--The Effects of Combining Web-Based eHealth With Telephone Nurse Case Management for Pediatric Asthma Control: A Randomized Controlled Trial

JMIR--Use of Email and Telephone Prompts to Increase Self-Monitoring in a Web-Based Intervention: Randomized Controlled Trial | Greaney | Journal of Medical Internet Research

Medication Nonadherence in Diabetes: Longitudinal effects on costs and potential cost savings from improvement

Medicine, morality and health care social media

Mental Health Telephone Triage: Managing Psychiatric Crisis and Emergency - Sands - 2012 - Perspectives in Psychiatric Care - Wiley Online Library

Methodologies for assessing telemedicine: A systematic review of reviews

Mobile telemonitoring for arrhythmias in outpatients in the republic of georgia: a brief report of a pilot study

Most Patients Who Contact Telenurse Follow Advice | HealthWorks Collective

Older people dying with dementia: a nationwide study (Belgium)

Patient-tailored self-management intervention for older adults with hypertension in a nursing home

Physical and digital proximity: emerging ways of health care in face-to-face and telemonitoring of heart-failure patients - Oudshoorn - 2008 - Sociology of Health & Illness - Wiley Online Library

Pilot Study of Remote Telemonitoring in COPD | Abstract

PLoS Medicine: Effect of a Community-Based Nursing Intervention on Mortality in Chronically Ill Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial

PLoS Medicine: Effects of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering on Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

PLoS ONE: Social Network Analysis in Healthcare Settings: A Systematic Scoping Review

Pulmonary rehabilitation at home guided by telemonitoring and access to healthcare facilities for respiratory complications in patients with neuromuscular disease

Randomized controlled trial on cardiovascular risk management by practice nurses supported by self-monitoring in primary care

Real-Time Telehealth for COPD Self-Management Using Skype [COPD. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

Reducing the cost of assessments and reviews - Audit Commission (UK)

Remote monitoring of pain and symptoms using wireless technology in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease - Jacob - 2012 - Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners - Wiley Online Library

Remote Monitoring or Close Encounters? Ethical Considerations in Priority Setting Regarding Telecare

Self-management interventions in the digital age: New approaches to support people with rheumatologic conditions

Study shows Telehealth monitoring versus home health nursing visits for Congestive Heart Failure patients not significantly different

Study: iPhone better than a PC for some ophthalmology images | mobihealthnews

Survey finds 91pc of people have not heard of telehealth | News | Health Service Journal (UK)

Telecare, surveillance, and the welfare state. [Am J Bioeth. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

Telehealth and telecare service for COPD in Milton Keynes gives 28% return - BJHC (UK)

Telemedicine in Acute-Phase Injury Management: A Review of Practice and Advancements | Abstract

Telemonitoring Clinical Trial Results

Telemonitoring didn't result in fewer hospitalizations or ED visits among older adults. | POGOe - Portal of Geriatric Online Education

Telemonitoring helps diabetics to manage their own care

Telephone-based environmental control interventions in asthmatic patients: what are patients willing to do?

The effect of ICU telemedicine on mortality and length of stay

The effect of telemedicine in critically ill patients: systematic review and meta-analysis

The impact of an electronic nursing documentation system on efficiency of documentation by caregivers in a residential aged care facility - Munyisia - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - Wiley Online Library

The impact of electronic education on metabolic control indicators in patients with diabetes who need insulin: a randomised clinical control trial - Moattari - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Nursing - Wiley Online Library

The organising vision for telehealth and telecare: discourse analysis -- Greenhalgh et al. 2 (4) -- BMJ Open

The presence of behavioural and psychological symptoms and progression to dementia in the cognitively impaired older population - Linde - 2012 - International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - Wiley Online Library

Unbound MEDLINE | Mobile Telemonitoring for Arrhythmias in Outpatients in the Republic of Georgia: A Brief Report of a Pilot Study. PubMed Journal article abstract

Unclear if ICU telemedicine can save hospitals money | Reuters

Understanding attrition from international internet health interventions: a step towards global eHealth

Use of telemedicine for the identification and treatment of sulfamethoxazole-induced methaemoglobinemia

User Satisfaction with Asynchronous Telemedicine: A Study of Users of Santa Catarina's System of Telemedicine and Telehealth | Abstract

Using heterogeneous wireless sensor networks in a telemonitoring system for healthcare

Using preventive home monitoring to reduce hospital admission rates and reduce costs: a case study of telehealth among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

Newsletter supplement prepared by Mike Clark and brought to you by the Telecare LIN on behalf of the Technology Strategy Board


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