Abdominal Cramps

|Abdominal Cramps |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Abscess |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Accidents |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Aches |  |Sorrow |Loneliness |

|Acne |  |Fear |Unforgiveness |

|Addictions |  |Fear |Confusion |

|Addison’s Disease |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Adenoids |  |Anger |Strife |

|Adrenal Problems |  |Fear |Compliance |

|Aging |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|AIDS |  |Fear |Compliance |

|Alcoholism |  |Fear |Blame |

|Allergies |  |Sorrow |Worthlessness |

|Alzheimer’s |  |Fear |Hopelessness |

|Amenorrhea |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Amnesia |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Amoebic Dysentery |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Anemia |  |Sorrow |Worthlessness |

|Animal Bites |  |Anger |Shame |

|Ankles |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Anorectal Bleeding |  |Anger |Offended |

|Anorexia |  |Sorrow |Anxiety |

|Apathy |  |Fear |Control |

|Appendicitis |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Arm Fat |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Artheriosclerosis |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Arthritic Fingers |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Arthritis |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Asphyxiating Attacks |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Asthma |  |Anger |Rage |

|Astigmatism |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Athlete’s Foot |  |Anger |Rage |

|Auto-Immune Problems |  |Sorrow |Discouragement |

|Bacillary Dysentery |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Back Problems |  |Anger |Rage |

|Bad Breath |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Baldness |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Bedwetting |  |Fear |Betrayal |

|Bell’s Palsy |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Belly Fat |  |Anger |Anxiety |

|Blackheads |  |Anger |Offended |

|Bladder Problems |  |Fear |Confusion |

|Bleeding |  |Anger |Discouragement |

|Bleeding Gums |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Blisters |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Blood Clots |  |Sorrow |Discouragement |

|Blood Problems |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Body Odor |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Boils |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Bone |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Bowels |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Brain |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Breakage |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Breast Lumps/cysts |  |Fear |Control |

|Breast Problems |  |Sorrow |Worthlessness |

|Breathing Problems |  |Fear |Worthlessness |

|Bright’s Disease |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Bronchitis |  |Anger |Strife |

|Bruises |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Bug Bites |  |Anger |Blame |

|Bulimia |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Bunions |  |Sorrow |Discouragement |

|Burns |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Bursitis |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Calluses |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Cancer |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Cancer |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Cancer, leukemia |  |Anger |Anguish |

|Candida |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Canker Sores |  |Anger |Strife |

|Car Sickness |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Carbuncle |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Carpal Tunnel |  |Anger |Offended |

|Cataracts |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Cellulite |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Cerebral Palsy |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Cervical Cancer |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Childhood Disease |  |Sorrow |Loneliness |

|Chills |  |Sorrow |Discouragement |

|Cholesterol |  |Sorrow |Worthlessness |

|Chronic Diseases |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Circulation |  |Anger |Discouragement |

|Cold Sores |  |Anger |Rage |

|Colds |  |Anger |Confusion |

|Colic |  |Anger |Hatefulness |

|Colitis |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Colon |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Coma |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Constipation |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Corns |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Coronary Thrombosis |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Coughs |  |Anger |Strife |

|Cramps |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Crying |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Cuts |  |Anger |Blame |

|Cystic Fibrosis |  |Anger |Offended |

|Cysts |  |Anger |Offended |

|Deafness |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Deformed Bone |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Dementia |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Despair |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Diabetes |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Diarrhea |  |Fear |Confusion |

|Dizziness |  |Fear |Confusion |

|Dread |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Dry Eyes |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Earache |  |Anger |Strife |

|Eczema |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Edema |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Emphysema |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Epilepsy |  |Anger |Offended |

|Epstein Barr |  |Anger |Shame |

|Excessive Appetite |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Eyes |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Eyes, Children |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Fainting |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Farsighted |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Fat |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Fat Hips |  |Anger |Betrayal |

|Fat Thighs |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Fatigue |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Female Organs |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Female Problems |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Fever |  |Anger |Rage |

|Fingernail Biting |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Flu |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Food Poisoning |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Foot |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Frigidity |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Fungus |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Gallbladder |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Gallstones |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Glaucoma |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Goiter |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Gonorrhea |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Gout |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Gray Hair |  |Fear |Bitterness |

|Growths |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Gum Problems |  |Fear |Confusion |

|Hardening of Arteries |  |Fear |Control |

|Hay Fever |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Headaches |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Heart Attack |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Heart Problems |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Heartburn |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Hemorrhoids |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Hepatitis |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Hernia |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Herpes |  |Anger |Shame |

|High Blood Pressure |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Hip Joint |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Hives |  |Fear |Compliance |

|Hodgkin’s |  |Fear |Rejection |

|Holding Fluid |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Hunched Shoulders |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Hyperactive |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Hyperthyroidism |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Hyperventilation |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Hypoglycemia |  |Sorrow |Discouragement |

|Hypothyroidism |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Impacted Wisdom Tooth |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Impotence |  |Anger |Betrayal |

|Incontinence |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Incurable |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Infection |  |Anger |Anxiety |

|Inflammation |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Influenza |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Ingrown Toenail |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Injuries |  |Anger |Blame |

|Insanity |  |Fear |Confusion |

|Insomnia |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Itching |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Jaundice |  |Anger |Offended |

|Jaw |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Kidney Problems |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Kidney Stones |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Laryngitis |  |Anger |Rage |

|Leg Paralysis |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Leprosy |  |Sorrow |Defilement |

|Leukemia |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Little Finger |  |Anger |Betrayal |

|Liver |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Lockjaw |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Loss of Appetite |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Loss of Balance |  |Fear |Confusion |

|Low Blood Pressure |  |Sorrow |Compliance |

|Lower Back |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Lower Legs |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Lymph Problems |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Malaria |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Menopause |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Menstrual Problems |  |Sorrow |Defilement |

|Middle Back |  |Anger |Blame |

|Middle Finger |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Migraines |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Miscarriage |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Mononucleosis |  |Anger |Offended |

|Mouth |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Multiple Sclerosis |  |Fear |Bitterness |

|Muscle cramps |  |Fear |Bitterness |

|Myopia |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Nail Biting |  |Anger |Hatefulness |

|Narcolepsy |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Nausea |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Nearsighted |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Neck problems |  |Anger |Anxiety |

|Nervous Breakdown |  |Anger |Pride |

|Nervousness |  |Fear |Confusion |

|Nodules |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Nose Bleeds |  |Sorrow |Loneliness |

|Numbness |  |Anger |Hatefulness |

|Obesity |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Osteoporosis |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Ovaries |  |Fear |Compliance |

|Over Eating |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Overweight |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Pain |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Pancreas |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Paralysis |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Parasites |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Parasympathetic Nerves |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Parkinson’s |  |Fear |Control |

|Phlebitis |  |Anger |Strife |

|Pimples |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Pinkeye |  |Anger |Offended |

|Planter Wart |  |Anger |Offended |

|PMS |  |Anger |Strife |

|Pneumonia |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Poison Ivy |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Polio |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Post Nasal Drip |  |Fear |Insecurity |

|Prostate |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Psoriasis |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Rabies |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Rash |  |Anger |Offended |

|Respiratory Ailments |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Rheumatism |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Rickets |  |Fear |Rejection |

|Ring Finger |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Ringworm |  |Anger |Offended |

|Root Canals |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Round Shoulders |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Round Shoulders |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Runny Nose |  |Sorrow |Loneliness |

|Sacroiliac |  |Sorrow |Loneliness |

|Sagging Lines |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Scabies |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Sciatica |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Scleroderma |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Scoliosis |  |Anger |Betrayal |

|Seizure |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Shingles |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Shoulders |  |Anger |Betrayal |

|Sickle Cell Anemia |  |Fear |Shame |

|Sinus |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Skin Problems |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Slipped Disc |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Snoring |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Sore Throat |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Sores |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Spastic Colitis |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Spinal Meningitis |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Spleen |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Sprains |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Stiff Neck |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Stiffness |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Stomach Cancer |  |Anger |Wrath |

|Stroke |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Stuffy Nose |  |Sorrow |Worthlessness |

|Stuttering |  |Anger |Anguish |

|Sty |  |Sorrow |Discouragement |

|Suicide |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Sweaty Hands |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Swelling |  |Sorrow |Unforgiveness |

|Syphilis |  |Anger |Offended |

|TB |  |Anger |Strife |

|Teeth Pain |  |Fear |Confusion |

|Tendon Pain |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Tetanus |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Thumb |  |Anger |Anxiety |

|Tonsillitis |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Tumor |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Tumors |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Twitch |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Ulcers |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Underweight |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Upper Back |  |Sorrow |Worthlessness |

|Urinary Problems |  |Anger |Bitterness |

|Uterine Cancer |  |Anger |Blame |

|Uterine Fibroids |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Vaginitiis |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |

|Varicose Veins |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Viral Infections |  |Sorrow |Anguish |

|Vomiting |  |Fear |Anxiety |

|Wall-eyed |  |Fear |Confusion |

|Warts |  |Anger |Hatefulness |

|Weakness |  |Sorrow |Hopelessness |

|Yeast Infections |  |Anger |Unforgiveness |


Clearing negative emotions

Each trauma as a child, teen or adult, created emotions that were “felt” in the body and often last a lifetime. When using these new energy products, negative energy “cells” are gently released creating positive good feelings. This is the natural energy levels returning to the organ/gland. When the healthy energy returns, body functions can perform at higher levels and the body begins to heal itself and clients report feeling better.

Emotional stress also has a negatively affect on your DNA. Alternately, a positive shift in the emotions create a positive shift in the DNA (Dr. Bruce Lipton, Stanford).


New developments in homeopathic anger, fear and sorrow reduction works by providing energetic support right to the organ or gland that has an energy “block”. These remedies are multi-faceted addressing all of the triggering emotions through support at each of the affected organs and glands. Deep healing is possible with this approach and is distinct from the drug approach of suppressing negative feelings.

These stressors, which often originated from childhood, may already be triggering ailments in the individual. Within minutes, these sprays begin releasing trapped emotions at their roots. Results are profound when used continuously both reducing and preventing body stress.


Each trauma as a child, teen or adult, created emotions that were “felt” in the body and often last a lifetime. When using these new energy products, negative energy “cells” are gently released creating positive good feelings. This is the natural energy levels returning to the organ/gland. When the healthy energy returns, body functions can perform at higher levels and the body begins to heal itself.

AngerClear FearClear SorrowClear



© BioRenew, LLC 2006


Homeopathic AngerClear









SORROW creates energy stress in the lungs, pancreas, subclavian, lymph, cycterna c., bowel flora, adrenals, overies, testes, uterus, prostate and prostaglandin.

SorrowClear: For symptoms of Sorrow and related emotions.

For Joy, Contentment, Acceptance & Fulfillment.

FEAR creates energy stress in the kidneys, uterus, testes, prostate, small intestine, large intestine, stomach, subclavian, lymph, abdomen, inguinal, adrenals, tonsils, cervical, axillary, thoracic, stomach acid, thymus, appendix, brain and skin.

FearClear: For symptoms of Fear and related emotions.

For Love, Harmony, Comfort & Satisfaction.

ANGER creates energy stress in the gallbladder, liver, abdomen, ileocaecal valve, TMJ, valve of houston, micelle balance, connective tissue, parathyroid, testes, uterus, prostate, pituitary, thyroid and prostaglandin.

AngerClear: For symptoms of Anger and related emotions.

For Peace, Security, Relaxation & Confidence.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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