Duke University

Educational Leadership Immersion Training in ELDERcare (ELITE)

May 30-May 31, 2015

Module 1

Mrs. HH is an 84-year-old African-American woman with the following:







Hearing Loss: wears hearing aids bilaterally


S/P total abdominal hysterectomy for fibroids

CC: abdominal pain

HPI: Patient’s daughter visited the patient at home today and found that pt was “not herself”. Patient complains of dizziness. She has had abdominal pain for a couple of days but thought that it was caused by something she ate. Pain comes and goes. She has decreased appetite. Eating food worsens her abdominal pain. She tried taking Mylanta to ease the pain, but this did not help. Patient does not have hematochezia, melena, fevers, chills, dysuria or back pain.


• glipizide XL 10 mg daily

• metformin 500 mg bid

• lisinopril 10 mg daily

• hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily

• atorvastatin 20 mg daily

• alendronate 70 mg weekly

• calcium w/ vitamin D daily

• multivitamin daily

• latanoprost one gtt OU qhs

• timolol one gtt OU bid

• acetaminophen prn

SOCIAL HISTORY: Born in Virginia. Finished 8th grade. Married for 65 years. Husband is still alive but had a stroke 5 years ago and is very ill. He has right arm hemiparesis. 3 adult children: one in California, 2 are local and are involved in the patient’s care. She worked as a home health aide all of her adult life until she retired at age 68. Attends the AME church where she used to sing in the choir. Lives in a small single-family cottage house in a residential area of Durham. Bedroom and bathroom are both on the second floor.

The patient receives social security payments. She has Medicare Parts A, B and D. Patient’s husband used to work for the Duke Medical Center. He receives a pension in addition to social security payments. He has Medicare Parts A & B with supplemental private health insurance benefits. They do not qualify for Medicaid benefits based on their income.

ADLs: Completely independent.

IADLS: A homemaker comes once a week to do light cleaning. Her daughter helps with shopping but the patient can still go out shopping on her own. The patient gives herself and her husband medications. Sometimes she takes her medications, sometimes not, depending on how much money she has. She cooks. She hasn’t been to see an MD in 8 months because she has been caring for her husband and doesn’t have time.


On arrival to ER, BP 90/60, HR 120, T 100.7. Normotensive after 1 liter NS was given.

Moaning in pain; appears uncomfortable. Calling for daughter.

HEENT: Dry mms, flat neck veins. Hearing aids are absent.

Lungs: Clear

Abd: Absent BS, +guarding, rebound LLQ

Neuro: Moving all 4 extremities. MMSE: 22/30

Labs: Hct 34% with MCV 99, WBC 17.5 K with left shift, plts 280K

Na 145 mmol/L, K 3.2 mmol/L, Cl 105 mmol/L, CO2 20 mmol/L, AG 20 (metabolic acidosis), Glu 300 mg/dl

BUN 45 mg/dl, Creat 1.3 mg/dl; LFTs WNL, Ca/Mg, sent and pending

EKG: sinus tachycardia

KUB: ??thickened bowel wall LLQ, ??free air

CT abdomen( free air, stranding around L descending colon

DIAGNOSIS: Physical exam, laboratory data, and imaging data are concerning for diverticulitis and perforation.

PLAN: Surgery was consulted. They recommend that she go to the operating room. When the surgeons inform the patient about their assessment and recommendations, she repeatedly states, “I can’t understand you.” The surgeons then try to get daughter to sign consent. Daughter says, “My mother makes her own decisions.” Surgeons admit patient to their service.

Discussion for Module 1

1. Who should sign the consent form? What are the possible interpretations for the patient saying “I don’t understand you”?

2. What are the safety concerns when an older adult is hospitalized? List potential hazards of hospitalization and discuss their consequences.

3. What are this patient’s risk factors for an adverse event?

4. Given this information, what is your management plan at this time?

5. Choose a teaching point from this case that your residents would find useful. Write this down on your 3 x 5 index card.


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