Lesson Plan Format - Weebly

Lesson Plan for 395A

Name: Timothy Fink Date: 10/18/2011 Unit: Fitness Grade Level: 11-12

Lesson # 1 / 2

Lesson Format

1. Objectives - Be sure to state as an objective

A. Students – What will they be able to do by the end of your lesson?

• Psychomotor - The student will be able to demonstrate the proper technique and form of partner stretches (seated butterfly, lying hamstring, lying quad, & chest stretch) improving flexibility and will review previous learned fitness skills.

• Cognitive – The student will complete a worksheet and recognize the benefits derived from regular, moderate, and vigorous physical activity through the station work.

• Affective – The student will value the importance of fitness activities to enhance personal health for a lifetime.

B. Teacher - Your specific goal for that class...what you plan to work on as a teacher.

• There are a couple of goals that I want to achieve for this class; I want to work on teaching while demonstrating for the partner stretches. I want to keep my back to the wall throughout the lesson since the students will be in the fitness center I need to monitor that all students are on task. Most importantly, I want to focus on keeping the students actively engaged in the lesson.

2. Complete List of Equipment You Will Need: flyers labeling each station (5), team worksheets (25), fitness equipment already in fitness center such as dumbbells, fitness mats, treadmills, etc.

3. Protocols - What are 3-5 protocols you will review with the students at the beginning of class? Write them the same way you will tell them to the students.

• Most protocols have already been established by the classroom teacher such as changing in the locker room, sitting in squads after entering the class, etc. The other protocols I will review are as follows:

1.) When you hear the whistle, you will stop what you are doing, put your equipment down and listen for further instruction.

2.) When you hear the phrase “bring it in” you will come stand in front of me.

3.) When I am talking, you are not. This will help us learn more and get to all of today’s activities.

4.) When I saw switch, you will switch to the next station.

4. Instant Activity – Students will complete one lap (400m) on the outside track (weather permitting). If not, students will complete 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, and 10 jumping jacks in the fitness center to get started.

5. Set Induction – By now you have learned many new concepts related to fitness in your class, so today you are going to continue to work on some of your fitness skills by working in stations to get a complete full-body workout. In addition, I will teach you a new component of fitness by introducing partner stretching in order to help improve your flexibility.

|LESSON CONTENT & PROGRESSIONS |Teaching Cues – The cues are short quotes of what|MANAGERIAL STRATEGIES |Safety Procedures |

|Introduction, skill’s task analysis, activity/games |you are saying to students to remind them of |Organization of space, equipment, students (diagrams |Checking field, equipment, and facilities for debris, |

| |proper form. |of practice formations, equipment set up, and game |damage, etc. What safety procedures will you take to |

| | |situations ), including method for assigning students |make sure ALL students are safe in your class? |

| | |to groups | |

|Introduction: (After the Instant Activity and Set | | | |

|Induction) Today we will be broken down into 5 | |Students will first complete the instant activity. |Prior the class starting, I will check the facilities |

|different groups to work at 5 different stations. | |Then the set induction and introduction will be given.|to make sure that there is no debris or damage that |

|Each station will last 5 minutes. | |After explaining what each station is I will |could be a danger for the students. |

| | |demonstrate the partner stretches since this the only | |

|Students will be given a worksheet explaining all of | |new fitness concepts they will be learning on the | |

|their tasks at each station to minimize instruction | |day’s lesson. | |

|time. In addition, at each station all of the tasks | | | |

|have been previously covered by the teacher except the| | | |

|partner stretching station. | |Having the attendance sheet, I will have groups |Since the students are familiar to working in the |

| | |predetermined and groups will be provided in the |fitness center they should be aware of all safety |

|I will explain what each station is briefly and then | |fitness center after completing the demonstration of |concerns regarding 3 out of the 4 stations. However, |

|demonstrate station #5 which will be the partner | |the partner stretches. |when I review the new material for partner stretching I|

|stretching station. I will ask for two students who | | |will make sure that safety measures are considered by |

|feel comfortable demonstrating each stretch and review| |Blue – Station 1 |all students. |

|the cues for each stretch. | |Green – Station 2 | |

| | |Orange – Station 3 | |

|Before reviewing each stretch I will go over these | |Purple – Station 4 | |

|important tips for stretching; | | | |

| | | | |

|The best time to increase your range of motion, and | | | |

|therefore your flexibility, is when your muscles are | | | |

|warm and more receptive to stretching. You’ll achieve| | |These tips are a general overview of safety when |

|the most success if you stretch after a workout. | | |stretching. |

|Hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. | | | |

| | | | |

|Continued … | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Breathe in deeply though your nose, and exhale through| | | |

|your mouth. | | | |

|Avoid “bouncing” while you stretch. Bouncing can | | | |

|actually lead the muscle to stiffen up rather than | | | |

|relax. | | | |

|A stretch should be challenging but not painful. | | | |

|Listen to your body—and to your partner’s needs. | | | |

| | | | |

|After this quick review, I will go through each | | | |

|stretch | | | |

| |Stretch #1 | | |

|Partner Stretch #1 – Lying Hamstring (Hamstring) | | | |

| |Knee to Chest | | |

|Stretcher - Lie on back and lift knee up. Grasp behind|Push Gently | | |

|thigh near knee with both hands. Pull knee close to | | | |

|chest. | | | |

| | | | |

|Spotter - Kneel beside participant and extend | | |I will reinforce the idea that the spotters may only |

|participant's leg upward.. | | |apply more pressure or increase the stretch if given |

| |Stretch #2 | |permission by the stretcher. |

|Partner Stretch #2 – Butterfly | | | |

|(Groin and Hip) |Knees Bent | | |

| |Feet Together | | |

|Stretcher - The knees are bent and the soles of the |Push Gently | | |

|feet are together. | | | |

| | | | |

|Spotter - Partner then applies downward force on the | | | |

|knees to increase flexibility. |Stretch #3 | | |

| | | | |

|Partner Stretch # 3 – Behind Head Stretch |Hands Behind Head | | |

|(Pectorals) |Face Forward | | |

| |Push Gently | | |

|Stretcher - Sit on floor and place hands behind head, |Hold Elbows | | |

|facing forward. | | | |

| | | | |

|Spotter - Stand behind participant and position leg | | | |

|behind their head. Place hands on participant's elbows| | | |

|and hold stretch. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Partner Stretch # 4 – Quad Stretch |Stretch #4 | | |

| | | | |

|Stretcher – Lying on a mat, keep your hips on the |Head Down | | |

|floor, bring your leg up behind you and hold your |Hips on Floor | | |

|foot. Keep your head down and your neck relaxed. Move |Quad to Back | | |

|your quad to your back. |Push Gently | | |

| | | | |

|Spotter – Assist pressure to the leg standing behind | | | |

|the stretcher. | |Blue – Station 1 | |

| | | | |

|After reviewing each partner stretch with | |The equipment is spaced out already for use. | |

|demonstration, I will tell each group to go to their | | | |

|station. | | | |

| | | | |

|Station #1 – Cardio (Cardiovascular Endurance) | | |Since the students know their target heart rate zone, I|

|TBI – Students can choose what cardio machine they |Reach Target Heart Rate | |will instruct students to stay in the zone throughout |

|want to do. | | |the entire time at station #1. |

|Complete 6 minutes of cardio (Bike, Treadmill, etc.) | | | |

| | | | |

|Station #2 – Abdominal Work (Muscular Endurance) | | | |

|Complete 30 crunches | | | |

|Complete a 1-minute plan | | | |

|Complete 6-inches for 1-minute | | |Since I have seen the teacher do abdominal work before |

|Complete 30 seconds of the bicycle exercise | | |with the students, this will be nothing new. I still |

|Complete 25 Vertical Leg Crunches | | |will encourage students to not go past their limit if |

|Complete alternative heal touches for 30 seconds | | |they cannot for example complete the full 60 seconds |

| | | |for the plank. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Green – Station 2 | |

| | | | |

| | |Students will have their own mat to do the abdominal | |

| | |workout. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

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| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Station #3 – Upper Body Exercises (Muscular Strength &| | | |

|Endurance) | | | |

|Complete 15 push-ups | |Orange – Station 3 | |

|ITV – For certain students, I can challenge them to do| | | |

|“clap” push-ups to modify the task whereas for other | |Students will be using the weights and the floor space| |

|students I can allow them to do the modified push-ups | |to complete the exercises | |

|to ease the task. | | | |

|Complete 20 shoulder presses | | |I will emphasis to the students to use the weights that|

|Complete 15 right arm curls | | |they have routinely been using to not overexert |

|Complete 15 left arm curls | | |themselves to decrease the chance of overuse injuries. |

|Complete 15 arm frontal ext. | | | |

|Complete 20 tricep ext. | | | |

|Complete 15 arm lateral ext. | | | |

|Complete 20 dumbbell rows | | | |

| | | | |

|Station #4 – Partner Stretching (Flexibility) | | | |

|Chest Stretch | | | |

|Butterfly Stretch | | | |

|Quad Stretch | | | |

|Hamstring Stretch | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |I will reinforce the idea that the spotters may only |

| | | |apply more pressure or increase the stretch if given |

| | | |permission by the stretcher. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Purple – Station 4 | |

| | | | |

| | |2 partners at each mat working on the stretches | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

6. Closure/Assessment - How can you prove they met the objectives stated above?

Assessment will be given at the end to check for understanding given on the worksheet:

1. What are the cues for the chest stretch?

2. What are two important tips you would tell your friends about stretching?

PA Standards met with this lesson:

• PA 10.4.9. A: Analyze and engage in physical activities that are developmentally/individually appropriate and support achievement of personal fitness and activity goal.

• 10.4.12 E - Analyze the interrelationships among regular participation in physical activity, motor skill improvement and the selection and engagement in lifetime physical activities.

• PA 10.5.9. A: Describe and apply the components of skill-related fitness to movement performance.

• Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction time, Speed

• PA 10.5.12. A: Apply knowledge of movement skills, skill-related fitness and movement concepts to identify and evaluate physical activities that promote personal lifelong participation.

National Standards met with this lesson:

• NPH. K-12.1 - Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

• NPH. K-12. 2 - Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.

• NPH. K-12.5 - Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Fitness Worksheet

Directions: Complete each task on the sheet during your time at each station. Complete as many tasks until the allotted time is completed. If you have completed every task at each station then repeat the exercises and mark off how many times you have done each task. I will be watching for proper form and cooperation.

Station #1 – Cardio (Cardiovascular Endurance)

Complete 6 minutes of cardio (Bike, Treadmill, etc.) _____

Station #2 – Abdominal Work (Muscular Endurance)

Complete 30 crunches ____

Complete a 1-minute plank ____

Complete 6-inches for 1-minute ____

Complete 30 seconds of the bicycle exercise ____

Complete 25 vertical leg crunches ____

Complete alternative heal touches for 30 seconds ____

Station #3 – Upper Body Exercises (Muscular Strength & Endurance)

Complete 15 push-ups ____

Complete 20 shoulder presses ____

Complete 15 right arm curls ____

Complete 15 left arm curls ____

Complete 15 arm frontal ext. ____

Complete 20 tricep ext. ____

Complete 15 arm lateral ext. ___

Complete 20 dumbbell rows ____

Station #4 – Partner Stretching (Flexibility)

Chest Stretch ____


Butterfly Stretch ____


Quad Stretch ____


Hamstring Stretch ____


Assessment (complete at the end of class)

What are the cues for the chest stretch?

What are two important tips you would tell your friends about stretching?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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