Bowdle, South Dakota

February 27, 2019 Library Board Meeting6:30pm-Bowdle Public Library3043 West Main?Jan Schock called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM with the following Board Members present: Jan Schock, Marjean Gab, Chad Holsworth, Sarah Sonsteby, Connie Goetz, Ann Thomsen, City Council Representative Amy Kappenman, and Librarians Lydia Schnaible and Cate Dominicak.?A motion to approve the January minutes was made by Chad and seconded by Sarah. All present voted yes. Motion carried.Financial Report:? Financial report for the month of January was available from City F/O and reviewed. Motion by Chad and seconded by Marjean to accept financial report. All present voted yes. Motion carried.?Reports: Lydia reminded the board of JumpStart in Aberdeen March 8th from 10 AM- 3 PM. Jan, Marjean, and tentatively Sarah are going with Lydia.Old Business: Jan reported that the Hanson Family Jugglers will be able to perform in the school gym July 12th at 6:30 PM. Lydia reported that she ordered 5 newspaper archival boxes at the price of $17.95 each. The total price with shipping came to $113.74. The library does not have all the newspapers between 2007 and 2016. Connie has all the newspapers and will donate what the library needs. Lydia reported that the hour changes have been going well. Monday has been well received. Lydia reported that Saturdays are the slowest day of the week. Lydia and Cate said that Saturdays during the summer are very slow. Lydia suggested having summer hours without Saturdays. Amy wants Lydia to count how many visitors were in during the months of June, July, and August on Saturdays. Amy will bring these numbers to the city council. New Business:A motion by Chad and seconded by Ann to approve the book and DVD order. The total is $239.00.Lydia reported that the computers need some attention. Marjean will ask Rex to come and service the computers.Jan reported that National Library Week is in April. April is also the birthday month of the library. She suggested having an open house at the library for this. Amy suggested hosting an Easter egg hunt for area children. The board agreed to have an Easter egg hunt in honor of our birthday and National Library Week. This will be planned for Saturday, April 13 at 2 PM for ages up to 4th grade. 5th and 6th graders would be asked to help hide the eggs. Participants will need to pre-register for an estimate of how many eggs were needed. Lydia will ask Pam at the nursing home and Fern if we could host this at the healthcare center. The library will ask for donations of plastic eggs and candy from the community. Amy suggested doing something for Autism Awareness Day which is April 2. She thought maybe the library can read a book to children about autism or have an article in the newspaper and ask the public to donate to autism awareness. No decision was made on this. Lydia reported that some library board term limits were up. Connie would like to be replaced, but willing to help when we need something. This was tabled until the next meeting.The next library meeting will be held March 27th at 6:30 PM. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.Lydia Schnaible, Library Director ................

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