Interim Report for Review - California State University ...

Interim Report

of the

Computer Science Program

submitted by

California State University, Northridge

June 30, 2004

for the


accreditation cycle

Primary contact: Steven Stepanek, Department Chair

Telephone number: 818-677-3398

FAX number: 818-677-7208

Electronic mail:

Computing Accreditation Commission


111 Market Place, Suite 1050

Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4012

Phone: 410-347-7700

Fax: 410-625-2238

e-mail: cac@

www: http//

Table of Contents


I. Objectives and Student Outcomes 8

II. Data Collected Since Fall 2002 11

III. Assessment Schedule Beginning Fall 2002 23

IV. Faculty Oversight 27


A. Industrial Advisory Board Review of Objectives 30

B. Graduating Senior Survey – Fall 2003 32

C. Alumni Survey – Spring 2004 39

D. Industry Survey – Spring 2004 45

E. Student Learning Objectives Surveys - 2003-2004 50

F. Curriculum Review Committee Report - Spring 2004 63

G. Department Assessment Committee Report 65

H. Part-time Faculty Supervision Forms 66

I. Assessment of Active Learning with Upper Division Students 71


The Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET visited the Computer Science Department at California State University, Northridge on October 20-22, 2002. As a result of that visit and subsequent evaluation, the computer science program was accredited until September 30, 2005 and the Computer Science Department was informed that a reaccreditation evaluation would need to be performed by ABET during 2004. As part of this reaccreditation evaluation the computer science program was required to submit an interim report to ABET by June 30, 2004 that addressed the weaknesses identified in the August 2003 Final Statement from ABET. This document is the required interim report.

The conclusions of the ABET Final Statement of August 2003 and the requirements set for this interim report:

The Computer Science program at the California State University, Northridge has a dedicated faculty and supportive administrators, and offers a solid and competitive program in an area of the country surrounded by high tech companies and other prominent universities. The students, many of who are working in computer related positions while completing their degrees, recognize and appreciate the efforts made by the faculty and the Institution to provide up-to-date curriculum and facilities.

The following is a summary of the current status of the program relative to the continuing concerns from the 1996-97 visit:

1. The effectiveness of programs put in place to insure that faculty remain current in the field. Status: No longer a concern.

2. The effectiveness of plans to insure that the faculty spend at least 25% of their time on scholarly activities. Status: Still a concern because of the heavy teaching loads and other responsibilities.

3. The effectiveness of the faculty to insure consistent emphasis on analysis and design throughout the core. Status: No longer a concern.

The program meets the Intent statements for all seven Categories in the Criteria. However, there is a weakness with respect to the Objectives and Assessment Category. The concerns giving rise to the weakness are:

1. (Standard I-3) The program has objectives and an assessment plan. Data relative to the objectives has recently been collected and documented using some of the assessment methods and some results have been used to identify opportunities for program improvement. The concern is that there is insufficient history to guarantee that the assessment plan will continue to be implemented and used.

2. (Standard I-4) There has been insufficient time since the assessment process began to periodically assess each program objective. The concern is that the assessment plan will continue to assess each program objective.

In addition, the following concerns associated with other Standards were identified.

1. (Standard III-2) There is no specific system in place for full-time faculty members to oversee the course work presented by part-time instructors.

2. (Standard III-8) There is a continuing concern that faculty members have sufficient time for scholarly activities and professional development.

These concerns may affect the stability, overall quality, or future accreditability of the program and will be of special interest to the next evaluation team.

Interim Report

The required interim report should address the following:

1. The objectives and student outcomes for the program.

2. Tell what data have been collected since the fall 2002 evaluation visit. Give examples of the documentation of these data and the objectives that have been assessed.

3. Show a schedule since the fall 2002 evaluation visit that tells when and what assessment data have been or will be collected and relate the assessments to each of the program objectives.

4. Describe the system in place for full-time faculty to oversee the coursework presented by part-time instructors.

I. Objectives and Student Outcomes

Address the objectives and student outcomes for the program.

The primary educational objectives (bold numbered items) and student learning outcomes (lettered items) of the program are to:

1. Create an understanding of the principles of computer science and problem solving.

Students will:

a) Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of algorithms, data structures, software design, concepts of programming languages, and computer organization and architecture, and an awareness of the evolution and dynamic nature of the foundational core of computer science.

b) Demonstrate the ability to analyze and solve computing problems.

c) Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of programming languages and a proficiency in at least one higher-level language.

d) Demonstrate understanding of discrete mathematics, differential and integral calculus, and probability and statistics.

e) Demonstrate the ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data.

2. Build an awareness of computing practices in industry and emerging technologies, emphasizing a working knowledge of current software design and development techniques.

Students will:

a) Demonstrate an awareness of emerging technologies and the ability to evaluate and utilize currently available software development tools.

b) Demonstrate knowledge of the principles and practices for software design and development.

c) Demonstrate the ability to successfully apply the principles and practices for software design and development to real problems.

d) Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in written form, and work in a team environment.

3. Provide a broad education that enables graduates to understand the impact of computing technologies in a societal context.

Students will:

a) Demonstrate familiarity with basic concepts, emerging technologies, and contemporary issues relating to the societal impacts of computing.

b) Demonstrate an understanding of professional and ethical considerations related to computing.

4. Provide a computer science education that enables our graduates to pursue rewarding professional careers, graduate studies, and lifelong learning.

Students will:

a) Be competitive in the computing job market or be admitted to a good graduate program in computing.

b) Demonstrate an ability to acquire new knowledge in the computing discipline and to engage in life-long learning.

Faculty, students and industry annually review the importance and relevance of these objectives and student learning outcomes for the computer science program. The mechanisms used to do this review include opinion surveys from faculty, students and industry, and discussions at faculty and Industrial Advisory Board meetings. These educational objectives and learning outcomes appear in the California State University, Northridge University Catalog.

During the March 12, 2004 meeting of the Computer Science Industrial Advisory Board, a key item on the agenda was to review the computer science program’s educational objectives and learning outcomes. The Board fully supported the department’s program objectives and learning outcomes. They particularly reaffirmed the importance of communication and teamwork skills. Some members of the Board recommended that students should be given greater opportunities to experience hardware / software integration issues (an embedded applications course was being offered for the first time during the Spring 2004 term) and others felt students needed more in-depth knowledge of software engineering. Board members also reported that while their computer science employees do not use much of their advanced skills in mathematics on a daily basis, they were required to have the problem solving skills that these math courses help reinforce. The Computer Science Department did not take any immediate actions towards modifying its objectives or learning outcomes based on this review by the Industrial Advisory Board but will take the Board’s suggestions into consideration as the department considers other program modifies and develops new curricula. [Appendix A]

II. Data Collected Since Fall 2002

Tell what data have been collected since the fall 2002 evaluation visit. Give examples of the documentation of these data and the objectives that have been assessed.

The Computer Science Department has continued to document and formalize its assessment activities since the fall 2002 ABET visit. The Department assesses the achievement of its program objectives and student learning outcomes primarily by (1) surveying student, alumni, faculty and employers opinions on how well we are meeting our objectives and student learning outcomes; (2) direct and frequent assessment of student work by faculty in their individual courses; and (3) holding faculty committee meetings and meetings with the Industrial Advisory Board.

Table 1 below lists the assessment data collected since fall 2002. The survey questionnaires and summaries of the responses from the most recent surveys are in Appendices B, C, D and E. Reports from the Department Curriculum Review Committee and the Department Assessment Committee are in Appendices F and G. Appendix I contains a paper written by two members of the Department on assessment of active learning with our upper division computer science students.

|Assessment Data Collected |Objectives Measured |Documentation |

| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |

|Graded Work. Monitor current student progress with graded | X | X | X | |Student Grades |

|assignments, projects, presentations and examinations. | | | | | |

|Teaching Evaluations. Solicit feedback from current students through |Indirect Measurement |Teaching Evaluations |

|faculty teaching evaluations. | | |

|Industrial Advisory Board. Solicit feedback from the Industrial | X | X | X | X |Summary of IAB meeting. |

|Advisory Board. (Review of objectives) | | | | |(Appendix A) |

|Graduating Senior Survey. Survey student opinion on how well the | X | X | X | X |Survey Responses |

|computer science program satisfied their needs and expectations. | | | | |(Appendix B) |

|Alumni Survey. Survey of recent alumni on their opinions of our | X | X | X | X |Survey Responses |

|computer science program and suggested changes. (Indirect measurement| | | | |(Appendix C) |

|of objectives) | | | | | |

|Industry Survey. Survey of local employers on their opinions about | X | X | X | X |Survey Responses |

|the preparation of their recent computer science hires and | | | | |(Appendix D) |

|suggestions for changes in the program. (Indirect measurement of | | | | | |

|objectives) | | | | | |

|Student Learning Outcomes Survey. Solicit student opinion on how well| X | X | X | X |Survey Responses |

|the curriculum meets its stated objectives and learning outcomes and | | | | |(Appendix E) |

|how important the learning outcomes are to the students | | | | | |

|Faculty Survey. Survey faculty on Achievement of Learning Outcomes in| X | X | X | X |Survey Responses |

|Courses. | | | | |(Appendix E) |

|Faculty Review of Assessment Data. The Department has established a |Review of Assessment Data |Curriculum Review Committee Report|

|Curriculum Review Committee to continuously monitor and assess | |(Appendix F) |

|program objectives and learning outcomes. | | |

Table 1. Assessment Data Collected Since Fall 2002

Discussion of Selected Assessment Data

1. Graduating Senior Survey (Fall 2003). The Computer Science Department surveys all students in a required senior level course (Comp 450) every semester. Most of the students who take the survey are within one or two semesters of graduation. The Department first conducted this survey in 1995 and has given it every semester since 2002. The Department finds it a very useful way to track what students think about our program and what their experiences in our program have been. Sixty-one students responded to the fall 2003 Graduating Senior Survey. Eighty percent of these students rated the general quality of instruction in the Department as “good”, “very good” or “excellent”. Seventy three percent of the students reported that the program is meeting their needs and expectations well. As can be seen in Table 2, the evaluations averaged between “good” and “very good” on most questions.

|Graduation Senior Survey Question |Excellent |Very Good |Good |Fair |Poor |

|Quality of instruction in computer science classes |10% |23% |47% |12% |8% |

|Helpfulness of advisement |10% |28% |31% |16% |15% |

|Extent to which program is meeting student needs and |5% |24% |44% |22% |5% |

|expectations | | | | | |

|Rate the computer science labs |21% |38% |26% |10% |5% |

Table 2. Responses to the Graduation Senior Survey

The written comments from the students suggested many ways we could work to improve our program. The students commented that:

• There is an unevenness in the quality of instruction in the Department.

• We should establish teaching standards and review faculty to achieve greater consistency.

• There is not enough hands-on career relevant, real world application programming.

• More coverage of cutting edge technology and current trends like Web programming is needed.

• The quality of advisement is inconsistent.

[See Appendix B for a complete summary of the responses on the survey.]

Department Responses: The Department was very concerned with the responses and comments about the unevenness in the quality of department-wide teaching. Based on the results of this survey, the Department has instituted a monthly teaching seminar. Faculty will present innovative and successful teaching approaches they have used in the classroom. Guest speakers will be invited to the seminar.

The Department strongly supports the need for classes that teach and/or use the newer technologies. It continues to add elective courses in new technologies at the rate of one or two per year. See response to the Alumni Survey.

In response to this survey and others, the Department is considering adding Capstone Senior Project to the curriculum. This capstone project would be designed to give students more hands-on, real world application experiences.

2. Alumni Survey (Spring 2004). In April 2004 the Computer Science Department sent a survey to the 360 alumni who graduated between Spring 2001 and Fall 2003. The purpose of the survey was to determine if our students had jobs in the computer field and to determine their satisfaction with the computer science program. Thirty-three alumni responded to the survey. Eighty percent of the respondents were working full-time in the computer field, most of them in software engineering related jobs. Over eighty percent were satisfied with the way their major courses prepared them for their careers and would recommend the CSUN program to others considering entering the computing profession.

The alumni were asked a series of questions directly related to our program objectives. A range of eighty to ninety-five percent of the respondents agreed with statements that would indicate our program helped them achieve our program objectives. Table 3 shows the responses to these questions.

|Survey questions asking alumni if, based on their CSUN |Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |Strongly Disagree |

|education, they agree with the statement that they are: | | | | |

|Knowledgeable about fundamental concepts of computer science |64% |33% |3% | |

|Capable of solving practical problems using appropriate |51% |46% |3% | |

|computer technology. | | | | |

|Familiar with established technologies in computer science |39% |49% |6% |6% |

|Proficient in written technical communication |46% |42% |9% |3% |

|Proficient in oral technical communication |39% |46% |15% | |

Table 3. Responses to Alumni Survey

The survey also asked alumni which areas of their CSUN education could have been strengthened by additional coursework. They said that the program could have put more emphasis on programming and software design skills. Students further felt that their education could have been strengthened by additional coursework in hardware/software integration, networks and security, and in database systems.

[See Appendix C for a complete summary of the responses on the survey.]

Department Response: The Computer Science Department strongly supports the need for classes that teach and/or use newer technologies. It continues to add elective courses in new technologies at the rate of several per year. The computer science program currently has several, very popular, elective courses in networks, security and databases. This year it added three new elective courses: Secure Software Engineering, Software Validation and Verification and Software Project Management. Last year the Department added courses in E-Commerce and Embedded Systems Applications. Computer Science majors take five upper division computer science electives and most students take advantage of the courses reflecting new or market driven technologies.

The weak programming skills of some of our majors is a constant concern to many faculty. We have begun to require programming exams in some of our laboratory courses to assess the skills of our students. Students who do not pass the programming portion of the lab component of the course, do not pass the class. Extending this to all programming classes is currently under consideration.

Twenty percent of the survey respondents could not find a computer science related job. The low response on the survey makes this very important statistic somewhat unreliable. The Department needs to find ways to better determine the number of students who cannot find jobs after graduation, identify the reasons they are not succeeding in the profession and find ways to assist them professionally.

3. Industry Survey (Spring 2004). The Industry Survey was directly sent to 180 local employers and members of the Computer Science Industrial Advisory Board. In addition, all of the alumni who received the Alumni Survey were provided with a copy of the Industry Survey and a cover letter addressed to their supervisor requesting that their supervisor complete the Industrial Survey.

The purpose of the survey was to determine if employers were satisfied with our graduates and to determine new technologies they expect our students to know. We received 28 responses. The primary businesses of the companies who responded were in aerospace engineering, software engineering, electronics and communications. Generally, computer science majors are employed by these companies to do software engineering, software testing, customer support, database design and software/hardware integration. Of the 18 respondents who gave an opinion, 15 rated the computer science program at CSUN as good or adequate and 3 rated the program as inadequate. Respondents who actually hire and supervise CSUN computer science graduates had a more positive view of the program than those who were not directly involved with CSUN computer science graduates.

Survey respondents reported that the most relevant parts of a computer science education for an employee’s job performance are software engineering, programming skills, network and security technologies, problem solving and the ability to work in teams. For employee advancement they stressed the importance of problem solving skills, communication skills, leadership skills and technical skills. Most of the employers thought that we are educating students who can successfully work in their industrial environments. The skills that were most frequently mentioned as weak or missing from some of our graduates included

• oral and written communication skills

• teamwork skills

• programming and software design skills

• experiences with selected new technologies

We asked the employers to evaluate the importance they place on various knowledge and skill areas that the Department identified as being important parts of a computer science education. The employers generally responded that all of the topics were valuable or extremely valuable. However the employers responded that mathematical skills, management skills and an understanding of the societal implications of computers were less valuable than the other areas for recently hired computer science graduates.

[See Appendix D for a complete summary of the responses on the survey.]

Department Response:

The Department agrees that our graduates should have experiences with current technologies and it continues to update its curriculum to include electives in new technologies and to use the new technologies in current classes. [See prior response in Alumni Survey discussion.]

Most of our students will work in a software engineering environment and it is essential that they have good software design skills. In response to these and other similar comments we are developing a set of new software engineering courses at the graduate level. These graduate courses will be available as electives to senior level undergraduate students. The Department is also considering adding a Capstone Senior Project requirement to the computer science program. The senior project would enable students to integrate their computer science course material, strengthen their teamwork abilities, leadership skills and written and oral communication skills.

The Department is in the process of creating a M.S. program in Software Engineering that may be particularly appealing to newly hired graduates. In the Industrial Survey, employers were asked about the value of such a program in software engineering and the topic areas that should be included.

4. Student Learning Outcomes Surveys (Spring 2004). The Computer Science Department has an established set of learning outcomes or goals for the computer science program (see Section I of this report). Each semester the Department distributes multiple surveys to computer science students asking them their opinions on (1) how valuable our stated student learning outcomes are from a student’s perspective and (2) how well they believe the current course they are taking has met each of these learning outcomes. The first survey is called the Goals Importance Survey. The second survey is called the Goal Achievement Survey. Every year the Department also distributes a Learning Outcomes Survey to computer science faculty asking them how well they address the learning outcomes in their courses.

Results of the Goals Importance Survey: From a student’s perspective our mathematics learning outcomes are least valuable, rated on the average only “slightly important”. The most important learning outcomes from the student’s perspectives are learning outcomes related to programming, problem solving ability, software design, being able to apply the principles and practices of software technology to real problems and preparation for a job or graduate school. Their opinions closely track the opinions of alumni and employers. The student surveys are analyzed by course. This allows us to make some conclusions about how student perceptions of the importance of goals and objectives change as they mature through the curriculum For example, communications skills are more highly valued by our seniors than our freshmen. Similarly the senior students place more value on the importance of knowing several programming languages than the freshmen.

Results of the Goal Achievement Survey: The Department has made a comparison of how well the faculty believe the program goals are addressed in each course with how well the students believe the goals have been met. The most striking differences of perception are with the Learning Outcome: “Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of algorithms, data structures, software design, concepts of programming languages, and computer organization and architecture, and an awareness of the evolution and dynamic nature of the foundational core of computer science.“ For most courses the faculty member believes that he/she is addressing this learning outcome much better than the students believe they are.

[See Appendix E for a complete summary of the responses on the Goals Importance and the Goals Achievement surveys.]

Department Response: The students place a lower value on the importance of mathematics skills than do the faculty. The Department needs to review its mathematics requirements and the use of mathematics in its curriculum. In order to instill in students the understanding that a grounding in mathematics is fundamental to the discipline, we need to explicitly show the usage of mathematics in our courses.

The Department has not come to any conclusions about the significance of or what to do about the mismatch between what students say the have achieved and what faculty present in the class.

5. Faculty Review of Achievement of Program Objectives. In 2002-2003 the Department found (by examining grade data) that there was a high non-pass rate in several of program’s core courses. It was also the case that because of growing interest to major in computer science in the years leading to Fall 2002, there were more computer science majors than the Department could handle. The combination of heavy demand for courses and the high non-pass rate was creating a crisis for the Department.

After an examination of the available options, the Department applied for program “impaction status” which allows the Department to control the number of majors it accepts. This decision was based in part on assessment data showing that students could not get their classes in a timely manner. The program impaction request was approved with a start date of admissions for the 2003-2004 academic year. The impaction status was later approved to be continued for the 2004-2005 academic year and a request is currently pending for impaction status for the 2005-2006 academic year.

To assist in the issue of the high non-pass rate in selected courses, the University provided special training on innovative teaching techniques and the College provided grader funds for the faculty involved in such courses to support the assignment of additional homework and the rapid return of graded assignments.

After considering various ways to insure that students were properly prepared for the classes they take, the Department decided in 2002-2003 to require as part of the program impaction criteria that grades of “C” or better be earned in each of the eight courses contained in the pre-major. Prior to this change the pre-major required grades of “C-“ or better in each course and an overall GPA of “C” or better. [The pre-major consists of the following courses: first semester calculus, second semester calculus, algorithms, data structures, architecture and assembly, symbolic logic, freshmen English and oral communication.]

The Department Curriculum Review Committee annually reviews all of the program objective assessment data and makes recommendations to the Department. In Spring 2004 the Curriculum Review Committee presented their recommendations at a Department meeting [see Appendix F]. The Department discussed the recommendations and decided to consider further the following ideas:

• Create a senior capstone project experience for our majors than would integrate their coursework and relate it to real world applications. Formal reports would be collected. A summary of the work would be put on the Department’s website.

• Inject a significant design / problem solving experience in every course in the curriculum.

• Review the need for a stronger programming component in some or all courses.

• Review the content of Comp 110, 122, 182, 282 (lower division courses in programming, data structures and computer architecture) to determine if these courses are satisfying the needs of the upper division courses.

6. Department Review of Assessment Procedures. The Department Assessment Committee reviewed Departmental assessment procedures in spring 2004 and presented its recommendations at a Department Meeting in May 2004 [see Appendix G]. The Committee noted that we need to engage in direct assessment of student learning within the Department beyond the instructor’s assignment of grades. The committee suggested several ideas, including a capstone course and/or student portfolios. The Department began a continuing discussion on the best way to perform direct assessment.

The Committee also recommended that formal learning outcomes be established for each required course in the major. These learning outcomes would be linked to the computer science program objectives and learning outcomes. The Department agreed to establish learning outcomes for all required courses by the end of the fall 2004 semester.

III. Assessment Schedule Beginning Fall 2002

Show a schedule since the fall 2002 evaluation visit that tells when and what assessment data have been or will be collected and relate the assessments to each of the program objectives.

This section of the report shows our schedule of planned assessment data collection activities and relates these activities to our program objectives (Table 4) and then repeats this information (Table 5) to explicitly show how the planned formal assessment data collection activities relate to student learning outcomes. The objectives and student learning outcomes are listed below in the same order as they appear in Section I of this report.

Program Objectives:

1. Create an understanding of the principles of computer science and problem solving.

2. Build an awareness of computing practices in industry and emerging technologies, emphasizing a working knowledge of current software design and development techniques.

3. Provide a broad education that enables graduates to understand the impact of computing technologies in a societal context.

4. Provide a computer science education that enables our graduates to provide rewarding professional careers, graduate studies, and lifelong learning.

|Major Data Collection Activity |Date Scheduled |Objective |

| | |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Graded Student Work |Every Semester |X |X |X |X |

|Student Evaluations of Faculty |Every Semester |A |A |A |A |

|Student Learning Outcomes Survey |Every Semester beginning F02 |X |X |X |X |

|Faculty Survey on Achievement of Program |Every Spring beginning |X |X |X |X |

|Objectives |S02 | | | | |

|Graduating Senior Survey |Every Semester beginning F02 |X |X |X |X |

|Alumni Survey |S04, S07 (every 3 years) |A |A |A |X |

|Industry Survey |S04, S07 (every 3 years) |A |A |A |X |

|Industrial Advisory Board Review of |Every Spring |X |X |X |X |

|Objectives | | | | | |

|Faculty Review of Assessment Data |Every Semester |X |X |X |X |

Table 4. Schedule of Assessment Data Collection Beginning Fall 2002. An ‘X’ means that the objective is covered by the assessment activity. An ‘A’ means that the objective is indirectly assessed by the activity.

The primary educational learning outcomes of the program are listed below. Table 4 relates every student learning outcome to one or more of our major assessment activities and shows our schedule of assessment activities for student learning outcomes.

Student Learning Outcomes:

a) Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of algorithms, data structures, software design, concepts of programming languages, and computer organization and architecture, and an awareness of the evolution and dynamic nature of the foundational core of computer science.

b) Demonstrate the ability to analyze and solve computing problems.

c) Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of programming languages and a proficiency in at least one higher-level language.

d) Demonstrate understanding of discrete mathematics, differential and integral calculus, and probability and statistics.

e) Demonstrate the ability to collect, analyze, and interpret data.

a) Demonstrate an awareness of emerging technologies and the ability to evaluate and utilize currently available software development tools.

b) Demonstrate knowledge of the principles and practices for software design and development.

c) Demonstrate the ability to successfully apply the principles and practices for software design and development to real problems.

d) Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in written form, and work in a team environment.

a) Demonstrate familiarity with basic concepts, emerging technologies, and contemporary issues relating to the societal impacts of computing.

b) Demonstrate an understanding of professional and ethical considerations related to computing

a) Be competitive in the computing job market or be admitted to a good graduate program in computing.

b) Demonstrate an ability to acquire new knowledge in the computing discipline and to engage in life-long learning.

|Major Data Collection Activity |Date Scheduled |Learning Outcomes Assessed |

|Graded Student Work |Every Semester |All |

|Student Evaluations of Faculty |Every Semester |Indirect measurement. |

|Student Learning Outcomes Survey |Every Semester beginning F02 |All |

|Faculty Survey on Achievement of |Every Spring beginning S02 |All |

|Program Objectives | | |

|Graduating Senior Survey |Every Semester beginning F02 |Indirectly all. Survey asks more general questions. |

|Alumni Survey |S04, S07 (every 3 years) |Indirectly all. Survey asks more general questions. |

|Industry Survey |S04, S07 (every 3 years) |Indirectly all. Survey asks more general questions. |

|Industrial Advisory Board Review |Every Spring |Review of all objectives and learning outcomes. |

|of Objectives | | |

|Faculty Review of Assessment Data |Every Semester |Review of all data. |

Table 5. Schedule of Assessment Data Collection for Student Learning Outcomes Beginning Fall 2002.

IV. Faculty Oversight

Describe the system in place for full-time faculty to oversee the coursework presented by part-time instructors.

The Computer Science Department has established a formal plan for faculty oversight of courses taught by part-time faculty. This plan was put into place beginning with the Spring 2004 semester. Every part-time faculty member in the Computer Science Department who is teaching a course for computer science majors/minors will be assigned a full-time faculty member who will oversee the coursework presented by the part-time faculty member. The responsibilities of full-time faculty members who have been assigned to oversee part-time faculty include:

• Meet with part-time faculty member before the semester begins and at least once during the semester to discuss course objectives, textbook, course syllabus, course projects, assignments and exams. To meet ABET standards, the content and standards of a part-time faculty’s course should be substantially the same as the content and standards of a full-time faculty member teaching the same course.

• If full-time faculty have not taught the course within the past two years and are not teaching it this semester, then the content and standards of the part-time faculty member’s course should be evaluated against the department-approved course objectives and the generally accepted department standards for courses at the same level (lower division, upper division, graduate).

• Collect and review the course syllabus, project descriptions and exams from the part-time faculty member. File the materials in the Computer Science Department Office.

• Visit the part-time faculty member’s class every semester and complete a Departmental Faculty Teaching Evaluation Form. The completed Faculty Teaching Evaluation Form is forwarded to the Computer Science Department Office for processing. If the part-time faculty member has never taught the class at CSUN before, their classroom should be visited within the first three weeks of the semester. All classroom visits are by prior arrangement with the faculty involved.

• Complete a Part-time Faculty Supervision Form every semester and submit it to the Department Chair before the end of the semester.

The forms to be completed by the supervising faculty are found in Appendix H.


This section includes supplemental documents that show examples of assessment data collected since Fall 2002. Supporting documents and procedures for supervising part-time faculty are also included.

A. Industrial Advisory Board Review of Objectives – March 2004

B. Graduating Senior Survey – Fall 2003

C. Alumni Survey – Spring 2004

D. Industry Survey – Spring 2004

E. Student Learning Outcomes Surveys – Academic Year 2003-2004

F. Curriculum Review Committee Report – Spring 2004

G. Department Assessment Committee Report

H. Part-time Faculty Supervision Forms

I. Assessment of Active Learning with Upper Division Students

A. Industrial Advisory Board Review of Objectives

Summary of the IAB Review of Computer Science Program

Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Background: The Industrial Advisory Board met on March 12, 2004. The Department Chair (Stepanek) and three other faculty members (Lingard, Schwartz, Wang) attended the Board meeting. During the first hour we discussed the computer science program objectives and learning outcomes. A series of questions (in italics below) was posed to the Board members. The responses listed below were generally agreed to by several of the board members, but occasionally only one person expressed a response. The makeup of the group may or may not be a good representative sample of the companies who hire our employees. The IAB attendees included representatives from the aerospace industry, banking/finance, networking hardware/software, energy, entertainment/amusement park industry, and military technology research. It should be noted that at least half of the attendees expressed the need for our majors to have more knowledge in electronics and systems engineering. Their computer science employees tended to work on multidisciplinary projects and needed to be familiar with some electrical engineering or computer engineering concepts. We are sending out a survey to a much larger number of companies that asks them to evaluate our objectives and learning outcomes.

1. What is missing in our objectives and learning outcomes.

a. Systems Engineering

b. Embedded Systems

c. Some knowledge of physics and electronics

d. Ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment

e. Ability to negotiate the hardware/software boundaries

f. More in depth software engineering concepts, such as risk analysis, requirements analysis, verification and validation, CMI standards, software safety, practical knowledge of what software processes are appropriate in what circumstances

g. Knowledge of budgets, schedules and estimation techniques.

h. Simulation and mathematical modeling < one company in particular wanted this>

2. Comment on the importance of communication and teamwork skills

a. There was a unanimous opinion that communication and teamwork skills are extremely important. Character, integrity, work ethic and self-motivation are also essential.

3. How important is the knowledge of mathematics to the ability of your computer science employees to do their job?

a. The general opinion was that these employees do not use or need much mathematics.

b. Problem solving skills are important but the group didn’t necessarily connect them with mathematics courses.

4. What does industry look for when interviewing a candidate for a computer science job?

a. Good character

b. Communication skills

c. Motivation and interest in the company

d. Ability to deal with other people and different perspectives

e. Reflective nature– for example, what can they do with their education in the future?

f. Interest in getting an MS degree

5. What programming languages does your company use?

a. Mainly C++, C, Java

b. Some assembly language

c. Single responses: ADA, Visual Basic, Python

6. Pedagogy Suggestions

a. Use Software Engineering Case Studies. At least one company was willing to help us develop good case studies.

b. Capstone multidisciplinary project. Work with engineering and business students to solve a multidisciplinary problem. Get industry involved.

B. Graduating Senior Survey – Fall 2003



FALL 2003


( 61 responses )

The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out what you think about the computer science program at Cal State Northridge and what your experiences with the program have been. Most of you are nearly ready to graduate and should have some perspective on the program and some advice for the department. Thank you for responding to this questionnaire.

Your Expected Graduation Date: __________________

Fall 2003: 9

Spring 2004: 32

Summer 2004: 2

Fall 2004: 12

2004: 2

Spring 2005: 2

2005: 1

Unstated: 1

1. How would you rate the general quality of instruction in your computer science classes?

6 Excellent

14 Very Good

29 Good

7 Fair

5 Poor


Quality of instructors ranges greatly from exceptionally good to very poor (8).

Students are required to learn too much on their own without help (4).

Many instructors may be knowledgeable but do not teach well (4).

Not enough hands on, practical work and too much theory, especially in early courses (4).

Some instructors are very easy and some are too hard (3).

Instructors don’t do enough to prevent cheating (3).

Some instructors are not qualified (1).

2. What changes would you like to see, if any, in the computer science curriculum?

Teach less theory and more hands on, career relevant, practical applications involving more programming and laboratory work (11).

Cover more material on cutting edge technology and current trends, including Web programming and graphical user interfaces (9).

Establish teaching standards and review faculty to achieve greater consistency (5).

Acquire more motivated and motivating instructors (4).

Eliminate unnecessary prerequisites and add them where needed (e.g., Comp 440 has unstated language prerequisites) (4).

Eliminate Comp 450 or make it a lower division course (3).

Reduce the number of GE courses required (3).

Offer more 400 level electives and offer them more frequently (2).

More use should be made of computers in the classroom and more instructional material should be made available online (1).

More software engineering should be taught (1).

There should be more emphasis on Unix/Linux (1).

Comp 182 and Comp 282 should be combined (1).

Provide more guidance in course selection (1).

Comp 310 and Math 482 should be made less intense (1).

Comp 310 is not useful and should be eliminated (1).

A lab should be added to the networking classes (1).

More C++ should be taught instead of Java (1).

24 hour lab access should be provided (1).

Better books and homework assignments are needed (1).

More examples of real working code should be provided to students (1).

The work ethic for faculty and administrators needs improvement (1).

3. How would you rate the helpfulness and accuracy of the advisement you receive from faculty?

6 Excellent

17 Very Good

19 Good

10 Fair

9 Poor


Some advisors are very good and some are very poor; it’s inconsistent. (6)

Some advisors are not helpful (4).

Some advisors are unfriendly or rude (2).

It would be helpful to have a complete detailed set of instructions relating to graduation requirements; it’s a difficult process (2).

It would be helpful to have a full time advisor (1).

It’s difficult to get good GE advice (1).

Students get more information from instructors in classes than from advisors (1).

MEP was helpful (1).

4. How would you rate the timeliness of the advisement you receive from faculty (e.g., the ability to easily schedule a meeting with an advisor?

12 Excellent

14 Very Good

18 Good

12 Fair

4 Poor


Advisors are flexible, available, and scheduling an appointment is easy (3).

It’s hard to get advisors to respond to requests for appointments (2).

Advisors have limited time availability (2).

The advisement is very efficient (1).

Advisors generally keep appointments (1).

The grad check office should be on the 4th floor (1).

5. How would you rate the department’s computer labs in terms of their ability to support the computer science curriculum? Consider equipment, software and laboratory availability.

13 Excellent

23 Very Good

16 Good

6 Fair

3 Poor


Better lab availability needed (e.g., on weekends or 24/7 availability) (9).

More and better labs (like the Software Engineering Lab) should be available or all students should be able to use special labs (5).

Generally speaking, the labs have good hardware and software (3).

Some of the newest machines are not performing well (2).

EA1214 should not have been turned into a SUN lab (2).

Better Unix/Linux labs are needed (1).

There are network problems in the 496 labs (1).

Machines should have professional software tools on them (e.g., compilers) rather than free software (1).

A higher print quota is needed (1).

Lab availability is good (1).

Students should be allowed to install their own software (1).

Better air conditioning is needed in some labs (1).

All lab computer should have zip drives (1).

Some equipment is old and needs to be replaced (1).

Lab assistants are not always available (1).

More manuals and books are needed in some labs (1).

6. Please rate the extent to which the computer science program is meeting your needs and expectations. Please describe any needs or expectations not being met.

3 Excellent

14 Very Good

26 Good

13 Fair

3 Poor


There should be more hands on, real world application programming and less theory and less GE (15).

More classes needed on current technologies and trends like Web programming, graphical user interfaces, etc. (6).

It’s too hard to get the classes needed (4).

There are too many math classes in the program (1).

Some material is redundant (1).

More emphasis on the C family of languages is needed (1).

Curriculum should cover using dll files (1).

Curriculum should cover debugging (1).

Too much material is dry and uninteresting (1).

Some classes can be passed without learning anything (1).

More needs to be covered with respect to logical thinking (1).

More software engineering should be covered (1).

Some courses are too broad (1).

7. What programming languages do you consider yourself to be proficient in?

Java 50

C++ 26

C 26

C# 12

Visual Basic 10


8. What other programming language do you have some familiarity with?

C 26

C++ 23

Java 10


Assembly 6

C# 6


Prolog 6

Fortran 5

9. Do you have a job?

44 Yes

17 No

If so, how many hours per week do you work during the semester?

13 more than 30 hours/week

19 20 - 29 hours/week

12 10 - 19 hours/week

0 less than 10 hours/week

10. Are you currently looking for a full time job in the computer industry?

38 Yes

23 No

If so, how are you going about the search?

• Searching online 37

• Responding to newspaper ads 11

• Using internships/Honors Co-op 16

• Using the University Career Center 15

• Going to Job Fairs 19

• Sending resumes to companies 23

• Checking the College bulletin board 10

• Networking 21

11. Do you plan on getting an M.S. degree?

27 Yes

6 No

28 Maybe/Don't Know

A Ph.D. degree?

8 Yes

25 No

28 Maybe/Don't Know

Any other comments or suggestions for the department?

• Professors put too much pressure on students

• Program failed to help student get sense of direction

• Some professors like to fail students instead of helping them to succeed

• Engineering and Computer Science should not have to share the building with Health Sciences

C. Alumni Survey – Spring 2004

Department of Computer Science

California State University, Northridge

Alumni Survey March 2004



Thank you for responding to this survey. The results will be used to help the Computer Science Department evaluate and update its curriculum so that it may continue to produce computer science graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their chosen careers.

Survey Responses: The bold numbers represent the number of responders who gave the corresponding answer.

1. What computer science degrees did you get at CSUN and when did you get them?

BS ______________ ( date) MS______________ (date)

BS Degree 24

MS Degree 7

BS and MS 2

Degree Dates Range: 1998 – 2004

2. Are you currently employed full-time? ____________ part-time? _________

Employed Full-Time: 26

Employed Part-Time 2

Not Employed 5

3. Is your current job directly related to your computer science degree?

Yes: 25__

No : ___5___

4. Are you currently in graduate school?

Yes ____6________

If so, what degree are you working on? MS in Comp Sci: 5 MS unknown: 1

No _____26_______

5. What best describes your current position (Circle all that apply):

a. Software engineering / programming 21

b. System / network / security administrator 3

c. Database designer 2

d. Project / group manager 7

e. Web designer/ Web programming 4

f. Software Testing 5

g. Customer Support 2

h. Hardware/software integration 5

i. Other, please specify 2

6. How many years of work experience have you had in computer-related fields?

a. Less than 2 years

b. 2 – 5 years

c. 6 – 10 years

d. Over 10 years

e. Over 15 years

Mean: 2.5 Years

Range: 0 – 5 years

7. What is your gender?

Male : 21

Female: 11

8. How old are you? Mean: 32 years old Range: 21 – 48 years

9. What is your ethnic background? (Circle all that apply)

a. Black, non-Latino 2

b. Asian or Pacific Islander 4

c. Native American Indian 1

d. Latino 2

e. White, non-Latino 22

f. Other 2

10. What is your current annual salary? ( To be used to determine the average salary of our graduates)

a. Under $40,000 4

b. $40,001-$50,000 8

c. $50,001-$60,000 1

d. $60,001-$70,000 5

e. Over $70,000 12

Median: $65,000

11. Rate your satisfaction with the academic advisement you received at CSUN

Very good Good Poor Very Poor

9 17 5 0

12. Rate your satisfaction with how well your major courses prepared you for your career

Very good Good Poor Very Poor

9 18 2 1

13. Rate your satisfaction with the general education courses you took at CSUN

Very good Good Poor Very Poor

8 18 2 0

14. Would you recommend the CSUN computer science program to others who are considering entering the computing profession?

Yes 27

No; 3

If “no”, please indicate your reasons ________________________

15. Which programming languages do you use on a regular basis (Circle all that apply):

a. Visual Basic 12

b. C / C++ / C# 19

c. Java 12

d. Scripting languages (Perl, shell scripting, …) 10

e. Other 6

If other, please specify ____________________________

Summary of Responses to Questions 16 – 31 are given as means. The means are computed using the scale

4= Strongly Agree; 3=Agree; 2 = Disagree; 1=Strongly Disagree .

If the item is blank or No Opinion is Checked, then the response was not counted in the mean.

Questions 16 - 20: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about yourself based on the education you received at CSUN? For each question please circle the phrase which best describes your opinion.

16. I am knowledgeable about the fundamental concepts of computer science.

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Mean: 3.64

17. I am capable of solving practical problems using appropriate computer science technology.

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Mean: 3.48

18. I am familiar with the established technologies in the computer science field.

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Mean: 3.21

19. I am proficient in written technical communication.

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Mean: 3.30

20. I am proficient in oral technical communication (e.g. presentations).

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Mean: 3.24

Questions 21 - 31: Please indicate your satisfaction with the education you received within the Computer Science major in each of the following subject areas. For each item circle the response that most closely describes your opinion. If you did not take any coursework in the area, please note that next to the question.

21. Computer Theory

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 3.24

22. Mathematics and logic

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 3.29

23. Science (e.g. biology, chemistry, physics)

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 3.17

24. Software engineering

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 3.15

25. Operating systems and computer architecture

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 2.88

26. Algorithms and data structures

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 3.21

27. Databases

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 2.83

28. Object-oriented programming

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 3.16

29. Human-computer interface design

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 3.13

30. Networking and security

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 3.03

31. The social implications of computing

Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied No Opinion

Mean: 3.09

32. Which areas of your CSUN education have been the most relevant to your job performance in the computer field? (Multiple answers were given)

Software Engineering 10

Programming 11

Network/Security Technologies 7

Object Oriented Programming 6

Algorithms and Data Structures 5

Database 4

Other (Various) 11

33. Which areas of your CSUN education could have been strengthened by additional coursework. Include, if you wish, areas outside computer science. (Multiple answers were given)

Programming 10

New Technologies 6

Software Engineering 4

Databases 4

Hardware/Software Interface 4

Networks/ Oper Systems 4

Other (Various) 6

34. To what extent do you agree that the Computer Science Department at CSUN should offer a separate program in Software Engineering?

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

13 10 9 0

35. If you agree, at what level should a program in Software Engineering be offered (circle all that apply)?

Undergraduate Graduate Post Baccalaureate Certificate

14 13 2

36. What specific courses, subject areas or topics do you think are most important to be included in such a program in Software Engineering?

List of topics that were mentioned:

| Software Design and Analysis | Security Design |

|Software Methodologies |Quality Assurance |

|Software Architecture |Net Scripting |

|Project Management |Hardware Programming |

|Database Design |Large scale, real life projects |

|Software Testing |Software Tools |

Please return this survey by April 19, 2004 to the Computer Science Department, California State University, Northridge Northridge, California 91330-8281

D. Industry Survey – Spring 2004

Department of Computer Science

California State University, Northridge

Survey of Industry Views on Computer Science Education

March 2004



Thank you for responding to this survey. The results will be used to help the Department of Computer Science evaluate and update its curriculum so that it continues to produce computer science graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their chosen careers.

Survey Responses: The bold numbers represent the number of responders who gave the corresponding answer.

1. How would you describe the primary business of your company?

• Aerospace 6

• Computer Engineering 0

• Consulting 1

• Government 2

• Manufacturing 2

• Software Engineering 10

• Electronics / Communications 3

• Other ________________ 7

2. What computer science activities does your company normally recruit computer science graduates to do? (Circle all that apply):

• Software Engineering / Programming 25

• System / Network / Security Administrator 16

• Database Designer 11

• Project / Group Manager 8

• Web Designer/ Web Programming 11

• Software Testing 19

• Customer Support 10

• Hardware / Software integration 12

• Other, please specify __________________ 2

3. Are you responsible for hiring recent graduates from computer science programs, i.e. those employees who have graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science within the past five years?

Yes: 19 No: 9

4. Do you supervise recent computer science graduates?

Yes: 14 No: 14

5. The following questions are designed to determine those experiences/skills your company deems most important in computer science graduates that it hires. We are primarily interested in those qualities you expect from a computer science major who has graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science in the past five years.

Please rate the importance your company places on the following knowledge and skills in your recent computer science hires using the following scale:

Summary of Responses to Question 5 are given as means. The means are computed using the scale 4= Extremely Valuable; 3=Valuable; 2 = Somewhat Valuable ; 1=Not Valuable .

If the item was blank, then the response was not counted in the mean.

A: Extremely Valuable B: Valuable C: Somewhat Valuable D: Not Valuable

Written communication skills A B C D Mean: 3.33

Oral communication skills A B C D Mean: 3.46

Ability to analyze and solve problems A B C D Mean: 3.74

Ability to collect, analyze and interpret data A B C D Mean: 3.33

Software design skills A B C D Mean: 3.50

Hardware / software integration skills A B C D Mean: 2.73

Networks / operating systems skills A B C D Mean: 2.85

Computer programming skills A B C D Mean: 3.46

Mathematical skills (college level math) A B C D Mean: 2.68

Interpersonal skills A B C D Mean: 3.15

Management skills A B C D Mean: 2.54

Ability to work effectively in teams A B C D Mean: 3.54

Knowledge of current technologies A B C D Mean: 3.23

Knowledge of current software tools A B C D Mean: 3.12

Understanding the social implications

of computer science work A B C D Mean: 2.38

Other valuable or extremely valuable skills: _______________________

6. What aspects of a computer science education are most relevant to a computer scientist’s job performance in your company?

Programming 11

Software Engineering 7

Problem Solving 4

Ability to Work With Others 6

Network/Security Technologies 3

HW/SW Integration 4

Other 11

7. What aspects of a computer science education are most relevant to a computer scientist’s potential for promotion and advancement in your company?

Technical Skills 7

Communication Skills 7

Problem Solving Ability 6

Leadership Skills 6

Good Work Ethic 3

Other 7

8. What skills or qualities, if any, are missing in the recent computer science graduates your company has hired?

Written and Oral Communication Skills 7

Teamwork/ Project Management Skills 4

Knowledge of Specific Technologies 7

Practical Experience in Field 3

9. Where do the recent computer science graduates excel?

Programming 10

Technical Level 8

Motivation 2

If you are familiar with the computer science program at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) or employees who have recently graduated from the computer science program at CSUN, please answer items 10, 11 and 12. For the purposes of this survey a recent graduate is someone who has graduated within the last five years.

10. How would you rate the computer science curriculum at CSUN?

Good Adequate Inadequate No Opinion

10 5 3 10

11. What skills or qualities, if any, are missing in the recent CSUN computer science graduates your company has hired?

Specific Technologies 5

(e.g., embedded systems, database design, web program.)

Written and Oral Communication Skills 3

Software Design Skills 1

Solid Understanding of Fundamentals 1

12. Where do recent CSUN computer science graduates excel?

Programming 9

Work Ethic, Motivation 3

Software Engineering 2

13. How has the technology changed at your company in the past five year? ( i.e. new products, new tools and technologies, new expectations of employees)

New Technologies Mentioned:

Embedded Software, Web Integration, Java tools, Distributed Data Management, Security Networking, Extreme Programming, Server side Java, Inter System Integration, Windows OS, Design Patterns, Linux and Open Source Tools, New IDEs, Parallel Processing with MPI.

Most of these technologies were mentioned only once or twice. The exception is Web Integration, which was mentioned four times.

14. Do you believe that universities are educating computer scientists who can successfully work in this new environment? If not, please explain.

Yes: 10

No: 4

The explanations for the NO answers were primarily along the lines of (1) universities are behind in changing technologies and (2) the students they are graduating need better communication and management skills and have weak programming and software development skills. Others did not circle Yes or No, but just noted that a person’s success is more a matter of individual ability and motivation.

15. To what extent do you agree that the Computer Science Department at CSUN should offer a separate program in Software Engineering?

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion

5 12 2 0 9

16. If you agree, at what level should a program in Software Engineering be offered (circle all that apply)?

Undergraduate Graduate Post Baccalaureate Certificate

9 11 3

17. What specific courses, subject areas or topics do you think are most important to be included in such a program in Software Engineering?

Mentioned topics included Network and Security Protocols, Microprocessor and RTOPs, Hardware/Software blending, Top Down Design, RDBMS, Oral and Written Communication skills, C#, Scripting, Server side Java, Application servers, Software architecture and modeling (UML), Programming in the .NET environment, Basic overview of engineering.

Please return this survey by April 19, 2004 to the Computer Science Department, California State University, Northridge Northridge, California 91330-8281

E. Student Learning Objectives Surveys - 2003-2004

Goals Importance Survey

The Computer Science Department has established a set of potential “Learning Outcomes” for students seeking a degree in Computer Science. The department would like your opinion of the value of each of these goals from your perspective as a student trying to learn computer science. That is, how important is each in helping you to meet your needs and expectations for an education in computer science. Please use the Scantron form provided to answer the following questions:

1. Please indicate your major.

A = Comp. Sci., B = Pre Comp. Sci., C = Comp. Engr., D = Info. Sys., E = Other

2. Please indicate your class standing.

A = Freshman, B = Sophomore, C = Junior, D = Senior, E = Graduate

For the following please rate each program goal listed using the following scale:

A = extremely valuable/relevant, B = valuable/relevant, C = slightly valuable/relevant,

D = not valuable/relevant, E = don’t know

3. Provide an understanding of algorithms and data structures. A B C D E

4. Provide an understanding of programming language concepts. A B C D E

5. Provide an understanding of computer organization and architecture. A B C D E

6. Provide knowledge of a variety of programming languages. A B C D E

7. Provide proficiency in using a high-level computer language. A B C D E

8. Provide proficiency in discrete mathematics. A B C D E

9. Provide proficiency in using differential and integral calculus. A B C D E

10. Provide proficiency in probability and/or statistics. A B C D E

11. Provide an awareness of the evolution and dynamic nature of the

foundational core of computer science. A B C D E

12. Provide proficiency in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data A B C D E

13. Increase problem solving ability. A B C D E

14. Introduce emerging technologies and provide a working knowledge

of currently available software tools. A B C D E

15. Provide an understanding of the principles and practices for software

design and development. A B C D E

16. Enable the principles and practices in the previous two goals

(questions 14 & 15) to be applied to real problems. A B C D E

17. Encourage effective oral communication. A B C D E

18. Encourage effective written communication. A B C D E

19. Encourage effective teamwork skills. A B C D E

20. Provide knowledge of the social impact of computing. A B C D E

21. Provide an understanding of the professional and ethical

considerations of computing. A B C D E

22. Provide knowledge and capabilities useful in getting a job. A B C D E

23. Provide preparation for those wanting to go to graduate school. A B C D E

24. Encourage lifelong learning, particularly acquiring new knowledge

In computing disciplines. A B C D E

Catalog Descriptions of Courses Referenced in the Tables that Follow

COMP 110/L. Introduction to Algorithms and Programming (3)

Corequisite: MATH 150A, Freshman Composition, COMP 110L. Introduction to algorithms, their representation, design, structuring, analysis and optimization. Implementation of algorithms as structured programs in a high level language.

COMP 282. Advanced Data Structures (3)

Prerequisite: COMP182/L, Freshman Composition and MATH 150B. An introduction to advanced data structures (particularly persistent structures) using object-oriented design. Main memory structures: hash tables, trees. Architectural foundations for files. Large-scale sorting. Hash-based persistent structures. Indexed files. Introduction to databases.

COMP 450. Societal Issues in Computing (3)

Prerequisites: COMP 380/L and senior standing. A survey course on the role of the digital computer in modern society. The dangers of the misuse of computers (as in the invasion of privacy), as well as the proper and intelligent use of the machines, are discussed. This course is not available for graduate credit.

| Mean Importance Ratings by Students |Courses |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | | | | | | | |Learning Outcome |232 |232 |232 | |310 |310 |310 | | |Faculty |Student |Dif. | |Faculty |Student |Dif. | |Demonstrate an understanding of algorithms and data

structures. |3.0 |1.6 |1.4 | |2.0 |0.7 |1.3 | |Demonstrate an understanding of programming

language concepts. |3.0 |2.4 |0.6 | |2.0 |0.4 |1.6 | |Demonstrate an understanding of computer organization and

architecture. |2.0 |1.2 |0.8 | |2.0 |0.5 |1.5 | |Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of programming

languages. |3.0 |2.5 |0.5 | |0.0 |0.1 |-0.1 | |Demonstrate proficiency in using a high-level computer

language. |3.0 |1.9 |1.1 | |0.0 |0.1 |-0.1 | |Demonstrate proficiency in discrete mathematics. |1.0 |0.9 |0.1 | |2.0 |0.6 |1.4 | |Demonstrate proficiency in using differential and integral

calculus. |0.0 |0.7 |-0.7 | |0.0 |0.1 |-0.1 | |Demonstrate proficiency in probability and/or statistics. |1.0 |0.6 |0.4 | |0.0 |0.1 |-0.1 | |Demonstrate an awareness of the evolution and dynamic

nature of the foundational core of computer science. |3.0 |1.8 |1.2 | |2.0 |0.8 |1.3 | |Demonstrate proficiency in collecting, analyzing, and

interpreting data. |1.0 |1.0 |0.0 | |0.0 |0.7 |-0.7 | |Demonstrate an increased problem solving ability. |3.0 |1.7 |1.3 | |3.0 |1.7 |1.3 | |Demonstrate an awareness of emerging technologies and

a working knowledge of currently available software tools. |1.0 |1.1 |-0.1 | |0.0 |0.1 |-0.1 | |Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and

practices for software design and development. |2.0 |1.4 |0.6 | |1.0 |0.2 |0.8 | |Be able to apply the principles and practices in the

previous two outcomes to real problems. |2.0 |1.3 |0.7 | |1.0 |0.2 |0.8 | |Demonstrate an ability to effectively communicate orally. |2.0 |1.2 |0.8 | |1.0 |0.4 |0.6 | |Demonstrate effective written communication skills. |1.0 |1.2 |-0.2 | |1.0 |0.6 |0.4 | |Demonstrate an ability to work effectively in teams. |1.0 |0.9 |0.1 | |1.0 |0.1 |0.9 | |Demonstrate knowledge of the social impact of computing. |1.0 |1.0 |0.0 | |0.0 |0.0 |0.0 | |Demonstrate an understanding of the professional and

ethical considerations of computing. |1.0 |1.0 |0.0 | |0.0 |0.1 |-0.1 | |Demonstrate knowledge and capabilities useful in getting

a job. |2.0 |1.2 |0.8 | |1.0 |0.2 |0.8 | |Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for attending

graduate school. |2.0 |1.5 |0.5 | |3.0 |1.1 |1.9 | |Develop skills necessary for lifelong learning, particularly

for acquiring new knowledge in computing disciplines. |2.0 |1.8 |0.2 | |2.0 |1.1 |0.9 | | 3 = Achieved very well by course | | | | | | | | | 2 = Achieved fairly well by course | | | | | | | | | 1 = Slightly addressed by course | | | | | | | | | 0 = Not covered by course | | | | | | | | |

F. Curriculum Review Committee Report - Spring 2004

Preliminary Report of the Curriculum Review Committee

Chair: John Motil

May 2004

The curriculum committee has been reviewing the curriculum of computer science.

There are no severe problems in the curriculum, but some issues need addressing.

1. Capstone experience

We recommend a capstone or culminating experience for our students; it is a part of many computer science programs, and all the engineering programs at CSUN. This experience could be satisfied in a number of ways; many students would take a design class, COMP 480, others could do a co-op experience, or do an individual study, some could submit a portfolio of collected works over the years, including possibly work done for hire, or for fun. Also, students could do volunteer work in the community; the university is considering such service as part of a GE requirement. A deliverable could be a brief report (one page?) summarizing their work, with an evaluation, and suggestions for others to continue. This report could be kept on some accessible web site for other students to peruse, contact, etc.

2. Hardware background

The department has recently dropped the requirement of ECE 320, and has decreased the units of COMP 122, whereas at the same time the ACM Curriculum 2001 calls for more units in this area rather than less. We should make certain that these topics are included somewhere. Local industry representatives also call for more content here.

3. Programming and problem solving

Programming is a primary issue in the curriculum. Employers, faculty, and even students sometimes complain about the quality of the programming ability of some students in the past there has been too much programming required in too many courses; however now there may be too little programming and in too few classes. Perhaps the pendulum should swing back again. First, we should find the amount of programming in each course.

A programming test (not CSQT) could be instituted perhaps as part of the pre-major; it should be taken also by transfer students. Students sometimes express a view that courses could be more practical (C++) and relevant, (Web oriented), and diverse (more and different languages). Some existing courses, such as COMP 232 could be examined in this light.

Other issues to be reconsidered include the large beginning classes (perhaps doing larger classes at some later level) and having more labs with classes (return the lab in COMP 282), and revisit the intro paradigms (imperative first, classes first, logic first, etc)..

4. A common subset of Java

We recommend the creation of a standard common subset of the Java language, to be used in the beginning classes, comp110 and 182 especially. Everyone teaches only a subset, but it's often a very different subset. A common agreed upon subset could prevent much distraction, and promote concentration on programming, rather than more details of the language. It would be a minimal subset; anyone could teach more. The Advanced Placement people have created such a subset for both courses. They use few types: double (no float), int (no long, short, etc), Strings (but no chars), and ifs (with no switches, and no ternary ifs ?: ), and no StringBuffer, etc.. They also do not test 2D arrays in the first course, but do use interfaces early. We could also standardize on one input mechanism.

G. Department Assessment Committee Report

Chair: Robert Lingard

May 21, 2004

1. Learning Outcomes Importance: It is recommended that the Learning Outcomes Importance Survey be combined with the Senior Exit Survey and given only to students taking this exit survey. Presently this survey is given to Comp 450 students each semester. It would be preferable if taking this survey could be made a requirement for graduation, thus ensuring that all graduating students take it. The suggestion is that we make it a required part of the grad check process. Furthermore, it is recommended that this survey be implemented on the Web so students could take it at their convenience.

2. Learning Outcomes Achievement: Since all required Computer Science courses have be surveyed using the Learning Outcomes Achievement Survey over the last two years, it is recommended that be begin this semester to survey the Computer Science elective courses. Two or three courses should be surveyed each semester until all have been completed. We should also attempt to survey all other courses required in the program that are taught by other departments.

3. Direct Assessment of Learning: There is a need (and an accreditation requirement) that we engage in direct assessment of learning within our department. In addition to the various surveys gathering opinions regarding the achievement of learning objectives, we must implement an approach for directly assessing learning. A number of suggestions have been made for doing this. One suggestion was to develop and administer a test to all computer science students assessing their programming ability, where passing this test would be a requirement to advance from the pre-major to the major. Another suggestion was to create a capstone class in which the work done by students could be directly assessed. A third idea involved the addition of a requirement for students to create portfolios, which could then be assessed. At least one of these suggestions (or possibly a new idea) should be implemented so that direct assessment of student learning can begin.

4. Learning Outcomes for Courses: In order to do direct assessment of student learning, it is essential that learning outcomes be established so it is known what to measure. Although high-level learning outcomes have been established for the program as a whole, most courses do not have clearly identified learning outcomes. It is recommended that the department begin to address this issue by developing comprehensive learning outcomes for each required course in the program (at least the ones taught in our department). One way to accomplish this is to appoint a course coordinator for each required course and give that individual the responsibility for developing the learning outcomes through a process that involves all faculty teaching, interested in, and knowledgeable about the course in question.

H. Part-time Faculty Supervision Forms

Supervision of Part-time Faculty in the Computer Science Department

Instructions: In order to satisfy ABET requirements, every part-time faculty member in the Computer Science Department who is teaching a course for computer science majors/minors will be assigned a full-time faculty member who will oversee the coursework presented by the part-time faculty member. The responsibilities of faculty members who have been assigned to oversee part-time faculty include:

• Meet with part-time faculty member before semester begins and, at least once, during the semester to discuss course objectives, textbook, course syllabus, course projects, assignments and exams. To meet ABET standards, the content and standards of a part-time faculty’s course should be substantially the same as the content and standards of a full-time faculty member teaching the same course.

• If the full-time faculty have not taught the course within the past two years and are not teaching it this semester, then the content and standards of the part-time faculty member’s course should be evaluated against the department approved course objectives and the generally accepted department standards for courses at the same level ( lower division, upper division, graduate).

• Collect and review the course syllabus, project descriptions and exams from the part-time faculty member. File the materials in the Computer Science Department Office.

• Visit the part-time faculty member’s class every semester and complete the Faculty Teaching Evaluation Form (available in the Computer Science Department Office). Give the completed Faculty Teaching Evaluation Form to the Computer Science Department Office. If the part-time faculty member has never taught the class at CSUN before, their classroom should be visited within the first three weeks of the semester. Please note that you must notify the faculty member before visiting his/her class at a mutually agreed date and time.

• Complete a Part-time Faculty Supervision Form every semester and submit it to the Department Chair before the end of the semester. A separate form must be completed for each DIFFERENT course a part-time faculty member teaches. Use Part-time Faculty Supervision Form A if you are evaluating a part-time faculty member teaching a course which is being taught this semester by full-time faculty or has been taught by a full-time faculty member in the last two years. Otherwise use Part-time Faculty Supervision Form B.

Part-time Faculty Supervision Form A

Computer Science Department

To Be Used For Part-time Faculty Teaching Commonly Taught Courses

Part-time Faculty Member ________________________ Semester/Year: _______


Number of Sections of this Course Taught by this Part-time Faculty Member: ___________

Day/Time: _____________________ Day/Time: ______________________

Full-time Faculty Member Overseeing Coursework: __________________________

Date Form Submitted to Department Office: ____________________

Collection of Course Materials:

When did you collect the following course materials?

Material Date

Course Syllabus __________

Project Descriptions __________

Homework Assignments __________

Final Exam __________

Other (explain) ___________

Evaluation of Course Materials:

Course Syllabus:

Content of course is substantially the same as in other sections of the course (circle one): Yes No

If you circled No, please elaborate below.


Textbook is the same as the textbook used in other sections of the course (circle one): Yes No

If you circled No, please elaborate below.

Course Exams:

Exams are similar in content and difficulty to exams in other sections of the course (circle one):

Yes No

If you circled No, please elaborate below.

Course Projects and Assignments:

Projects and assignments are similar in content and difficulty to projects and assignments in other sections of the course (circle one): Yes No

If you circled No, please elaborate below.

Classroom Visitation:

Have you made your classroom visit and given the completed Faculty Teaching Evaluation Form to the Department Office?

Yes: __________________ Date: _________________

No: ___________________ If you checked no, please elaborate.

Comments: (Log brief entries of discussions with the part-time faculty member, email correspondence, problems encountered or solved, special requests/ situations, or other information relevant to the supervision activities. Attach log sheet if needed.)

Attach course syllabus, descriptions of projects and assignments and the final exam to this form and submit all to the Computer Science Department.

Part-time Faculty Supervision Form B

Computer Science Department

To Be Used For Part-time Faculty Teaching New or Seldom Taught Courses

Part-time Faculty Member ________________________ Semester/Year: _______


Number of Sections of this Course Taught by this Part-time Faculty Member: ___________

Day/Time: _______________________ Day/Time: ___________________

Full-time Faculty Member Overseeing Coursework: __________________________

Date Form Submitted to Department Office: ____________________

Collection of Course Materials:

When did you collect the following course materials?

Material Date

Course Syllabus __________

Project Descriptions __________

Homework Assignments __________

Final Exam __________

Other (explain) ___________

Evaluation of Course Materials:

Course Syllabus:

Syllabus satisfies the objectives of the course (circle one): Yes No

If you circled No, please elaborate below.


Textbook is a suitable textbook for the course (circle one) : Yes No

If you circled No, please elaborate below.

Course Exams:

Exams are similar in coverage and level of difficulty to exams in other Computer Science courses at the same level (circle one) Yes No

If you circled No, please elaborate below.

Course Projects and Assignments:

Projects and assignments are similar in coverage and level of difficulty to projects and assignments in other Computer Science courses at the same level (circle one) : Yes No

If you circled No, please elaborate below.

Classroom Visitation:

Have you made your classroom visit and given the completed Faculty Teaching Evaluation Form to the Department Office?

Yes: __________________ Date: _________________

No: ___________________ If you checked no, please elaborate.

Comments: ( Log brief entries of discussions with the part-time faculty member, email correspondence, problems encountered or solved, special requests/ situations, or other information relevant to the supervision activities. Attach log sheet if needed.)

Attach course syllabus, descriptions of projects and assignments and the final exam to this form and submit all to the Computer Science Department.

I. Assessment of Active Learning with Upper Division Students









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