What is Life - St. Helens School District

Is It Alive or Not?! The Characteristics of Life


• To identify the characteristics that all living things share.

• To compare and contrast the characteristics of life and the needs of life.

• To be able to sort biotic from abiotic objects.


Observing Sewer Lice:

Draw the sewer lice and write down 3 signs of life that they show:





Watch the Video –

As you watch the video brainstorm a list of characteristics that make something alive.

The Abiotic/Biotic Picture Sort

After Mr. Kienle shows you an object, sort it into a list whether it is biotic or abiotic.

Biotic or Abiotic

Write down the list of objects your class sorted into Abiotic and Biotic.

|Biotic (Living) Characteristics |Abiotic (Non-Living) Characteristics |

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Watch the Eyewitness Videos

As you watch the videos keep a list of the characteristics that all living things share.

Characteristics of Life:








Textbook Review - Read, Think, Write, Pair, Share – Argue?

Skim Chapter 2 in your textbook starting on page 36.

As you read the chapter place you 4 sticky notes as follows:

Place the 1st sticky note on your favorite example of a characteristic of life;

Place the 2nd sticky note on your favorite example from the needs of life section;

On the 3rd sticky note list the characteristics of life on one side and the needs of life on the other side

On the 4th sticky write your own definitions for the words CHARACTERISTICS and NEEDS.

Table Partners - Take turns sharing your favorite parts and lists and definitions with your table partner. Then combine your ideas and write down a final list of characteristics, needs and a definition for CHARACTERISTICS and another one for NEEDS that you can both agree on. Be prepared to share your definitions with the classroom.

Write down the characteristics you and your table partner can agree upon here:

Write down the list of needs you and your table partner can agree upon here:

Check you answer on page 42 of your textbook.

Explain how the characteristics of life are similar to, but different from, the needs of life.

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In this activity, you’ll identify observable characteristics of life in videos of various organisms and describe those characteristics.

What to Do and Notice as You Watch the Videos

In the chart that follows record one or more of the characteristics of life that you observe and give a description of the observed characteristic.

Characteristics of Life Data Table

|Category |Characteristics of Life |Description of Observed Characteristics |

|C. elegans | | |

|(Caenorhabditis elegans) | | |

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|Video: Moving C. elegans | | |

|Sea Urchins | | |

|(Lytechinus pictus) | | |

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|Video: Sea urchin cell division | | |

|Sea Urchins | | |

|(Lytechinus pictus) | | |

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|Video: Sea urchin fertilization | | |

|Blood Cells | | |

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|Video: Human white blood cells | | |

|Cellular Structure and Function | | |

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|Video: Elodea leaf cells | | |

|Stem Cells | | |

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|Videos: Compare Mouse embryonic stem cells with heart| | |

|cells grown from mouse embryonic stem cells | | |

|Cell Motility | | |

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|Video: Crawling Amoeba | | |

|Zebrafish | | |

|(Danio rerio) | | |

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|Video: Zebrafish development | | |

Exploratorium Microscope Imaging Station - Observing the Characteristics of Life


The Martian and the Car - Biology Corner

Marty Martian was sent to Earth by the Martian

government to find life. While on Earth, Marty

captured a car and brought it back to Mars. He

thought he'd found a good example of life on Earth. The Martian government does not believe that the car Marty brought back is alive. Marty must stand trial for failing to perform his Martian duties.

At the trial, Marty spoke in his defense. "I first saw these life forms rolling along roads in great numbers. They were giving off thick clouds of poisonous waste as they moved. They seemed to exhibit herding behavior, as many of the cars moved in the same direction. They appeared to have a great deal of energy, some of them moved faster than 60 kilometers per hour. I noticed that when one of these life forms stopped or slow down, the others behind it responded. They slowed down and gave off a reddish light from the back, and sometimes they would make honking noises. I observed that they would stop to feed on a liquid substance."

First, take the part of Marty's defense attorney and make a good case for the car's being alive. Then be the prosecutor and argue that the car is a nonliving thing. List all the reasons you can think of and be sure to support your claims with examples from the text and the Characteristics of Life lesson.

Prosecutor Defense Attorney

1. _________________________________ 1. ___________________________________

2. _________________________________ 2. ___________________________________

3. _________________________________ 3. ___________________________________

4. _________________________________ 4. ___________________________________

5. _________________________________ 5. ___________________________________

Short Essay (4-8 sentences)

Combine all of your arguments into a short paragraph that takes a stand on either the prosecutor or the defense attorney’s side. This essay should include specific statements that support your claim that the car is either alive or not alive. Check to make sure all of your statements are in complete sentences and are supported by evidence from the lesson.

Marty Martian and the Car – Is a Car Alive or Not?

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Zombies – Alive or Not?

Just like the Martian and car activity lay out an argument for or against zombies being alive.

Zombies are Alive Zombies are Not Alive

1. _________________________________ 1. ___________________________________

2. _________________________________ 2. ___________________________________

3. _________________________________ 3. ___________________________________

4. _________________________________ 4. ___________________________________

5. _________________________________ 5. ___________________________________

Short Essay (4-8 sentences)

Combine all of your arguments into a short paragraph that takes a stand on whether zombies are alive or not. Your paragraph should include specific statements that support your claim. Check to make sure all of your statements are in complete sentences and are supported by evidence from the lesson.

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Once you have organized your thoughts in the paragraph you will get together with like-minded zombie experts and argue your case. Be prepared to debate your point of view and remember as Bill Nye would say, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.”


4 things all living things need

7 characteristics shared by all living things

Helpful mnemonic:

M -

S -

G -

R -

E -

E -

N -

Daily Warm Ups


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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