Summer Assignment

Name: ____________________________________

Date: __________ Per: _________

Summer Assignment

Course Title: AP BIOLOGY

Teacher name: Mrs. Dawn McCoart

Teacher contact information:

Purpose of Assignment:

Welcome to AP Biology!! ( The purpose of the summer assignment is to ensure that we can “hit the ground running” and start learning new biology material as soon as possible. Many school systems around the world begin the school year in August, and students going to those schools will be taking the AP tests on the same date as W-L students. That means they have more time to prepare for them. By doing these 4 relatively simple tasks before the first day of school, you will have a little less rushing and stress during the first week. It is the equivalent of 3 assignments. I also want you to become familiar with the reading level of the textbook and learn how to use the reading guides. It is also a good way to get some solid grades under your belt before we begin the year.

Estimated time to complete Assignment: 4- 6 Hours

Due date and method of assessment for Assignment:

Reading guides Due the First MONDAY of school.

Introduction Email to Mrs. McCoart due by July 25th

Classroom supplies due FIRST DAY of class. REALLY, you need them day one. Especially

the TWO GRAPH PAPER composition books.

Instructions for Assignment:

ASSIGNMENT 1: DUE First Day of School 20 pt HW grade

Take the opportunity over the summer to gather the materials you will need to have and take advantage of the summer sales and tax free shopping days!


1. 3 inch class binder notebook to store handouts and note taking guides (REALLY 3 inches,

there are a lot of handouts!) TWO 1.5 inch binders would also work (one per semester)

2. TWO QUAD (graph paper) RULED COMPOSITION NOTEBOOKS for Cornell notes/Biology interactive notebook. GLUE STICK AND CLEAR TAPE are also required for your notebook

3. COLORED pens or pencils, an eraser and a ruler! Buy your own rule, you will need it for Cornell Notes every day.

4. Blue or Black pens and some #2 pencils to have in class EVERY DAY. PENCIL is required for LAB work. Basic calculator with square-root function.

ASSIGNMENT 2: Letter of Introduction…………………….DUE July 25 10 point HW grade

I am planning to use the Internet, the Textbook website and Blackboard next year for this course, so let’s get used to communicating with me via e-mail.

Your first digital assignment is to send me a formal email.

Draft your e-mail according to the following rules:

1. Use clearly written, FULL SENTENCES. Do not abbreviate words like you are texting or instant messaging. Use spell check. This is a professional communication like you would have with a college professor, so let’s practice for your rapidly nearing future!

2. Address it to me at:

3. You will join Canvas and REMIND next year to get messages from me, be sure that you have an email address that you check once a day….. join Remind right now by texting

@3fkka7 to 81010

4. Make the subject line: AP BIO: Introduction to (your name) …do not include the parentheses.

5. Begin the email with a formal salutation, like “Mrs. McCoart,” or “Dear Mrs. McCoart,”

6. The message need not be long, you may choose 2-3 topics listed below or a topic you think of yourself:

• Do you have any hobbies?

• Do you play Sports?

• Do you have a job?

• Was there anything that you liked about your earlier Biology class?

• What was the last book you read for fun?

• What are you looking forward to the most in AP Biology?

• What are you most anxious about in AP Biology?

7. End the email with a formal closing: “Cordially”, “Sincerely”, “Regards”, etc. and add your

name as if you signed a letter.

8. I’m looking forward to see what you have to say!

ASSIGNMENT 3: Principles of Life Reading Guides…DUE FIRST MONDAY of SCHOOL 30 pt HW grade

3. Read chapters 41, 42, and 44 and fill in the reading guide for each (bring to school for the first Monday). You will be completing these reading guides for each chapter we read. (You can print out the Reading Guides for Chapters 41, 42, and 44 from my page on the Washington-Lee website if you did not get this in hard copy from me). For the summer you will be using the Principles of Life Biology text.


( Mrs. McCoart

Name: _______________________

Date: ________ Per: _______

Chapter 42

Ecology and the Distribution of Life


Note: Please read over the entire chapter, however, you are not responsible for the details of Hadley cells, etc. on pages 826-828.

You must either agree or disagree with each statement BEFORE reading the chapter, by marking T or F. As you read through the text, you will correct your answers in a separate color of ink or pencil and then provide supporting evidence as to WHY the statement is T or F.

1. The smallest ecological unit is the community.

2. All organisms, expect for humans, are surrounded by and interact with their environment.

3. While biotic components are non-living, abiotic components are living.

4. An ecosystem includes all the individual communities and the abiotic components of that environment.

5. Weather and climate are unrelated concepts.

6. Global climatic patterns are caused by an uneven input of solar radiation.

7. Ocean and lake currents have no impact on terrestrial climates.

8. Climate diagrams summarize the temperature and precipitation for a given location to relate these abiotic factors to yearly plant growth.

9. Terrestrial biomes are distinguished by the type of herbivores present and the distribution of these biomes is generally determined by annual patterns of temperature and precipitation.

10. Aquatic biomes are primarily distinguished by salinity.

11. Within any given aquatic biome, light, but not dissolved oxygen concentration varies with depth.

12. Aphotic zones are plentiful in photosynthetic organisms.

13. Phytoplankton are the prominent photosynthesizes in limnetic and pelagic zones.

14. Living organisms are not found in benthic zones.

Applying the Concepts

15. Answer the questions on p.829.

16. What conditions limit the distribution of photosynthetic organisms in aquatic biomes? In terrestrial biomes?

17. Why would the distribution of photosynthetic organisms be of interest to an ecologist?

18. What kinds or barriers might limit the despersal of terresterial species? Of aquatic species? (see section 42.4).

19. Identify two human activities that alter ecosystems.

20. What biome is Wisconsin found in? Summarize average temperature, precipitation, and dominant vegetation of this biome. Compare/contrast these characteristics with the biomes of Las Vegas, NV and the Amazon Basin of South America.

21. How would you expect plants living in a Mediterranean climate, where the main limiting factor is summer drought, to differ from those in Northern Europe, where winter cold is critical?

22. Varieties of the perennial grass, Dactylis glomerata, from different geographical areas were studied with regard to growth and survival at low temperatures with the results given below. Comment on the results.

|Source of variety |Relative leaf surface area |% survival after freezing at -5 C |

|Israel |27.9 |0 |

|Portugal |24.2 |0 |

|Denmark |16.4 |14 |

|Norway |9.3 |88 |

23. Complete the table below.

| |Abiotic Characteristics |Biotic Characteristics |

|Life Zone |(Light levels, temperature, location) |(Dominant organisms) |

| | | |

| | | |

|Photic zone | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Littoral zone | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Limentic zone | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Pelagic zone | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Benthic zone | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Aphotic zone | | |

24. Which life zone supports the majority of all aquatic life?


Name: _____________________________

Date: _____________ Per: ________

Chapter 43

Population Ecology


Note: Growth rate is given by the symbol, r. It is the rate of growth of a population within a given time period. Therefore, r, is determined from the slope of a plot of population size versus time. You do not need to ‘know’ the equations for measuring growth rate – but you need to know how to determine, r, from a graph and understand factors that affect the growth rate of a population. The common symbol for carrying capacity is K.

Section 43.1 – Populations are Patchy in Space and Dynamic Over Time

1. Define population.

2. What aspects of abundance do population size and population density measure, respectively?

3. Explain the statement: ‘Population densities are dynamic and interconnected’ by discussion Figure 43.2.

4. Barriers to dispersal and environmental tolerance both influence where a species is found. Which of these factors is more important in determining the geographic range of a species, and which is more important in determing which habitats it occupies within the geographic range?

Section 43.3 – Births Increase and Deaths Decrease Population Size

5. What would happened to population sizes/densities if # of births exactly equals number of deaths?

Section 43.2 – Life Histories Determine Population Growth Rates

6. Why is it important to understand the life history of an organism?

7. Define cohort. What two major pieces of information do life tables provide about a population?

8. What is the principle of allocation?

9. An organism can allocate a unit of resource to one of which five functions?

10. Life history adaptations involve many trade-offs between the cost of reproduction and the investment in survival. Explain this statement.

11. How might the following characteristics of an organism’s life history become a trade-off in terms of resource allocation.

a. Investment per offspring

b. Reproductive events per lifetime

c. Age at first reproduction

12. Resource allocation has a great impact on the diversity of life histories we observe among organisms. Ecologists generally divide organisms into two basic categories: K-selected to r-selected species. (often referred to as r-strategists and K-strategists.) Compare the characteristics of each strategy and give examples of each. (You will have to look this one up – but we will go over this in class!)

Section 43.3 – Populations Grow Multiplicatively, but Not for Long

13. Explain why the exponential (multiplicative) growth curve produces a ‘J-shaped’ curve instead of a straight line. (Hint: how does the rate of growth, r, differ between arithmetic vs. multiplicative growth.)

14. Complete the Population Growth Curve Problem at the end of this packet!!

15. Explain why a logistic, rather than exponential growth curve is more commonly seen in nature. Label the graph illustrating the two models of population growth.

16. Define carrying capacity, K. Label the carrying capacity on the figure above. What happens to a population when the number of individuals approaches carrying capacity?

17. Identify density-dependent factors that regulate population size.

18. Go back to Figure 43.2 and comment on why populations may fluctuate around K and what factors may cause K to change.

19. Look at the growth curve of the human population. How does it compare to the growth curves earlier in the chapter?

20. Have humans reached K? What factors are significant when explaining our growth curve?

21. Look at the age structure diagrams (population pyramids) of different countries below. What will the population distributions look like in 20 years? How might the age structure influence policy?


22. Explain the significance of this diagram. What is the more significant cause of resource depletion – overpopulation or over consumption?

A Growth Curve Problem

Populations of organisms have the inherent reproductive potential to increase exponentially in number over generations. Actual size of the population is limited by the available resources such as food, water, and habitat. The table below lists data about the growth of a lab population of the protist Acanthamoeba, a soil amoeba commonly used in research. This amoeba can be grown on in a culture medium similar to that used for growing bacteria. At low population levels, the amoebas will grow and reproduce by mitosis, an asexual process. The data in the table come from thirteen different cultures and have been combined to give average value plus or minus one standard deviation.

|Cell counts from Acanthamoeba Cultures |

|Age (hours) |Avg Cell Density (cells/mL) |Standard Deviation |

|0 |1,000 |( 50 |

|10 |2,100 |( 120 |

|30 |10,000 |( 450 |

|50 |44,000 |( 3000 |

|70 |160,000 |( 10,000 |

|90 |330,000 |( 15,000 |

|110 |600,000 |( 40,000 |

|150 |1,050,000 |( 40,000 |

|210 |1,400,000 |( 30,000 |

|250 |1,430,000 |( 40,000 |

Use this data to see what a population growth cure looks like. The same data will be plotted TWICE; once on arithmetic paper and once on semilog graph paper. You may not be familiar with semilog paper. Note that the spacing of vertical lines is equal, but the horizontal lines have unequal spacings numbered 1 through 9 and then the cycle repeats four times on the page. The spacing of these lines corresponds to the log (base 10) of the number indicated on the line. Each cycle on the paper corresponds to a power of 10. Semi-log paper is a convenient way of plotting the log of a number without having to calculate the log or look it up in a table. An alternative way is to calculate the log (base 10) of each data point, then plot log of the data on the y-axis of an arithmetic paper. You should be familiar with either technique, as calculators are not allowed to be used on the AP exam and this is exactly the type of data you may need to graph or interrupt!!

1. Now plot the cell densities from this table as a function of time on BOTH types of graph paper. Indicate the standard deviations as vertical bars passing through the average point.

2. Look at the two plots and note the differences. One is a straight line that plateaus at the end, and the other sigmoid (s-shaped). Biologists recognize three general area on these curves:

The exponential growth phase

The declining phase

The stationary growth phase

3. Label the corresponding phases on the s-shaped graph.

During exponential growth, every cell is dividing to give two cells, and the divide to give four, and then eight, and so in an exponential progression. Notice in exponential growth, the population does not increase by a constant number each generation, but by a constant multiple each generation. (Hence the reason some textbooks use the term multiplicative growth.) A measure of the exponential growth is the doubling time of the population, the time that it takes the population to double. Doubling times represents the balance between birth and death rates in this population. The doubling time can be read directly from the graph you have drawn.

4. What is the exponential doubling time on the following:

Arithmetic paper: _______________________

Semilog paper: _______________________

5. Do the doubling times significantly differ from each other in the two types of plots? How can they be different if you used the same data?

The problem is that you probably read the curves in different regions. Note that on semilog paper, the population has a constant doubling times until it reaches 100,000 cells/mL and then the growth rate slows. On arithmetic paper, the slope of the line constantly increases until the growth slows. Remember, in multiplicative, or exponential growth, the population does not increase by a constant number each generation, but by a multiple. (Look at figure 43.4 on p. 850 in your text.) So the growth rate, r, which is the slope between generation points, constantly changes in exponential growth. Therefore, to calculate an overall growth rate for a population in exponential growth, scientists will either log transform the data or plot the data on semi-log paper to get an exponential growth phase with a constant slope. The scientist will then report the doubling time of the population. (Doubling time is the time required for the population size to double.)

6. If it took approximately 52 hours from the cultures to reach a population density of 50,000 amoebas per mL, how many more hours will it take to reach 105 amoebas per mL?

Now look at the growth cure and find the cell concentration at which the culture is in stationary growth and is thus neither increasing nor decreasing in number. This is called the carrying capacity of the environment. In the culture, amoebas are dying at the same rate as they are dividing, so that the number stays constant.

7. Name at least three factors that would determine the carrying capacity of the environment.

Continue. ( ( (

Name : ___________________________

Date: ________ Period: __________

Chapter 44

Ecological Communities


Section 44.1 – Communities Contain Species That Colonize and Persist

Section 44.2 – Communities Change Over Space and Time

23. What is a community? Describe two ways that ecologists define which species to include in the study of a community.

24. Define species composition.

25. Describe the processes that are involved in community assembly.

26. Why would abundances of the species on Krakatau shift as new species arrive?

27. Explain what the textbook meant by the statement ‘species composition changes long environmental gradients’. Give an example of an environmental gradient you have observed yourself.

28. Why are animal species often associated with particular plant communities?

29. Ecological succession is the change over time of a community. What three major processes contribute to succession?

30. What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?

31. What are some causes of ecological succession? Explain how this diagram illustrates these ecological principles.

Section 44.3 – Trophic Interactions Determine How Energy and Materials Move through Communities

32. Define the roles of producers and consumers.

33. What is the significance of primary producers?

34. Define the following energy budget terms:

a. Gross primary productivity

b. Net primary productivity

35. What are two ways NPP may be measured.

36. Define trophic level.

37. Briefly describe each of the key trophic levels in a food chain.

38. Explain what happens to the energy and biomass as it is passed through the trophic levels? (See Web Activity 45.1 and 45.2.)

39. What is the general rule of ’10 percent ecological efficiency’” what explain it, and how does it influence the number of trophic levels we see in communities and the total biomass at each level?

40. What is a trophic cascade?

Section 44.4 – Species Diversity Affects Community Function

Section 44.5 – Diversity Patterns Provide Clues to Determines Diversity

41. What are the two elements of species diversity?

42. What is the general relationship between primary productivity of a community and species richness?

43. Describe at least two factors that may contribute to the high species diversity of tropical forests.

44. Tropical coral reef communities are among the most species-rich of any on Earth. Speculate on factors that might explain their diversity.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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