Diving Into Ecosystems

Lesson 1: Diving Into Ocean Ecosystems Assessment

1. Pinelands are one of the most common terrestrial ecosystems throughout Florida. Fire is a necessary factor for survival because it destroys other plants that compete with native Pineland species. Choose the term that best describes what would occur if fires were not allowed to burn in the Pinelands.

a. Overgrowth

b. Succession

c. Decomposition

d. Invasive species

2. Place an ”A” next to the abiotic factors and a ”B” next to the biotic factors.

B ____Mangrove plants

A ____Water

A ____Sunlight

B ____Phytoplankton

B ____Dead tree

B ____Humpback Whale

3. Biotic and abiotic factors within an ecosystem are separate and do not interact.

a. True

b. False

4. Match the ecosystem with its description.

G____ Coral Reef

C ____ Mangrove Forest

B ____ Deep Sea

H ____ Open Ocean

D ____ Kelp Forest

A ____ Polar Sea

E ____ Salt Marsh

F ____ Rocky Shore

A. Ice covered, extreme variation in seasonal sunlight

B. No light, no photosynthesis

C. Tree roots sometimes covered with water, rich in nutrients

D. Dominated by large algae, sunny location

E. Tall grasses and thick mud, significant nutrient cycling

F. Impacted by rough waves, alternating tides

G. Wide diversity of organisms, shallow and warm waters

H. Wide open space, large schools of fish

5. How do the National Marine Sanctuaries help marine animals?

a. The Sanctuaries offer certain protections for marine organisms.

b. Regulations control the activities that take place within the sanctuaries.

c. Scientists conduct research to learn more about the marine organisms.

d. All of the above

6. Describe the local environment in which you live by identifying at least two biotic and two abiotic components.

|Points |Criteria |

|4 |Student gives a vivid description of the local environment |

| |and correctly identifies at least two biotic and two abiotic|

| |components. |

|3 |Student describes the local environment and correctly |

| |identifies at least two biotic and two abiotic components. |

|2 |Student briefly discusses the local environment, but there |

| |are minor inaccuracies or missing components. |

|1 |Student incorrectly identifies abiotic and biotic components|

| |and/or does not adequately describe the local environment. |


Marine Ecosystems Project Grading Rubric

|Criteria/Score |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Description of Ecosystem|Ecosystem is well defined, |Ecosystem is defined, |Ecosystem is defined, with some |Ecosystem is not defined |

| |including a thorough description |including a detailed |details of the biotic and abiotic|and/or details about the |

| |with details of the biotic and |description of biotic and |factors in the ecosystem and a |biotic and abiotic factors |

| |abiotic factors in the ecosystem |abiotic factors in the |map of the locations where the |or map does not define the |

| |and a precise map of ecosystem |ecosystem and a map of |ecosystem in found. |ecosystem. |

| |locations. |ecosystem locations. | | |

|Dominant Plants and |Dominant species are described in|Dominant species are described|Dominant species are described |Description of dominant |

|Animals |great detail and carefully chosen|in detail and appropriate |and images are included. |species lacks significant |

| |images are used to support the |images are included. | |content and/or images do not|

| |description. | | |support the description. |

|Habitat Description |Description of the habitat is |Description of the habitat |Description of the habitat |Description of the habitat |

| |thorough, and includes details |includes details about the |includes some details about the |lacks details about the |

| |about the components and the |components and the challenges |components and the challenges |components and the |

| |challenges organisms might face |organisms might face in the |organisms might face in the |challenges organisms might |

| |in the ecosystem. |ecosystem. |ecosystem. |face in the ecosystem. |

|Human Impacts |Details of current and future |Details of current and future |Details of current and future |Details of current and |

| |human impacts to the ecosystem |human impacts to the ecosystem|human impacts to the ecosystem |future human impacts to the |

| |are described completely and |are well described. |are addressed. |ecosystem lack content |

| |accurately. | | |and/or details. |

|Organization & |Poster is very well organized and|Poster is fairly well |Poster has some organizational |Poster is poorly organized. |

|Aesthetics |aesthetically pleasing. |organized and aesthetically |problems. | |

| | |pleasing. | | |


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