

The 10th China Atrial Fibrillation Symposium (CAFS 2012, Dalian)


(July 13-14, 2012, Dalian, P. R. CHINA)


Scientific Programme

7月12日(星期四) Thurseday, July 12

康莱德宴会厅 - A

Conrad Ballroom -A

“相约经典” ---- 电生理基础高级培训班

“Enjoy the Classics”---- Advanced EP Training Course

主讲:卜申 /夏绪恒

Tutors: Dr. Sunny Po /Dr. Henry Hsia


Special Guest: Zulu Wang

8:30 开场致词 杨延宗

Opening mark Yanzong Yang

8:35- 9:30 解剖及射频原理 卜申

Anatomy and Mechanisms of Radiofrequency Ablation Sunny Po

9:30- 10:30 基础电生理学/重整/拖带 夏绪恒

Basic Electrophysiology: Resetting and Entrainment Henry Hsia

10:30-11:30 窄、宽QRS心动过速的鉴别诊断 卜申

Differentiation of Narrow and Wide QRS Tachycardia Sunny Po

11:30-12:30 室性心律失常的心电图诊断及标测 夏绪恒

ECG Diagnosis of Ventricular Arrhythmias and Its Mapping Henry Hsia

12:30-13:30 午餐



Live-Demo in the EP Lab

病例1: 阵发性房颤(术者:欧阳非凡、施海峰、刘启明)(第1导管室)

Case 1: Paroxysmal AF (Operator: Feifan Ouyang, Xingpeng Liu, He Huang)(Lab 1)

病例2: 持续性房颤 (术者:刘旭,牛国栋,王新华)(第1导管室)

Case 2: Persistent AF (Operator: Xu Liu, Xinhua Wang, Haifeng Shi)(Lab 1)

病例3: 持续性房颤 (术者:邓华、尹晓盟,储慧民)(第1导管室)

Case 3: Persistent AF (Operator: Hua Deng, Xiaomeng Yin, Huimin Chu)(Lab 1)

病例4: 持续性房颤 (术者:李学斌、李述峰、袁义强)(第1导管室)

Case 4: Persistent AF (Operator: Xuebin Li, Shufeng Li, Yiqiang Yuan)(Lab 1)

13:30-15:00 病例分析1 夏绪恒/卜申

Case presentation 1: prepared by local physician Henry Hsia/Sunny Po

15:00-15:15 休息

Coffee Break

15:15-16:15 学术论文写作框架及思路 夏绪恒/卜申

Basic clinical research infrastructure/process Henry Hsia/Sunny Po

16:15-17:45 病例分析2 夏绪恒/卜申

Case presentation 2: prepared by local physician Henry Hsia/Sunny Po

7月12日(星期四) Thurseday, July 12

康莱德宴会厅 - B

Conrad Ballroom - B

EnSite 论坛——治颤之道,唯创新

Ensite Forum

Treatment of AF ---- Nothing But Innovation


Chairs: Congxin Huang Kejiang Cao Yanzong Yang

13:30~13:45 新概念 – 高密度标测左房基质研究进展 陈明龙

New Concept: what’s new in high density mapping of left atrial substrate Minglong Chen

13:45~14:00 新变革 – 碎裂电位消融策略该退出了吗 张树龙

Another reform: Shall we stop the defragmentation now? Shulong Zhang

14:00~14:15 新技术 – 多极标测在房性心律失常标测与消融中的应用 詹贤章

New technique: Application of mutielectrode mapping in ablation of atrial tachyarrhythmia Xianzhang Zhan

14:15~14:30 新工具 – 快速精确左房建模是房颤消融基本功 蒋晨阳

New tools: fast and accurate reconstruction of left atrium as a basic of AF ablation Chenyang Jiang

14:30~14:45 新思路 – 主频标测指导慢性房颤消融研究进展 储慧民

New Idea: What’s new in ablation of chronic AF guided by dominant frequency Huimin Chu

14:45~15:00 茶歇

Coffee break


Live-Demo in the EP Lab

病例5: 阵发性房颤(术者:丁燕生、付华、张志辉)(第2导管室)

Case 5: Paroxysmal AF (Operator: Yansheng Ding, Hua Fu, Zhihui Zhang)(Lab 2)

病例6: 持续性房颤 (术者:江 洪、杨波,黄鹤)(第2导管室)

Case 6: Persistent AF (Operator: Hong JIang, Bo Yang, Qiming Liu)(Lab 2)

病例7: 持续性房颤 (术者:高连君、夏云龙、周菁)(第2导管室)

Case 7: Persistent AF (Operator: Lianjun Gao, Yunlong Xia, Heng Cai)(Lab 2)

病例8: 持续性房颤 (术者:刘兴鹏、蔡衡、汤日波)(第2导管室)

Case 6: Persistent AF (Operator:, Bo Yu, Xuefeng Pang)(Lab 2)

2012 首届EnSite病例演讲比赛

EnSite Award of Case Presentation


Chairs: Jiang Cao, Minglong Chen, Huimin Chu, Jiangui He, Chenyang Jiang, Xinhua Wang, Zulu Wang, Jian Xu

15:00~15:10 病例1:环肺导管指导下的房颤消融 郭炜华

Case 1: Circumferential AF ablation Guided by LASSO mapping Weihua Guo

15:10~15:20 病例2:病例分享—房颤术后房速的标测与二尖瓣峡部消融一例 郭志福

Cse 2: AT mapping and mitral isthmus ablation Zhifu Guo

15:20~15:30 病例3:腔静脉外触发灶的标测与消融一例 居维竹

Cse 3: Trigger ablation outside the cardiac vein Weizhu Ju

15:30~15:40 病例4:OneMap指导下房颤再消融 李世倍

Case 4: Reablation of AF guided by OneMap technique Shibei Li

15:40~15:50 病例5:Array指导下His旁室早标测与消融 刘汉雄

Case 5: Ablation of para-his ventricular ectopic guided by Array Hanxiong Liu

15:50~16:00 病例6:房颤消融术后房速成功治疗1例 何斌

Case 6: Successful termination of post-ablation AT Bin He

16:00~16:10 病例7:冠状窦电极在复杂房速标测中的指导意义 刘强

Case 7: How to interpret the CS mapping in complex AT Qiang Liu

16:10~16:20 病例8:EnSite Velocity 指导下流出道室早的消融 马薇

Case: 8 Ablation of RVOT ectopic guided by Ensite Velocity Wei Ma

16:20~16:30 病例9:三维让我有信心面对左侧室早 潘震华

Case 9: It’s 3-D mapping that makes me confident on ablation of left ventricular ectopic: Zhenhua Pan

16:30~16:40 病例10:经心大静脉射频消融治疗室性早搏 苏浩

Case 10: Ablation of Ventricular ectopic through great cardiac vein. Hao Su

16:40~16:50 病例11:激动标测在房颤术后房速消融中的指导意义 梁兆光

Case 22: Activation mapping in post-AF ablation AT Zhaoguang Liang

16:50~17:00 病例12:上腔静脉介导的房颤消融治疗1例 张建成

Case 12: Ablation of AF mediated by SVC Jiancheng Zhang

17:00~17:10 病例13:EnSite velocity指导下房颤后房速的射频消融 张澎湃

Case 13: Ablation of the post-AF ablation AT guided by Ensite velocity Peng Pai

7月13日(星期五) Friday, July 13

里程宫 - A厅

Signature Ballroom – Room A

8:00~8:30 开幕式

Opening ceremony

第一分会场 —— 房颤的现状与未来

Plenary Session 1

AF ---- Present and Future

主持:王方正 蒋文平 Sunny Po 曾定尹 Huagui Li

Chairs: Fangzheng Wang, Wenping Jiangt, Sunny Po, Dingyin Zeng, Huagui Li

8:30~8:50 电生理皇冠上的明珠:从房颤到室颤(Michel Haissaguerre)

Founder speak:From AF to VF: a long journey not yet finished (Michel Haissaguerre)

8:50~9:10 房颤研究的未来趋势(黄从新)

Trend in AF studies Congxin Huang

9:10~9:30 房颤新指南解读:从指南到临床 (张澍)

Understanding the new AF guidelines: from paper to work Shu Zhang

9:30~9:50 房颤导管消融共识:从欧美到中国(马长生)

Consensus on AF ablation: from abroad to China Changsheng Ma

9:50~10:10 房颤的治疗:从药物到消融 (Douglas Packer)

Approach to Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Is ablation that good? Is drug therapy that bad? (Douglas Packer)

10:10~10:20 茶歇 / Coffee break

10:00-10:30 女性电生理介入医师座谈会/Female EP Cardiologists Round Table Forum

地址:万达希尔顿贵宾厅/Address: VIP room, Wanda Hilton Hotel.


Comprehensive AF Session


Signature Ballroom - A

主持:张澍 林治湖 杨杰孚 李为民 程晓曙

Chairs: Shu Zhang, Zhihu Lin, Jiefu Yang, Weimin Li, Xiaoshu Cheng

10:20~10:40 房颤抗凝治疗的中国现状(张澍)

Anticoagulation of AF in China Shu Zhang

10:40~11:00 房颤与心衰——2012新认识 (华伟)

AF and HF: What’s new in 2012 Wei Hua

11:00~11:20 孤立性房颤:真的孤立吗?(方全)

Lone AF: Is it really lonely? Quan Fang

11:20~11:40 从指南看房颤消融适应症选择(杨延宗)

Indication of AF ablation: What’s the guideline telling us Yanzong Yang

11:40~12:00 从卫生经济学看房颤的治疗决策选择(周玉杰)

Strategies of AF management: What’s the cost-effective analysis telling us Yujie Zhou

12:00~12:20 午餐/Lunch


GE 卫星会

GE Satellite Symposium


Signature Ballroom - A

主席: 方全,吴书林

Cairs: Quan Fang, Shulin Wu

12:20-13:20 无创心电指标与房颤及猝死 张树龙

Noninvasive Electrocardiography Parameters on AF and Sudden death. Shulong Zhang

13:20-13:50 Vscan掌上超声对临床决策影响 张璐

Impact of Vscan Echocardiography on Clinic Decision. Lu ZHang

7月13日(星期五) Friday, July 13


Comprehensive AF Session - 2


Signature Ballroom A



主持人:曹克将 Cha Yongmei 李莉 袁祖怡 卞晓明 严激

Chairs: Kejiang Cao, Yongmei Cha, Li Li, Zuyi Yuan, Xiaoming Bian, Ji Yan

14:00~14:15 房颤的抗心律失常药物治疗:路在何方?(蒋文平)

Antiarrhythmic drugs in AF management: where shall we go? Wenping Jiang

14:15~14:30 房颤与心动过速性心肌病:率与律孰轻孰重?(郭继鸿)

AF and tachy-cardiomyopathy: rhythm or rate control? Jihong Guo

14:30~14:45 房颤与心衰:如何阻断恶性循环链? (Yongmei Cha)

AF and HF: management strategy for the vicious cycle (Yongmei Cha)

14:45~15:00 超声视角看左房:从结构到功能 (Dali Fan)

The left atrium: from echo point of view (Dali Fan)

15:00~15:15 心律失常的遗传学研究进展 (王擎)

Genetic studies in arrhythmia: states of art Qing Wang

15:15~15:30 房颤卒中后的治疗选择:节律控制?频率控制?(陈明龙)

Management of AF after stroke: rhythm or rate control? Minglong Chen

15:30~15:45 持续性房颤的导管消融治疗热点 Huagui Li

Catheter ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation: Where is the hotspot? (Huagui Li)

茶歇 / Coffee break


Comprehensive AF Session - 3


Signature Ballroom - A

主持:华伟 于波(沈)

Chairs: Wei Hua, Bo Yu

16:20~16:40 现代起搏器的心房管理:我们忽略了什么?(于波)

Atrial management in modern pacemaker functions: What have we omitted? Bo Yu

16:40~17:00 心衰合并房颤患者CRT治疗:我们还需要什么? (陈柯萍)

CRT in HF patient with AF: Can we do more? Keping Chen


Debate A-1

17:00~17:40 非器质性心脏病长程房颤的治疗选择:消融?姑息?

Longstanding AF without structure heart disease: ablation or not?

主持:杨新春 徐亚伟

Chairs: Xinchun Yang, Yawei Xu

点评专家:刘旭 杨平珍 商丽华 刘启明 刘书旺

Moderators: Xu Liu, Pingzhen Yang, Lihua Shang, Qiming Liu, Shuwang Liu

正方一辩:杨兵(10分钟) Protagonist: Bing Yang (10 min)

反方一辩:张树龙(10分钟)Antagonist: Shulong Zhang (10 min)

正方二辩:汤日波(5分钟)Protagonist Rebuttal: Ribo Tang (5 min)

反方二辩:王新华(5分钟)Antagonist Rebuttal: Xinhua Wang (5 min)

自由辩论(5分钟)Free debate (5 min)

专家点评(5分钟)Commentate from the experts (5 min)


Debate A-2

17:40~18:20 辩论:新抗凝药物将彻底取代华法令吗?

Will the new anticoagulation drugs totally replace the Wafarine?

主持人:吴立群 姜一农

Charis: Liqun Wu, Yinong Jiang

点评专家:张嘉莹 杨艳敏 孙艺红 李小明 胡福莉

Moderators: Jiaying Zhang, Yanming Yang, Yihong Sun, Xiaoming Li, Fuli Hu

正方一辩:牛国栋(10分钟) Protagonist: Guodong Niu (10 min)

反方一辩:赵学(10分钟) Antagonist: Xue Zhao (10 min)

正方二辩:张志辉(5分钟) Protagonist rebuttal: Zhihui Zhang (5 min)

反方二辩:董颖雪(5分钟) Antagonist rebuttal: Yingxue Dong (5 min)

自由辩论(5分钟) Free debate (5 min)

专家点评(5分钟) Commentate from the experts (5 min)

19:00----20:50 大会欢迎晚宴/Welcome Dinner


Address: Furama Grand Ballroom, Furama Hotel

7月13日(星期五) Friday, July 13


Live-Demo in the EP Lab

病例9: 阵发性房颤(术者:董建增、龙德勇、黄卫斌)(第1导管室)

Case 9: Paroxysmal AF (Operator: Jianzeng Dong, Deyong Long, Weibin Huang)(Lab 2)

病例10: 持续性房颤 (术者:刘少稳、蒋晨阳、陈 岗)(第1导管室)

Case 10: Persistent AF (Operator: Shaowen Liu, Chenyang Jiang, Gang Chen)(Lab 2)

病例11: 持续性房颤 (术者:马 坚、喻荣辉、杨东辉)(第1导管室)

Case 10: Persistent AF (Operator: Jian Ma, Ronghui Yu, Donghui Yang)(Lab 2)

病例12: 阵发性房颤(术者:陈明龙 、杨 兵、王群山)(第2导管室)

Case 12: Paroxysmal AF (Operator: Minglong Chen, Bing Yang, Qunshan Wang)(Lab 2)


AF Ablation Session -

里程宫 - B厅

Signature Ballroom - B

主持人:马长生 邓华 丁燕生 刘兴鹏 姜健

Chairs: Changsheng Ma, Hua Deng, Yansheng Ding, Xingpeng Liu, Jian Jiang

10:20~10:40 加强房颤导管消融治疗的质量控制:从病例选择到术后管理 (马长生)

Quality control of AF ablation: from pre-ablation patient selection to post-ablation management Chang Sheng Ma

10:40~11:00 导管消融可以终止房颤的进展吗?(欧阳非凡)

Will Catheter ablation stop the progression of AF? Feifan Ouyang

11:00~11:20 持续性房颤:导管消融与逆转重构 (Kim Young-Hoon)

Persistent AF: catheter ablation and reversion of remodeling Kim Young-Hoon

11:20~11:40 导管消融对房颤栓塞风险的影响 (吴书林)

Impact of catheter ablation of AF on the risk of stroke Shulin Wu

11:40~12:00 心房颤动患者左心耳“堵”“闭”:患者选择、时机选择与方法选择 李毅刚

Occulsion or close of the left atrial appendage: who, when and how?

12:00~12:20 午餐/Lunch

12:20~13:50 强生卫星会

Satelite Symposium: Johnson & Johnson


Innovation and Creation: Experience of the new technique application

里程宫 – B 厅

Signature Ballroom – B

主席:黄从新 张澍 马长生 杨延宗

Directors: Congxin Huang, Shu Zhang, Changsheng Ma, Yanzong Yang


Chairs: Zulu Wang, Hua Deng, Shaowen Liu

12:20-12:50 持续性房颤的导管消融 Michel Haissaguerre

Catheter ablation of Persistent AF Michel Haissaguerre

12:50-13:20 房颤治疗新导管技术的应用 欧阳非凡

New catheter application in treatment of Afib(Smart touch and surround flow) Feifan Ouyang

13:20-13:50 Lasso Nav 心房标测经验分享 杨平珍

Experience on atrial mapping by Lsso Nav Pingzhen Yang


AF Ablation Session - 2



里程宫 - B厅

Signature Ballroom - B

主持人:Douglas Packer,杨延宗,董建增,汤宝鹏,黄鹤

Chairs: Douglas Packer, Yanzong Yang, Jianzeng Dong, Baopeng Tang, He Huang

14:00~14:15 不同国家和地区房颤指南差异和解读(黄从新)

Difference of AF guidelines in different countries Congxin Huang

14:15~14:30 房颤消融远期随访结果:如何理解与解读(Gerhard Hindricks)

Long term follow up of AF ablation: What’s their results telling us? Gerhard Hindricks

14:30~14:45 持续性房颤导管消融:问题与希望 (欧阳非凡)

Catheter ablation of persistent AF: problems and hopes Feifan Ouyang

14:45~15:00 持续性房颤导管消融:Rotor消融与远期成功率 John D Day

Ablation of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Should We Ablate the Rotors to Improve Long Term Success? (John D Day)

15:00~15:15 房颤后房速的消融 Henry Hsai

AT of Post AF ablation (Henry Hsia)

15:15~15:30 房颤导管消融治疗的误区 (刘少稳)

Misunderstanding in AF ablation Shaowen Liu

15:15~15:30 房颤消融严重并发症的处理 Roderick Tung

The management of severe complications of Afib ablation in UCLA. (Roderick Tung)

16:00~16:20 茶歇/Coffee break


Live-Demo in the EP Lab

病例13: 持续性房颤 (术者:杨平珍、梁兆光、吴永全)(第2导管室)

Case 13: Persistent AF (Operator: Pingzhen Yang, zhaoguang Liang, Xianzhang Zhan)(Lab 2)

病例14: 持续性房颤 (术者:姜健、苏唏、常栋)(第2导管室)

Case 14: Persistent AF (Operator: Jian Jiang, Xi Su, Dong Chang)(Lab 2)


Case 15: Persistent AF (Operator: Yan Yao, Shulong Zhang, Jiaxiong Lin)(Lab 2)


Case 16: Persistent AF (Operator: Xianzhang Zhan, Yumei Xue, Ding Li)(Lab 2)


AF Ablation Session - 3



里程宫 - B厅

Signature Ballroom - B

主持人:John Day, 吴书林,刘少稳,邓华,夏云龙

Chairs: John Day, Shulin Wu, Shaowen Liu, Hua Deng, Yunlong Xia

16:20~16:35 新影像技术指导房颤消融 Tom De Potter

New imaging techniques for ablations of atrial fibrillation (Tom De Potter)

16:35~16:50 体外激光消融:4/5维移动靶消融 Douglas Packer

External Beam Ablation: 4/5D Treatment planning for hitting a moving target with IMRT to particle therapies (Douglas Packer)

16:50~17:10 房颤患者的左心耳封堵治疗 John D Day

Application of LAA occluder in patient with atrial fibrillation (John D Day)

17:10~17:25 房颤导管消融联合肾动脉消融:房颤合并顽固性高血压的治疗选择?(殷跃辉)

AF ablation plus renal artery ablation: a strategy for AF patient with refractory hypertention? Yuehui Yin

17:25~17:40 冷冻球囊肺静脉电隔离:患者的选择,技术与结果 查咏梅

Cryoballoon PV isolation: patient selection, techniques and outcome (Cha Yongmei)

17:40~17:55 Columbus三维标测指导房颤消融治疗(喻荣辉)

AF ablation guided by Columbus 3-D mapping system Ronghui Yu

17:55~18:10 3Ding三维标测指导房颤消融现状(邓华)

AF ablation guided by 3Ding 3-D mapping system Hua Deng

19:00----20:50 大会欢迎晚宴/Welcome Dinner


Address: Furama Grand Ballroom, Furama Hotel

7月13日(星期五) Friday, July 13


Anticoagulation Session - 1

里程宫 - C厅

Signature Ballroom - C

主持人: 黄从新 谢强 刘斌 杨向军 刘俊 张英杰

Chairs: Cong Xin Huang, Yi Li, Bin Liu, Xiangjun Yang, Jun Liu, Yingjie Zhang

10:00~10:20 2012房颤抗栓治疗:新指南,新选择(朱俊)

Anticoagulation of AF in 2012: New guidelines, new selection Jun Zhu

10:20~10:40 房颤卒中新抗凝药物时代面临的机遇与挑战 (曹克将)

Challenges and Choices: What are we facing in this new anticoagulation era Kejiang Cao

10:40~11:00 如何改善房颤患者的远期预后 John D Day

How to Improve Long-Term Cognitive Function in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (John D Day)

11:00~11:20 ARISTOTLE试验对房颤抗凝策略选择的启示 (杨延宗)

What’s “Aristotle” telling us on the AF anticoagulation? Yanzong Yang

11:20~11:40 房颤左心耳封堵与卒中预防现状(董建增)

Left atrial appendage occlusion and stroke prevention Jianzeng Dong

11:40~12:00 房颤抗凝华山论剑:华法令VS新四大抗凝药物(杨新春)

President competition: Wafarine vs. new anticoagulations Xinchun Yang

12:00~12:20 午餐/Lunch

12:20-13:50 拜耳卫星会

Bayer Satellite Symposium

里程宫 C厅

Signature Ballroom - C


Chairs: Jun Zhu

12:20-12:25 Welcome speech

12:25-12:50     《心房颤动抗凝治疗中国专家共识》解读    马长生

Consensus on AF anticoagulation: what’s ongoing in China Changsheng Ma

12:50-13:15  我们离房颤卒中预防的新时代还有多远? 吴书林

How far are we from the new anti-stroke era? Shulin Wu

13:15-13:40  如何从抗凝机制的角度合理评价抗凝药物? 周晋

How to evaluation the anticoagulation drugs from the mechanisms point of view? Jin Zhou 

13:40-13:50         讨论和总结/Discussion

7月13日(星期五) Friday, July 13


Anticoagulation Session - 2


AF and Stroke


Signature Ballroom C

主持人: 方全 陶定波 张奎俊 刘和平 李拥军 廖德宁

Chairs: Quan Fang, Dingbo Tao, Kuijun Zhang, Heping Liu, Yongjun Li, Dening Liao

14:00~14:15 房颤患者卒中的流行病学与机制 (李学奇)

Epidemics of stroke in AF, and its mechanisms Xueqi Li

14:15~14:30 房颤与脑卒中的基因学机制(洪葵)

Genetic mechanisms in AF with stroke Kui Hong

14:30~14:45 房颤所致脑卒中的临床特点 (陶定波)

Clinical characteristics of stroke caused by AF Dingbo Tao

14:45~15:00 房颤与晕厥(浦介麟)

AF and Syncope Jielin Pu

15:00~15:15 心源性晕厥与神经源性晕厥的鉴别诊断(王景峰)

Differentiation of cardiac and nerologic syncopy Jingfeng Wang

15:15~15:30 房颤脑卒中急性期的抗凝:共识与争议 (尹琳)

Anticoagulation in AF patient with acute stroke Lin Yin

15:30~15:45 房颤抗凝治疗的脑出血风险评估 (申敬顺)

Risk of bleeding in AF patients with aanticoagulation Jingshun Shen

15:45~16:00 房颤导管消融治疗与神经系统疾病:改善预后?(夏云龙)

Ablation of AF and its impact on neurologic changes in the future Yunlong Xia

16:00~16:20 茶歇 / Coffee break


Anticoagulation Session - 3


Signature Ballroom C

主持人:杨新春 崔俊玉 楚建民 周晗 郑亚西

Chairs: Xinchun Yang, Junyu Cui, Jianmin Chu, Han Zhou, Yaxi Zheng

16:20~16:40 左心耳结构与功能:房颤患者卒中危险因素? (黄鹤)

Structure and function of left atrial appendage: a risk factor of stroke in AF? He Huang

16:40~17:00 高龄心房颤动患者如何抗栓治疗:共识与争议 (王玉堂)

Anticoagulation in old AF patients: consensus and debate Yutang Wang

17:00~17:20 重视无症状心房颤动的发生率与卒中风险(商丽华)

Incidence of asymptomatic AF and its risk of stroke Lihua Shang

17:20~17:40 关注房颤非中枢性卒中(高连君)

Thrombus in AF: not only stroke! Lianjun Gao


Debate C-1

17:40~18:00 辩论:房颤卒中预防新药的未来:三分天下or一枝独秀?

Debate: Future of new anticoagulation drugs: three winners or only one survive?

主持人:王建安 程晓曙

Chairs: Jianan Wang, Xiaoshu Cheng

点评人:吴学思 曲鹏 张存泰 王志勇 沙勇

Moderator: Xuesi Wu, Peng Qu, Cuntai Zhang, Zhiyong Wang, Yong Sha

正方一辩:杜昕(10分钟) Protagonist: Xin Du (10 min)

反方一辩:孙艺红(10分钟) Antagonist: Yihong Sun (10 min)

正方二辩:黄晓波(5分钟) Protagonist rebuttal: Xiaobo Huang (5 min)

反方二辩:王龙(5分钟) Antagonist rebuttal: Long Wang (5 min)

自由辩论(5分钟) Free debate (5 min)

专家点评(5分钟) Commentate by experts (5 min)

19:00----20:50 大会欢迎晚宴/Welcome Dinner


Address: Furama Grand Ballroom, Furama Hotel

7月13日(星期五) Friday, July 13


Youth EP Session – 1


Classic AF Ablation Cases

康莱德宴会厅 - A

Conrad Ballroom – A

主持:Henry Hsia 高连君

Chairs: Henry Hsia, Lianjun Gao

点评专家:江洪 李述峰 施海峰 侯应龙 何建桂

Moderators: Hong Jiang, Shufeng Li, Haifeng Shi, Yinglong Hou, Jiangui He


10:20~10:35 His区域最早的局灶性房速—如何判断起源 王新华

Para-His atrial tachycardia: How to judge the originzation? Xinhua Wang

10:35~10:50 从多次房颤/房速消融迥异的结果看房性心动过速心肌病 蒋晨阳

Tachy-cardiomyopathy: views from different results of ablation Chenyang Jiang

10:50~11:05 先心病房颤复发病例多种房速的标测与消融 蔡 衡

Multiple atrial tachycardia after AF ablation in a patient with congenital heart disease Heng Cai

11:05~11:20 房颤与房早联合消融——减少复发率? 尹晓盟

Ablation AF with also the atrial ectopic ablation: reduce the recurrence? Xiaomeng Yin

11:20~11:35 结构性心脏病术后慢性房颤并慢性心功能衰竭射频消融治疗 张志辉

Catheter ablation of chronic AF in heart failure patients after surgery for the structural heart disease. Zhihui Zhang

11:35~11:50 永存左上腔房颤消融一例 李海鹰

AF ablation in a patient with persistent left superior vena cava. Haiying Li

11:50~12:05 谁是罪魁祸首?碎裂电位?消融线? 储慧民

who is the criminal café or line?- Huimin Chu

12:05~12:20 非肺静脉起源的房颤消融 王群山

Ablation of non-pulmonary vein originated AF Qunshan Wang


Youth EP Session – 2


Meeting Masters

康莱德宴会厅 - A

Conrad Ballroom - A

主持人:马长生 杨延宗

Chairs: Changsheng Ma, Yanzong Yang

14:00~14:30 Michel Haissaguerre 协调人/Moderator:刘兴鹏/Xingpeng Liu

14:30~15:00 Douglas L Packer 协调人/Moderator:牛国栋/Guodong Niu

15:00~15:30 Gerhard Hindricks 协调人/Moderator:黄鹤/He Huang

15:30~16:00 John D Day 协调人/Moderator:杨兵/Bing Yang


CSPE Youth Committee Academic Session

16:20~16:40 主持与致辞:张澍

Chair speech: Shu Zhang

16:40~17:00 黄从新: 一分耕耘一分收获:寄语新一代!

Merit for the Youth: No pain, no gains. Congxin Huang

17:00~18:00 讨论/Discussion

19:00----20:50 大会欢迎晚宴/Welcome Dinner


Address: Furama Grand Ballroom, Furama Hotel

7月14日(星期六) Saturday, July 14

7:00~8:20 CABANA@CAFS早餐会

CABANA@CAFS Breakfast Symposium


Location:No. Mingshixuan Ballroom-2,Wanda Hilton hotel

主持:Douglas L Packer

Chair: Douglas L Packer




Centers participated:

Fuwai hospital of Beijing, Anzhen hospital of Beijing, The people’s hospital of Guangdong Province, The people’s hospital of Jiangsu Province, The first affiliated hospital of Dalian medical university

7:20~7:40 CABANA试验运行现状

The current operation state of CABANA

7:40~7:50 病人入选与随访经验交流——大连医科大学附属第一医院

Patients enrollment and follow-up—— experiences from the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University

7:50~8:20 讨论


7:00~8:20 磁导航@CAFS早餐会

Magnetic Navigation Breakfast Symposium


Updated EPOCH solution and how it is transforming patient care


Address: VIP room of Wanda Hilton Hotel


Chairs: Yanzong Yang, Congxin Huang, Chnagsheng Ma

7:00~8:20 答比加群@CAFS早餐会

Dabigatran Breakfast Symposium

7月14日(星期六) Saturday, July 14


Comprehensive AF Session-4


AF and Related Diseases


Signature Ballroom - A

主持人: 郑扬 吕田 陈晓敏 李新华 董玉梅

Chairs: Yang Zheng, Tian Lv, Xiaomin Chen, Xinhua Li, Yumei Dong

8:30~8:50 睡眠呼吸暂停与房颤 (Sunny Po)

OSAS and AF (Sunny Po)

8:50~9:10 冠心病与房颤(王建安)

Coronary Artery Disease and AF (Jianan Wang)

9:10~9:30 高血压与房颤(孙英贤)

Hypertension and AF (Yingxian Sun)

9:30~9:50 肥厚型心肌病与房颤(杨水祥)

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and AF (Shuixiang Yang)

9:50~10:10 扩张型心肌病与房颤(沈法荣)

dilated cardiomyopathy and atrial fibrillation (Farong Shen)

10:10~10:30 茶歇/Coffee break


Comprehensive AF Session - 5


AF and related diseases


Signature Ballroom - A

主持人: 贾少斌 李卫华 增秋棠 王晓云 杨东辉

Chairs: Shaobin Jia, Weihua Li, Qiutang Zeng, Xiaoyun Wang, Donghui Yang

10:30~10:50 甲状腺功能异常与房颤(傅向华)

Malfunction of thyroid and AF (Xianghua Fu)

10:50~11:10 结构性心脏病与房颤(于波,哈)

Structural heart disease and AF (Bo Yu)

11:10~11:30 特殊人群房颤的治疗选择——低龄、高龄、妊娠…(吴学思)

The management of AF in special populations: young, old, pregnancy, tec… (Xuesi Wu)

11:30~11:50 房颤治疗节律控制新药:距离我们有多远?(朱文青)

The new drugs for rhythm control in AF: how far are we from? (Wenqing Zhu)

11:50~12:10 房颤药物治疗中的误区 (郑强荪)

The wrong cognition in drugs application in AF (Qiangsun Zheng)



Comprehensive AF Session -6


Cases Discussion and Debate


Signature Ballroom - A

主持人:方丕华 刘凡

Chairs: Pihua Fang, Fan Liu

点评专家:方全 黎辉 楚建民 詹贤章 王现青

Commentator: Fang quan, Li Hui, Chu Jianmin, Zhan Xianzhang, Xianqing Wang

14:00~14:30 房颤伴心衰 病例汇报人:董颖雪

AF with Heart failure. Case reporter: Dong Yingxue

14:30~15:00 年轻长程房颤 病例汇报人:常栋

Longstanding AF in young patient. Case reporter: Chang Dong

15:00~15:30 外科消融术后房颤 病例汇报人:尹晓盟

Atrial flutter followed surgical ablation. Case reporter: Yin Xiaomeng

15:30~16:00 房颤过程中的长间歇——起搏治疗? 病例汇报人:李真

The long pause during AF——should pacemaker be implanted? Case reporter: Li Zhen

16:00~16:20 茶歇/Coffee break


Comprehensive AF Session - 7


Cases Discussion and Debate


Signature Ballroom - A

主持人:刘斌 张嘉莹

Chairs: Bin Liu, Jiaying Zhang

点评专家:傅向华 张钲 梁兆光 马淑梅 李树岩

Commentator: Xianghua Fu, Zheng Zhang, Zhaoguang Liang, Shumei Ma, Shuyan Li

16:20~16:50 CRT术后房颤房室结消融? 病例汇报人:刘金秋

AV-node ablation followed CRT? Case reporter: Liu Jinqiu

16:50~17:20 快慢综合征治疗选择? 病例汇报人:李国草

The choices of therapy in patient with Tachy-brady syndrome

Case reporter: Li Guocao

17:20~17:50 病窦植入起搏器后持续性房颤——消融与否? 病例汇报人:洪丽

Persistent atrial fibrillation followed pacemaker implanted in patient with sick sinus node syndrome——ablation or not?

Case reporter: Hong Li

17:50~18:20 卒中高危伴阵发性房颤终止后长间歇,近日转为持续性房颤


Long pause after suspend of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with high risk of stroke which converted into persistent atrial fibrillation lately

Case reporter: Xiao Jianjie

7月14日(星期六) Saturday, July 14


AF Ablation Session


Signature Ballroom – B

主持人:杨延宗 邱春光 徐伟 朱文青 杨兵

Chairs: Yanzong Yang, Chunguang Qiu, Wei Xu, Wenqing Zhu, Bing Yang

8:30~8:45 电生理标测指导持续性房颤消融 (李学斌)

The ablation in persistent atrail fibrillation guided by electrophysiological mapping (Xuebin Li)

8:45~9:00 心房内的碎裂电位是否都有价值 (刘旭)

Are the CAFEs in atira all valuable? (Xu Liu)

9:00~9:15 持续性房颤导管消融:技术与问题 (姚焰)

The ablation in persistent atrial fibrillation: techniques and problems (Yan Yao)

9:15~9:30 远期肺静脉电传导恢复的即刻预测指标 (江洪)

The acute predictors for long term recovery of electrical conduction between pulmonary vein and atria (Hong Jiang)


Debate B-1

9:30~10:10 辩论:碎裂电位与线性消融:孰先孰后?

Debate: CAFÉ and linear ablation: which one is priority?

主持:马坚 苏唏

Chairs: Jian Ma, Xi Su

点评:王祖禄 屈百鸣 贾玉和 王炎 储慧民

Moderators: Zulu Wang, Baiming Qu, Yuhe Jia, Yan Wang, Huimin Chu

正方一辩:苏唏(10分钟) Protagonist: Xi Su (10 min)

反方一辩:蒋晨阳(10分钟) Antagonist: Chenyang Jiang (10min)

正方二辩:施海峰(5分钟) Protagonist rebuttal: Haifeng Shi (5 min)

反方二辩:周菁(5分钟) Antagonist rebuttal: Zhou Jing(5 min)

自由辩论(5分钟) Free debate(5min)

专家点评(5分钟) Commentators from the experts (5min)

10:10~10:20 茶歇/Coffee break


AF Ablation Session - 5


Signature Ballroom B



The EnSite Forum


Trust,Begin with Velocity3.0

主持:曹江 蔡衡 邓华  李学斌 刘小青 张志辉

Chairs:Jiang Cao, Heng Cai, Hua Deng, Xuebin Li, Xiaoqing Liu, Zzhihui Zhang

10:20-12:10 手术演示/Live-demo

病例1:房颤 A导管室 姚焰+梁兆光

Case 1: Lab A Yan Yao & Zhaoguang Liang

病例2:房颤 B导管室 陈明龙+储慧民

Case 2: Lab B Minglong Chen & Huimin Chu

病例3:房颤 A导管室 杨平珍+徐健

Case 3: Lab A Pingzhe Yang & Jian Xu

病例4:房颤 B导管室 蒋晨阳+尹晓盟

Case 4: Lab B Chenyang Jiang & Xiaomeng Yin

10:20-10:30 科技推动房颤治疗发展 杨兵

Management of AF promoted by Science and Technology Bing Yang

10:30-10:40 讨论及手术转播Discussions and Live Demo

10:40-10:50 房颤射频消融术并发症的预防及处理 詹贤章

The prevention and management of complications in radiofrequency ablation of AF Xianzhang Zhan

10:50-11:00 讨论及手术转播Discussions and Live Demo

11:00-11:10 EnSite Velocity在大折返房速治疗中的应用 牛国栋

The application of EnSite Velocity in therapy of macro-reentry atial tarchycadia GuoDong Niu

11:10-11:20 讨论及手术转播Discussions and Live Demo

11:20-11:30 心大静脉远端移形区室性心律失常心电图特征和消融 林加峰

The ECG characteristics and ablation of ventricular tachycardia originated from transition zone of great cardiac vein Jiafeng Lin

11:30-11:40 讨论及手术转播Discussions and Live Demo

11:40-11:50 房颤导管消融术后房速的处理 施海峰

The treatment of atiral tachycardia post AF ablation Haifeng Shi

11:50-12:00 讨论及手术转播Discussions and Live Demo

12:20~13:50 圣犹达卫星会

St. Jude Satellite Symposium


The Future of AF Management: more accurate, innovative, and reliable

时间:7月14日 12:20---13:50

Time: july,14th 12:20---13:50

主席:张澍 马长生

Chais: Shu Zhang, Changsheng Ma

主持人:姚焰、陈明龙、 杨平珍

Chairs: Yan Yao, Minglong Cheng, Pingzhen Yang

12:20-12:30 开幕致辞 张澍

Opening speech Shu Zhang

12:30-12:55 房颤基质分析指导个体化消融 姚焰

Individualized ablation guided by analysis of atial fibrillation substrate

Yan Yao

12:55-13:20 慢性房颤新机制Rotor的研究进展 Roderick Tung

The progress of research on mechanism of Rotor in chronic atrial fibrillation Roderick Tung

13:20-13:45 如何提高房颤单次消融的成功率 蒋晨阳

How to improve the successful rate of single AF ablation procedure Chenyang Jiang

13:45-13:50 结束致辞 马长生

Summary Changsheng Ma

7月14日(星期六) Saturday, July 14


AF Ablation Session - 6


Signature Ballroom B


CARTO 俱乐部/CARTO club

名誉主席:黄从新 张澍

Honorary Presidentss:Congxin Huang, Shu Zhang

主席:马长生 马坚  杨延宗

Presidents:Changsheng Ma, Jian Ma, Yanzong Yang

主席:方全  姜建  王玉堂 江洪

Chairs: Quan Fang, Jian Jiang, Yutang Wang, Hong Jiang

病例1:房颤 A导管室 董建增+夏云龙

Case 1: Lab A Jianzeng Dong & Yunlong Xia

病例2:房颤 B导管室 刘旭+喻荣辉

Case 2: Lab B Xu Liu & Ronghui Yu

病例3:房颤 A导管室 马坚+王群山

Case 3: Lab A Jian Ma & Qunshan Wang

病例4:房颤 B导管室 王祖禄+王新华

Case 4: Lab B Zulu Wang & Xinhua Wang

14:00-14:05 开幕致辞/opening speech

14:05-14:25 压力标测:房颤与室速消融的新利器 Douglas L Packer

Contact Sensing: The New Guide for AF and VT Ablation Douglas L Packer

14:25-14:35 讨论及手术转播Discussions and Live Demo

14:35-14:55 房颤射频消融时如何减少X-ray曝光 马长生

How to reduce the X-ray exposure time during AF ablation Changsheng Ma

14:55-15:05 讨论及手术转播Discussions and Live Demo

15:05-15:25 多次消融后复发病例的原因分析 高连君

The analysis of multiple recurrence after AF ablation Lianjun Gao

15:25-15:35 讨论及手术转播Discussions and Live Demo

15:35-15:55 二尖瓣峡部线性消融的临床研究 陈明龙

Studies on linear ablation at mitral isthmus Minglong Chen

15:55-16:10 讨论及手术转播Discussions and Live Demo

16:10~16:20 茶歇/Coffee break


AF Ablation Session – 7


Signature Ballroom B

主持人:刘少稳 郑强荪 杨波 李小明 牛国栋

Chairs: Shaowen Liu, Qiangsun Zheng, BO Yang, Xiaoming Li, Guodong Niu

16:20~16:35 持续性房颤的消融终点 杨平珍

The endpoint of ablation in persistent atrial fibrillation

Pingzhen Yang

16:35~16:50 左房消融线连续性的技巧与判断方法 董建增

The skills to have a linear ablation in left atrium.

Jianzeng Dong

16:50~17:05 房颤消融术中房性心律失常的意义 王祖禄

The meaning of arial tachycardia during AF ablation

Zulu Wang

17:05~17:20 房颤消融术后房性心动过速的治疗策略与转归 陈明龙

The treatment strategies and prognosis of atrial tachycardia post AF ablation

Minglong Chen

17:20~17:35 房颤消融新三维时代:影像融合技术再评价 马坚

The era of new 3-D ablation of AF: re-evaluation on application of imaging merge system

Jian Ma

17:35~17:50 肺静脉隔离及左房线性消融对心房机械功能的影响 丁燕生

The impact of pulmonary vein isolation and linear ablation in left atria on the mechanical function of atria

Yansheng Ding


Debate B-2

17:50~18:30 辩论:长程持续性房颤导管消融策略:激进?保守?

Debate: The strategy on ablation of long standing AF: aggressive or conservative?

主持人:江洪 李学斌

Chairs: Hong Jiang, Xuebin Li

点评专家:曹江 蒋晨阳 张彦周 吴刚 邹德玲

Moderators: Jiang Cao, Chenyang Jiang, Yanzhou Zhang, Gang Wu, Deling Zou

正方一辩:刘兴鹏(10分钟) Protagonist: Xingpeng Liu (10 min)

反方一辩:詹贤章(10分钟)Antagonist: Xianzhang Zhan (10 min)

正方二辩:李述峰(5分钟)Protagonist Rebuttal: Shufeng Li (5 min)

反方二辩:龙德勇(5分钟) Antagonist Rebuttal: Deyong Long (5 min)

自由辩论(5分钟) Free debate(5min)

专家点评(5分钟)Commentate from the experts (5min)

7月14日(星期六) Saturday, July 14


Anticoagulation Session - 4


Signature Ballroom C

主持人:朱骏 高迎春 白峰 李述峰 吴永全

Chairs: Jun Zhu, Yingchun Gao, Feng Bai, Shufeng Li, Yongquan Wu

8:30~8:45 心房颤动卒中危险因素思索:CHA2DS2VASC评分系统外的因素 徐亚伟

The pondering over the risk factors of stroke in patients with AF: elements beyond the CHA2DS2VASC score system Yawei Xu

8:45~9:00 使用抗血小板药物的SPAF研究告诉我们什么? 杨艳敏

What is the SPAF study telling us? Yanmin Yang

9:00~9:15 从病例看心房颤动抗栓治疗的个体化选择 杨东辉

Individualized anticoagulation in patient with AF: lessons from the patients Donghui Yang

9:15~9:30 房颤与舒张功能不全 田野

Atrial fibrillation and Diastolic insufficiency Ye Tian


Debate C-2

9:30~10:10 辩论:房颤卒中高危患者PCI术后抗凝:双联抗血小板联用华法令?

Debate: Coagulation in AF patients with high risk stroke factors after PCI: combined duplex antiplatelet with warfarin or not?

主持:周玉杰 周旭晨

Chairs: Yujie Zhou, Xuchen Zhou

点评专家:徐亚伟 李学文 陶贵周 卢才义 许官学

Moderators: Yawei Xu, xuewen Li, Guizhou Tao, Caiyi Lu, Guanxue Xu

正方一辩:曲新凯(10分钟) Protagonist:Xinkai Qu (10 min)

反方一辩:梁兆光(10分钟)Antagonist:Zhaoguang Liang (10 min)

正方二辩:黄榕 羽中(5分钟)Protagonist Rebuttal: Rongchong Huang (5 min)

反方二辩:张烁(5分钟)Antagonist Rebuttal: Shuo Zhang (5 min)

自由辩论(5分钟)Free debate(5min)

专家点评(5分钟)Commentate from the experts(5min)

10:10~10:30 茶歇/Coffee break


Anticoagulation Session - 5


Lessons from Cases


Signature Ballroom C

主持人:李晓鹰 王琳

Chairs: Xiaoying Li, Lin Wang

点评专家:洪浪 葛利军 尚晓明 陶定波 李航

Moderators: Lang Hong, Lijun Ge, Xiaoming Shang, Dingbo Tao, Hang Li

10:30~10:50 CHADS2评分 1 分病例抗凝——一夜变高危? 病例汇报人:张荣峰

CHADS2 score 1 for anticoagulation——convert into high risk person overnight?

Case reporter: Rongfeng Zhang

10:50~11:10 高危卒中房颤患者大剂量华法令INR不达标:如何应对? 病例汇报人:代佰玲

Insufficient INR standard in high stroke risk patient therapy with large dosage of warfarine: how to deal with it?

Case reporter: Bailing Dai

11:10~11:30 CHADS2高危并出血高危患者:如何調药? 病例汇报人:陈菲菲

High risk patients calculated by CHADS2 score with high risk of bleeding: how to arrange the dosage of Warfarine

Case reporter: feifei Chen

11:30~11:50 房颤伴反复卒中:如何处理? 病例汇报人:张燕

AF patients with recurrent strokes: how to deal with it?

Case reporter: Yan Zhang

11:50~12:10 高危卒中伴低负荷房颤:如何决策? 病例汇报人:马裴裴

High risks of stroke patients with low load of AF: how to make a strategic decision

Case reporter: Peipei Ma

7月14日(星期六) Saturday, July 14


Satellite Symposium of Dabigatran


Signature Ballroom C


Chair: Shu Zhang

12:30-13:00 房颤卒中预防指南解读 (马长生)

The interpretation of guideline on stroke prevention in patients with AF (Changsheng Ma)

13:00-13:30 RELY研究深度解析(刘少稳)

The further interpretation on RELY study (Liu Shaowen)

7月14日(星期六) Saturday, July 14


AF Non-invasive Evaluation Session


Signature Ballroom C

主持人:万征 刘仁光 王景峰 钟国强 张薇薇 刁青

Chairs: Zheng Wan, Renguang Liu, Jingfeng Wang, Guoqiang Zhong, Weiwei Zhang, Qing Diao

14:00~14:20 房颤的检测:远程心电监测的价值 王红宇

The detection for AF: value of remote cardio electrical monitoring

Hongyu Wang

14:20~14:40 房颤的转归:无创心电学指标的作用 赵学

The prognosis of atiral fibrillation: role of non-invasive indexes

Xue Zhao

14:40~15:00 房颤导管消融:心脏超声的价值 张薇

Catheter ablation of AF: value of echocardiography

Wei Zhang

15:00~15:20 房颤导管消融:心脏CT的作用 王照谦

Catheter ablation of atiral fibrillation: value of cardiac CT

Zhaoqian Wang

15:20~15:40 房颤触发灶的识别:心电图的作用 方丕华

Identification of trigger of atrial fibrillation: role of ECG

Pihua Fang

15:40~16:00 房颤抗凝治疗:家庭监测的作用 张海澄

Anticoagulant to atrial fibrillation: role of home monitoring

Haicheng Zhang

16:00~16:20 茶歇/Coffee break


The third meeting room


AF Non-invasive Evaluation Session


Signature Ballroom C

主持人:王红宇 张树龙 侯平 王高频 吴永全 何燕

Chairs: Hongyu Wang, Shulong Zhang, Ping Hou, Gaopin Wang, Yongquan Wu, Yan He

16:20~16:40 房颤与心脏猝死:无创学指标的预测价值 万征

Atrial fibrillation and cardiac sudden death: predict value of non-invasive indexes

Zheng Wan

16:40~17:00 房颤复发的预测:无创学检查的价值 张萍

Prediction on recurrence of atrial fibrillation: value of non-invasive examination

Ping Zhang

17:00~17:20 孤立性房颤:心电学指标异常的认识 张树龙

Lone atrial fibrillation: understanding on abnormal indexes of ECG

Shulong Zhang

17:20~17:40 无症状房颤是否需要检测?如何检测? 薛玉梅

Does the asymptomatic AF needs to be detected? and how?

Yumei Xue

17:40~18:00 无症状性房颤:如何选择抗凝 曲秀芬

Asymptomatic AF: how about its coagulation

Xiufen Qu

18:00~18:20 无症状房颤是起搏器植入患者的常见现象? 王琳

Is the asymptomatic AF a common phenomenon in patients implanted with pacemaker?

Lin Wang


Youth Forum-3


Youth and the Frontier Basic Research

康莱德宴会厅 - A

CONRAD Grand Ballroom-A

主持人:浦介麟 李汇华 凃欣 夏云龙

Chairs: Jielin Pu, Huihua Li, Xin Tu, Yunlong Xia

点评专家:田野 李拥军 黄峥嵘 刘金秋

Moderators: Ye Tian, Yongjun Li, Zhengrong Huang, Jinqiu Liu

8:30~8:45 ANP基因突变致房颤:自主神经的作用 吴刚

Atiral fibrillation caused by mutation of ANP: role of automatic nerve

Gang Wu

8:45~9:00 房颤的基因学研究现状 徐承启

Genetic studies of atial fibrillation: state of the art

Chengqi Xu

9:00~9:15 新型心房选择性钾通道阻滞剂与房颤防治 杜以梅

Novel potassium channel blocker and AF

Yimei Du

9:15~9:30 房颤与RAAS系统 薛玉梅

AF and RAAS system

Yumei Xue

9:30~9:45 房颤与心房牵张 刘莹

Atrial stretch and AF

Ying Liu

9:45~10:00 心房颤动:心肌纤维化和早期诊断 汪道武

Atiral fibrillation: myocardial fibrosis and early diagnosis

10:00~10:15 茶歇/Coffee break


Youth Forum-4


Youth and Frontier Basic Research Session

康莱德宴会厅 - A

CONRAD Grand Ballroom-A

主持人: 王擎 张志仁 汪道武 杨兵

Chairs: Qing Wang, Zhiren Zhang, Daowu Wang, Bing Yang

点评专家:杨水祥 王如兴 杜以梅 吴钢

Moderators: Shuixiang Yang, Ruxing Wang, Yimei Du, Gang Wu

10:15~10:30 细胞消融:自体细胞消融和传导对比应用 Douglas Packer

Cell Therapies for Ablative Intervention: The utility of autologous cell lines for ablation versus conduction enhancement Douglas Packer

10:30~10:45 缝隙连接蛋白与房颤 张存泰

Connexin and atiral fibrillation

Cuntai Zhang

10:45~11:00 房颤自主神经机制研究 Sunny Po

Atrial fibrillation and mechanism of automatic nerve

Sunny Po

11:00~11:15 离子通道紊乱与房颤 张志仁

Ion channel disturbances and atrial fibrillation

Zhiren Zhang

11:15~11:30 内皮功能与房颤 刘彤

Endothelial function and atrial fibrillation

Tong Liu

11:30~11:45 血管活性肠肽在房颤中的作用与机制 刘育

The role and mechanism of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in atrial fibrillation

Liu Yu

11:45~12:00 房颤的基因学与导管消融成功率的关系 张荣峰

The relationship between genetics on atiral fibrillation and succe rate of catheter ablation

Rongfeng Zhang

12:00~12:20 午餐/Lunch



Medtronic Satellite Symposium

康莱德宴会厅 - A

CONRAD Grand Ballroom-A


Chair: Shu Zhang

12:20-12:50 讨论主持: 查咏梅 刘兴鹏

Moderators: Yongmei Cha, Xingpeng Liu

冷冻消融在中国应用的前景 黄从新

The prospect on application of cryoablation in China

Congxin Huang

12:50-13:20 讨论主持: 杨兵 黄鹤

Moderators: Bing Yang, He Huang

冷冻消融的询证医学证据 Douglas L Packer

The clinical evidence of cryoablation

Douglas L Packer

13:20-13:50 讨论主持:牛国栋 夏云龙

Moderators: Guodong Niu, Yunlong Xia

冷冻消融的临床使用经验 Tom De Potter

The experience of cryoablation in clinical practice Tom De Potter

7月14日(星期六) Saturday, July 14


Youth Forum-5

挑战病例专场 (一)

Challenging cases (1)

康莱德宴会厅 - A

CONRAD Grand Ballroom-A


主持人:Sunny Po, 黄鹤

Chairs: Sunny Po, He Huang


Moderators: Jian Ma, Zulu Wang, Qunshan Wang, Yiqiang Yuan, Qing Yang


14:00~14:10 环肺静脉消融后单向传导恢复伴肺静脉内颤动传导 韩冰

Recovery of uni-direction conduction with PV fibrillation after circumferential PV isolation Bing Han

14:10~14:20 伴传出阻滞的“慢节律”房性心动过速 谭琛

“Slow atrial tachycardia”: where is the conduction block Chen Tan

14:20~14:30 房颤消融术中Gap介导房速一例 储慧民

Gap mediated atrial tachycardia during AF ablation Huimin Chu

14:30~14:40 房颤消融导致左右房电隔离1例 周菁

Conduction block between left and right atrium induced by AF ablation Jing Zhou

14:40~14:50 持续性房颤消融术后窦缓:病态窦房结综合症? 陶海龙

Sinus pause after persistent AF ablation: SSS? Hailong Tao

14:50~15:00 持续性房颤合并心衰的导管消融远期术后复发一例 袁义强

Very late recurrence after persistent AF ablation in a patient with heart failure Yiqiang Yuan

15:00~15:10 持续性房颤射频消融术后延迟转律病例报道 叶行舟

Delayed automatic restoration of sinus rhythm after persistent AF ablation Xingzhou Ye

15:10~15:20 外科术后持续房扑一例 陈岗

Persistent atrial flutter after cardiac surgery Gang Chen

15:20~15:30 双瓣置换术后大折返房速一例 蒋汝红

Macro-reentrant atrial tachycardia after aortic and mitral valve replacement Ruhong Jiang

15:30~15:40 V3指导下心房颤动导管消融一例 张凤祥

AF ablation guided by V3 system Fengxiang Zhang

15:40~15:50 无外科手术和导管消融史的左房大折返房速------三维标测及消融 张劲林

Macro-reentrant left atrial tachycardia without past surgerical or ablation history: where is it from? Jinlin Zhang

15:50~16:00 讨论/Discussion

16:00~16:10 茶歇/coffee break


Youth Forum-6

挑战病例专场 (二)

Challenging cases (2)

康莱德宴会厅 - A

CONRAD Grand Ballroom-A

主持人:Feifan Ouyang, 牛国栋

Chairs: Feifan Ouyang, Guodong Niu


Moderators: Hua Deng, Xingpeng Liu, Weibin Huang, Xiaobo Huang, Heng Cai


16:10~16:20 房颤术后房速一例 边 昶

Atrial tachycardia after AF ablation Chang Bian

16:20~16:30 左房房扑消融一例 吴永全

Ablation of left atrial flutter Yongquan Wu

16:30~16:40 异常肺静脉解剖结构房颤消融:如何画圈? 常栋

Special pulmonary vein anatomy: how to make the circumferential line? Dong Chang

16:40~16:50 经上腔消融房颤一例 李岳春

Ablation of AF through supra vena cava Yuechun Li

16:50~17:00 抽 丝 剥 茧——上 腔 房 颤 马骥

Target the supra vena cava: Reel silk from cocoons Ji Ma

17:00~17:10 左心耳房性心动过速一例 魏薇

Atrial tachycardia originated from left atrial appendage Wei Wei

17:10~17:20 左心耳与右心耳房速 李鼎

Atrial tachycardia originated from the appendage: right or left? Ding Li

17:20~17:30 无冠窦房速消融体会 张丽丽

Atrial tachycardia originated from the valsava sinuses Lili Zhang

17:30~17:40 伊布利特房颤电转律诱发室颤1例 许长存

Ventricular fibrillation during ibutilide application for AF cardioversion Changcun Xu

17:40~17:50 外科术后房颤消融 赖珩莉

Ablation of post surgical AF Hengli Lai

17:50~18:00 特约病例1:右冠窦成功消融左前分支室早1例 施海峰

Ablation of left anterior bundle branch VPC through tight coronary sinus Haifeng Shi

18:00~18:10 特约病例2:前组乳头肌起源室性早搏消融一例 李康

Ablation of VPC originated from Anterior papillary muscle讨论/Discussion

7月14日(星期六) Saturday, July 14


Cardiologist and Cardiac Surgeons Joint Session

Consensus on Management of AF

康莱德宴会厅 - B

CONRAD Grand Ballroom - B


The Future tachniques of AF Management

主持人:黄从新 李莉 卞晓明 谷天祥

Chairs: Congxin Huang, Li Li, Xiaoming Bian, Tianxiang Gu

8:30~8:45 房颤的合理消融----我国导管消融房颤的总体策略 黄从新

The reasonable ablation of AF---the strategy on catheter ablation in China Congxin Huang

8:45~9:00 房颤外科治疗现状与展望 孟旭

Surgical therapy on AF: state of the art Meng Xu

9:00~9:15 浅谈房颤的药物治疗 杨延宗

Share of the drug therapy of atiral fibrillation Yang Yanzong

9:15~9:30 房颤治疗:手段渐趋丰富 马长生

The war to atiral fibrillation: more and more arms Changsheng Ma


The Practice of AF Ablation

主持:孟旭 李东玉 司忠义 骆铁波

Chairs: Xu Meng, Dongyu Li, Zhongyi Si, Tiebo Luo

9:30~9:40 孤立性房颤的微创外科治疗 程云阁

The minimal invasive surgical therapy on lone AF Yunge Cheng

9:40~9:50 单侧胸壁径路微创外科治疗孤立性阵发性房颤 梅举

Unilateral access minimal invasive surgical treatment of lone AF Ju Mei

9:50~10:00 慢性持续房颤导管消融之机遇与挑战 刘旭

The opportunity and challenge of chronic AF ablation Xu Liu

10:00~10:10胸腔镜射频消融治疗持续性房颤 郑哲

Radiofrequency ablation to treat persistent atrial fibrillation through thoracoscope Zheng Zhe

10:10~10:20 茶歇/Coffee break

主持:梅举 张东明 何学志 赵鲁宁

Chairs: Ju Mei, Dongming Zhang, Xuezhi He, Luning Zhao

10:20~10:30 经济、安全、有效的心脏手术中附加的房颤直视导管心内膜消融 赵鲁宁

Economy, safe, and effective method for treatment of AF during cardiac surgery. Luning Zhao

10:30~10:40 结构性心脏病房颤的治疗策略及新指南建议 曾智

The strategy and new guidelines of AF management in patients with structural heart disease Zhi Zeng

10:40~10:50 二尖瓣手术中的房颤治疗 王辉山

The treatment of AF during surgery of mitral valve Wang Huishan

10:50~11:00 射频消融治疗风心病合并慢性房颤的临床疗效研究 王巍

The clinical studies on catheter ablation of AF in patients with rheumatic heart disease Wang Wei


Strategies of AF Management

主持:戚文航 王辉山 华琦 李潞

Chairs: wenhang Qi, Huishan Wang, Qi Hua, Lu Li

11:00~11:15 心脏手术后房颤的治疗策略探讨 李莉

AF management followed cardiac surgery Li Li

11:15~11:30房颤上游治疗,逆转心房重构 戚文航

The upstream therapy of atrial fibrillation: reversethe remodling. Wenhang Qi

11:30~11:45房颤复律的抗凝策略 杨新春

The anticoagulation during AF cardioversion Xinchun Yang

11:45~12:00房颤抗凝:策略更新与问题 杨波

Anticoagulation of AF: strategy update and ITS problems Bo Yang

7月14日(星期六) Saturday, July 14

13:00-13:30 中华医学会心脏起搏与电生理学会远程心电会诊中心挂牌仪式

康莱德宴会厅 - B

CONRAD Grand Ballroom - B


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