Syllabus Guidelines for All Teachers

right0PVHSSubject: AP PsychologySyllabus 2016 – 2017Instructor InformationName: Nicole SpageEmail Address: Nicole.Spage@1.Course DescriptionThe AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice.The assigned textbook for this course is Myers’ Psychology2.Curriculum objectivesLearning objectives for AP Psychology can be found in the College Board Course Description located at 3.Course outline by Quarter1st Nine WeeksMethods, Approaches & HistoryBiological Bases of Behavior & GeneticsSensation & PerceptionStates of Consciousness2nd Nine WeeksLearningMemory & CognitionMotivation & EmotionPersonalityStatistics3rd Nine WeeksTesting & IntelligenceDevelopmental PsychologySocial PsychologyAbnormal BehaviorTreatment of Abnormal BehaviorStress4th Nine WeeksAP Exam ReviewAP Exam – May 2ndCumulative projects4.Grading PolicyAt the end of the 9 weeks your grade will be based on evidence of how much you have learned during that time. Grades will be calculated on a total points system. Grades will be based on the following:Tests and projects (also called summative assessments) will be worth between 50-100 points and flashcards will be worth 25 points. Homework, daily assignments, group work, and reading quizzes (also called formative assessments) will not be allotted any points. However, scores on these formative assessments will be recorded in Phoenix.5374640118745Retake policy: The chapter tests that you take this year will show us how well you have mastered the covered material. Sometimes (for whatever reason) you may not be at your best on test day or you may feel that your score does not accurately reflect how well you know the material. In these instances, you may retake that part of the test to show mastery and/or improvement. Because of this retake policy and the fact that you will have advanced knowledge of test days you are REQUIRED to take the test if you are in class on test day.As a prerequisite to retaking a test, you must have turned in your flashcards AND completed test corrections for EVERY question you missed on the portion of the test you want to retake. While this process is VERY time-consuming, it will help you analyze what you missed and why you missed it the first time. You may retake a test as many times as you want but all retakes must be completed by the end of the 9 weeks. This is a hard deadline and will require planning on your part. I strongly prefer that you take retakes with me before or after school but I will consider sending them to PRIDE on a case-by-case basis. ***Please be aware that the retake will not necessarily be the same as the original test.***5.LCPS Grading scaleA+ 98-100 C+ 77-79 A 93-97 C 73-76 A- 90-92 C- 70-72B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69 B 83-86 D 63-66B- 80-82D- 60-62 F 59 and below6.Classroom Procedures and ExpectationsYou are expected to regularly attend class and arrive on time. Don’t be tardy! Participate in a thoughtful & respectful manner.Food & drink are allowed if you clean up after yourself & throw away all trash.Cell Phones & BYOT: While cell phones & other technology will be used in class, these items will NOT be allowed to disrupt learning – they are to be used to ENHANCE learning. Students should be mindful and respectful of others in the classroom when using their technology during instructional time.7.Materials needed for class3-ring binder or folder for organization of all class materialsWriting municationStudents and parents can contact me via email, Nicole.Spage@ , at any time. Every effort will be made to respond within 24 hours.Sign up for text reminders by texting @psychrocks to 81010! You’ll find the homework calendar, guided reading questions, flashcard lists and other assignments available on VISION. Access VISION from the link on my webpage or directly at HelpI am always available for additional help before school. I arrive at school by 7:30 a.m. most mornings. My after school availability is limited due to other work responsibilities and family obligations but after school tutoring can be arranged on a case-by-case basis. 10.Late Work PolicyAssignments are due on the day designated. Most formative assessments (like reading quizzes and homework) and flashcards will have a flexible deadline and will be accepted up until the end of the 9 weeks without penalty. Major projects like the Brain Book will have a hard deadline AND a separate on-time grade. 1-point will be deducted from this on-time grade for each school day the project is late.11.LCPS 8-17 C. Make-up work missed because of absenceMake-up Work PolicyWhenever a student is absent, whether an excused or unexcused absence or a suspension absence, if the principal requires make-up work, a reasonable amount of time, consistent with the length of the absence, will be given the student to make up the work missed. Upon return from absence, the student is responsible to initiate immediate action to make up the work. Upon such request of the student, the teacher is responsible to provide assignments, tests, and other work that must be made up and to inform the student clearly when make-up work for which grades will be given is due. Failure to complete such make-up work within the time allowed will result in a failing grade for those assignments, tests, or other work. Make-up work turned in within the time allowed will be graded on the same basis as other work.12.ACADEMIC HONOR CODEPark View’s goal is to promote a community of trust that will enhance student achievement and learning. Students who accept responsibility for their own academic integrity learn and take pride in genuine achievement. As members of the Park View community, we are dedicated to honesty, integrity, and doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. The Park View Honor Code represents expectations of behavior that are aligned with effectively preparing community members for success in a global society. The Park View Honor Council oversees all Honor Code violations. Students have the right to appeal any violations, as long as their appeal is submitted to the Honor Council within seven calendar days of violation notification. The entirety of the Honor Code can be found on the PVHS homepage under Site Shortcuts and/or Our School at: . ................

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