Chapter 7 Section One

Chapter 7 Section One


Rotten boroughs: Old rural towns that with few or no voters.

Chartism: A movement that calls for universal male suffrage, secret ballot, annual parliamentary elections, and salaries for members of parliament.

Victoria: The British Queen from 1837-1901. She became a symbol of the nation’s values; duty, thrift, honesty, hard work.

Benjamin Disraeli: Forged the old Tory party into the modern Conservative party.

William Gladstone: Led the Whig party as it transformed into the Liberal party.

Section One Review Questions.

2. (a) In what ways was the British system of government not democratic in the early 1800s? (b) How did the Reform Bill of 1832 make Parliament more representative?

(a) Less than five percent of the population could vote for the House of Commons, the House of Lords could veto anything passed by the House of Commons. Women, Catholics, Non-Anglican protestants and other groups could not vote or serve in parliament. (b) It redistributed seats in the House of Commons, giving representation to large towns and eliminating rotten boroughs. It also extended suffrage to men with a certain amount of property.

2. How did British Political Parties evolve in the 1800s?

The Tory party evolved into the Conservative Party, the Whigs evolved into the Liberal party.

3. (a)What groups gained the right to vote after 1860? (b) Why did reformers seek to limit the power of the House of Lords?

(a)working class men, farm workers, and most other men. (b) Because its members who were not elected, could veto any bill passed by the House of Commons.

Chapter 7 section Two


1. Corn Laws: Impose high tariffs on imported grain.

2. Fabian Society: A socialist society founded in 1883 that promoted gradual change through legal means rather than by violence.

3. Emmeline Pankhurst: A leading suffragist who was convinced that only aggressive tactics would bring victory.

4. Catholic Emancipation Act: Passed in 1829, allowed Irish Catholics to vote and hold political office

5. Great Hunger: The result of the Irish potato famine in 1845

6. Charles Stewart Parnell: An Irish leader who argued for home rule

7. home rule: local self government.

Describe three social reforms that helped the British working class.

Parliament passed laws to regulate conditions in factories and mines. Also, the government improved public health and housing in cities. The Education Act established free elementary education for all children.

What actions did women suffragists take to achieve the goals?

Suffragists collected petitions and held rallies. Some used more extreme measures, such as hunger strikes and destructive measures.

(a) Why did Irish nationalists oppose British rule? (b) Describe two reforms that

improved conditions in Ireland

Irish nationalists worked for home rule, they opposed English landlords who charged high rent and used eviction. (b) Laws were passed to protect the rights of tenants. The use of Irish money to support the Anglican church was stopped.

Section Three Vocabulary

Paris Commune: Set up by French rebels to save the republic from royalist control.

Georges Boulanger: Rallied royalists and ultra-nationalists eager for revenge on Germany.

Alfred Dreyfus: A French army officer wrongly convicted of spying, he was eventually pardoned by the French Government.

Theodor Herzl: A Hungarian journalist living in France who published a newspaper calling for a Jewish state.

Jeanne-Elizabeth Schmal: Founder of the French Union for Women’s Suffrage

Coalition: Alliance of various parties.

Chapter 7 Section Three Review Questions

3. (a)Describe the government of France during the Second Empire.(b)How did France become more democratic during the Third Republic?

During the second Empire, the government of France under Napoleon III was like a dictatorship, he had power to appoint his cabinet, the upper house of the legislature and many officials. Elections were managed and there was strict censorship. (b)There was universal male suffrage, and a variety of political parties.

4. Describe how each of the following heightened divisions within France: (a) the suppression of the Paris Commune, (b) The Dreyfus affair.

(a) The violent suppression of the Paris Commune left bitter memories for those on opposing sides. (b) The Dreyfus affair heightened divisions between ultranationalists, royalists, and the Church on one side; and liberals and republicans on the other.

Chapter 7 Section Four


Louisiana Purchase: The United States bought the Louisiana Territory from France, more than doubling the size of the U.S.

Manifest Destiny: The belief that the U.S. would own all of North America.

Frederick Douglass: A former slave, who spoke eloquently about the need for abolition.

Seneca Falls Convention: An 1848 gathering to discuss the problems faced by women.

Abraham Lincoln: 16th President of the U.S. Also, he freed the slaves during the Civil War.

Fifteenth Amendment: Gave African American men the right to vote.

Progressives: Reformers who wanted to end child labor, protect workers and consumers, and give voters more power.

Segregation: Separation of people based on race.

Isolationism: Limited involvement in world affairs.

3. give one example of how the United States grew in each of these areas

a. Territory: In 1803 Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory.

b. population: Increased immigration led to a population explosion

c. economy: Settlers in the newly acquired land increased the farming output, the industrial revolution led to a large economic gain.

Describe two ways that reformers tried to make the United States more democratic.

One way that reformers tried to make the U.S. more democratic was to give voters more power, and worked to abolish slavery.

(a)What issues divided the North and South? (b) What were two results of the Civil War.

(a) Economic issues divided North and South, the slavery issue also divided the North and South. (b) Two results of the Civil War were that slavery was abolished, and African Americans gained political rights.


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