ABORTION - Queensborough Community College



A very complicated issue for which much rational inquiry and discourse and reflection is needed before decision-making.

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There are different types of issues involved: Factual, Conceptual, Ethical

Factual: such issues include "viability" for those who use Natural Law Theory and the measurement of acceptability or approval by society for those that use the Utilitarian Theory

Conceptual: issues such as what is a "person" and what is "abortion"

Ethical: Main issues include should abortion be permitted? Required? Forbidden?

Abortion:  What is it? There are several possible meanings:

1. The termination of a pregnancy

2. The accidental termination of a pregnancy: miscarriage

3. The natural termination of a pregnancy prematurely: spontaneous abortion or miscarriage

4. The deliberate termination of a pregnancy

5. The deliberate termination of a pregnancy for the purpose of saving a life: therapeutic abortion

6. The deliberate termination of a pregnancy for the purpose of terminating fetal development



General Ambivalence in the US

Middle position: Abortion should be safe, legal and rare

Late Term/ Partial Birth Abortion Controversy




A. Parents' rights vis a vis their pregnant daughter(12 years old) threat to life of daughter, refusal on religious grounds  COURT rules for daughter

B. RU-486 PILL: the "morning after pill"

C. Thalidomide: abnormal fetus


Pregnancy Tests: 7 to 10 days after fertilization

Status of the Fetus:

•   person 

•  non-person

•   potential person

Rights of Women

Therapeutic abortion



Ethical Traditions:

A. IF a fetus is a non-person

• Utilitarian: persons are rational and autonomous and have a right to control their bodies

• Kant: persons are rational and autonomous and have a right to control their bodies

• Ross: persons are rational and autonomous and have a right to control their bodies

• Rawls: persons are rational and autonomous and have a right to control their bodies

• Natural law- No deliberate termination of a pregnancy for the purpose of termination of a viable healthy life (person) is permissible.

B. IF a fetus is a person

Utilitarian: persons are rational and autonomous and have a right to control their bodies and an abortion is morally acceptable if it produces more utility than not doing so

Kant: permits therapeutic abortions and termination of abnormal fetuses

Ross: permits therapeutic abortions and termination of abnormal fetuses

Rawls: permits therapeutic abortions and termination of abnormal fetuses

Natural law- No deliberate termination of a pregnancy for the purpose of termination of a viable healthy life (person) is permissible. 



John T. Noonan: An Almost Absolute Value in History

Judith Jarvis Thompson: A Defense of Abortion

        self defense: rape, incest, failed birth control

Mary  Anne Warren: On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion

    fetus is similar to a "guppy" for a person to be a member of a moral community there must be 5 traits:

    consciousness, reasoning, self motivating, communicative and possessed of self concept

Don Marquis: Why Abortion is Immoral-it deprives value of the future

US Supreme Court: Row vs Wade

Susan Sherwin: Abortion through a Feminist Lens

       fetal existence is relational-  feminist politics of liberation

Sidney Callahan: Pro life Feminism

Joan Carpenter: partial birth abortions: " Let's be reasonable!"



1. Late term abortion

2. Rape of 16 year old girl

3. Poverty and Birth Control

4. Mental Defect and a 22 year old female

5. Uterine Cancer

6. Selective Abortion-One of twins Fetus with Trisomy 21(Downe's Syndrome)

7. Trisomy 21

8. Life Style choice and decision for late term abortion



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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