ENG 101 - LaGuardia Community College

ENG 101.3771/3732

Andrew McCormick, Instructor

Spring 1 2009

In-class Essay: “Sue the Bastards!”

Throughout this semester, we have been reading Fast Food Nation, which offers quite a few criticisms of the fast food industry. Recently, we watched Morgan Spurlock’s documentary Supersize Me, which also presents common criticisms of the fast food industry, particularly McDonald’s, including the possibility that they and other large fast food corporations should be held legally accountable for the health consequences that result from excessive fast food consumption. But on the other hand, some people that Spurlock interviews voice disagreement with the idea that McDonald’s and other fast food retailers should be held legally accountable for the obesity epidemic. (Remember how one man says that if he were the judge, he would throw out the cases).

In this essay, discuss whether you agree that large fast food corporations like McDonald’s should be held legally accountable for the growing obesity epidemic in this country. Should people who develop health problems from frequently consuming fast food be able to file lawsuits (or, as Spurlock puts it, “sue the bastards”)? Does Spurlock’s documentary convince us of the need to hold fast food corporations more accountable? Or is the obesity epidemic entirely a matter of personal choices on the part of people?

Issues to consider discussing:

• Advertising, particularly that which is targeted at children (see “Your Trusted Friends” in FFN).

• The growth of retailers like McD’s in schools (see FFN for this issue as well).

• The (arguably) misleading campaigns that corporations like McD’s have recently undertaken to appear healthier (which is discussed in the documentary Supersize Me).

• And anything else you can think of…


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