The assignment is due anytime on July 6, 2016

The assignment is due anytime on July 6, 2018.  The paper should be about eight pages in length, or 2200 words, although a bit longer is okay. References to the article and to the course text may be made by giving the relevant page number in brackets within your essay text. Emailed files must be named as _1711.  Attach the file to an email to me, at with _1711 in the subject heading (without the pointy brackets and with your own last name).  If you want a confirmation of receipt, ask for one, or tell your email program to ask for one. 


So, here is what I am looking for:  you want to set out the basic structure of the Grants’ argument, what they are concluding and the evidence they provide to support that conclusion.  Then you want to examine that evidence to determine if it is indeed supportive of their claim – does their evidence contain any fallacies?   If you find some, note them by name, provide a description of the fallacy and say why this passage is an instance of that fallacy.


All this should be done in an essay style format.  The Grants conclusion is X, their evidence is Y, and here is why we should accept/not accept their argument. 


Some things in their arguments may be fallacies and others are quite acceptable.  Some premises in an argument are indeed okay, for various reasons.  We discussed was appropriate authority and testimony, and the other is that we will accept many things based on their being part of the common body of knowledge.  Just because no source/authority is cited for these points does not make them fallacious.


Most importantly, we are concerned with the Grants’ ARGUMENT, and not their or your position on abortion.  Your personal views on abortion are irrelevant to the assessment of their argument.


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