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Please enter the FLARE CASE Reference number here:For queries or to return this form, please email the following address: return the completed diary within 2 weeks to the above email address or post to the address below..Public Protection Service, Families and Wellbeing Directorate, Warrington Borough Council.East Annexe, Town Hall, Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1UH3769360-135509000NEIGHBOUR PROBLEMS – DIARY OF EVENTSHOW TO COMPLETE YOUR DIARYPlease write as clearly as possible.Make a diary entry every day, including ‘no problem’, ’not at home’ or ’neighbours away’.Make accurate notes of the start and finish times of the problem.Give a good description of what the problem is and how it affected you, e.g. the noise was so loud you could not hear your TV.Note the names and addresses of any other witnesses to the problem.Record any special events or incidents, including any contact with the Police about your problem and what happened. Please include incident numbers, officer collar number and relevant details.Remember, your diary is your version of events and it may be shown to a Magistrate in the event of a Court case, so remember to keep it factual and accurate.Your details:Your name: Your address: Daytime phone number:Mobile Phone No:2. Details of the neighbour causing the problem:Name/Trading Name (if known):Full Address:Source of the problem (e.g. top flat, living room, front bedroom, rear garden, street etc).Do you know if the occupiers are: 1 FORMCHECKBOX The owners 2 FORMCHECKBOX Tenants 3 FORMCHECKBOX StudentsIf you ticked 2 or 3, do you have any information about the owner or agent of the property?(e.g. Private landlord or Housing Association, name/address/telephone number or other useful contact information)3. Description of the problem: (e.g. barking dog, loud music, alarm, machinery) Please give as much information as possible.How long have you experienced the problem?Have you already complained to the neighbour? Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX If ‘yes’, please give details of how and when you complained and what was the outcome?Please describe how this problem affects you / your family:Any additional comments:Example of how you should complete your diary sheetDAY &DATETIME NOISE STARTEDTIME NOISEFINISHEDDESCRIPTION OF THE NOISEHOW THE NOISE AFFECTED YOUWed 1st Nov7.30pm1.30 amLoud music – Dua Lipa/Ariana Grande/TiestoCouldn’t hear the TV and then couldn’t get to sleep until it had finishedThurs2nd Nov5amFront door slammingWoke me up and then couldn’t get back to sleep.2nd Nov7am on and off every few minutesUntil 10am when I went outDog put in yard and left to bark.Barked every few minutes, Had tried to get back to sleep but couldn’t. I’m very tired now. Gone out to get away from the dog barking.Fri 3rd NovQuiet all daySat 4th Nov11pm5amFireworks, music, people shouting laughing outside, inside later Next door are having a party. I can’t hear the TV, even with all my doors and windows shut, I can’t sleep because the music and shouting is so loud. No sleep again.Help us to help you? Please just note the facts. Avoid making personal comments unless something has been said directly to you.Be as accurate as possible. Page 1 – Diary of EventsDAY &DATETIME NOISE STARTEDTIME NOISEFINISHEDDESCRIPTION OF THE NOISEHOW THE NOISE AFFECTED YOUPage 2 - Diary of Events (continued)DAY &DATETIME NOISE STARTEDTIME NOISEFINISHEDDESCRIPTION OF THE NOISEHOW THE NOISE AFFECTED YOUI (full name)of (address)I confirm that the information written in this diary is a true record of the events related to my neighbour and I understand this diary may be used in evidence.Signed:Dated: ................

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