National Child Measurement Programme Questionnaire for …

451866093980Skipton House80 London RoadLondon SE1 6LHSkipton House80 London RoadLondon SE1 6LHPrivate and confidentialParent / Carer of MERGEFIELD FirstName ?FirstName? MERGEFIELD LastName ?LastName? MERGEFIELD Address1 ?Address1? MERGEFIELD Address2 ?Address2? MERGEFIELD Address3 ?Address3? MERGEFIELD Address4 ?Address4? MERGEFIELD Address5 ?Address5? MERGEFIELD Postcode ?Postcode?Our Ref: AS/ MERGEFIELD ID ?ID?National Child Measurement Programme Questionnaire for Parents Dear Parent or Carer of MERGEFIELD FirstName ?FirstName?, You recently received a letter with your child’s National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) result. We are researchers from Public Health England, working with Leicestershire Partnership Trust to improve your experience of the NCMP. We are asking all parents of children in year 6 who were measured to complete this short questionnaire to get your views about the NCMP results letter.Please complete this questionnaire, which should take about 10 minutes. Then return it in the FREEPOST envelope provided.This study has been approved by an NHS ethics board. If you choose to participate, your child’s NCMP data which will not include their name or any identifiable data will be linked with your anonymous answers using a code. This data will be used by the research staff on this project to understand your views. All individual information will be treated as confidential even though it is anonymised. You will not be identifiable from the summary information which will be published in academic journals and conferences and shared with local authority public health teams to make improvements to the NCMP. Only anonymous data are shared with us. The researchers do not have access to any information that could identify you.If you have any questions or would like any further information or a copy of the results at the end of the study please contact us by email at or write to Behavioural Insights Team, Public Health England, 2nd Floor Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LH. You can request this letter and questionnaire in other languages. Many thanks for your help and time. Anna Sallis and the study teamOur ref: MERGEFIELD ID ?ID?What date are you completing this questionnaire? ____ / ____ / ______ (Day / Month / Year)In the results letter, which weight category was your child in? (Please circle)UnderweightHealthy weightOverweightVery overweightWas the result what you expected? (Please circle)Yes / NoHow would you describe your child’s weight at the moment? (Please circle)UnderweightHealthy weightOverweightVery overweightDo you think that being overweight increases a child’s risk of any of the following? (Please circle yes or no for each condition now and in the future)NowIn the futureDiabetesYes / NoYes / NoCancerYes / NoYes / NoHearing problemsYes / NoYes / NoHigh blood pressureYes / NoYes / NoArthritisYes / NoYes / NoHeart diseaseYes / NoYes / NoLow self-confidenceYes / NoYes / NoPoor self-esteemYes / NoYes / NoDo you think your child’s current weight puts their physical health at risk?Yes definitelyYes maybeNo probably notNoDon’t knowDo you think your child’s current weight puts their mental well-being/happiness at risk?Yes definitelyYes maybeNo probably notNoDon’t knowAfter receiving feedback on your child’s result, did you make any changes to:how much physical activity your child does? NoNo, but intend toYesyour child’s diet? NoNo, but intend toYesIn the past month have you accessed any of the following sources of support regarding your child’s weight? If not, do you intend to in the future? (Please circle)Booked to attend the Family Lifestyle Club NoNo, but intend toYesBooked to attend a one to one appointment with a dietician or other health care professional.NoNo, but intend toYesContacted your local NCMP Team. NoNo, but intend toYesRead the Change 4 Life ‘How many ways are you changing’ flyerNoNo, but intend toYesLooked online at Change 4 Life website NoNo, but intend toYesMy child has attended a local physical activities/sports clubNoNo, but intend toYesContacted the school nurseNoNo, but intend toYesLooked at other internet sites, books and sources of adviceNoNo, but intend toYesTalked to friends and familyNoNo, but intend toYesDid you talk about the result with your child? (Please circle)Yes / NoHow easy or difficult was it to understand the results? (Please circle)Very easySomewhat easySomewhat difficultVery difficultHow helpful was it to get your child’s results? (Please circle)Very helpfulSomewhat helpfulNot at all helpfulHow do you think your child’s weight compares to most other children the same age that you see? My child is: (Please tick one answer) FORMCHECKBOX A healthier weight than other children FORMCHECKBOX About the same weight as other children FORMCHECKBOX A less healthy weight than other children PLEASE ONLY ANSWER THE REST OF THIS QUESTIONNAIRE IF YOUR NCMP RESULTS LETTER STATED THAT YOUR CHILD WAS OVERWEIGHT OR VERY OVERWEIGHT.How often does your child have the following types of food and drink? (Please circle)FruitLess than once a week1 a week2-3 times a week4-6 times a week1 a day2 a day3 or more a dayVegetables (not potatoes)Less than once a week1 a week2-3 times a week4-6 times a week1 a day2 a day3 or more a daySugary drinks (e.g. fizzy drinks, fruit juice and squashes with added sugar)Less than once a week1 a week2-3 times a week4-6 times a week1 a day2 a day3 or more a dayHow often does your child have the following types of snacks? (Please circle)Sweet (e.g. cakes, biscuits, sweets, ice cream) Less than once a week1 a week2-3 times a week4-6 times a week1 a day2 a day3 or more a daySavoury (e.g. Crisps, nuts, cheese biscuits) Less than once a week1 a week2-3 times a week4-6 times a week1 a day2 a day3 or more a dayOther (e.g. fruit, cereal bars) Less than once a week1 a week2-3 times a week4-6 times a week1 a day2 a day3 or more a dayOn average, how many minutes of physical activity does your child do? (Please circle)Physical activity is any activity that increases the heart rate and gets your child out of breath.On a school day Less than 30 mins30-59 mins60-90 minsMore than 90 minsOn a weekend day Less than 30 mins30-59 mins60-90 minsMore than 90 minsOn average, how long does your child spend watching television or playing video games?On a school day Less than 30 mins30-59 mins60-90 minsMore than 90 minsOn a weekend day Less than 30 mins30-59 mins60-90 minsMore than 90 minsPlease state how much you agree or disagree with the following statements: Most people who are important to me think my child’s is: (Please tick one answer) FORMCHECKBOX A healthier weight than other children FORMCHECKBOX About the same weight as other children FORMCHECKBOX A less healthy weight than other childrenMost parents, like me, who received an NCMP result letter saying their child is overweight or very overweight will do the following: (Please circle)Sign up for the Family Lifestyle Club (FLiC)Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeSeek other professional advice about their child’s weightStrongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeMake changes to their child’s dietStrongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeMake changes to their child’s physical activity levelsStrongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeMost people who are important to me think I should do the following: Sign up for the Family Lifestyle Club (FLiC)Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeSeek other professional advice about my child’s weightStrongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeMake changes to my child’s dietStrongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeMake changes to my child’s physical activity levelsStrongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagreeThank you for taking part.If you would like to know more about the study or if you would like a copy of the research results once it is complete please contact us by email at or write to Behavioural Insights Team, Public Health England, 2nd Floor Skipton House, 80 London Road, London, SE1 6LH. ................

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