Rev - FAU Business


January 1, 20xx - December 31, 20xx


The faculty evaluation document used by the College of Business for many years has served three functions as (1) an activity reporting template for faculty, (2) an evaluation vehicle for chairs and directors, and (3) a document containing guidelines for conducting faculty evaluations. The purpose of this document is to provide a template for faculty to report their activities related to the major dimensions of performance during the specified evaluation period. The intent is to separate the activity reporting function from the legacy faculty annual evaluation document. The reason for doing so is twofold. First, in recent years another reporting form has been used in addition to the legacy evaluation document which has had the unintended effect of increasing the reporting burden on the faculty. Second, a separate activity reporting document should provide greater flexibility for making revisions in reporting requirements as needed in the future.

The Activity Report

The Activity Report focuses on the major dimensions of faculty performance which include: (1) instruction, (2) contribution to new knowledge via research and publications, and (3) service to the institution, the academy, the professional community, and other external constituencies. The Report should include pertinent data and indicators of performance for each of the three dimensions along with appropriate brief explanations of the activities related to each indicator. The lists of indicators provided for each dimension are suggestive and not exhaustive. The Activity Report should include all of the indicators and explanations that represent the faculty member’s activities for the specified evaluation period necessary for the chair or director to make an accurate evaluation of his or her performance.

Instruction [Percentage of Assignment]

The statements of objectives for the University and the College of Business explicitly recognize the importance of quality instruction and student development. This dimension is fundamental to the professorial role.

Our goal of excellence in our growing undergraduate and graduate enrollments, our masters programs, our Ph.D. program in Business Administration, plus the continuous development of our respective subject matters requires that faculty be proactive in developing and delivering quality instruction.

All faculty members are expected to contribute in the area of instruction and student development, to be effective in the classroom, to strive continuously to improve their teaching effectiveness, and to contribute to the development of our instructional programs.

Instruction Activity Summary Table

| |Spring |

|Course ID and Number | | | | |

|Students Enrolled | | | | |

|Required / Elective | | | | |

|Credit Hours | | | | |

|Campus or DL | | | | |

|SPOT Item 1 / Responses | | | | |

|SPOT Item 2 / Responses | | | | |

|SPOT Item 3 / Responses | | | | |

|SPOT Item 4 / Responses | | | | |

|SPOT Item 5 / Responses | | | | |

|SPOT Item 6 / Responses | | | | |

|TA Support (Yes/No) | | | | |

| |Fall |

|Course ID and Number | | | | |

|Students Enrolled | | | | |

|Required / Elective | | | | |

|Credit Hours | | | | |

|Campus or DL | | | | |

|SPOT Item 1 / Responses | | | | |

|SPOT Item 2 / Responses | | | | |

|SPOT Item 3 / Responses | | | | |

|SPOT Item 4 / Responses | | | | |

|SPOT Item 5 / Responses | | | | |

|SPOT Item 6 / Responses | | | | |

|TA Support (Yes/No) | | | | |

Instruction Indicators and Explanations

The following performance indicators are suggestive and not exhaustive. All indicators and explanations that represent a faculty member’s instruction related activities should be included below. A brief explanation under an indicator listed below is intended to show how the indicator should be considered in assessing annual performance.

• SPOT Evaluations

• Department, College, or University Teaching Awards

• Engagement in QEP

• Engagement on Doctoral Committees

• Peer-review of Teaching (received from peer)

• Peer-review of Teaching (provided to peer)

• Course Preparation – New Course

• Course Preparation – Revised Course

• Academic Advising

• Teaching Related Workshops / Conferences Presented / Attended

• Publications Related to Pedagogy (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles, textbooks, cases, simulations, etc.)

• Published Reviews of Pedagogical Materials

Research and Scholarly Activity [Percentage of Assignment]

The statements of objectives for the University and the College identify high quality research and publication as fundamental to attaining the goals of academic excellence. Faculty contributions to the body of knowledge are critical to our academic reputation.

Research should be an integral part of university education; it is a primary activity which keeps the content of education current, pertinent, and challenging to college students. Each generation of faculty must add to the learning it has received. A means to that addition is research.

Both quality and quantity of research and publication are important. However, quality of contribution to the body of knowledge is the major criterion. Collaboration in research and publication is desirable, as is interdisciplinary work with colleagues in other disciplines within the College as well as outside the College. External funding for research is highly desirable.

Research and Scholarly Activity Summary Table

|Project Title |Status* |Journal / Conference / External Funding |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Status includes:

- Planning

- Data collection

- Data analyses

- Working paper

- Under review

- Under revision

- Accepted (include date of acceptance and attach documentation)

- Published (include acceptance year and publication citation)


Research and Scholarly Activity Indicators and Explanations

• Accepted Publications in Refereed Journals within Most Recent Three-Year Period (include title of article, list of co-authors as they will appear in print, name of the journal, and ABS or other appropriate ranking of the journal)

• Presentations at Refereed Conferences (include title of presentation, list of co-authors as they appeared in program, name of the conference and its location and date, proceedings citation if appropriate)

• Accepted Book Chapters (include title of the chapter, list of co-authors as they will appear in print, name of the book and its publisher, and any other pertinent information)

• External Funding (include title of project, list of co-investigators, source of funding, and amount and duration of the grant)

• Awards and Recognitions (include title of award or recognition, institution giving award or recognition, and any other pertinent information)

• Invited Colloquium / Workshops (include inviting institution, title of presentation or any other pertinent information in addition to location and date(s))

• Publication of Book (include title, co-authors as they will appear in print, and publisher)

Service [Percentage of Assignment]

The College of Business must effectively serve several constituencies. The academy, the business professional community, the public, and the University are among our major constituencies.

A variety of service roles can contribute to attainment of our excellence and national prominence goals. No attempt is made here to prescribe what specific service roles individual faculty members should play. However, all faculty members are expected to contribute in the service areas.

Service Activity Summary Table

|Committee / Activity |Role |Time and Effect |Semester |

| | | | |

|Department | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|College | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|University | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Community | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Academy / Profession | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Service Activity Indicators and Explanations

• Department Committee Participant or Chair

• College Committee Participant or Chair

• University Committee Participant or Chair

• Community Organization Participant or Leadership / Board Role

• Academic or Professional Organization Leadership / Board Role

• Academic or Professional Organization Participant

• Editorial Board Member for a Refereed Journal

• Editor, Senior Associate Editor, or Associate Editor for a Refereed Journal

• Reviewer for Refereed Journal or External Funding Agency

• Participation with Role in an Academic or Professional Conference

• Service on a Major City, County, State or Federal Government Task Force or Committee

• Advisor to Student Organizations

• Pro bono Speeches or Consulting


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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