Parasitology Lecture Quiz 1 - Matthew Bolek

General Parasitology Lecture Quiz 1


1) During our first lecture I briefly introduced parasitology; during my introduction. I emphasized four important reasons why we study parasites, what are those four reasons.

1) Biologically interesting (Cool).

2) Medical importance

3) Veterinary importance

4) Economic importance

2) Define how we will use the term parasite throughout the semester.

Parasite-an organism which lives at least part of its life cycle on or within another organism (the host) upon which it is physiologically dependent and to which it causes harm in some way.

3) What drug of choice would you use to treat an infection of Entamoeba histolytica?

Metronidazole (Flagyl)

4) Describe what a hepatic abscess is caused by Entamoeba histolytica. What developmental stage of E. histolytica would you find in a hepatic abscess?

A hepatic abscess is a pocket of puss within (internal) the liver. You would find trophozoites of E. histolytica in a hepatic or any other abscess. (Note an ulcer in the large intestine is also a pocket of puss but it is open to the outside the lumen of the large intestine therefore it differs from an abscess which is internal).

5) The following picture shows a typical seen in tropical Africa.


Explain the potential transmission of Entamoeba histolytica in this photograph. In your answer make sure to indicate the source of the parasite and by what rout(s) of contamination it can infect other people. Additionally, give the developmental stage of E. histolytica that would be infective to people through these routs of contamination. (give your answer on the back of this page)

Entamoeba histolytica cysts released in formed stool by asymptomatic people contaminating their laundry (underwear). Water becomes contaminated with E. histolytica cysts when laundry is washed over and over in the same location. Cysts survive in the water for up to a month.

People use this water contaminated with E. histolytica cysts for bathing, drinking, and washing food. They become infected when they ingest water or food containing E. histolytica cysts.


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