Bear Creek High School EARTH SCIENCE Credit Recovery, 2008 ...

Bear Creek High School Technological Processes, 2011-2012

Ms. Schnacker: email - voicemail - (303)-982-8843

website -


Technological Processes is a yearlong course that introduces students to the field of science and process technology. In this course, students will be asked to behave as scientists—to think, ask questions and investigate problems. You will also be required to work collaboratively in groups in an effort to complete each lab activity. Some of the units that will be explored include: Carbonated Beverages, Polymers, Electronics/Computers, Medical Technology, Forensics and Robotics.



Your presence in this class is critical for your success. Should you be absent, the district attendance policy “twice the number of classes or days missed (two days allowed for makeup work for each day of absence)” will be followed.

• Unexcused absences will affect your grade and may result in disciplinary action (per district policy).

• You are expected to be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings. Three tardies will result in an administrative referral.


In this class you will be working in teams of 3-4. You will complete research, projects and data collection together.

It is critical to understand that while you are working together, the work you submit needs to be your own. The only identical information that should be submitted is the data collected during lab work. Identical responses will result in a 0 and the opportunity to redo the work is at the discretion of the teacher.


• It is your responsibility to request any missed work the day of your return at an appropriate time.

• Alternative make-up assignments may be used for some activities. Students will be responsible for understanding the content of any missed labs, discussions, etc.

• Please see me in Access, before or after school to work on missing assignments or to revise assignments. Revisions are at the discretion of the teacher.

• ACCESS requires a prearranged pass from the teacher. Make sure you get a pass if you need to attend access.


Obtain and bring the following to class daily:

• Spiral for notes and data collection (3 or 5 subject)

• Colored Pencils

• USB storage device

• Kleenex


• Student grades will reflect proficiency levels based on standards. 0% of the grade will be based on learning experiences and 100% of the grade will be based on assessments. Assessments will be in the form of labs, projects, presentations and tests.

• Learning experiences in the class will expose you to the content and the skills that you will be assessed on. Through these assignments, you will learn and develop the necessary skills. While these assignments are not given a grade, they are critical as you prepare for the course assessments.

• Learning experiences will be provided specific feedback to inform you about how to improve your skills and proficiency level.

• A letter grade, based on the proficiency level the student demonstrates, will be assigned using the following scale:

|Mastery – exceeds standards |4 - A |

|Proficient – meets standards |3 - B |

|Partially Proficient – progressing towards standards |2 - C |

|Partially Proficient – NOT progressing towards standards |1 - D |

|Unsatisfactory – no evidence of standards achievement |0 - F |


• Students must have a signed contract on file.

• The safety guidelines and contract are to be followed at all times.

• Failure to follow safety guidelines may affect the lab grade and could result in having to sit out a lab and take a zero.


Be Positive in Process Tech. It will be a fun class!

Engage in class. Get the most out of it.

Act Responsibly. You know what to do.

Respect ourselves, one another, and the classroom. Everyone in this class deserves opportunities to ask questions and be in an environment that helps him or her learn. Be respectful of those who learn differently from you. Listen when others are talking, allow yourself to learn from others.

Stay Safe High school can be difficult at times, but this class will have a safe environment. You can always see me for the help or support you need; I am always willing to discuss with you any of your concerns.


Dear Parent/Guardian:

Thank you for taking the time to review my classroom polices and expectations. As you review the grading polices for the 2011-2012 school year you will notice some changes to the way we assign grades for your student. I will be evaluating your student based on their mastery of the topics presented. Upon completion of an assignment, your student will receive a grade of 4,3,2,1 or 0, these numbers are a reflection of the scale below.

|Mastery – exceeds standards |4- A |

|Proficient – meets standards |3- B |

|Partially Proficient – progressing towards standards |2- C |

|Partially Proficient – NOT progressing towards standards |1- D |

|Unsatisfactory – no evidence of standards achievement |0-F |

This new approach to grading will give parents information about how well your student is doing in regard to the standards and skills being presented. For example, if your student receives a “4” on an assignment, that indicated that they have mastered the standards and skills on that assignment. If your student receives a “0”, that indicates that there is no evidence that they are progressing toward mastering that particular standard or skill. Please note that the term grades, as well as the final semester grades will reflect an A,B,C,D or F based on the students overall progress throughout the grading period.

As we progress through this school year, please contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns. My goal is to help your student achieve mastery in the major standards and skills in technological processes; this will help to ensure that they are ready to take on more challenging work in science next year and beyond.

Teacher contact information:


Voice Mail: 303-982 – 8843

Website: tschnacker.

Google Apps: a/

• Username = student ID#

• Password = 8 digit birth date (MMDDYYYY)

Please return this portion of the form.

I have read the course policies, procedures and expectations my student received, I have also discussed this document with my student.

____________________________________________ ________________________

Parent/Guardian Date

Email: _________________________________ Best phone number during the day: _________________________

____________________________________________ ________________________

Student Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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