Unit 1 test review sheet

Unit 1 test review sheet

52 multiple choice questions


What was the main human geography concept found in the City of 2 Million article?


In what 4 areas will map projections have varying errors?

Know the map projections: Mercator, Equal Area, Goode’s, Robinson, Peters

Large and small scale

Longitude measurements range from degrees 0 – 180

Latitude measurements range from degrees 0 – 90

The equator is 0 degrees latitude; the poles are 90 degrees

The Prime Meridian is 0 degrees longitude; the International Date Line is mostly degrees 180.

Know the map types: dot, isoline, choropleth, proportional symbol, cartogram

Geographer tools

Know when each tool would be most helpful: GPS, GIS, remote sensing

Basic vocabulary

Definition of “geography”

Density (frequency) and concentration (dispersed or clustered)

Arithmetic density

Absolute and relative location, direction and distance

Know the difference between natural landscape, built landscape and cultural landscape

Which geographer is associated with the concept of “cultural landscape”?

How can relative distance be measured?

How are longitude and latitude used?

Know formal/uniform regions, functional/nodal regions, perceptual/vernacular regions

Know types of diffusion: relocation and expansion (hierarchical, contagious, stimulus) and examples of each.

Know the definition of “site” and “situation” and the relationship to a space/place.


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