Intro: My lie to mom about girl. Mom’s lie to me!

There are some who are lying to you about the Bible…don’t fall for it! Don’t let the joke be on you. Out-smart them. And tonight, I’m going to show you how!

Need: We’re going to talk about the INERRANCY of the Bible tonight. Let me tell you about CBSM. We’re not ashamed of the Bible. Other places tell you they believe in the Bible, but we want to show you. You read this. We preach this. We talk about this. We need this. We’re desperate for this!

I think our student ministry is changing. We’re getting our music to where it needs to be, our building to where it needs to be, and so much more. But there will be a day coming soon...where there just won’t be much more changes to make. And the question will remain…what has been growing this ministry? What has been the motivator to get your friends in? What has been the excitement around here? Has it been videos? Has it been games? Has it been music? Or has it been growing in Jesus through the Word and singing about Jesus through truthful songs?

We have got to be a student ministry focused on the Word. That’s why we’re taking more time in this series than ever to preach, teach, discuss, and listen to God’s Word. We’ll go around an hour tonight. So sit-up, keep your heart focused, keep your ears tuned in, and let’s do this!

Definition of INERRANCY: The Bible is true without any error in doctrine, ethics, history, science, and everything else it speaks about.

DISCUSSION: Do your non-Christian friends or Christian friends believe the INERRANCY of the Bible?

Bible: Stand up for the authoritative, inspired, inerrant, sufficient, and infallible…

God made a promise to Abraham, and to swear on His promise, He couldn’t swear by anyone or anything greater than Himself to say that He wasn’t lying. He is the greatest! This is why I’ve been telling you…when you want to prove the Bible to someone, the most effective way is to use the Bible. You don’t want to prove the Bible to them by using science or history as if they are greater authorities. You use the greatest authority: God’s Word itself!

The Bible is God’s oath/promise/covenant to Adam, Abraham, David, Jesus…

The Bible cannot be have errors because God is perfect and cannot lie!

Scripture is truthful, perfect, and without error because God is truthful, perfect, and without error. It is impossible for God to lie. Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.

John 14:6 – Jesus is The TRUTH as The Word

John 17:17 – Jesus said that the truthful Word sanctifies believers

Acts 5:3-5 – Lying to the Holy Spirit is sin. Therefore the HS lying is sin.

Also mention how God was telling them the truth from the beginning, but Satan told a lie by saying that God was lying. Satan is a liar from the beginning. God tells the truth from the beginning. We don’t like God’s truth from the beginning. Satan lies to you about… Jesus tells you the truth about…

This is why we started off with God’s Word for what its purpose is: to teach the gospel of Christ…the AUTHORITY, the INSPIRATION, and now its INERRANCY. INERRANCY means without error. The reason it is INERRANT is because of its purpose, the authority behind it, and because its inspired.

Why do people think the Bible isn’t perfect, its because they don’t WANT it to be perfect!

The gospel really is true. You really must repent. You really must believe. You really must follow. You really must worship Jesus or die!

Challenges to Inerrancy:

DISCUSSION: What areas of the Bible do skeptical students usually say they don’t believe is true? Or what are reasons they say the whole Bible isn’t true?

Its okay to ask questions to answer your concerns. Study it out! Acts 18:11

Copies and Manuscripts. Are they really reliable? Only the original manuscripts were truly inerrant. Our copies are only as inerrant as they reflect the originals. They how can we be sure? We have an abundant supply of originals! Prophecies also prove inerrancy. Remember what OT prophecy said! Look at stats from SEMP notebook.

Ceasar (1,000 years later and 10 copies)

Plato (1,200 years later and 7 copies)

Aristotle (1,400 years later and 49 copies)

Homer/Iliad (500 years later and 643 copies)

New Testament (25 years later and 24,000+ copies)

Numbers 2 Samuel 24:9 - And Joab gave the sum of the numbering of the people to the king: in Israel there were 800,000 valiant men who drew the sword, and the men of Judah were 500,000.

1 Chronicles 21:5 - And Joab gave the sum of the numbering of the people to David. In all Israel there were 1,100,000 men who drew the sword, and in Judah 470,000 who drew the sword.

Quotations Isaiah 6:10 and John 12:40

Miracles – Text message from last Wednesday “just seem unrealistic”

2 Peter 1:16

Doctrinal Contradictions – Galatians 2:16 and James 2:24

Postmodernism and Tolerance – Your Bible is true for you, but not for me. Its not absolute truth!

Why is it important that we hold to inerrancy? Grudem’s Reasons:

1. Denying inerrancy makes it cool to tell small lies like God.

2. Denying inerrancy makes us wonder if we can trust God.

3. Denying inerrancy makes us more authoritative than God’s Word. Judges!

4. Denying inerrancy would mean that Bible is wrong in info and doctrines.

Where others have gone who didn’t hold to inerrancy. Denial of inerrancy is usually the first step to all kinds of biblical problems.

We can’t become the judge of the Scripture. It must be our Judge!


How can we live in such a way to reflect we believe in the inerrancy of Scripture?

HEBREWS 6:19-20

1. We excitedly tell others that this is the TRUTH!

2. Live as we believe the gospel is true!!!

3. We live even the hard parts of the Bible (beatitudes)

4. We want to hear the truth, read the truth, to live the truth

5. We don’t make God out to be a liar. How can you listen to this sermon series and it not deal with your sin?

Try questions here at the end for application.

Conclusion Cycle: Don’t BUY THE LIE about the Bible lying. Don’t let the joke be on you. The Bible is fully TRUE!


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