|Name of Function |General Shape of Graph |Sketch |

|Linear | | |

|Quadratic | | |

|Exponential | | |

|Square Root | | |

|Absolute Value | | |

1. Complete the following tables and answer the questions to the right.


| X |y = 2x |1st Diff |

| -3 | | |

| -2 | | |

| -1 | | |

| 0 | | |

| 1 | | |

| 2 | | |

| 3 | | |


| x | y = x2 |1st Diff |2nd Diff |

| -3 | | | |

| -2 | | | |

| -1 | | | |

| 0 | | | |

| 1 | | | |

| 2 | | | |

| 3 | | | |


| x | y = 2x |1st Diff |2nd Diff |

| -3 | | | |

| -2 | | | |

| -1 | | | |

| 0 | | | |

| 1 | | | |

| 2 | | | |

| 3 | | | |

2. Use differences to identify the type of function represented by the table of values. Then label which type of function each table of values models.

|x |y |

|3. [pic] |4. [pic] |

|ρ linear ρ quadratic ρ exponential |ρ linear ρ quadratic ρ exponential |

|5. [pic] ρlinear ρ quadratic ρ exponential |6. [pic] ρlinear ρ quadratic ρ exponential |

All _______________ functions have _______________________.

All _______________ functions have a _____________________________.

All _______________ functions must have a _______________ in the _______________.

Graph the functions y = 2x, y = x2 and y = 2x on the same grid for [pic]. Label your graphs.


Looking at the graphs above:

a) Which function shows a constant rate of change in its y values?

How is this displayed on your graph?

b) For [pic] which function shows the fastest rate of change in its y values?

How is this displayed on your graph?

c) Eventually, which type of function shows the most rapid rate of growth in its y values?

How is this displayed on your graph?

Name: ________________________________ April 25

Practice Problems

Identify the following equations as linear, quadratic or exponential.

1. y = 4x + 6 2. [pic]

3. y = [pic] 4. y = -2(4)x


5. y = 3x +3 6. [pic]

Name: ________________________________ April 25

Practice Problems

Identify the following equations as linear, quadratic or exponential.

1. y = 4x + 6 2. [pic]

3. y = [pic] 4. y = -2(4)x


5. y = 3x +3 6. [pic]

Name: ________________________________ April 25

Practice Problems

Identify the following equations as linear, quadratic or exponential.

1. y = 4x + 6 2. [pic]

3. y = [pic] 4. y = -2(4)x


5. y = 3x +3 6. [pic]


This function is. ρ linear ρ quadratic ρ exponential

What methods can you use to verify the type of function selected?

This function is. ρ linear ࠀࠓࠔࠕࡅࡌࡏ࡙࡜ࡨ࡫ࡷࡺࢉࢌࢍ࣒࣓ऐऑऒगङचजॕॖय़ॡ०१३४६ॳॵািীৈ৊৐৒৓৕ড়৞੺઻ ρ quadratic ρ exponential

How do you know?

What do the 1st and 2nd differences represent in this function?

What do you notice about the differences in this function?


By what number is the first difference multiplied by to get the next term in the sequence of y-values? ______________________________________________

How does this value connect to the function?


This function is. ρ linear ρ quadratic ρ exponential

What methods can you use to verify the type of function selected?

This is called an _________________ function







0 1 2 3 4 5


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