I have taken a number of paths in my life in search of ...

Hello, my name is Bob……

I have taken a number of paths in my life in search of fortune at the end of the rainbow, doing whatever it takes to grab hold of success. People made promises they didn’t keep. Others pulled the rug out from under me just at the point of success – and kept what was coming to me. Even the brief moments of success in my life left a bitter, lonely taste in my mouth because it was never enough; and there was always someone who pulled this string or that to take away the joy in my life.


As the years went by, I yearned more and more for a real and lasting purpose in my life.

It’s been hard not to be bitter and depressed at times with all the self-serving, uncaring, self-righteous people around me – family, ‘friends,’ even religious


people who beat you over the head with what they say is from the bible – doing more harm than good.

So far I’ve concluded a number of things:

1) People – even the best of the lot – are not completely trustworthy, especially when it comes to matters such as the reason for my being here on this planet.

2) I only have myself, after all is said and done, to decide what to trust as a reliable source of information as to who I am and how I fit in the grand scheme of things

3) The only source of information that is truly reliable is an accurate understanding of the Bible – not necessarily what someone tells you it says, but what you yourself have verified it does say.


4) This takes a bit of time each day, listening to what others say and have written, (limited to those who prove out their opinions in a careful and understandable way); and then reading the bible itself carefully to verify what is true and what is not.


a) Jesus Christ actually died on the cross 2,000 years ago to pay the penalty for the sins of the whole world –that includes you and me:

[1 Jn 2:2]:

"He [Christ] is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world."


b) The key is that whoever believes in Jesus Christ to save oneself, at that moment enters a state of never perishing but having possession of everlasting life:

[Jn 3:16]:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life."

c) Thus the new life of the Christian: the one who has expressed a moment of trust in Christ to receive the free gift of everlasting life has a grand purpose, an eternal one – an absolutely assured one of being with God for all eternity. It is a new life begun immediately on earth and directed by God from inside you –


a life one can look forward to with excitement and fulfillment as one has confidence that one is serving the Lord God at the moment one accepts by a moment of faith our Lord’s sacrifice for them on the cross for all of their sins unto eternal life. For by God’s personal and irrevocable Seal actually placed inside of you when you believe, He has absolutely promised that your eternal destiny is with Him no matter what:

[Eph 1:13-14]:

"And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a Seal, the promised Holy Spirit Who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance [of eternal life] until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of His glory."

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