TD #1 Speech and personal goals

Week 1

TD #1 Speech and personal goals

How does the study of speech relate to your academic, career, and personal goals? What are some specific examples of public speaking situations that are NOT found in school or on the job?  

TD #2 Ethics

As stated in your text, the issue of insulting and abusive speech--especially slurs against people based on race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation--is extremely controversial.

Do you think that society should punish such speech with criminal penalties?

To what degree are colleges and universities justified in disciplining students who engage in such speech?

Do you feel it is proper to place any boundaries on free expression in order to prohibit insulting or abusive speech?

Why or why not?

Week 2

TD #1 Avoiding Nervousness

List five ideas (mantras) that you can say to yourself to calm down before presenting in front of an audience. Number these and remember to phrase them as if you are saying them to yourself. Choose several other people's ideas and respond directly to them about why you thought their "mantras" would be effective.

TD #2 Gathering Materials

There are many different sources from which to gather materials to help support your speech, including your own personal knowledge and experience, the library, the Internet, and interviews.

Which are you most comfortable with and why?

What are some of the pros and cons associated with using each of these sources?

Week 4

TD #1 Language

Your text states that five usages of inclusive language have become so widely accepted that no speaker can afford to ignore them. These include:

1. Avoid the generic "he"

2. Avoid the use of "man" when referring to both men and women

3. Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender

4. Avoid identifying personal traits that are unrelated to the topic

5. Use names that groups use to identify themselves.

Why is it so important for a public speaker to use inclusive language? Do you agree that these guidelines are important to adhere to?

TD #2 Visual Aids and Delivery

Remember last week when Professor Harton delivered her demonstration speech? What did you find most effective? Did her incorporation of visuals help you understand the points she was trying to make? Why or why not? Which student speech did you think was most effective this week? Why?

Week 6

TD #1 Applications for Persuasion

How might you (or do you already) use persuasion in your lives outside school?  Personal?  Professional? How does an informal situation in which persuasion is used differ from one where you are expected to present a formal speech?

TD #2 Experiences with Persuasion

When have you attempted to persuade someone and failed?  What do you see as contributing to that failure? Do you think people in general are very responsive to logical persuasion? Give us some examples to illustrate your answer.


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