2009 Shorewood High School Academic Awards

2016 Shorewood High School Academic Awards

Thursday June 9, 2016 7:00PM Shorewood Theater

Ceremony Script

String Quartet: Stephen Johnston, Anna Soper, Zachary Braaten and Loren Stephens

Senior Class Emcees for the event:

Alyssa Sismaet

Declan Andrews

This year approximately 165 out of 385 prospective graduates members of the senior class are eligible for recognition and honors on criteria that are set locally, by the State of Washington, the US Department of Education or they are awarded on national norms and standards.

Inspirational speaker, selected by the class of 2016: Mr. James Tiffany, Teacher- Social Studies and Civics


“Washington State Honors students are part of the top ten percent of the graduating seniors in the State of Washington as determined by a combination of grade point average, the (SAT) Scholastic Aptitude Test and/or the (ACT) American College Test.”

(Will forward this list separately from Sharon Roma)


“The Presidential Award for Educational Excellence recognizes outstanding Achievement in the classroom on a national level.  To be eligible for this award, students must earn a minimum of 3.5 cumulative grade point average on the 4 point scale throughout the high school years.” 

|Declan |Andrews |Principals' Scholar |

|Kyle |Berquist |Principals' Scholar |

|Sydney |Bolton |Principals' Scholar |

|Ian |Callender |Principals' Scholar |

|Maevyn |Davis-Rackerby |Principals' Scholar |

|Holly |Ebel |Principals' Scholar |

|Alison |Feise |Principals' Scholar |

|Connor |Goldstick |Principals' Scholar |

|Lily |Gustafson |Principals' Scholar |

|Muh-En |Huang |Principals' Scholar |

|Nina |Matthews |Principals' Scholar |

|Divya |Naidoo |Principals' Scholar |

|Ellery |Nelson |Principals' Scholar |

|Emily |Pacunski |Principals' Scholar |

|Karl |Reese |Principals' Scholar |

|Holly |Rowland |Principals' Scholar |

|Ryan |Seang |Principals' Scholar |

|Alyssa |Sismaet |Principals' Scholar |

|Lauren |Smith |Principals' Scholar |

|Riley |Smith |Principals' Scholar |

|Sara |Tieu |Principals' Scholar |

Cliff Gillies Award, presented by Assistant Principal Elaine Swanson

“The Cliff Gillies awards recognize students for their participation in student activities, academic achievement, sportsmanship and citizenship. They are named in honor of former WIAA executive director Cliff Gillies.  Mr. Gillies was a principal at Snohomish and Mariner High Schools before joining the WIAA.”

Winners of this award are chosen by the Shorewood Coaching Staff and Administration. Please come to the podium when your name is called.

The 2016 Cliff Gillies Award Winners are

Kyle Berquist

Sarah Cornell-Maier

Senior Academic Achievement Award, presented by Dean of Students, Melyssa Stone

The Dean’s Senior Academic Achievement Award is special award given to some very motivated Shorewood students. This award is based off of student’s 9th grade first semester GPA and senior year first semester semester GPA. The following 6 students had the most growth in their GPA from Freshman year to Senior year. Please come to the podium when your name is called.”

Charles Allfrey

McKenna Dahl

Abdoulie Danso

Kaylenn Holsome

Shane Sample

Alice Watt

National Merit Scholars Recognition, Presented by Principal Bill Dunbar

“The National Merit® Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships that began in 1955. High school students enter the National Merit Program by taking the PSAT—a test that serves as an initial screen of approximately 1.5 million entrants each year. Of the 1.5 million test takers, only 16,000 are selected for National Merit Semi-Finalists and eventually Finalists. This recognition goes to the top 1% of students in the country and Shorewood has two students at this level this year.

National Merit Commended Students-

Kyle Berquist

Sydney Bolton

Sarah Cornell-Maier

Lauren Friend

Muh-En Huang

Lauren Smith


Karl Reese

Riley Smith

Sergeant Dengshi Ruan, representing the United States Marine Corps presented the following Marine Corps awards:

The United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award winners are:

Britt Blomso

Ian Callender

The United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award winner is:

Celeste Bollinger

The Semper Fidelis Award For Musical Excellence is:

Timothy Goei

Seargent JT Jacob Welch presented the Army Reserve National Scholar/Athlete Award:

Eleanor Allen-Hatch

Skylar Widman

Shorewood Scholar Athlete Awards, presented by Assistant Principal Nancy Elder

The Shorewood Scholar Athlete of the Year is awarded to the male and female senior athletes who embody the T-Bird fighting Spirit and distinguish themselves at the highest level in academics.  Often, the winner of the Scholar Athlete participates in two or more sports each year.  The winners of this award are selected by the Shorewood Coaching staff.

The 2016 Scholar Athletes of the Year are:

Hugh Gaevert

Lauren Smith

2016 Presidential Service Awards, Presented by Bill Dunbar, Principal

10 Shorewood Seniors earned the Presidential Service Award this year. As many of you know, the school Board has instituted a community service requirement for the class of 2016; these students are leading the way early with this recognition.

The Presidential Service Award winners have performed 100 or more service hours in the last 12 month period to earn the award.

Shaina Flaherty

Shraddha KC

Justin Lowe

Nina Matthews

Robyn Sass

Jesi Stuvek

Maya Talbot

Emily Thone

Sarah Tieu

Joe Villegas

Shorewood High School Principals’ Award, Presented by Principal Bill Dunbar and Assistant Principals Elder and Swanson on behalf of the SWHS Staff:

The Principals’ Award is the award given to a limited number of graduating seniors who embody the spirit of Shorewood High School.

These students are nominated and selected by the teaching staff and Principals for leadership, citizenship and especially for inspiration. Each student is a full participant in the life of the school who makes the most of their education. While this award is sometimes given to those who hold formal leadership positions in the school, it is just as often given for character and the kind of leadership that is less visible to outsiders, leadership that has made Shorewood a better and more positive place for students.

This award recognizes students who have been inspirational role models not just for their peers, but for everyone in the Shorewood community and we believe that they will carry this inspirational leadership forward, representing the best of our community.

Kyle Berquist

Jarod Carreon

Holly Ebel

Divya Naidoo

Kate Parkinson

Riley Smith


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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