Brewington Academy - Sumter School District


4300 East Brewington Road

Sumter, SC 29153

(803) 495-8069

Student Handbook

2016 – 2017


Mission Statement

The mission of Brewington Academy is to help students build self-esteem while developing the intellect and discipline required to be responsible and successful citizens.

Vision Statement

At Brewington Academy, our vision is to see students succeed in their academics and citizenship.


Building Character and Promoting Educational Excellence

Welcome to a new, exciting school year at Brewington Academy—where we enforce strict rules and regulations, help build student character, and promote academic skills. What you are holding represents the work of the faculty, staff, students, and administrator of our school. This is your guidebook to enable you to achieve academic and social success while attending Brewington.

We, the staff of Brewington Academy, have set forth the guidelines in this agenda to ensure that every student is given the opportunity to return to their respective home schools through character building, group and individual counseling, and academic counseling. Any student who accepts the services given to them will be able to return to their home school with good grades, good attendance, and good behavior.

Brewington Academy is the home of second chance. We encourage every student to utilize the second chance to learn from his/her mistakes, to embrace the character building techniques taught, and to move forward to a successful future. Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash you have, so spread it wisely. – Kim Lyons.

The faculty, staff, and administrators are readily available to serve each student and their parents upon request. The staff can be contacted by calling the school at (803) 495-8069 or contacting them through their email information listed below:

Ms. S. Adams – Middle School Math - Shamekia.Adams@

Mr. R Barth – Principal - Robert.Barth@

Ms.B. Benbow – System Administrator/Attendance - Barbara.Benbow@

Mr. G. Bennett – HS Math - Gene.Bennett@

Ms. M. Ford – Middle School English - Meochia.Ford@

Ms. V. Frierson – Guidance - Veronica.Frierson@

Ms. J. Idun – Middle School Science – Jacqueline.Idun@

Mr. E. Jefferson – Resource Middle & High School - Earl.Jefferson@

Ms. M. Jenkins – Reading/Language Arts – Marcia.Jenkins@

Mr. T. Johnson – High School Technology - Tal.Johnson@

Ms. K. King – Special Services ED – Kelley.King@

Mr. C. McFadden, Jr. – Middle School Social Studies – Charles.McFadden@

Ms. D. McGee – Transition Coach - Doris.McGee@

Ms. C. Moore-Qualls – High School Science – Cheryl.Moore-Qualls@

Ms. E. Muldrow – Special Services LDSC - Erika.Muldrow@

Ms. F. Oliver – High School English – Fashonda.Oliver@

Ms. V. Parker – APEX Teacher – Victoria.Parker@

Ms. M. Ragin – Middle School Technology – Marcia.Ragin@

Coach B. Ray – Middle and High School PE – Billy.Ray@

Ms. D. Richardson – High School Social Studies - Dale.Richardson@

Ms. K. Strickland – Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper - Kathy.Strickland@

Ms. B. Washington – Academic Interventionist - Beverly.Washington@sumterschool.

Mrs. J. Wilder – Assistant Principal - Janice.Wilder@

Pay close and careful attention to what is in your handbook, discuss it with parents and classmates, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak up. With the collaboration and cooperation of the student, parent(s), faculty, staff, and administrator, your year at Brewington Academy will be a great, successful, and productive year.




The information contained in this handbook will answer questions that students and parents most frequently ask. Please take time to read each paragraph thoroughly and discuss it with your parents. This information will help you to adjust to our school and be a successful student throughout the year.

The purpose of education is to help each student become a productive citizen in our community. In order to become a productive citizen, you, the student must come to school prepared, behave in an acceptable manner, attend school daily, and complete required assignments in all your classes.


If a student has a medical or other important appointment during the school hours, a parent or guardian must pick the student up and sign him/her out. Only the names listed as emergency contacts will be allowed to pick the student up. Proper identification of the person picking up the child is required before he or she is allowed to leave the school grounds. Under no circumstances are students allowed to leave campus without parent or administrative permission.


South Carolina Attendance mandates that every child of school age must attend school on a daily basis unless an emergency arises. In the event your child must be absent two consecutive days, it is vital that a parent or guardian call the school to explain the reason for the extended absence. Upon the student returning to school, the student must bring the excuse with him/her. All excuses should be turned in within three days of the student returning to school.

A child that is absent from school will be presented with an opportunity to make up any missing assignments. The teachers will aid by supporting the student with the missing assignments, but it is the student's responsibility to request the missing assignments. When there is an extended illness (more than 5 days), special arrangements will need to be arranged by contacting the Guidance Department.


Bus transportation is available to students who live two or more miles from school. However, when riding the bus, certain rules must be observed to ensure your health and safety.

1. Riding the school bus is a privilege that can be withdrawn any time for disruptive behavior or unsatisfactory conduct. All students being transported are under the authority of the bus driver and must obey his/her requests.

2. Food or drink may not be consumed on the bus.

3. You are to ride the bus only to which you have been assigned.

4. No student will be allowed to ride another bus or to get off at another stop without a change of destination form signed by a parent or guardian and approved by transportation.

5. Students will be allowed to ride the bus home if suspended for fighting or other severe altercations.


The cafeteria, besides being a breakfast/lunch room, is also a place where good human relations can be developed. Some simple rules of courteous behavior, which would make the eating period pleasant and relaxed, are:

1. Take your place in your assigned seating area. Respect the rights of others and do not cut in front of others. You will be placed at the end of the line when caught cutting in line.

2. There will he no running or horseplaying in the cafeteria or the halls on the way to the cafeteria.

3. Practice good table manners.

4. Remain seated in the cafeteria at your assigned table.

5. Each student is responsible for helping keep the cafeteria clean. When you complete your meal, remove all paper, cartons, or food from the table and deposit your tray in the disposal when directed to do so.

6. All food must be eaten in the cafeteria.


Student Breakfast FREE

Student Lunch FREE

Adult Breakfast $1.85

Adult Lunch $3.20




Fire and Tornado Drills

Emergency evacuation drills will be conducted at regular intervals during the school year. When the alarm sounds, you will leave the room in the single file and WALK quickly to the designated area with your teacher. The teacher will call roll upon reaching your area.

Students are to remain with his/her teacher until an administrator notifies the teacher that it is safe to enter the building. It is extremely important that students pay attention to and follow all directions. All alarms should he considered the "real thing" and treated



Guidance services are available to all students and parents. The services include counseling, both individual and group, as well as a complete testing program. The tests provide achievement and diagnostic information, which is essential to the student's program.

Individual conferences with students, parents or teachers are always welcomed and encouraged. Our main job is to assist the student in achieving their potential in school as well as at home. Community services are available upon request. Parents may request conferences by calling the school at (803) 495-8069. Students are also invited to request to see their school counselor when necessary.


Each student should set aside a definite time for study at home everyday. This time may be spent on homework assignments, reviewing and studying for tests, or independent study and projects. The length of time spent on preparation will depend upon each individual's needs.


School personnel are not permitted to administer medication of any type to students unless authorized by a licensed medical doctor. Medication authorization forms are to be picked up by students/parents in the main office. These forms must be properly completed and returned to the school before the medication can be dispensed. If you have any questions, please contact the school at (803) 495-8069.


We encourage all parents to participate in your child's education by attending scheduled conferences, calling the school to check on child's academics and behavior, and volunteering. Volunteers are needed to assist in many areas of the school. If you would like to donate your time and services, please contact the school office.


Students are not be out of class without a pass.


Students should always be prepared with paper, pencils, pens, calculators, and course required materials.


Students will not take matters in their own hands. Conflicts will not be resolved by resorting to arguing or fighting. If you have a problem with another student or students, you must follow the Resolution Policy as stated below:

1. Inform any teacher, teaching assistant or bus driver immediately if you have a problem that may result in an immediate physical confrontation.

2. Inform any teacher, teaching assistant, or bus driver as soon as possible if you have a problem that you feel may escalate into an argument or physical confrontation.

3. Inform any teacher, teaching assistant, or bus driver if you feel that you are the object of someone's gossip.

4. Inform any teacher, teaching assistant, or bus driver if you feel that you are being harassed, intimidated, or threatened by anyone.

5. Do not get into an argument, confrontation, or fight with anyone.

6. The counselor will be notified of your problem immediately. The counselor will

help resolve your conflict in a peaceful and respectable manner.

You may also confide your problem to your teacher, assistant principal, principal or directly to your counselor.



5, 8-12 In-service or Workdays

15 Students Begin


5 Labor Day Holiday

15 Interims Issued


17 Inservice

18 Last Day of First Quarter

27 Report Cards Issued


8 Election day Holiday

11 Veterans Day Holiday

21-25 Thanksgiving Holidays


5 Interims Issued

19-30 Winter Holidays


2 School Resumes

11 - 12 High School Exams

12 Last Day of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester

13 Workday

16 Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday

17 First Day 3rd Quarter/2nd Semester

25 Report Cards Issued


16 Interims Issued

20 In-service


21 Last Day 3rd Quarter

22 First Day 4th Quarter

31 Report Cards Issued


10 – 14, 17 Spring Holidays


4 Interims Issued

29 Memorial Day Holiday

31 High School Exams


1 High School Exams

1 Last Day of Student Attendance

1-7 Report Cards Issued or Mailed

2 Workday

2 Crestwood/Lakewood Graduations

3 Sumter High Graduation

Make-up days for inclement weather will be October 17, January 13, and February 20.


Brewington Academy is an alternative education program which may be offered to students in place of expulsion from school without services. Students are able to continue their academic course of study and receive interventions for behavior problems. The success of the program requires commitment from both the parent and the student.

This contract is an agreement between the student, parent and school which outlines what is required of the student in order to attend and complete the alternative education program. Through the alternative education program, students are expected to commit to academic success, to earn the trust and confidence of staff, and to return to the regular school program. Students must complete the alternative school program before they can earn a recommendation to return to their regular school.

Conditions for Attending Brewington Academy

Compliance with the conditions listed below is required in order for the student to complete the alternative program.

1. Students must attend school daily and on time.

2. Students must adhere to the uniform policy guidelines.

3. Students must comply with school rules, bus regulations and the discipline policy at school and on the school bus.

4. Parents/guardians must attend all academic and discipline conferences scheduled at the school and are available to pick up the student when requested by an administrator.

5. Students are not eligible to attend or participate in any extracurricular activities within Sumter School District. ( Category IV contract violation, expulsion offense )

6. Students must accumulate no more than 5 disciple points while at the academy during a school year. ( 6 or more points, Category IV contract violation, expulsion offense )

Authority to discipline and terminate students from the alternative education program is given to the Principal on site in collaboration with the Chief Student Support Services Officer.

Completing the alternative program and recommendation to return to regular school

1. Minimum of 90 days, one semester, in the alternative education program.

2. Attendance: Student must not be truant.

3. Grades: Student must pass 75% of his or her high school classes, 80% middle school classes.

4. Behavior: Student must not accumulate more than 5 discipline points.

The Superintendent has the authority to return a student to their home school. After the student successfully completes the alternative program, the principal will make a recommendation to the Superintendent to consider returning the student to their home school.


1. It is the opinion of the school board that acceptable student behavior includes the following criteria that is expected from all


▪ respect toward peers, faculty and staff exhibited through actions and speech.

▪ pride in personal and school property exhibited by taking care of the physical building and respecting the property rights of


▪ ambition and effort toward educational achievement is to be a priority as exhibited by following teacher/staff direction,

by reporting to class promptly and consistently, and by being prepared to work without interfering with instruction.

▪ obedience to all laws, discipline codes, rules and community norms.

2. The Board believes that all students should receive fair and consistent discipline when school rules are violated. Therefore, this

definitive code on student discipline was developed with the assistance of parents, students and administrators from Sumter School


3. This code will be in effect at bus stops, on school buses, at school and at all school sponsored activities both on and off campus.

NOTE: To help clarify some problems that might occur with students who are on their way to and from school or involved in school

sponsored activities the following will be observed: The school’s jurisdiction may extend within sight and sound of the school

building or beyond if the student’s outside conduct reaches into the school and is detrimental to the good order and best interest of

the school.

4. Copies of this code or a summary thereof will be transmitted at the beginning of the school year to parents/guardians of each student

attending school in the District.

5. School faculty and staff, bus drivers and students will be trained in this discipline system each year. Students in grades 6-12 will

complete a test of understanding. This code lists the schedule of offenses, who handles them and the administrative actions.

The following is an outline of the Offense Categories I – IV. Points earned for each offense incident and possible administrative actions.

Category I Offenses

Bus Violation Cat. I

Detention Violation

Eating/Drinking in Class

Excessive Noise

Inappropriate Language (Toward Students)

Inappropriate Materials


Other Minor Infractions

Unauthorized Device

Violation of Class Rules

Category I Actions*

• 1st – 3rd offense: Administrative Detention

• 4th – 6th offense: In-School Suspension 1-3 Days and

• 7th – 8th offense: 1day out-of-school suspension and

• 9th offense: Recommendation for expulsion and out-of-school suspension pending hearing

Category II Offenses

Aiding Others



Cutting Activity

Cutting Class

Cutting School


Disrupting Class

Dress Code Violation

Driving Violation

Failure to Comply with Disciplinary Action


Reckless Play

Inappropriate Affection

Leaving Class


Obscene Gesture (Toward a Student)

Off Limits

Other Minor

Phone Violation

Profanity (Toward a Student)

Refusal to Obey

Excessive Tardy


Threat (Toward a Student)

Throwing Objects



Bus Violations (Cat. II)

Category II Actions*– 1 point each offense

• 1st – 3rd offenses: 1 – 3 days in-school-suspension

• 4th – 5th offenses: 1 – 3 class days out-of-school suspension

• 6th offense: Recommendation for expulsion and OSSP

In addition to the actions above, administrators may add or substitute the following actions:

• 1st offense: warning/parent conference

• 2nd offense: 3 class days bus suspension

• 3rd offense: 5 class days bus suspension

• 4th offense: 7 class days bus suspension

• 5th offense: 10 class days bus suspension

• 6th offense: recommendation for permanent bus suspension

Cell Phones

1st offense - School personnel will confiscate the cell phone and immediately turn it in to an administrator to be kept in a locked, secure place. The phone will be returned to the parent/legal guardian (no exception) pending a parent conference. The conference may be held as soon as the next school day. The student will receive a discipline referral. It will be written on the referral and verbally told to the parent/legal guardian that any cell phone taken a second time will be confiscated and returned one year from the date of confiscation. The discipline for the first offense will be temporary removal from class and/or In School Suspension.

2nd offense - School personnel will confiscate the cell phone and immediately turn it in to an administrator to be kept in a locked, secure place. The student will receive a discipline referral with a written explanation on the referral and a verbal explanation to the parent/legal guardian reminding him/her that because it is the second offense, the phone will be returned one year from the date of confiscation. The phone will be kept at the school in a secure location by the principal or assistant principal with the student's name and second offense on a label on the phone. Neither school nor district personnel will be responsible if phone is lost or damaged. The discipline for the second offense will be temporary removal from class and/or In School Suspension.

Category III Offenses


Bullying* (Refer to Policy JICFAA)

Computer Violation






Gang Activity

Harassment (See Policy JICFAA)


Inappropriate Physical Contact



Leaving School


Major Disruption

Obscene Gesture (Toward an Adult)

Other Minor Infractions

Profanity (Toward an Adult)

Property Misuse

Refusal to Pbey/Defiant

Simple Assault (Toward a Student)



Category III Actions*– 3 points each offense

• 1st Offense: 1 – 5 class days out-of-school suspension

• 2nd Offense: Recommendation for Expulsion and OSSP

Category IV Offenses

Aggravated Assault

Alcohol/Liquor Law Violation


Bomb Threat



Computer Violation


Contract Violation

Disturbing School

Drug Distribution

Drug Possession

Drug Usage



Fire Alarm


Forced Sexual Offense


Gang Activity

Harassment (See Policy JICFAA)

Indecent Exposure

Intimidation (See Policy JICFAA)


Non-Forcible Sex Act

Other Offenses (Serious) (Criminal)

Pornography (Severe)


Sexual Harassment

Sex Violation

Simple Assault (Toward an Adult)

Threat (Toward an Adult)

Vehicle Theft

Weapons (Refer to Policy JICI)

Category IV Actions*– (Pre-K-12)

Offenses in this category require a suspension and an administrative hearing that may result in expulsion from school. Decisions will be based upon the maturity level and age of the student.

• 1st Offense: Recommendation for expulsion and OSSP

Special Education Students: Notify District Psychologist

• See Discipline for Special Education Students Addendum

• See Administrative Actions Addendum



1. Administrator must give rudimentary hearing, which may include

(a) Oral notice of charges to student

(b) Explanation of evidence against student and

(c) Student given opportunity to tell his/her version

2. Required notification to parents/guardians, if applicable

3. Required payment of damages, if applicable

4. Possible referral to guidance counselor or counseling program required

for required for Category II offenses

5. Possible referral to outside agency

6. Possible referral to law enforcement agency

7. Student to make up classwork missed while on suspension in

accordance with District's make-up policy

8. Required conference with parent when student's behavior results in


9. The hearing officer will conduct hearings in accordance with state law

and compliance with board policies (JKE and AR-JKE-R).

10. Alcohol or drug related offenses: See procedures for:

NOTE: Investigation (JICH and AR-JICH-R) Guidelines for Drug/

Alcohol Related offenses as provided by the S.A.V.E. Program.


It is absolutely necessary for students to follow rules on buses in order to help ensure safety for all riders.

he bus office telephone number is 499-3422. The preceding student discipline code applies to student

behavior at school and on school buses or at bus stops. In addition to discipline procedures outlined in the

code, principals may add or substitute the following sanctions:

• 1st offense warning/parent conference and In-School Suspension (1 day)

• 2nd offense 3 class days of suspension from buses.

• 3rd offense 5 class days of suspension

• 4th offense 7 class days of suspension

• 5th offense 10 class days of suspension

• 6th offense Recommendation to the hearing officer for permanent bus suspension.

NOTE: Parent notification is required for a bus suspension.


All students are expected to adhere to the discipline policy approved by the Board of Trustees. Students with disabilities are also under the same regulations, with the exceptions as described in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA’04). This is the federal law that governs the placement and service of students with disabilities in the schools.

It is recognized that local educational agencies must be able to discipline all children, including children with disabilities. IDEA’04 specifically addresses discipline in the regulations of this law.

As previously, whenever a school district believes that a child’s educational program or placement needs to be reviewed and/or revised, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and placement may be amended following normal IDEA procedures. It is through this process disciplinary and behavioral concerns may be addressed.

As a student develops behavioral problems resulting in discipline referrals, the IEP team may convene to conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) followed by a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP). This process represents an attempt to address the behaviors of the student with the disability before they become serious enough to lead to an expulsion recommendation.

Should there be an expulsion recommendation, the IEP team will review the IEP, and any accompanying FBA’s and/or BIP’s. If changes need to be accomplished, the IEP will be amended. If the IEP team finds the IEP to be appropriate, the behaviors for which the student is being recommended for expulsion are examined in relation to the disability of the student. If the team finds there is no relationship between the behavior and the disability, regular district disciplinary procedures are continued. If there is a relationship between the behaviors and the disability, the IEP team determines what changes are required to be made on the IEP to further address the behaviors..


The Board believes that the possession of electronic devices by students during the school day may have an adverse effect on classroom instruction. Electronic communications devices are defined as telecommunications devices, to include mobile telephones that emit an audible signal, vibrate, display a message or otherwise summon or deliver a communication to the possessor.

Therefore, any student who is in possession of an electronic communications device as outlined in the district’s policy and the guidelines as noted below is subject to discipline as provided under the district’s code of student conduct.

Guidelines for electronic communications devices offenses

Possession of electronic communications devices including beepers, cell phones, digital phones and laser lights (Category III) (Code 330)

● 1st offense – School personnel will confiscate the cell phone and immediately turn it in to an administrator to be kept in a locked, secure place. The phone will be returned to the parent/legal guardian (no exception) pending a parent conference. The conference may be held as soon as the next school day. The student will receive a discipline referral. It will be written on the referral and verbally told to the parent/legal guardian that any cell phone taken a second time will be confiscated and returned one year from the date of confiscation. The discipline for the first offense will be temporary removal from class and/or in-school suspension.

● 2nd offense – School personnel will confiscate the cell phone and immediately turn it in to an administrator to be kept in a locked, secure place. The student will receive a discipline referral with a written explanation on the referral and a verbal explanation to parent/legal guardian reminding him/her that because it is the second offense, the phone will be returned one year from the date of confiscation. The phone will be kept at the school in a secure location by the principal or assistant principal with the student’s name and second offense on a label on the phone. Neither school nor district personnel will be responsible if the phone is lost or damaged. The discipline for the second offense will be temporary removal from class and/or in-school suspension.

NOTE: If a student’s behavior and actions result in a “refusal to surrender unauthorized items” to any school administrator or staff person, a Category II consequence will apply and be handled accordingly. The consequence will be an out-of-school suspension.


All students must sign and abide by the following the Internet Use Agreement before being permitted to use the computer. Should any student commit any violation, access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action may be taken, and/or appropriate legal action taken. The agreement is as follows:

A. ACCEPTABLE USE-The use of the Internet must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of Sumter School District. Use for commercial activities is not acceptable. Use for product advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited.

B. PRIVILEGES-The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of that privilege. Each student who is licensed will receive training from a staff member pertaining to the proper use of the network. The staff will deem what is inappropriate use. Their decision is final.


1. show my Internet license and ask permission of school staff member before

using the computer terminal.

2. sign in and out when I use the computer.

3. not attempt to download or save files to the computer hard drive or the floppy

disk drive without pre-approval by staff member.

4. not insert a floppy disk into the drive without pre-approval by a staff member.

5. obtain permission from the staff member before printing pages off the Internet computer.

6. be the only student at a terminal.

7. use the Internet session for legitimate educational purposes, and not for computer games,

frivolous/obscene messages, sex, drugs, or alcohol, etc.

8. not set or reset passwords.

9. strictly observe time limits.

10. not make changes to the settings in the computers, CD-ROMs, or any attached equipment.

11. notify a staff member immediately of any security violation or problem.

12. not use private e-mail except for an approved assignment that is supervised by a staff member.

Students at schools which permit student access to the e-mail module of the District eChalk

account may access use eChalk e-mail, electronic filing, and class pages in accordance with

published eChalk guidelines provided:

a. parents have approved such access form

b. students have completed eChalk orientation at their school, and

c. students have signed on with eChalk at their school's eChalk website.

13. not use chat lines.

14. follow the copyright regulations.

D. VANDALISM-Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user or

other network (school or internet). The uploading or creation of computer viruses is also considered to be


1. Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges.

2. Students will be responsible for payment of any damages to any hardware or software.

3. Destroy data of another user or other network (school, Internet, or eChalk account).


Report cards are mailed home every nine weeks. At mid-term of each nine-week marking period, Interim Reports are mailed home (which indicates the student's current academic progress). Parents are encouraged to review the Interim Report with their children and consult with the teachers. Conferences may be scheduled by calling the school at (803) 495-8069.


The telephones in the school offices are for school business use only. Students will not be called to the office to receive calls except in eases of emergency. Students are not allowed to use the phone except in cases of emergency with the approval of an office staff member.


The uniform policy for the alternative education program is non-negotiable. All students on campus are required to wear uniforms each day of attendance.

Brewington Academy adheres to the Dress Code Policy of Sumter School District. The administration on campus reserves the right to determine whether a student’s attire is appropriate for school.

The Brewington Academy uniform will consist of:

➢ Tan or khaki pants and skirts (proper size) with no more than four (4) pockets – Two in the front and two in the back.

▪ Pants and skirts must be worn at the waist – No sagging allowed

▪ Long pants ONLY - Shorts, Cargo pants, Capri pants, and pants made like “blue jeans” are not permitted

▪ Solid tan, brown, black or white belt (proper waist size) must be worn with pants and skirts with belt loops

▪ Belts must be buckled and visible and not have large/elaborate belt buckles or studs

▪ Skirts must be knee length or longer

▪ Pants and skirts must be free of patches and drawings

➢ White collar shirt

▪ Shirts must be free of patches and drawings (with the exception of a small emblem).

▪ Shirts are to be tucked into pants or skirts at all times, belts must be visible

▪ Undershirts or thermals must be white without pictures or writing (White ONLY).

▪ Clingy, transparent or low cut shirts are not permissible

➢ Shoes with closed toes and closed heels – no steel toes or boots allowed

▪ Shoes must be solid white, black, or black and white with no other color or accessories.

▪ Shoe laces must be white or black.

▪ Shoes with shoelaces must be fully laced and tied.

▪ Flip-flops, slides, bedroom shoes, house shoes and sandals are not allowed.

▪ Socks must be black or white

➢ Jewelry:

▪ No jewelry, including earrings, rings, necklaces, tongue rings or watches. No gold or silver grills.

➢ Hair:

▪ Hair color must be its natural color (Color (dye) in hair or colored extensions are not allowed).

▪ Hair accessories such as barrettes, scrunchies, etc. can only be black or white

➢ Jackets, Sweaters and Fleece:

▪ Jackets, sweaters or fleece must be an open (zipper/button) and it must remain open at all times.

▪ Jackets with hoods are not allowed in the classroom. Hooded jackets must be placed in student locker immediately upon arriving on the classroom hall.

▪ Jackets, sweaters or fleece must be solid black, white, or gray with no markings.

▪ Overcoats and outerwear cannot be worn in classrooms. They must be placed in the student’s locker.

➢ Miscellaneous Items:

▪ Students are not allowed to wear hats, headscarves, du rags, or hoods in the building. This includes classrooms, hallways, and the cafeteria. Headwear will be confiscated if worn in the building or a classroom.

Other Prohibited Items

Anything deemed inappropriate by the administrator is not allowed. Inappropriate and unacceptable items will be confiscated by the administration.

Uniform Enforcement

If a student does not follow the uniform policy, the following will occur:

▪ Student will be separated from the school population;

▪ Parent will be contacted to pick the student up or bring the proper uniform for the student;

▪ Student may receive a referral for the dress code violation.


Any person entering the property of Brewington Academy agrees to be searched and is subject to be searched. The search includes the person and/or personal property. A member of the administrative team and/or the authorities will conduct the search when deemed necessary by an administrator


All visitors must sign in at the Main Office when entering the building. Brewington Academy does not permit student visitors to the classroom or campus during school hours. Student visitors are welcome to visit after school hours with administrative permission. All visitors must present a picture ID when signing in to visit the school, the classroom, or speaking to a student.


If it becomes necessary for a student to withdraw from school during the school year, the parent must contact the guidance office and notify a counselor that the student will be withdrawing from school. The parent must come to the school with the child to turn in all textbooks, library books, and pay all monies owed before completing a withdrawal form. Once this is all done, the withdrawal slip will be completed and given to the parent to take to the student's new school.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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