Magnet/IB Application for In-District Candidates

Directions: Please complete all required information and then print the completed application to obtain required signatures. Supporting documentation and recommendations should be sent directly by your current school.

I am applying for □ IB □Magnet □Both

SECTION I: Personal Information (Student)

Last Name: First Name:

Street Address:

City: State: ZIP Code:

Home Phone: Gender: □ Male □Female

Parent/Guardian Name:

Parent/Guardian Cell Phone:

Parent/Guardian Email:

Student Email:

Student Ethnicity (Optional):

Ethnic information is required by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Office for Civil Rights. The Morris Hills Regional District does not discriminate in its admissions policies and practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. Morris Hills values diversity AA/EEO.

SECTION 2: ACADEMIC INFORMATION (to be verified by current school counselor or administrator)

Current School:

Location (City, State) of Current School:

If you were not applying to the Magnet/IB Programs, which high school would you be attending according to where you live? □ Morris Hills □ Morris Knolls

Are you currently enrolled in or have you completed:

Algebra I? □Yes □No

Spanish I? □Yes □No French I? □Yes □No

Does the applicant currently have or utilize:

An IEP? □Yes □No

A 504 Plan? □Yes □No

An ESL Program □Yes □No

Has the applicant received Basic Skills services in the past two years?

Language Arts □Yes □No

Mathematics □Yes □No

I verify that the information in Section 2 is complete and accurate.

School Counselor/Administrator Name:

School Counselor/Administrator Signature:

School Counselor/Administrator Contact Number:


Parent/Guardian Release: I give permission for my child to apply to the Morris Hills Regional District and for my current school to release all records listed below to the Morris Hills Regional District for admissions consideration.

Student Signature: Date:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Morris Hills Regional District

Supplements for Students Applying to Magnet, IB, or Both

Instructions: Thank you for your interest in the Magnet Program and/or International Baccalaureate (IB) Program. Please ensure that each item in the checklist below is completed. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Ensure that each item in the checklist below is complete:


Admission to the Magnet and IB Programs is competitive. In-district students are given priority in the admissions process. After qualified in-district students have been admitted, remaining seats will be offered to qualified choice candidates. The admissions criteria for in-district and choice candidates are identical. All applications are reviewed by an Admissions Committee consisting of district administrators and teachers.

Admissions decisions are based on:

← Review of student’s academic record, including standardized test scores

← Review of other school documentation (attendance record and discipline record)

← Successful completion of any pre-requisites

← Interview with student (scheduled by appointment on December 7-8, 2011)

← Teacher recommendations

← Admissions test scores (Mathematics and Language Arts Literacy, exam given on December 3, 2011)

Where can I find more information about the Magnet and/or IB Programs?

There is a substantial amount of information available about all district programs on the district website:

Click on the “Curriculum” tab and then “Innovative Programs” for Magnet and IB information.

Click on the “Curriculum” tab and then “Program of Studies” for the Regular High School Program as well as course descriptions on all district courses, including Magnet and IB.

For more information on the IB Program around the world, go to

The MHRD Magnet Program belongs to a national consortium of magnet programs. For more information, go to

Morris Hills Regional District

Magnet Program for Math and Science/International Baccalaureate Program

Teacher Recommmendation #1

To the Teacher: The student listed below is applying to one of the specialty programs at the Morris Hills Regional District, both of which require initiative, motivation, creativity, and academic achievement. You have insight that will be very helpful in determining whether or not the applicant is ready for the challenges and the rigor of our programs. All information from the recommendation process will be kept confidential.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email Ms. Tara Casola, Magnet Program Coordinator at 973-664-2306 or or Mr. Scott Gambale, IB Program Coordinator at 973-664-2232 or .

Student’s Last Name First Name

Applying To: Magnet Program IB Program Both

Current Teacher Name Subject Student Grade to Date

Compared to the students that you are currently teaching, please rank the student intellectually.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Compared to the students that you have taught in the last 5 years, please rank the student intellectually.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Compared to the students that you are currently teaching, please rank the student’s motivation/work ethic.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Compared to the students that you have taught in the last 5 years, please rank the student’s motivation/work ethic.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Why do you think this student will be successful in the Magnet and/or IB Program?

What challenges do you see this student having in a rigorous academic program?

Would you recommend this student for an advanced level class in your academic area?

Yes No Yes, but with reservations.

Please return completed recommendation to: Morris Hills Regional District, School Choice Program, 48 Knoll Drive, Rockaway, NJ 07866, Attn: Dr. Zoeller

Morris Hills Regional District

Magnet Program for Math and Science/International Baccalaureate Program

Teacher Recommmendation #2

To the Teacher: The student listed below is applying to one of the specialty programs at the Morris Hills Regional District, both of which require initiative, motivation, creativity, and academic achievement. You have insight that will be very helpful in determining whether or not the applicant is ready for the challenges and the rigor of our programs. All information from the recommendation process will be kept confidential.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email Ms. Tara Casola, Magnet Program Coordinator at 973-664-2306 or or Mr. Scott Gambale, IB Program Coordinator at 973-664-2232 or .

Student’s Last Name First Name

Applying To: Magnet Program IB Program Both

Current Teacher Name Subject Student Grade to Date

Compared to the students that you are currently teaching, please rank the student intellectually.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Compared to the students that you have taught in the last 5 years, please rank the student intellectually.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Compared to the students that you are currently teaching, please rank the student’s motivation/work ethic.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Compared to the students that you have taught in the last 5 years, please rank the student’s motivation/work ethic.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Why do you think this student will be successful in the Magnet and/or IB Program?

What challenges do you see this student having in a rigorous academic program?

Would you recommend this student for an advanced level class in your academic area?

Yes No Yes, but with reservations.

Please return completed recommendation to: Morris Hills Regional District, School Choice Program, 48 Knoll Drive, Rockaway, NJ 07866, Attn: Dr. Zoeller

Morris Hills Regional District

Magnet Program for Math and Science/International Baccalaureate Program

Recommmendation #3—IB APPLICANTS ONLY

To the Recommender: The student listed below is applying for admission to the International Baccalaureate (IB) at Morris Knolls High School. This is a highly competitive program that focuses on international-mindedness, intellectual curiosity and community service. The program emphasizes critical thinking, writing and interpersonal skills. The recommendation is an integral part of the application process. You have insight that will be very helpful in determining whether or not the applicant is ready for the challenges and the rigor of our program. All information from the recommendation process will be kept confidential. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Scott Gambale at (973) 664-2232 or email

Student’s Last Name First Name

Recommender Name Relationship to Student Student Grade to Date (if applicable)

Compared to the students that you are currently teaching, please rank the student intellectually.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Compared to the students that you have taught in the last 5 years, please rank the student intellectually.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Compared to the students that you are currently teaching, please rank the student’s motivation/work ethic.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Compared to the students that you have taught in the last 5 years, please rank the student’s motivation/work ethic.

Top 1% Top 5 % Top 10% Top 20 % Top 50 % Bottom 50%

Why do you think this student will be successful in the IB Program?

What challenges do you see this student having in a rigorous academic program?

Would you recommend this student for an advanced level class in your academic area (if applicable)?

Yes No Yes, but with reservations.

Please return completed recommendation to: Morris Hills Regional District, School Choice Program, 48 Knoll Drive, Rockaway, NJ 07866, Attn: Dr. Zoeller


Answers to this section will not impact admissions decisions.

← Complete the Magnet/IB Application. Indicate which program(s) you are applying to.

← Have your school counselor or administrator send the following records to MHRD:

o Complete Transcript from Grade 7 plus your Grade 8 report card

o Standardized Test Scores from Grades 6 and 7

o Any Attendance/Discipline Records

o Child Study Team/504 Records (if applicable)

← Obtain recommendations from your current teachers as follows:

o Magnet Program—a total of 2 recommendations: 1 from your Math teacher and 1 from your Science teacher

o IB Program—a total of 3 recommendations: 1 from a Math OR Science teacher, 1 from an English OR Social Studies teacher, AND 1 from any teacher, coach, activity advisor, or advisor from a community activity (cannot be a parent, relative, or friend)

o Students applying to both programs can get 1 recommendation from a Math teacher, 1 recommendation from a Science teacher, and 1 from an English OR Social Studies teacher to meet the requirements for both Magnet and IB. There is no need to obtain 5 letters.

← The Magnet/IB Application, requested School Records, and Recommendations must be submitted to Morris Hills Regional at the address below no later than December 1, 2011.

• Morris Hills Regional District

School Choice Program

48 Knoll Drive

Rockaway, NJ 07866

Attn: Dr. Zoeller

← Magnet/IB candidates will be required to take an admissions exam in mathematics and language arts on Saturday, December 3, 2011.

← Candidates will also be required to participate in an interview on either December 7th or 8th. Snow dates for the interviews are December 14th and 15th.

← Please call Jacque Corcoran at 973-664-2293 or email to schedule your exam and interview.


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