Resume - Population Leadership Program mission


|Mailing Address: |Phone (Home): ++234-1-8963929 |

|4 Bajomo Street, Saala Estate [Beside Rolawe |(Mobile): ++234-8037196595 |

|Hospital], Iju-Ishaga 100005, Lagos, Nigeria |++234-18513034 |

| |E-mail: sssule2002@ |

SULE, Salami Suberu FMCPH, FRIPH

|Summary/Bio |Dr. Sule is currently a consultant to the Reproductive Health Unit, Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), |

| |Nigeria working in the area of capacity building of health work force in maternal and neonatal morbidity and|

| |mortality reduction in Lagos state. Until recently, he was a Packard-Gate Fellow at the Population |

| |Leadership Program (PLP), University of Washington, Seattle. He has over eight years experience post |

| |registration as a medical doctor and six years experience working as a Community Health physician in both |

| |rural and urban community of south-west Nigeria and a two years experience as a Consultant in sexual and |

| |reproductive health (SRH). He holds both a medical degree and a masters degree in Community Health from the |

| |Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife in Nigeria. He is a fellow in public health both from the National |

| |Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (FMCPH) and in the Royal Institute of Public Health (FRIPH). |

| |Additionally, he brings experience working with the Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria in the area of |

| |policy development, program implementation and evaluation; and in collaborative research activities and |

| |program implementation with local NGOs in Nigeria. Dr Sule has a high-concept and high touch abilities. |

|Objectives/Interest |Advocacy; counselling and the use of information, education and communication (IEC) materials |

| |Programme design for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services delivery including HIV/AIDS |

| |Operational research in SRH |

| |System-thinking in delivery of health interventions in resource-limited settings. |

|| |To be visionary, influential, innovative, and take necessary risks in serving my organization, community, |

|My personal mission statement |Nigeria and beyond, through my vocation and with application of my energies in activities that will improve |

| |the health and well-being of the people that I serve. I want to develop my capacity to be able to cope with |

| |adversity, to have integrity, to be open to influence, and to be flexible. I want to be able to manage |

| |conflicts and harness the resources at my disposal for the good of my family, my organization, my community,|

| |Nigeria, and beyond. As a stepping-stone to this, I want to attain a height of professionalism in community |

| |health practice and global public health. I intend to work in a results-oriented team network; and embrace |

| |new and more innovative ways to achieve my career fulfilment through participatory action and community |

| |mobilization for health and developmental activities. |

|Professional experience |June to July 2006: Consultant to the Reproductive Health Unit, Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Nigeria, |

| |capacity building of health work force on maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality reduction in Lagos |

| |state. |

| | |

| |Position: Consultant (Contract) |

| |Activities: |

| |Training of Lagos State PHC workers on current Safe motherhood programming (SMP) issues for effective and |

| |efficient implementation of programmes and plans for nurturing safe motherhood-competent society |

| |Training on leadership and the use of current tools, guidelines for the implementation of SMP. |

| |Sept. 2005 to June 2006: Packard-Gate Fellow, Population Leadership Program (PLP), Evans School of Public |

| |Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195, USA. |

| |Position: Fellow, Population Leadership Program (PLP) |

| |Activities: |

| |Leadership, Professional and Academic development in |

| |Reproductive Health, Population Activities |

| |and Family Planning. Sept. 2005-June 2006 |

| |Team member, |

| |Development of Fact Sheet on Trade and Health, |

| |American Public Health association (APHA) Oct.-Dec. 2005 |

| |Member, Global Health Research Council Advisory Board, |

| |University of Washington, Seattle Nov. 2005-June 2006 |

| |4. Professional Affiliation |

| |Partnership for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) |

| |Development of methodologies/formative research for the |

| |introduction of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine Feb. 2006- June 2006 |

| | |

| | |

| |June to September 2005: Department of Community Health, O.A.U.T.H.C., Ile-Ife. |

| |Position: Post-Part II Senior Resident Doctor-Community Health |

| | |

| |Main Duties: |

| |Teaching, training and supervision of Resident Doctors and Medical Students; involved in the provision of |

| |essential public health services in communities we serve. Provided consultancy services in SRH activities to|

| |external organizations: |

| | |

| |1. Consultant, Technical Meeting to develop the Document, |

| |National Clinical Service Protocol for Obstetric Care in Nigeria. FMOH/COMPASS |

| |May - Sept. 2005 2. Consultant, review of Life Saving Skills (LSS) Training and|

| |Participant’s Manual. WHO/FMOH, Lagos. May 2005 |

| |3. Consultant, facilitative supervisory visit to States for |

| |Safe Motherhood Programme activities in Ondo, Ekiti and |

| |Ebonyi States of Nigeria. FMOH, Lagos. May 2005|

| |4. Consultant, HIV/AIDS Programme Development Project (HPDP) |

| |Impact Assessment in Lagos State. World Bank Group. May 2005 |

| |4. Consultant, HIV/AIDS Programme Development Project (HPDP) |

| |Impact Assessment in Lagos State. World Bank Group. May 2005 |

| |5. Consultant, Post Abortion Care Consultative Meeting. FMOH, Lagos. May 2005 6. |

| |Consultant, review of Safe Motherhood Fact Sheet, Federal |

| |Ministry of Health (FMOH), Lagos. April 2005 |

| | |

| | |

| |June 2002 to May 2005: Department of Community Health, O.A.U.T.H.C., Ile-Ife Position: Chief |

| |Resident Doctor-Community Health |

| | |

| |Main Duties: |

| |My experiences included serving as the Physician-in-Charge of a rural comprehensive health center; and as a |

| |Community Health Physician to two urban health centers attached to O.A.U.T.H.C. I coordinated and |

| |facilitated the provision of essential public health care services in these health centers. |

| | |

| |I participated and supervised activities at the child health clinic; endemic disease clinic; immunization |

| |clinic; family planning clinic; nutrition rehabilitation clinic; school health clinic; and in the |

| |formulation and implementation of programmes at the community level such as the provision of community based|

| |sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and child health services. I did collaborative work and |

| |research with my supervising consultants, LGA health workers, NGOs, and community based organizations |

| |(CBOs). I actively engaged myself in research in all areas of community medicine, with emphasis on child |

| |health and SRH. |

| | |

| | |

| |January 2000 to April 2002: Department of Community Health O.A.U.T.H.C., Ile-Ife |

| |Position: Junior Resident Doctor-Community Health |

| |Main Duties: |

| |As a Junior Resident Doctor and physician-in-training to all the service centers of the Department of |

| |Community Health, I worked in the field of endemic disease control and the provision of essential public |

| |health services. I engaged myself in community health activities and programmes in all the communities we |

| |serve. I participated in the provision and supervision of child health services; school health services; |

| |immunization activities; nutritional rehabilitation and management of malnourished children,; and family |

| |planning services. |

| | |

| |February 1999 to January 2000: |

| |1. Deboff Clinic. Ladipo street, Mushin, Lagos. 2. |

| |Bola Clinic. Olanibi street, Papa-Ajao, Lagos. 3. |

| |Alayo Clinic. Agunbiade street, Mushin, Lagos. |

| |4. Funto Clinic. Ijesha road, Mushin, Lagos. |

| |Position: Medical Officer |

| |Main Duties: |

| |Involved in the provision of general clinical services on out-patient and in-patient basis. |

| | |

| |February 1998 to January 1999: |

| |1. General Hospital Ikeja, Lagos (NYSC). |

| |2. First Cross Clinic. Ijesha Road, Itire, Lagos. |

| |Position: Medical Officer |

| |Involved in the provision of accident and emergency medical services. Involved in the provision of general |

| |clinical services on out-patient and in-patient basis. |

| | |

| |August 1996 to July 1997: |

| |General Hospital Ikeja, Lagos. |

| |Position: House Officer |

| |Provided clinical services under supervision of relevant consultants and other senior colleagues in General |

| |surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gyneacology and Medicine. |

|Summary of qualifications | |

| |1. Certificate, International Health June 2006 |

| |2. Fellow, Faculty of Public Health (FMCPH) |

| |National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (NPMCN) May 2005 |

| |3. Masters of Community Health (MCommH) April 2005 |

| |4. Member, West African College of Physician |

| |(MWACP), Community Health April 2002 |

| |5. Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) Dec., 1995 |

| |6. West Africa School Certificate (WASC) June, 1986 |

|Education | |

| |1. School of Public Health and Community Medicine |

| |University of Washington, |

| |Seattle WA 98195, USA 2005 - 2006 |

| |2. National Postgraduate Medical College |

| |of Nigeria (NPMCN), Ijanikin, Lagos. 1999 - 2005 |

| |3. Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 2000 - 2005 |

| |4. West Africa Postgraduate Medical College |

| |(WAPMC) Edmond Crescent, off Taylor’s Drive, |

| |Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria. 2000 - 2002 |

| |5. Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 1988 - 1995 |

| |6. Government College Lagos |

| |Eric-Moore Road, Lagos, Nigeria. 1981 – 1986 |

| | |

|Language |Competent in written and spoken English Language |

| |Competent in Yoruba Language (South-West Nigeria) |

| |Competent in Afemai Language (Edo State, Nigeria) |

| | |

|Motivation |An equal opportunity organization with prospect for career advancement, supports for continuing education, |

| |job security and is people oriented; an organization with good working environment where I can achieve |

| |self-respect and self-actualization. |

|Competencies |Synthetic, Analytic, counseling, communication, supervisory, and computer skills, ability to work under |

| |pressure, ability to work with little or no supervision, good team player, consensus builder, perseverance |

| |and ability to lead. |

|Professional memberships |1. MEMBER, Nigeria Medical Association 1996 -2. MEMBER, West African College of Physician |

| |(MWACP), Community Health. 2002 - |

| |3. ASSOCIATE MEMBER, Nigeria Institute of Management (AMNIM) 2004 - 4. FELLOW, |

| |Medical College of Public Health (FMCPH), National Postgraduate Medical |

| |College of Nigeria (NPMCN). 2005 - 5. Member, |

| |American Public Health Association (APHA) 2005 - |

| |6. Fellow, Royal Institute of Public Health (RIPH) 2006 - |

| | |

|Computer Proficiency |MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook Express, Epi-InfoTM , SPSS |

|Additional professional |1. Associate Lecturer, Community Health Officer (C.H.O) |

|activities |Training Programme, (O.A.U.T.H.C.), Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 2002 - 2005 |

| |2. Participant, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (NPMCN) |

| |Health Resources Management Course. Lagos University Teaching |

| |Hospital (LUTH), Idi-Araba, Lagos. Mar, 2004 3. Resource person, Workshop on Water|

| |Borne Diseases – Prevention and Control in Osun state, Nigeria. |

| |Feb. 2003 4. Participant, West African College of Physician Workshop on Research |

| |Methodology. University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan. Aug. 2002 5. Participant, |

| |WHO/FMOH/Ife Central Local Government-11 days training Workshop on Integrated |

| |Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Ile-Ife, Nigeria |

| |Oct. 2001. |

| |6. Participant, Dermatology Update Course-Department of Dermatology and |

| |Venereology, O.A.U.T.H.C., Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Sept. 2001 |

| |7. Resource person, Workshop on Managing Health Team for Effective Community Health |

| |Care Delivery in Osun state, Nigeria. Aug. 2001 8. Participant, WHO Workshop on |

| |Management of Diarrhoea diseases, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. |

| |Nigeria. Sept. 2000 |

| | |

|Publications |Articles |

| |1. Sule SS, Onayade AA. Community-Based Antenatal and Perinatal Interventions and Newborn Survival. |

| |Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2006; 15 (2): 108-14. |

| |2. Orji EO, Shittu AS, Makinde ON, Sule SS. Effect of Prolonged Birth Spacing on Maternal and Perinatal |

| |Outcome. East African Medical Journal 2004; 81 (8): 388-91. |

| |3. Sule SS. Childhood Morbidity and Treatment Pattern at the Multipurpose Health Center, Ilesa, Nigeria. |

| |Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2003; 12 (3): 145-49. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Commentaries and Communications |

| |1. Sule SS. Designing a Health Education Programme for Prevention and Control of Diarrhoea Diseases at |

| |Primary Health Care (PHC) Level for Local Government (LGA) Workers. Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2004; 13|

| |(3): 286-89. |

| |2. Sule SS. Community Participation in Health and Development. Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2004; 13 (3):|

| |276-81 |

| |3. Sule SS. Commentaries on the Meaning of Health Education. IFEMED Journal 2003; 10 (1): 54-6. |

|Reviewer | |

| |Journal of Epidemiology and Community Medicine 2006 - |

| | |

| |World Health Bulletin 2006 - |

| |Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference, Los Angeles, USA Mar.|

|Conferences Attended |29- April 1 2006 |

|References | |

| |Dr. A. A. Onayade Professor Frederick A. Connell |

| |Community health physician. Associate Dean (Academics), |

| |Department of Community Health School of Public Health and Community |

| |Obafemi Awolowo University Medicine |

| |Ile-Ife 220005, Osun State, Nigeria. University of Washington |

| |[++234] – 8037184015 Box 357230 Seattle, WA 98195, US |

| |aonayade@ +1 206 543-8887, +1 206 543-1144  |

| | |

| | |

| |Dr. O. A. Fatusi Dr. (Mrs) T. C. Abiona |

| |Community health physician. Community health physician, Department of Community Health |

| |Department of Community Health |

| |Obafemi Awolowo University Obafemi Awolowo University |

| |Ile-Ife 220005, Osun State, Nigeria. Ile-Ife 220005, Osun State, Nigeria. |

| |[++234] – 8037197434 [++234] – 8037149725 |

| | titiabiona@ |

| | |

| | |

|Permanent Home Address |No. 4, Bajomo Street, Saala Estate, Iju-Ishaga, Lagos, Nigeria |

| | |

|Gender and Date of Birth |Male, 17 March 1969 |

| | |

|Hobbies |Travelling, Reading, Playing Chess and Teaching |


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