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Statewide Studies:

(See additional information at Library Research Service at )

1. Impact of School Library Media Centers on Academic Achievement: 1993 Colorado Study, K. C. Lance, L. Welborn, C. Hamilton-Pennell. Castle Rock, CO: HiWillow, 1993.

2. Measuring Up to Standards: The Impact of School Libraries & Information Literacy in Pennsylvania Schools, K. C. Lance, M. J. Rodney, C. Hamilton-Pennell, 1999. Available at

3. Information Empowered: The School Librarian as an Agent of Academic Achievement in Alaska Schools, K. C. Lance et al. Juneau: Alaska State Library, 2000.

4. How School Librarians Help Kids Achieve Standards: The Second Colorado Study, K. C. Lance, C. Hamilton-Pennell, M. J. Rodney. San Jose, CA: HiWillow, 2000.

5. MCAS and School Libraries: Making the Connection, J. Baughman, 2000. Available at

6. Check It Out! Results from the School Library Media Census, [Minnesota], 2001. Available at

7. Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, Services, and Students’ Performance, E. G. Smith, 2001. Available at

8. Oregon School Librarians Collaborate to Improve Academic Achievement, K. C. Lance, M. J. Rodney, C. Hamilton-Pennell, 2002. Available at

9. Making the Connection: Quality School Library Media Programs Impact Academic Achievement in Iowa, M. J. Rodney, K. C. Lance, and C. Hamilton-Pennell, 2002. Available at

10. How School Libraries Improve Outcomes for Children: The New Mexico Study, K. C. Lance, M. J., Rodney, C. Hamilton-Pennell, 2002. Available at

11. The Impact of Michigan School Librarians on Academic Achievement: Kids Who Have Libraries Succeed, M. J. Rodney, K.C. Lance, C. Hamilton-Pennell, 2003. Available at

12. An Essential Connection: How Quality School Library Media Programs Improve Student Achievement in North Carolina, R. Burgin and P.B. Bracy, 2003. Available at

13. Making the Grade: The Status of School Library Media Centers in the Sunshine State and How They Contribute to Student Achievement, D. Baumbach, 2003. Available at

14. Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries, R. J. Todd and C.C. Kuhlthau, 2004. Available at


1. Asselin, M. (2002). Evidence-based practice. Teacher Librarian 30(1), 53-54.

2. Barron, D. D. (2003). Evidence-based practice and the school library media specialist. School Library Media Activities Monthly 20(4), 49-51.

3. Joyce, M. Z. (2003). Fostering reading through intrinsic motivation: an action-research study. Knowledge Quest 32(1), 39-40.

4. Tallman, J.I. and M.A. Fitzgerald. (2001). Action research in Georgia media centers: a look at three important topics (special section). Knowledge Quest 29(5), 21-40.

5. Todd, R.J. (2003, April). Irrefutable evidence: how to prove you boost student achievement. School Library Journal, 52-54.

6. Todd, R.J. (2003). School libraries & evidence: seize the day, begin the future. Library Media Connection 22(1), 12-18.


1. Farmer, L. S. J. (2003). How to conduct action research: a guide for library media specialists. Chicago: American Association of School Librarians.

2. Lance, K. C. and D. V. Loertscher. (2002). Powering achievement: school library media programs make a difference: the evidence. 2nd ed. Castle Rock, CO: HiWillow.

3. Loertscher, D. V. and R. J. Todd. (2003). We boost achievement: evidence-based practice for school library media specialists. Castle Rock, CO: HiWillow.

4. Sykes, J. A. (2002). Action research: a practical guide for transforming your school library. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Computer Software:

1. Miller, N.A.S. (2003). Impact! Documenting the LMC program for accountability. Castle Rock, CO: HiWillow. Available from

Web Sites:

1. Project achievement: a national initiative to collect and present evidence at the local level that links school library media programs to student achievement, 2003-2005, sponsored by David V. Loertscher. Available at

2. Virginia Department of Education

a. SOL and Curriculum Frameworks --

b. SOL Scope and Sequence Guides--

c. Test Blueprints—


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