Finger Lakes Community College

SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday7:008:00?9:00?Work?PreviewSOCPreview ENG?Preview BioBIO?PreviewSOCPreview ENG?Preview BioBIO?PreviewSOCPreview ENG?Work10:00?ENG?ENG?ENG11:00??12:00?? SOCSOCStudy12-1SOC?1:00?Review SOCPreview P.S.Review SOCPreview P.S.Review SOCPreview P.S.?2:00P.S.Study2-3P.S.Review BioP.S.3:00?Review ENGReview P.S.Review Bio?Review ENGReview P.S.Study3-5?Review ENGReview P.S.?Commute4:00Study4-5Yoga?Study 4-5?Study4-65:00Study4-6????6:007:00?Study7-10Study7-10?Study8-10Study7-9Study4-68:00Study8-109:0010:00???11:00???Midnight The purpose of a weekly calendar is to help you plan your time and accomplish weekly goals and tasks. Use the weekly calendar alongside your Semester Calendar. Ask Yourself the following questions: When & where are you most alert? What is the best time and place for you to get work done? Etc.Are there classes you need to use professor office hours and/or open lab hours? (put on schedule) Tip: office hours are on course outline and the General Tutoring Website.Are there assignments /quizzes due on a weekly basis that you could work on at the same time every week?When do you usually socialize? Indicate the following on the weekly calendar: Classes and Labs, work, club meetings, activities, necessities (eating, etc.), free time (socializing friends, etc.)Tip: With the remaining open blocks, build in time for the study cycle (Preview, Review, Study sessions and rewards (every class).Set Goals: Consider the time you have established and set reasonable study goals. Tip: Consider using a To Do List with your goals.How much you are trying to accomplish in one day – Be Realistic!Reflect & AdjustWhat extra time do you have & how do you want to use it?Are you spending your time in a way that aligns with your goals? What is important to you?Do you prefer a paper copy or electronic version? Make a decision and stick to it – Tip: use it!The Study Cycle:02540PREVIEW 5-15 MinutesBefore Class, skim new material.Note big ideas!ATTENDGo to class!Take notes.Ask questions.REVIEW 10-15 minutesReread notes.Fill in gaps.Develop questions.STUDY 30-50 minutesSchedule several focused study sessions per class each week.CHECKCan I teach this material top someone?Are my study methods effective?Study Ratio: 2 to 1 – example: a 12 credit schedule = 24 hrs. of study time! Adapted from Frank Christ’s PLRS system.?2015 Louisiana State University, Center for Academic SuccessStudy Cycle Video: SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday7:00???????8:00???????9:00???????10:00???????11:00???????12:00???????1:00???????2:00???????3:00???????4:00???????5:00???????6:00???????7:00???????8:00???????9:00???????10:00???????11:00???????Midnight ??????? ................

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