Tossup 1: Arts – American Literature

UMR Spring Tournament – March 3, 2007



Tossup 1: Arts – American Literature

In chapter 6, a young man named James changes his name while rowing out onto Lake Superior to warn rich financier Dan Cody that a wind might soon wreck his yacht. Years later, this novel's title character is fabulously rich and lives in West Egg, next door to narrator Nick Carraway. For 10 points, name this 1925 novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

The Great Gatsby

Tossup 2: Social Studies – American History

It defined the term “beer, wine, or other intoxicating malt or vinous liquors” as any beverage containing 0.5% alcohol or more by volume. Sponsored by a namesake representative from Minnesota this is, FTP, what act that enforced the Eighteenth Amendment?

Volstead Act or National Prohibition Act of 1919

Tossup 3: Science – Chemistry

Its names means “stench of the he-goats,” and it is a very foul smelling gas. This element will react readily with metals, including the alkali and alkaline earth metals, to form salts, and its diatomic form is used to manufacture many organic compounds. For ten points—what element is a reddish-brown liquid at room temperature and has symbol Br?


Tossup 4: Math – Algebra (Calculation)

Convert the decimal number 44 to binary.

101100 [1-0-1-1-0-0]

Tossup 5: General – Sports

This stadium will be replaced in 2008 or 2009 with a new structure estimated to cost one billion dollars. Originally built to replace the Cotton Bowl, it was originally intended as a dome, but the roof’s excessive weight forced a modification, resulting in its now-famous hole. FTP, name this home of the Dallas Cowboys.

Texas Stadium

Tossup 6: Arts – Fine Arts

Charles wrote the score for A Nightmare on Elm Street. Film scores for To Kill a Mockingbird and The Magnificent Seven were written by Elmer, and the most famous composer with this name wrote the opera Candide. FTP, give this shared last name in 20th century music also claimed by Leonard, who wrote the music in West Side Story.


Tossup 7: Science – Biology

Distant relatives of the sea cow and the hyraxes, these animals are known for their hard work. The Asians have small ears, while the African type have larger ears and long protuberances. For ten points, what is this large pachyderm whose population has not tripled in the past six months?


Tossup 8: Social Studies – Geography

It was formed by two overlapping shield volcanoes that are connected by a valley-like isthmus. The second easternmost island of an eight-island archipelago, several tourist destinations on it include Ka’anapali [kah-ah-nah-pah-lee], Wailea [why-lee-uh], and Lahaina [la-ha-ee-nuh]. The volcano Haleakala [hall-E-calla] is located on, FTP, which second largest Hawaiian island, only smaller than the island of Hawaii itself?


Tossup 9: Math – Geometry (Calculation)

The nameplate at the bottom of a trophy is in the shape of a trapezoid and has a height of 4 inches. The top edge of the nameplate is two inches shorter than the length of the bottom. If the face has a total area of 20 square inches, FTP, how long is the bottom of the nameplate?

6 inches

Tossup 10: Arts – British Literature

Ed Malone, Neville St. Clair, John Roxton, Henry Baskerville, Professor Challenger, Dr. Moriarty, Dr. Watson, and Sherlock Holmes are characters all created by, FTP, which Scottish author?

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Tossup 11: General – Industrial Arts

The two basic types are unsynchronized and synchronized, with the latter presently being used only in specific applications. They are characterized by selectable gear ratios attained by engaging pairs of gears in the system. FTP name this automotive gearing system, a less expensive alternative to its automatic counterpart.

Manual or standard transmission (prompt on “stick shift”)

Tossup 12: Science – Geology

Cotopaxi and Azul in South America, Popocatepetl [poh-poh-cot-ep-et-ul] and Paricutun [pear-ik-utt-un] in Central America, Sakurijima and Fuji in Japan are all volcanoes, along with Mount St. Helens, are part of, FTP, what Pacific system of tectonic plate borders around which 90% of all earthquakes occur?

Ring of Fire

Tossup 13: Math – Trigonometry (Calculation)

For ten points—what is the longest rod that can fit into a box 7 cm by 24 cm by 60 cm?

65 cm long

Tossup 14: Social Studies – World History

Virtually excluded from public office by his family due to a disability, he held the office of consul with his nephew Caligula in 37 AD. He was declared emperor after Caligula's death. FTP, identify this Roman emperor which help power from 41 to 54 AD.

Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Tossup 15: General – Movies

He loses his wife and all his money and is subsequently left with his 5 year-old child. Working at a brokerage firm while caring for his son, FTP, who is played by Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happyness?

Chris Gardner


Tossup 16: Arts – Mythology

Because he murdered his brother, his journey begins in exile. The son of Glaucus, King of Corinth, he is given his heroic task by Iobates, King of Lycia. FTP, identify this hero who slayed the Chimera.


Bonus 1: Math – Algebra (Calculation)

Calculate the following involving factorials.

1. 6 factorial


2. 7 factorial divided by 4 factorial


3. 99 factorial divided by 97 factorial


4. 8 factorial minus 5 factorial


Tossup 17: Science – Chemistry

Sodium amine, sodium hydride, butyl lithium, sodium carbonate, barium hydroxide, and potassium hydroxide are all in, FTP, what branch of compounds that includes sodium hydroxide?

Strong bases

Bonus 2: Social Studies – American History

Given the name of a colonial charter holder, give the name of the colony they founded.

1. James Oglethorpe


2. Cecil Calvert


3. London Company


4. Lord Proprietors


Tossup 18: General – Music

This band broke up after their “Synchronicity” tour in 1984, but reunited at the 2007 Grammy Awards as they performed their first hit, “Roxanne”. “King of Pain” and “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic” are hit songs by, FTP, what band led by Sting whose biggest hit was 1983’s “Every Breath You Take”?

The Police

Bonus 3: Arts – French Literature

Identify the following relating to an author who mastered air, earth, and water.

1. In this novel, Phileas Fogg attempts to achieve this title action now that a new railway section has opened in India.

Around the World in Eighty Days

2. Lidenbrock descends with a small party into a crater in Iceland and finds an underground coastline in this work.

Journey to the Center of the Earth

3. In this book, Pierre Aronnax and Ned Land investigate a giant sea monster, which turns out to be the Nautilus run by Captain Nemo.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

4. Which French author wrote all these novels, pioneering the science-fiction genre?

Jules Verne

Tossup 19: Math – Algebra (Calculation)

What is the remainder when 234 is divided by 7?


Bonus 4: General – Movies

The very first film of the Western genre was 1903's 12-minute silent short, The Great Train Robbery.  Identify the following about more recent Westerns.

1. The first Western to win the Academy Award for Best Picture was Cimarron.  Within 3 years, in what year did it win?

1931 (accept any year between 1928 and 1934)

2. In John Ford's 1956 film The Searchers, this iconic Western actor starred as Ethan Edwards, searching for his abducted niece, Debbie.

John Wayne (or Marion Morrison)

3.  Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, and Eli Wallach play the title characters in what 1966 Spaghetti Western directed by Sergio Leone?

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo)

4. After 60 years of denying Westerns Best Picture Oscars, the Academy gave two films from the 1990's best picture Oscars.  Name one of them.

Dances with Wolves (1990) or Unforgiven (1992)

Tossup 20: Social Studies – American History

Its name is derived from a word that means “land that is not an island” and early settlements include Kenai, Soldotna, Cordova and Valdez. Originally it was referred to as a Department, then a District, and in 1912 it was granted territorial status. FTP name this 49th state to be admitted to the union.


Bonus 5: Science – Biology

Answer these questions about animals.

1. This is the cessation of existence of a species or group of taxa in the natural environment.


2. Once the most common bird in North America, it is estimated that there were as many as five billion of this type of pigeon in the United States at the time Europeans arrived in North America.

Passenger or Wild pigeon

3. Last seen on May 15, 1989, this tropical amphibian gets its name from its "rich" amber color.

Golden toad

4. Some extinctions are due to natural events; for instance, this cat was believed to be a voracious predator based on its massive incisors.

Saber-toothed tiger or cat (or Smiledon)

Tossup 21: Arts – American Literature

This play tells of college professors during a drinking binge playing abusive games such as “Get the Guests.” When George asks Martha the title question, she answers, “I am, George, I am.” FTP, this is what play by Edward Albee?

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Bonus 6: Social Studies - Geography

Give the capitals of the following countries.

1. Honduras

Tegucigalpa [teh-goo-see-gawl-puh] (NOT Honduras City)

2. Bahrain


3. Ghana


4. Portugal


Tossup 22: Math – Noncalculation

Unlike its two similar statistical quantities, it can have many values for the same sample, and it makes sense for non-numerical data. FTP, what is this term that represents the value appearing most often in a set of data, as opposed to the mean or median?


Bonus 7: Arts - Fine Arts

Answer these colorful questions about paintings.

1. It's a period of Picasso's work that dates from 1901 to 1904. A famous example is "The Old Guitarist."

Blue Period

2. Along with "The Green Christ," in 1889 Paul Gauguin [go-gann] painted a scene of Jesus' crucifixion that shows him as this title color, the same color as the central figure in Gauguin's "Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?".

Yellow [The Yellow Christ]

3. An 1871 painting popularly called "Whistler's Mother" is actually titled "An Arrangement in" what two colors?

Grey and Black [order doesn't matter]

4. A famous 1770 Thomas Gainsborough work of this title depicts a young lad wearing the title color.

The Blue Boy

Tossup 23: Science – Biology

Produced in the microsporangium contained in the anther of an angiosperm flower, male cone of a coniferous plant, or male cone of other seed plants, it is transferred via wind, insects, or by direct contact. For ten points, what is this structure that produces the sperm cells of seed plants?


Bonus 8: Math – Trigonometry (Calculation)

Given an inverse trigonometric expression and a quadrant, determine the value of the angle.

1. arcsine of square root of 2 over 2, second quadrant

135 degrees OR 3π/4 radians

2. arctangent of 1, third quadrant

225 degrees OR 5π/4 radians

3. arccosine of square root of 3 over 2, first quadrant

30 degrees OR π/6 radians

4. arcsecant of 2, fourth quadrant

-60 degrees (-π/3 radians) OR 300 degrees (5π/3 radians)

Tossup 24: General - Religion

After being anointed King of Israel, he spent many years in hiding. It was during this time he wrote many poems and songs that now make up the book of Psalms. FTP, which king was known as 'a man after God's own heart’?


Bonus 9: Arts – American Literature

Given the names of characters from an American novel, name the novel.

1. Tom Robinson, Atticus and Scout Finch

To Kill a Mockingbird

2. Celie, Shug Avery

The Color Purple

3. Ashley Wilkes, Scarlet O’Hara

Gone with the Wind

4. Simon Legree, Little Eva, Eliza

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Tossup 25: Social Studies – American History

The three candidates it placed in its first election were unable to take enough electoral votes from Martin Van Buren to deny him a majority. Four years later, it successfully gained the presidency after rallying its support behind a single candidate, William Henry Harrison. Harrison and Zachary Taylor were the only two presidents to be elected as members of, FTP, which nineteenth-century political party?

Whig Party

Bonus 10: Science – Chemistry (Calculation)

Convert the following temperatures into the desired scales.

1. 25 degrees Celsius into Kelvin

298.15 K

2. 90 degrees Celsius into degrees Fahrenheit

194 ºF

3. 167 degrees Fahrenheit into degrees Celsius

75 ºC

4. 373.15 Kelvin into degrees Fahrenheit

212 ºF


Tossup 26: Arts – World Literature

“Awake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight” begins the first poem in this collection of over a thousand. Edward Fitzgerald is best known for translating them into English from the Arabic in which they were written nearly a thousand years ago. For ten points, name this collection of quatrains written by Omar Khayyam.

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Tossup 27: General

Standing at one foot four inches tall and weighing 13 pounds, its name is a combination of the Japanese words for “electric sparkling” and “mouse’s squeak.” It evolves into Raichu and is the favorite of Ash Ketchum. FTP, name this yellow Pokémon.


Tossup 28: Math – Algebra (Calculation)

Three owls are watching a TV that gets channels numbered from 1 through 30 and are arguing over what channel to watch. The O RLY? owl only watches channels that are prime numbers, the YA RLY owl only watches channels that are three more than a multiple of 4, and the NO WAI owl only watches channels that are one less than a multiple of 6. FTP, what is the only channel that all three owls can agree on?


Tossup 29: Science – Biology

One of the 20 amino acids encoded by the genetic code, its functional group is indole. It is plentiful in fish, peanuts, and red meat. For ten points, name the amino acid responsible for sleepiness after a Thanksgiving meal.


Tossup 30: Social Studies – Geography

Forty-six of its peaks were determined to be over 4,000 feet in the early twentieth century, but more accurate surveys conducted later found that four of these were slightly less than 4000 feet and another was overlooked. At 5,344 feet, Mount Marcy is the highest point in, FTP, what northeastern New York mountain range in which the 1980 Olympic Winter Games at Lake Placid were held?

Adirondack Mountains

Tossup 31: General – Spelling

This word refers to a system in which things are ranked above or below others, as in the file system used by Microsoft Windows. FTP, spell “hierarchy.”


Tossup 32: Math – Geometry (Calculation)

A small town wants to build a large time capsule that is a cylinder with a hemisphere at each end. If each person gets 1 cubic foot of space, the total length of the capsule is 6 feet, and its radius is 1 foot, to the nearest person, how many people can put something into the time capsule?

17 (the volume is 16.76 cubic feet)

Tossup 33: Arts – American Literature

At the end of this novel, Eunice Littlefield elopes with the protagonist’s son, Ted. Following the life of a real-estate salesman from Zenith, this is, FTP, what novel by Sinclair Lewis?


Tossup 34: Science – Physics (Calculation)

Assume gravity to be ten meters per second squared. A projectile is launched directly upward with an initial velocity of sixty meters per second. FTP what is the total distance traveled by the projectile?

360 meters

Tossup 35: Social Studies – World History

Occurring at the end of the Edo period of Japan, it was sparked by the arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry's black ships. FTP, identify this event which led to changed in the political and social structure of Japan and ended the reign of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Meiji Revolution (also accept Meiji Restoration and Meiji Renewal)

Tossup 36: Math – Noncalculation

Two to the root two power is classified as this type of number, but root two is not, since it is a possible solution of a polynomial equation. The name of this type of numbers comes from Leibniz (LEEB-nits), who proved that the sine of x is not an algebraic function of x. FTP, a real or complex number which is not algebraic is classified as what type of number, a set that includes pi and e?

Transcendental numbers

Tossup 37: General – Home Economics

The scientist who coined this term may have been alluding to a quote by Prospero referring to Caliban in The Tempest. Twin studies are primary evidence in discovering a solution to, FTP, which debate about whether kids’ actions are taught or encoded in their genes?

Nature vs. Nurture (accept Psychological Nativism & Tabula Rasa)

Tossup 38: Science – Chemistry

Electrons were originally thought to fly around the nucleus in specified paths, but since electrons exhibit wave properties as well as particle properties, they are found in a general region. Quantum numbers are used to describe—for ten points—what sub-atomic phenomena?


Tossup 39: Arts – French Literature

This existentialist described his beliefs in The Transcendence of the Ego. During WWII, while he was a French meteorologist, he experienced what we would need to write The Age of Reason. FTP, name this author best known for plays such as No Exit.

Jean-Paul Sartre

Tossup 40: Social Studies – American History

Passed June 2, 1774 as part of the Intolerable Acts, it was heavily protested by the American colonists because they feared the potential danger brought by standing armies. FTP, name this act, which required colonists to supply British troops with basic needs such as food and housing.

Quartering Act


Tossup 41: Science – Biology

One of the leading causes of death in critically injured patients, it is comprised of 4 stages; initial, compensatory, progressive, and refractory. A condition in which a tissue’s blood supply is insufficient to meet demand for oxygen, FTP, give the name for this condition, two examples of which include cardiogenic and anaphylactic.


Bonus 11: Math – Geometry (Calculation)

Complete the following conversions between rectangular and polar coordinates.

1. Rectangular coordinate (3, 0) to polar.

(3, 0º)

2. Polar coordinate (14,60º) to rectangular.

(7, 7√(3))

3. Rectangular coordinate (4, -4) to polar.

(4√(2), -45º) OR (4√(2), 315º) (accept radian equivalents: –π/4 and 7π/4)

4. Polar coordinate (√(18), 135º) to rectangular.


Tossup 42 Social Studies – Geography

Called the “Great Red Island”, its highest point is Maromokotro [mahr-o-moh-koh-troh] located in the Tsaratanana [tsar-at-ahn-ahn-uh] Massif at the north of the island. FTP, name this fourth largest island with its capital at Antananarivo [ant-tuh-nan-nah-ree-voh].


Bonus 12: Arts – World Literature

Identify the authors of these political works of literature.

1. Mein Kampf

Adolf Hitler

2. The Republic


3. Das Kapital (kah-pee-tahl)

Karl Marx

4. The Prince

Niccolo Machiavelli

Tossup 43: General – Agricultural Science

Ruth may have been one of the most famous women in the Bible to do this. FTP, what is practiced today by humanitarian groups who collect the leftover grain in the fields that is not economical profitable to harvest?


Bonus 13: Social Studies – World History

Identify the following related to a significant historical structure.

1. Stretching several thousand miles, this is the longest man-made structure in the world.

Great Wall of China

2. Within 100 miles, how long is the Great Wall?

3948 miles (ACCEPT answers between 3848-4048 miles)

3. The initial construction of the Great Wall began during this portion of China's history.

Warring States Period

4. Most of the portions of the Great Wall that remain today were constructed during this Chinese dynasty.


Tossup 44: Arts – British Literature

In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, he turns Eustace from a dragon into a human. The son of the Emperor-over-the-Sea and with a name meaning “lion”, FTP, who is this C.S. Lewis creation, the leader of Narnia?


Bonus 14: Science – Chemistry (Listing)

Name the four elements that were named after countries, present or past.





Tossup 45: Math – Calculus (Calculation)

Find the fifth derivative of x to the fourth minus 7x cubed plus 23 x squared minus 39 with respect to x.

0 (zero)

Bonus 15: Arts – American Literature

PAPR. Identify whether these works were authored by someone named James, someone named Henry, both, or neither.

1. Civil Disobedience

Henry (David Thoreau)

2. The Bostonians

Both (Henry James)

3. 1823's The Pioneers

James (Fenimore Cooper)

4. Daisy Miller

Both (Henry James)

Tossup 46: General - Television

Premiering on Sept. 5, 2001, it has spanned 11 seasons, including a Family Edition in the 8th season and an All-Star Edition in the 11th. FTP, name this CBS reality game show hosted by Phil Keoghan in which teams attempt to be the first to travel around the world.

The Amazing Race

Bonus 16: Social Studies – American History

Identify the American who invented each of the following.

1. First commercially successful steamboat

Robert Fulton

2. Railroad airbrake

George Westinghouse

3. Sewing machine

Elias Howe

4. Cotton gin

Eli Whitney

Tossup 47: Science – Chemistry

One example to illustrate this is the filling of seats on a school bus. Similar to spin-orbital coupling, kids will sit in a seat by themselves before they sit next to another. FTP, what is this rule that says that electrons will fill all empty shells before pairing?

Hund’s Rule

Bonus 17: Math – Algebra (Calculation)

Solve the following quadratic equations. Two answers may be required.

1. x squared plus two x plus one equals zero

x = -1 (twice)

2. x squared plus three x equals fifty four

x = -9 and x = 6

3. eleven x squared minus three hundred and ninety six equals zero

x = -6 and x = 6

4. negative seven x squared minus eight x minus nine equals negative eight x squared

x = -1 and x = 9

Tossup 48: Arts – American Literature

When the patriarch of the family is struck with an illness at the Union Army's front lines, the mother's trip with John Brooke to care for him is financed by the $25 that Jo, one of the daughters, gets for selling her hair. For 10 points, name this work that also features Meg, Beth, and Amy as the March sisters, an 1867 novel by Louisa May Alcott.

Little Women

Bonus 18: Science – Physics

Given a brief description of a fundamental force or interaction, state which force or interaction, it is. Answers will not be given until the end of the question.

1. First described by Newton, it is responsible for the formation of planets and stars. Gravity

2. It is the first unification of two forces and is usually associated with charged particles.

Electromagnetism (accept electricity and magnetism with prejudice)

3. It is the shortest ranged due to its heavy gauge boson and is the only way neutrinos can be emitted.

Weak force or weak nuclear force or weak interaction

4. The weakest of the four, it is 1025 times less strong than the next strongest force.


Tossup 49: Social Studies – American History

The original was built in 1833 as a Baptist church but was renovated twenty-eight years later to serve a different purpose. Destroyed by fire soon thereafter, the rebuilt establishment lasted only two years before gaining fame during a performance of Our American Cousin. On April 14, 1865, Abraham Lincoln was shot at, FTP what Washington D.C. location?

Ford’s Theatre

Bonus 19: Science – Biology

Before leaves fall from deciduous trees, they turn a vast array of reds, oranges, and yellows. Answer the following about the colors of leaves.

1. What pigment produces the color orange?


2. What pigment produces a yellow color?


3. The secondary pigment class these belong to?


4. The structural class to which chromoplasts belong?


Tossup 50: Math – Trigonometry (Calculation)

You want to know the sine of an unknown angle to two decimal places. You know the values of the cosine and tangent to two decimal places. FTP, if you know the cosine has a value of 0.84 and the tangent has a value of 0.65, what is the value of the sine?

0.55 (accept 0.54)

Bonus 20: Social Studies – World History

Identify the following civilizations from the given clues.

1. This civilization, located along the coastal plains of what is presently Lebanon, it flourished through maritime trade on Mediterranean.


2. Named after the king that requested the building of the Labyrinth, this civilization was centered on the island of Crete.


3. This civilization controlled most of Ancient Greece until the end of the Bronze Age. Their control extended as far as Crete, and in legend, they defeated Troy twice, but the only evidence of this is in Homer's Iliad.


4. This biblical civilization, enemy of the Israelites, was long believed to be a myth until tablets were discovered documenting trade between it and Assyria.



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