
San Francisco

Presidio Golden Gate Club

8:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:30 Welcome- Sophie Maxwell, Board of Supervisors, San Francisco

9:15 Program Overview: Sustainable Products, Buildings & Vehicles

❖ Benefits of sustainable products, public demand, increasing market penetration

❖ Why they are more profitable & improve global sustainability

Mike Italiano, CEO, Institute for Market Transformation to Sustainability (MTS)

9:45 FSC Certified Wood for Watershed & Habitat Protection

❖ Merits of FSC certification vis-à-vis other systems for habitat &water quality protection

❖ Benefits of holistic environmental assessment: The FSC process & life cycle assessment (LCA)

❖ Meeting the demand for FSC Certified Wood & LEED FSC Credit

➢ Certified Wood Perspective: Lewis Buchner, CEO, EcoTimber

Introduction: Kate Heaton, Natural Resources Defense Council

10:45 Break

11:00 Clean Vehicles Save Money & Fuel & Reduce Pollution

Increasing Market Penetration & Competition, Brian Taylor, Ford Motor Co.

Clean Vehicle Standard: Martin Chan, Toyota

➢ Buying More Clean Vehicles:

Moderator: Rick Ruvulo, Clean Cities Coordinator, City of San Francisco

1:30 Environmentally Preferable Product (EPP) Standards

❖ California EPP Standards

❖ EPP covers the entire product life cycle/supply chain

❖ Incorporating Standards into Building Codes

❖ Related EPP Standards: Sustainable Textile Standard©

❖ State EPP Task Force

Panama Bartholomy, California Division of the State Architect

Dan Burgoyne, California Department of General Services

2:45 Comparing Sustainable Textiles

❖ Life cycle assessment benefits including no toxicity

❖ MTS Sustainable/EPP Carpet, Fabric & Apparel Standard

❖ Bio-based & petroleum fibers

❖ Adding value to purchasers, extended product life, installation, maintenance

Mark Ryan, Environmental Director, Invista/Dupont

3:30 Break

3:45 Milliken Earth Square Carpet: 99% Reused Product

❖ Carpet renewal installation at EPA

❖ Closed loop reuse & reused raw materials

❖ Substantial life cycle & cost benefits

Bill Gregory, Sustainability Director, Milliken

8:00 What are Sustainable Products & Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), & Identification of Priority

Sustainable Products Issues By Participants

❖ FTC, EPA, & State definitions, & LCA principles & examples

❖ Comparative LCA example: grain ethanol vs. petroleum fuels & which is better environmentally?

❖ Individual Product LCAs

Mike Italiano, CEO, MTS

8:45 LCA Benefits of Forbo Linoleum

❖ Natural ingredients- linseed oil, pine rosin, wood flour, limestone, organic pigments, jute

❖ Natural anti-microbial properties from oxidation of linseed

❖ LCA shows linoleum vs. other flooring saves energy, reduces acidification, smog, waste & eutrophication

❖ Forbo FSC Parquet Wood Flooring

Denny Darragh, CEO, Forbo Flooring

9:45 Specifying Sustainable EPA Energy Star Lighting Products

❖ LCA of Lamps show that most important environmental factors are energy efficiency & low mercury content

❖ Philips’ Life Cycle Assessments of all products

❖ Philips’ Social & Environmental Equity Commitments

❖ LEED Existing Buildings Standard Lamp Specification

Paul Walitsky, North American Environmental Affairs Director, Philips

10:30 Break

10:45 California & San Francisco Sustainable Products Purchasing

➢ San Francisco Environmentally Preferable Purchasing: Debbie Raphael, City of San Francisco

➢ Criteria for Lamp Contract, Perspective of City Purchasing Agent, Deanna Simon, City of San Francisco Environmentally preferable lamps Tony Fiori, City Purchasing Agent

1:30 Green Product Certification & Advancing Healthy, High Performance Green Building Cleaning

❖ Cost effective and efficient cleaning protocols

❖ LEED EB specs

❖ Life cycle assessment

❖ Certification under Green Seal & Nordic Swan Standards

Bob Israel, Ph.D, JohnsonDiversey

2:15 LEED for Existing Buildings & 1to3

❖ LEED green building certification

❖ Certification increases profitability

❖ Sustainable products purchasing

Mike Arny, Chairman, LEED Existing Building Program

3:00 Break

3:15 LEED Commercial Interiors Keith Winn, Catalyst Partners & LEED CI Contractor

❖ New Launch & Certified Buildings

❖ Product Attributes

❖ Future Product Atributes

4:00 Adjournment

Sustainable Products, Clean Vehicles & FSC Certified Wood

February 2-3, San Francisco

Sustainable Products Manual

( 700 pages peer reviewed by 200 Co-sponsors

Sponsored by Philips Lighting


Mail or fax registration form. Payment must be received 4 days before the seminar. Refunds (less a $50 fee) will be made for cancellations received 14

days before the seminar. Registrants are responsible for making & paying for hotel reservations.



Training for Sustainable Products

|Presidio Golden Gate Club, San Francisco, | |

|February 2-3, 2005 $395 | |

|Early Bird by January 1: $316 | |

|Exhibitor | |

|$995 | |

| | |

|Includes Manual, Organic Meals, & Display Space | |





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Method of Payment (Fee: $395 or $995)

( Check or Money Order payable to: Sustainable Products


( Purchase Order #

( Is enclosed ( Will follow by mail

Credit Card:

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Account # (all digits)

Exp. date

Valid date _______


Contact: 202-338-0313, or

MTS@ for more information.


FAX this form to

202- 338-2800

or MAIL with payment or purchase order to:

Sustainable Products Training

1511 Wisconsin Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20007

How You will Benefit

Obtain knowledge and skills to specify sustainable products, know how they are made and designed, purchase and market them, and communicating about them.

Continuing education credits are awarded.




Sustainable Products


Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), the Energy Efficiency of Lights is the Most Important Factor Vastly Outweighing all Other Environmental Impacts. The Best Environmental Choice is the Longest Life and Lowest Mercury Lamp.

(Chapter 4, What Are Sustainable Products? page 34)


Seattle, September 11- 12, 2005

Orlando, January 27-28, 2006

Denver, June 5-6, 2006

Sustainable Products and Green Power are Ten Times More Profitable Than Conventional Products

(Chapter 3, Benefits of Sustainable Products, page 31)

DAY ONE, February 2, 2005 Sustainable Products Conference, Reception & Trade Show

8:45 Keynote: Brian O’Neill, Superintendent, National Park Service

Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Sponsored by Institute for Market Transformation to Sustainability (MTS)

12:00-1:00 KEYNOTE & LUNCHEON Lunch Sponsored by JohnsonDiversey

California LEED Silver Executive Order

Hon. James Branham, Undersecretary, CalEPA

Introduction, Craig Sheehy, Thomas Properties, Building Manager, CalEPA LEED Platimum Building

For hotel reservations, contact:

Hotel Del Sol San Francisco

3100 Webster St at Greenwich. 94123. Greater Marina District (Cow Hollow). Ask for MTS Group Rate $119. (415) 921-5520 fax (415) 931-4137

Just six blocks from the Presidio Gate


12:00-1:00 KEYNOTE & LUNCHEON Lunch Sponsored by Antron Nylon

Green Mortgage Backed Securities/Cheaper Cost of

Capital for Green Buildings

Scott Muldavin, President, The Muldavin Company

The Navy Will Only Hire A&E Firms with Demonstrated LCA

Experience in Specifying Products

(Chapter 10, Formulating Sustainable Products Policies, page 101)

Benchmarks, or Examples of Successful

Sustainable Products Design, are

Certified Wood, Patagonia Organic

Cotton Clothing, & DesignTex Fabric

(Chapter 7, How to Design Sustainable Products, page 76)

MTS, Forest Stewardship Council, Home Depot (world’s largest wood retailer), and Forbo Parquet FSC Flooring are bringing FSC certified wood specifications to the market thus improving forest management worldwide by promoting responsible forest products buying practices. MTS’s peer-reviewed Sustainable Products Training Manual© benchmarks wood certified pursuant to Forest Stewardship Council (FSC©) as a sustainable product and emphasizes that:

Home Depot’s and Forbo’s Commitment to

FSC Certified Wood is Allowing the

Market to Have a Major Positive

Effect on Global Forest Ecosystems

See the Certification Resource Center are at

Sustainable Products Training©

Sustainable Products Display Sponsored by Forbo Linoleum

Energy Star Products Display Sponsored by Philips

Exhibitor Display Sponsored Sustainable Products Corporation

4:30 Reception Sponsored by Milliken

& Exhibitor Display

Co-sponsored By

American Institute of Architects Arizona

American Institute of Architects, Philadelphia

American Institute of Architects, Portland, Or

American Institute of Architects San Francisco

American Institute of Architects Utah

American Institute of Architects, Washington, DC

Alameda County Waste Management Authority

APS Energy Services

Armstrong World Industries

Atlantis Energy

Building Operating Management Magazine

Business & Legal Reports Magazine

Business and the Environment

Center for a New American Dream

Center for Environmentally Responsible Building Alternatives

Certified Forest Products Council

Carrier Johnson Architects

City of Austin

City of Chula Vista

City of Los Angeles

City of Philadelphia

City of Phoenix

City of Portland, Oregon

City of Sacramento

City of San Diego

City of San Francisco

City of San Jose

City of Santa Monica

City of Scottsdale

City of Seattle

Civil Engineering Research Foundation

Construction Specifications Institute



Delaware Valley Green Building Council

Development Center for Appropriate Technology

District of Columbia

Durst Organization


Ecobalance PricewaterhouseCoopers

EPA Region 3

EPA Region 8

EPA Region 10

Environmental Building News

Environmental Business Journal

Environmental Defense

Environmental Design & Construction Magazine

Environmental Packaging & Labeling Magazine

Environmental Strategies & Solutions


Forbo Industries

George Washington University Center for Sustainability

Global Green

Goodmans Office Furnishings

Green Building Alliance

Green Institute

Green Seal

Guilford of Maine

Herman Miller


Home Depot


Horst Sustainable Materials


Interior Design Magazine

Interiors & Sources Magazine

Institute for Local Self Reliance

International Interior Design Association, Wash., DC

Johnson Controls

International Sanitary Supply Association

John Wiley & Sons

Lafarge Corporation

Leonardo Academy


National Institute of Standards & Technology

National Park Service

National Pollution Prevention Roundtable

Naval Facilities Engineering Command

New Jersey Green Building Council


Norm Thompson Outfitters

Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance

Office Pavilion

Oregon Natural Step Network

Organic Trade Association


Pennsylvania Environmental Council


Portland General Electric

Sacramento Municipal Utilities District

SAE, International

Salt Lake City

San Diego Gas & Electric

San Diego Natural History Museum

Sellen Construction

Shaw Contract Inc.

Southern California Gas Company

State of Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

California Integrated Solid Waste Management Board

State of Colorado Department of Health & Environment

State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services

State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources

State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

State of Oregon Energy Office

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

State of Texas Department of Transportation

State of Texas Recycling Market Development Board

Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission

State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality

State of Washington Department of General Administration

Sustainable Northwest


United Technologies Carrier

University of California

University of Pennsylvania

WorldBuild Technologies, Inc.

Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership


Manufacturing · Purchasing

Designing · Marketing · Specifying

A unique opportunity to learn about Sustainable Products Standards and their increased use in the market place. This event showcases companies marketing sustainable products and agencies recognizing these standards in their purchasing policies.

February 2-3, 2005, Presidio Golden Gate Club

Manufacturing, Designing, Purchasing

Specifying & Marketing

Sustainable Products Training©


San Francisco

Hosted & Sponsored by:

❖ American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

❖ American Institute of Architects

❖ American Institute of Architects Minnesota

❖ Antron Nylon

❖ Metafore/Certified Forest Products Council

❖ City of San Francisco

❖ Construction Specifications Institute

❖ Environmental Defense

❖ Forbo Flooring

❖ Ford Motor

❖ Toyota

❖ Johnson Controls

❖ California Department of General Services

❖ California Integrated Waste Management Board

❖ International Interior Design Association

❖ JohnsonDiversey

❖ Milliken

❖ National Institute of Standards & Technology

❖ National Pollution Prevention Roundtable

❖ Naval Facilities Engineering Command

❖ Northern California Chapter, USGBC

❖ Philips

Clean Cities Vehicle Display Sponsored by San Francisco Clean Cities

Clean Vehicle Display Sponsored by General Motors

Public Clean Vehicle Display & Demonstration Sponsored by City of San Francisco

Exhibitor Display


DAY TWO, February 3, 2005 continental breakfast sponsored by MTS






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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