Graduate School of Business

School of Business Professor Mason CarpenterThe University of Wisconsin-Madison 4263 Grainger Hall MHR 870, PhD Seminar, Spring 2010Seminar in Administrative Policy (Strategic Management)Thursdays 9:30 am – 12:00 pm, Grainger Hall (location tba)COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis PhD seminar has two objectives: (1) survey the major theoretical perspectives and issues studied in strategic management (or strategy) research, and (2) provide an interdisciplinary perspective on contemporary issues in strategic management. NB: This is not an applied strategic management course but instead surveys the relevant theoretical and empirical strategic management literature with the aim of preparing you to publish in top academic management journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal and Academy of Management Review, and Strategic Management Journal. Broadly speaking, research in strategy focuses (primarily) on the conduct and performance of firms. An illustrative list of the issues addressed in strategy research includes identifying the profit potential of industries, exploring relationships between firm scale, scope and performance, and understanding the managerial and organizational determinants of firm, and business-level outcomes. The course draws upon theoretical perspectives from economics, sociology, psychology, finance, and organization theory to supplement more traditional strategy approaches towards understanding firm performance and related issues. Many of the issues examined, for instance vertical integration, firm diversification, industry structure, organizational and inter-organizational networks, are also common themes in other disciplines such as industrial organization economics, accounting, finance, marketing, and organizational and economic sociology. Accordingly, this course may be useful to PhD students with research interests in these areas. While sessions may differ somewhat in their execution, each session will generally follow the organization of an empirical journal article -- theory, methods, results, and discussion. You will start the session by noting the theoretical questions that are raised and the theories that are brought to bear on them. Next, the methods of testing and the findings from the studies will be summarized such that you will be able to state "what you have learned from this body of research." Finally, we will conclude each session by outlining new research questions that are raised by the research -- you will be able to define extensions of the research, unanswered questions, and avenues for future research.An important part of this course will be your socialization into the journal review process. Strategic management is consumately concerned with performance, and "publish or perish" is a very relavant performance criteria for aspiring academics. Therefore, about two-thirds of the way through the semester, your research paper for this class will be submitted to the Interdisciplinary Journal of Strategic Management Research (IJSMR) for double-blind peer review. Coincidently, you are also a reviewer for this same hallowed journal.Course Requirements: Class Preparation and Participation (40% of grade) - Each participant is required to come prepared to class. Since class discussion is an integral part of the course, absences and lack of preparedness are unacceptable. Preparation will always involve reading the weekly assignments. In addition, each article will be assigned to a discussion leader, who will prepare a short (preferably a single page) written synopsis / critique of the article. While I will provide some lecture materials each class, much of the course will involve engaging in discussions about seminar topics. You are responsible for downloading the reading assignments from our web-library resources. Beyond these readings, you will need to purchase and read one book which should be part of your strategy library anyway (if you took Cindy’s class in the Fall, you already have the Weick book).Weick, K. 1995. Sensemaking in organizations. Sage. ISBN 978-0-8039-7177-X Paperback.Individual Term Paper (50% of grade) - Participants will also write a research paper that relates a topic(s) covered in class to their own research interests. The final product will include an extensive literature review of your research topic, develop logical and intriquing hypotheses, and suggest directions for future research. The term paper should follow the following logical steps: (1) define a research question, (2) review and critique the extant literature, (3) develop a few testable hypotheses, (4) propose a data source and methods for testing the proposed hypotheses, and (5) discuss the implications and extenstions of your research. Each paper should be written in the form of the front end or an empirical journal article (like SMJ, AMJ, AMR, or ASQ), and will undergo a “journal review process.” Papers spanning strategy and other disciplines such as accounting, finance, marketing, organization theory, economics, or other disciplines are also acceptable -- subject to a prior approval of the subject matter by the instructor. Your final grade will reflect your revised paper (in response to reviewers), and your written responses to the reviewers of the IJSMR.Review (10% of grade): As a member of the review board for the IJSMR, you are responsible for providing a quality review of two journal articles submitted to the blind review process. Keep your reviews to two, single-spaced pages and your responses to six single-spaced pages. NOTE: You are responsible, collectively, for obtaining the readings for this class. I suggest you split up the task among the members of the class and attempt to compile reading packets two weeks prior to each session. As confirmation of this effort, please place a copy of the week’s reading packet in my 4th floor box one week prior to our next class. This group effort will also allow me to track down articles that apparently are not retreiveable online – these are otherwise in your packet. COURSE CALENDARSESSIONDUECONTENT1 & 2 – 1/28Introduction and overview – What is strategy3 – 2/4I/O and Information Economic Views of Strategy4 – 2/11The Resource Based View of Strategy5 – 2/18Schumpeterian/Dynamic View of Strategy6 – 2/25Networks and Strategy7 – 3/4Alliances and Technology Strategies 8 – 3/11One-page paper summariesM&A in Strategy 9 – 3/18Learning and Knowledge-Based Views of Strategy 10 – 4/8Cognitive and Sociocognitive Views of Strategy11 – 4/15Corporate Level Strategy: Product-Market Diversification12 – 4/22Your journal submission*Top Executives and the Upper-Echelons Perspective13 – 4/29Corporate Governance and Agency Theory14 – 5/6Your reviews*Game Theory to Real Options 5/10Your final paper and reviewer responses**Incompletes will not be accepted and will negatively affect your grade.READING LIST (Sessions 1-3 are in your packet. Other readings in the packet are noted)1 & 2. Introduction and Overview – What is StrategyAndrews, K.R., 1971. The Concept of Corporate Strategy. (Chapters 1 and 2). Irwin. Schendel, D.E. & Hofer, C.W., 1979. Strategic Management. (1-22, 515-530). Little Brown. Evered, R., 1980. “Review of Schendel and Hofer.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 536-543.Barney, Jay B. 1986. Types of Competition and the Theory of Strategy: Toward an Integrative Framework. Academy of Management Review. 11(4): 791-800.Montgomery, Cynthia A., Wernerfelt, Birger, & Balakrishnan, Srinivasan. 1989. Strategy Content and the Research Process: A Critique and Commentary. Strategic Management Journal. 10(2): 189-197.Seth, Anju & Zinkhan, George. 1991. Strategy and the Research Process: A Comment. Strategic Management Journal. 12(1): 75-82.Montgomery, Cynthia A., Wernerfelt, Birger, & Balakrishnan, Srinivasan. 1991. Strategy and the Research Process: A Reply. Strategic Management Journal. 12(1): 83-86.Rumelt, Richard P., Schendel, Dan, & Teece, David J. 1991. Strategic Management and Economics. Strategic Management Journal. 12 (Winter Special Issue): 5-29.Hitt, Michael A. 2005. Spotlight on strategic management. Business Horizons. 48: 371-377.Nag, R., Hambrick, D.C., and Chen, M-J, 2007. “What is strategic management really?” Strategic Management Journal. 28(9): 935-955.Langley, Ann. 2007. Process thinking in strategy. Strategic Organization. August. . 3. Industrial/Organization and Information Economics Views of StrategyStigler, George J. 1964. A Theory of Oligopoly. Journal of Political Economy. 72(1): 44-61.Demsetz, Harold. 1973. Industry Structure, Market Rivalry, and Public Policy. Journal of Law and Economics. 16(1): 1-9.Schmalensee, Richard. 1985. Do Markets Differ Much? American Economic Review. 75(3): 341-351.Wernerfelt, Birger & Montgomery, Cynthia A. 1986. What is an Attractive Industry? Management Science. 32(10): 1223-1230.Scherer, F. M. & Ross, D. 1990. Chapter 1.Rumelt, Richard P. 1991. How Much Does Industry Matter? Strategic Management Journal. 12: 167-185.Reufli, T. & R. Wiggins. 2003. Industry, Corporate, and segment effects and business performance. Strategic Management Journal, 861-879. (and McGahan & Porter, and Reufli & Wiggins dialogue).Zajac, Edward J. 1992. Relating Economic and Behavioral Perspectives in Strategy Research. In Paul Shirvastava, Anne Huff & Jane Dutton (Eds.), Advances in Strategic Management, vol. 8: 69-96. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.Reference: Mahoney, J. 2004. Economic Foundations of Strategy. Sage Publications. 330 Pages.4. The Resource-Based View of StrategyPenrose, E. 1980 (reprint). The growth of the firm. Chapters 1, 2, & 5. (in packet)Wernerfelt, B., 1984. “A resource-based view of the firm.” Strategic Management Journal, 171-180.Dierickx, I. & Cool, K. 1989a. Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competitive Advantage. Management Science. 35(12): 1504-1511. Barney, Jay B. 1989. Asset Stocks and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Comment. Management Science. 35(12): 1511-1513 (with Dierickx & Cool, 1989a). Dierickx, I. & Cool, K. 1989b. Asset Stock Accumulation and Sustainability of Competitive Advantage: Reply. Management Science. 35(12): 1514 (with Dierickx & Cool, 1989a).Barney, J., 1991. “Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage.” Journal of Management, 99-120.Peteraf, M.A., 1993. “The cornerstones of competitive advantage: A resource-based view.” Strategic Management Journal, 179-192.Teece, D., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. 1997. “Dynamic capabilities and strategic management.” Strategic Management Journal, 18:509-533.Priem, R. & Butler, J., 2001. “Is the resource-based view a useful perspective for strategic management research?” Academy of Management Review, 22-40.Adner, R. & Helfat, C.R., 2003. “Corporate effects and dynamic managerial capabilities.” Strategic Management Journal, 1011-1025.5. Schumpeterian/Dynamic View of StrategySchumpeter, J. 1958. Chapters 7 & 8. (in packet)MacMillan, I.C., McCaffrey, M.L. & Van Wijk, G., 1985. “Competitors’ responses to easily imitated new products – Exploring commercial banking product introductions.” Strategic Management Journal, 75-86.Jacobson, R., 1992. “The ‘Austrian’ school of strategy.” Academy of Management Review, 782-807.Caves, R.E. & Ghemawat, P., 1992. “Identifying mobility barriers.” Strategic Management Journal, 1-12.Chen, M-J, Smith, K.F., & Grimm, C.M., 1992. “Action characteristics as predictors of competitive responses.” Management Science, 439-455.Ferrier, W.J., Smith, K.G., & Grimm, C.M., 1999. “The role of competitive action in market share erosion and industry dethronement: A study of industry leaders and challengers.” Academy of Management Journal, 372-388.Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. & Martin, J. A. (2000). Dynamic capabilities: What are they? The Strategic Management Journal. 21(10-11): 1105-1121.Ahuja, G. & R. Katila. 2004. Where do resources come from? The role of idiosyncratic situations, Strategic Management Journal, 25: 887-907.DiStefano, G., Peteraf, M., & Verona, G. 2010. Dynamic capabilities deconstructed: A bibliographic investigation into the origins, development, and future directions of the research domain. Industry and Corporate Change, forthcoming.Additional: Helfat C. E., S. Finkelstein, W. Mitchell, M. A. Peteraf, H. Singh and S. G. Winter (2007), Dynamic capabilities: Understanding strategic change in organizations. Blackwell Publishing: Malden, MA.6. Networks and StrategyGrannovetter, Mark S. 1973. The Strength of Weak Ties. American Journal of Sociology. 78(6): 1360-1380.Burt, R. S. 1992. The Social Structure of Competition. Chapter 2 in Networks and Organizations. Eds N.Nohria and R. Eccles. (in packet)Wellman, Barry. 1983. Network Analysis: Some Basic Principles. In Randall Collins (Ed.), Sociological Theory: 155-200. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. (in packet)Mizruchi, Mark S. & Galaskiewicz, Joseph. 1993. Networks of Interorganizational Relations. Sociological Methods and Research. 22(1): 46-70.Palmer, D., R.Friedland, & J.V. Singh. 1986. The Ties that bind: Organizational and class bases of stability in a corporate interlock network. American Sociological Review, 51:781-796.Uzzi, Brian. 1997. Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks: The Paradox of Embeddedness. Administrative Science Quarterly. 42(1): 35-67.Davis, Gerald F. 1991. Agents Without Principles? The Spread of the Poison Pill Through the Intercorporate Network. Administrative Science Quarterly. 36(4): 583-613. Haunschild, Pamela R. 1993. Interorganizational imitation: The impact of interlocks on corporate acquisition activity. Administrative Science Quarterly. 38(4): 564-5927. Alliances and Technology StrategiesAhuja, G. 2000. Collaboration networks, structural holes, and innovation: A longitudinal study. Administrative Science Quarterly, 45: 425-455.Ahuja, G. & R. Katila, 2001. Technological acquisitions and the innovation performance of acquiring firms: A longitudinnal study. Strategic Management Journal, 22: 197-220.Ahuja, G. & C. Lampert. 2001. Entrepreneurship in the large corporation. Strategic Management Journal, 22: 421-543.Ahuja, G. 2000. The duality of collaboration. Strategic Management Journal, 21: 317-343.Agarawal, R., Croson, R., & Mahoney, J. 2010. The role of incentives and communication in strategic alliances: An experimental investigation. Strategic Management Journal, in press.Schilling, M.A. 2009. Understanding the alliance data. Strategic Management Journal, 30: 233-260.Kale, P., & H. Singh. 2009. Managing strategic alliances: What do we know now, and where to we go from here? Academy of Management Perspectives. 23: 3: 45-62.8. M&A in StrategyJemison, David B. & Sitkin, Sim B. 1986. Corporate Acquisitions: A Process Perspective. Academy of Management Review. 11(1): 145-163.Singh, Harbir & Montgomery, Cynthia A. 1987. Corporate Acquisition Strategies and Economic Performance. Strategic Management Journal. 8(4): 377-386.Graebner, M. & K. Eisenhardt. 2005. The other side of the story: Seller decision-making in entrepreneurial acquisitions. Administrative Science Quarterly.Wang, L. & Zajac, E. 2005. Alliance or acquisition? A dyadic perspective on interfirm resource combinations. Strategic Management Journal, 28: 1291-1317.Haleblian, J., Devers, C.E., McNamara, G., Carpenter, M.A., & Davison, R.B. 2009. Taking stock of what we know about mergers and acquisitions: A review and research agenda. Journal of Management.Kim, J.Y., & Finkelstein, S. 2009. The effects of strategic and market complementarity on acquisition performance: Evidence from the U.S. commercial banking industry. Strategic Management Journal, 30: 617-646,Lee, G.K. & Lieberman, M.B. 2010. Acquisition vs. internal development as modes of market entry. Strategic Management Journal, 31: 140-158.9. Learning and Knowledge-Based Views of StrategyLieberman, M., 1984. “The learning curve and pricing in the chemical processing industries.” Rand Journal of Economics, 213-228.Fiol, C. & Lyles, M., 1985. “Organizational learning.” Academy of Management Review, 803-813.Cohen, W.M. & Levinthal, D.A., 1990. “Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 128-152Grant, R., 1996. “Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm.” Strategic Management Journal, 109-122.Hayward, M.L.A., 2002. “When do firms learn from their acquisition experience? Evidence from 1990-1995.” Strategic Management Journal, 21-39.Benner, M.S. & Tushman, M.L., 2002. “Process management and technological innovation: A longitudinal study of the photography and paint industries.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 676-706.Graebner, M. 2004. Momentum and Serendipity: How Acquired Leaders Create Value in the Integration of Technology-Based Firms, Strategic Management Journal, 751-778.10. Cognitive and Sociocognitive Views of StrategyWeick, Karl. 1995. Sensemaking in organizations. Sage Publications.Tushman, Michael & D. Nadler. 1978. Information processing as an integrating concept in organizational design. Academy of Management Review. 3: 613-624.Prahalad, C.K. & Bettis, R.A. 1986. The dominant logic: A new linkage between diversity and performance. Strategic Management Journal, 7: 485-501.Porac, Joseph, Howard Thomas, & Charles Badden-Fuller. 1989. Competitive groups as cognitive communities: The case of Scottish knitwear manufacturers. Journal of Management Studies. 26: 4: 397-416.Barr, P., Stimpert, L., & Huff, A., 1992. “Cognitive change, strategic action, and organizational renewal.” Strategic Management Journal, 15-36.Eisenhardt, K. & Zbaracki, M., 1992. “Strategic decision making.” Strategic Management Journal, 17-37.Carpenter, Mason A. & James D. Westphal. 2001. The impact of director appointments on board involvement in strategic decision making. Academy of Management Journal. 44: 639-660.Walsh, James P. 1995. Managerial and organizational cognition: Notes from a trip down memory lane. Organization Science. 6: 3: 280-321.Vissa, B. & Chacar, A. 2009. Leveraging ties: the contingent value of entrepreneurial teams' external advice networks on Indian software venture performance. Strategic Management Journal, 30: 1179-1191.11. Corporate Level Strategy: Product-Market DiversificationRumelt, R.P., 1974. Strategy, Structure, and Economic Performance. (1-127). Harvard. Bettis, R.A., 1982. “Performance differences in related and unrelated diversified firms.” Strategic Management Journal, 299-307.Rumelt, R.P., 1982. “Diversification strategy and profitability.” Strategic Management Journal, 359-369.Wernerfelt, B. & Montgomery, C.A., 1988. “Tobin’s q and the importance of focus in firm performance.” American Economic Review, 246-250.Ramanujam, Vasudevan & Varadarajan, P., 1989. “Research on corporate diversification: A synthesis.” Strategic Management Journal, 523-551.Bowman, E.H. & Helfat, C.E., 2001. “Does corporate strategy matter?” Strategic Management Journal, 1-24.Misangyi, V., Elms, H., & Greckhamer, T. 2006. A new perspective on a fundamental debate: A mulitlevel approach to industry, corporate, and business unit effects. Strategic Management Journal, 27: 571-590.Porter, M.E. & M.R. Kramer. 2006. Strategy and society: The link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Harvard Business Review, December.12. Top Executives and the Upper-Echelons PerspectiveHambrick, D. & Mason, P., 1984. “Upper echelons: The organization as a reflection of its top managers.” Academy of Management Review, 193-206.Eisenhardt, K.M. & Schoonhoven, C.B., 1990. “Organizational growth: Linking founding team, strategy, environment, and growth among U.S. semiconductor ventures, 1978-1988.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 504-529.Finkelstein, S. & Hambrick, D.C., 1990. “Top management team tenure and organizational outcomes: The moderating role of managerial discretion.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 484-503.Hayward, M.L.A. & Hambrick, D.C., 1997 “Explaining the premiums paid for large acquisitions: Evidence of CEO hubris.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 103-128.Carpenter, M.A., Sanders, W.G., & Gregersen, H.B., 2001. “Bundling human capital with organizational context: The impact of international assignment experience on multinational firm performance and CEO pay.” Academy of Management Journal, 493-512.Hambrick, D.C., S. Finkelstein, & A. Mooney. 2004. Executive Job Demands: New Insights for Explaining Strategic Decisions and Leader Behaviors, Academy of Management Review.Carpenter, M.A., W.G. Sanders, & M.A. Geletkanycz. 2004. The upper echelons revisited: The antecedents, elements, and consequences of TMT composition. Journal of Management.13. Corporate Governance and Agency TheoryJensen, M. & W. Meckling. 1976. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs, and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics. 3: 305-360.Eisenhardt, K. 1989. Agency theory: An assessment and review. Academy of Management Review. 14: 57-74.Dalton, D., C. Daily, A. Ellstrand, & J. Johnson. 1998. Meta-analytic reviews of board composition, leadership structure, and financial performance.Westphal, J. & J. Fredrickson. 2001. Who directs strategic change? Director experience, the selection of new CEOs, and change in corporate strategy. Strategic Management Journal. 22: 1113-1137.Carpenter, M.A. & J.B. Wade. 2002. Micro-level opportunity structures as determinants of non-CEO executive pay. Academy of Management Journal. 45: 1085-1103.Sanders, W.G. & M.A. Carpenter. 2003. Strategic satisficing? A behavioral perspective of strategic initiative adoption. Academy of Management Journal. 46: 160-179.Devers, C.E., Cannella, A.A., Reilly, G.P. & Yoder, M.E. 2007. Executive compensation: A multidisciplinary review of recent developments. Journal of Management. 33: 1016-1072.14. Old and New Revisited – Game Theory to Real OptionsCamerer, C.F. 1991. Does strategy need game theory? Strategic Management Journal, 12: 137-152.Knez, M. & Camerer, C.F. 1994. Creating expectational assets in the laboratory: Coordination in weakest-link games. Strategic Management Journal, 15: 101-119.Bowman, E.H. & Hurry, D. 1993. Strategy through an option lens: An integrated view of resource investments and incremental-choice process. Academy of Management Review, 18: 760-782.Bowman, E.H., & Moskowitz, G.T. 2001. Real options analysis and strategic decision making. Organization Science. 12: 772-777.McGrath, R.G. & Nerker, A. 2004. Real options reasoning and a new look at the R&D investment strategies of pharmaceutical firms. Strategic Management Journal, 25: 1-21.Cuervo-Cazurra, A. & Lin, C.A. 2010. Why some firms never invest in formal R&D. Strategic Management Journal, forthcoming.MASON A. CARPENTER (1/1/2010)mcarpenter@bus.wisc.eduOffice:Home:Management & Human Resources, (608) 262-94491118 Boundary RoadSchool of Business, University of Wisconsin-MadisonMiddleton, WI 53562 Grainger Hall, 975 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706(608) 831-8327RESEARCH: Managing global firms, global start ups, corporate governance, and top management teamsTEACHING & RESEARCH POSITIONS:2009 - presentFull Professor (1/09/09) & M. Keith Weikel Chair in Leadership. UW-Madison. Strategic management, international management, and entrepreneurship. 2006 - 2008Associate Professor & Pyle Bascom Professor of Business Leadership. UW-Madison. 1997 - 2002Assistant Professor. UW-Madison.FORMAL EDUCATION:Ph.D. (1997) Strategic Management & Organization Science. University of Texas at Austin. Dissertation Title: Top management team characteristics, global strategic change, and firm performance: The moderating role of organizational and environmental context. James W. Fredrickson, Chair.MBA. (1990) California State University Bakersfield (CSUB).BS (1983) Major - Finance, Minor - Economics. California State University Humboldt (HSU) (includes one-year program in International Business, Political Science, and Policy,1981-82, OIP University of Copenhagen, Denmark).CUMULATIVE CITATIONS (Quantitative Research Impact):Web of Knowledge (ISI): 583Google Scholar (Publish or Perish, POP, interface): 1554PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES (19 total):Carpenter, M.A. and B. Golden. 1997. Perceived Managerial Discretion: A study of cause and effect. Strategic Management Journal. 18: 187-206. ISI/POP Citations: 21/56.Sanders, W.G. & M.A. Carpenter. 1998. Internationalization and firm governance: The roles of CEO compensation, top team composition, and board structure. Academy of Management Journal. 41: 158-178. ISI/POP Citations: 97/278.Reprinted as "Two heads are better than one if your company spans the globe." 1999. Academy of Management Executive, summarized by M. Mentzer, 13: 2: 89-90.Carpenter, M.A. 2000. The price of change: The role of CEO compensation in strategic variation and deviation from industry strategy norms. Journal of Management, 26: 1179-1198. ISI/POP Citations: 8/29.Carpenter, M.A., W.G. Sanders & H.B. Gregersen. 2000. International experience at the top makes a bottom line difference. Human Resource Management, 39: 2&3: 277-285. ISI/POP Citations: 14/30.Waller, M.J., J.M. Conte, C.B. Gibson, & . M.A. Carpenter. 2001. The impact of individual time perception on team performance under deadline conditions. Academy of Management Review. 26: 586-600. ISI/POP Citations: 39/70.Carpenter, M.A. & J.D. Westphal. 2001. The impact of director appointments on board involvement in strategic decision making. Academy of Management Journal, 44: 639-660. ISI/POP Citations: 60/196.Reprinted in Corporate governance in the new economy, 2005, Keasey, K., S. Thompson & M. Wright (eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.Carpenter, M.A. & J.W. Fredrickson. 2001. Top management teams, global strategic posture, and the moderating role of uncertainty. Academy of Management Journal, 44: 533-547. ISI/POP Citations: 72/171.Carpenter, M.A., W.G. Sanders, & H.B. Gregersen. 2001. Bundling human capital with organizational context: The impact of international experience on multinational firm performance and CEO pay. Academy of Management Journal, 44: 493-512. ISI/POP Citations: 76/166.Carpenter, M.A. 2002. The implications of global strategy and social context for the relationship between top management team heterogeneity and firm performance. Strategic Management Journal. 23: 275-284. ISI/POP Citations: 43/140.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 2002. Top management team compensation: The missing link between CEO pay and firm performance. 23: 367-375. Strategic Management Journal. ISI/POP Citations: 24/72.Carpenter, M.A. & J. Wade. 2002. Micro-level opportunity structures as determinants of non-CEO executive pay. Academy of Management Journal. 45: 1085-1103. ISI/POP Citations: 13/36.One of 11, 2002, Academy of Management Journal articles nominated for the Scholarly Achievement Award for best publication in Human Resources by the Academy of Management.Sanders, W.G. & M.A. Carpenter. 2003. Strategic satisficing? A behavioral perspective of stock repurchase announcements. Academy of Management Journal. 46: 160-179. ISI/POP Citations: 21/38.Carpenter, M.A., T. Pollock, & M. Leary. 2003. Testing a model of reasoned risk-taking: Governance, the experience of principals and agents, and global strategy in high-technology IPO firms. Strategic Management Journal. 24: 803-820. ISI/POP Citations: 30/81.Reprinted in International Entrepreneurship, 2007, Oviatt, B.M. & P.P. McDougall, eds. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 2004. The effects of top management team pay and firm internationalization on MNC performance. Journal of Management. 30: 509-529. ISI/POP Citations: 12/34.An earlier version of this paper was voted among the top ten papers presented at the 1999 SMS meetings and this version was abstracted in the June 23, 2004, edition of the Economist magazine.Carpenter, M.A., M.A. Geletkanycz, & W.G. Sanders. 2004. The upper echelons revisited: The antecedents, elements, and consequences of TMT composition. Journal of Management. 30: 749-778 (lead article). ISI/POP Citations: 51/151.Journal of Management Best Paper Award (based on citations), 2009.Gibson, C., Waller, M., Carpenter, M.A, & Conte, J. 2007. Antecedents, consequences, and moderators of time perspective heterogeneity for knowledge management in MNO teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 28: 1005-1034. ISI/POP Citations: 2/10.Haleblian, J., Devers, C., McNamara, G., Carpenter, M.A., & Davidson, R. 2009. Antecedents and consequences of M&A: A review. Journal of Management, 35: 469-502. ISI/POP Citations: 0/4.Carpenter, M.A., J. Westphal & M.A. MacDonald. 2010. Board Independence from Management and CEO Non-Clinical Paranoia. International Journal of Strategic Change Management, in press. ISI/POP Citations: 0/0.Nyberg, A., I. Fulmer, B. Gerhart, & M.A. Carpenter. 2010. Agency theory revisited: CEO returns and shareholder interest alignment. Academy of Management Journal, in Press. ISI/POP Citations: 0/0.RESEARCH UNDER REVIEW & OTHER WORKING PAPERS:S. Graffin, M.A. Carpenter, & S. Boivie. Muddying the waters: Structural turmoil surrounding CEO succession. Revise and resubmit at Strategic Management Journal.J. Eckhardt, M. Ciuchta, & M.A. Carpenter. Information Characteristics that Influence the Switch from Public Innovator to Commercial Entrepreneur. Under first review at Academy of Management Journal. Stajkovic, A., M.A. Carpenter, & S. Graffin. 2010. A cross-cultural study of managerial charisma, social networks, and self-set goals.Carpenter, M.A., D.C. Indro, S.R. Miller, & M. Richards. When institutional and CEO preferences collide: Governance practices, raising capital abroad, and the moderating effects of home-country risk. Revise and resubmit at Corporate Governance: An International Review.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. Information asymmetry, signaling, and impression management. Working paper. Seo, J. & Carpenter, M.A. Director characteristics and their influence of CEO pay for performance. Carpenter, M.A., & M. Li. Social networks, innovation, and performance. OTHER ARTICLES, CHAPTERS, & PROCEEDINGS:Carpenter, M. 1995. Internationalization as a reflection of the top management team. Southwest Review of International Business Research. 1: 34-43.Sanders, W.G. & M.A Carpenter. 1996. Structure and the management of global firms: Implications for top team composition and compensation. Academy of Management Selected Papers Proceedings. Carpenter, M.A. & J.D. Westphal. 1999. A network perspective on how outside directors impact strategic decision making. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings.Sanders, W.G. & M.A. Carpenter. 1999. A behavioral perspective of strategic initiative adoption. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings.Carpenter, M.A. 2005. Moving (finally) toward an multi-level model of the upper echelons. Multilevel Issues in Strategy and Methods, Vol 4, A. Dansereau & F. Yammarino (eds)., Holland: Elsevier Press. Oxford, UK. Stajkovic, A., M.A. Carpenter, & S. Graffin. 2005. Comparing managers; charisma, social networks, and self-set career goals in the US and China. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings. Carpenter, M.A. & A. Stajkovic. 2006. Social network theory and methods as tools for helping business confront global terrorism: Capturing the case and contingencies presented by dark social networks. In Suder, G. (ed.) Corporate Strategies under international terrorism and adversity, NY: Edward Elgar.Carpenter, M.A. & G. Reilly. 2006. Construct and construct measurement in upper echelons research, in Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, D. Ketchen & D. Bergh (Eds.). NY: Elsevier, Vol. 3: 17-36.Carpenter, M.A., & J. Seo. 2007. Strategic refocusing as a pathway to controlling CEO pay. Current Topics in Management. Transaction Publishers, pp. 129-152.Carpenter, M.A. 2007. The box (invited review). Administrative Science Quarterly. 51: 659-661.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 2008. Ethics, Biases and Strategic Decision Making. Effective Executive, 11(5) May, 32-37.Graffin, S., Carpenter, M.A., & Boivie, S. 2009. What’s All That (Strategic) Noise? An Examination of Anticipatory Obfuscation in CEO Successions. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings. Carpenter, M.A. 2009. Editor’s Comments: Mentoring Colleagues in the Craft and Spirit of Peer Review, Academy of Management Review, 34: 191-195.Carpenter, M.A. 2010. Embracing Innovation and Change. Effective Executive, in press.BOOKS:Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 2007. Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective. Concepts and cases. First Edition. Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ. 687 pp.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 2007. Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective. Concepts. First Edition. Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ. 387 pp.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 2008. Integrated StratSim Simulation Experience in Strategic Management. First Edition. Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ. 289 pp.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 2009. Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective. Concepts and cases. Second Edition. Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ. 861 pp.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 2009. Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective. Concepts. Second Edition. Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ. 480 pp.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 2009. Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective. Concepts. International Edition. Pearson: Upper Saddle River, NJ. 480 pp.Carpenter, M.A., T. Bauer, & B. Erdogen. 2009. Principles of Management: A Behavioral Approach. Flat World Knowledge. New York City, NY.Carpenter, M.A. 2009. Managing Effectively Through Tough Times. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.Carpenter, M.A. 2009. An Executive Primer on the Strategy of Social Networks. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Carpenter, M.A., W.G. Sanders, J.L. Rice, & N.J. Martin. 2010. Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective. 1e, Australian Version. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Carpenter, M.A., & S. Dunung. 2012. International Business: An Entrepreneurial Perspective. Flat World Knowledge. New York City, NY.EDITED BOOKS:Landrum, N.E. & Edwards, S. 2009. Sustainable Business: An Executive’s Primer. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Girard, J.P., & Girard, J.L. 2009. A Leader’s Guide to Knowledge Management: Drawing on the Past to Enhance Future Performance. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Kluyver, C.A. 2009. A Primer on Corporate Governance. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Warren, K. 2009. Building Strategy and Performance Through Time: The Critical Path. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Kransdorff, A. 2009. Knowledge Management: Begging for a Bigger Role, 2nd Ed. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Krug, J. 2009. Mergers and Acquisitions: Turmoil in Top Management Teams. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Carpenter, M.A. 2011. Handbook of Top Management Team Research, New York City, NY: Edward Elgar Publishing.Judge, W.O. 2010. Building Organizational Capacity for Change: The Leader’s New Mandate. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Kilner, A. 2010. Achieving Excellence in Management: Identifying and Learning from Bad Practice. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Merchant, K.A. & C. Pick. Blind Spots, Biases and Other Pathologies in the Boardroom. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Urbany, J.E. & J.H. Davis. 2010. Grow by Focusing on What Matters: Strategy in 3-Circles. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Krug, J. 2010. Organizational Change: Managing Long-Term Top Management Team Instability. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Girard, J.P. & J.L. Girard. 2010. A Leader’s Guide to Virtual Business: Social Media Strategies for Building Real Competitive Advantage. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Boutillier, R. 2010. A Stakeholder’s Approach to Issues Management. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Krug, J. & W. Stettinius. 2010. Leading the Organization: Governance, Strategy, and Execution. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Spanyi, A. 2010. Operational Leadership. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.De Kluyver, C.A. 2010. Fundamentals of Global Strategy. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.Liebowitz, B. 2010. Implementing the Change Process: A Self-Paced Workbook for Newly Appointed CEOs. Carpenter, M.A. Ed. New York City, NY: Business Expert Press.CASES:Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. 2007. Written case, video, and teaching note.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. Pacific Cycle. 2007. Written case, video, and teaching note.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. Neurocare. 2007. Written case, video, and teaching note.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. SNOCAP. 2007. Video and teaching note.Sanders, W.G. & M.A. Carpenter. Chrysler. 2007. Written case and teaching note.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. Miller-Coors Alliance. 2007. Written case and teaching note. Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. Two-buck Chuck. 2007. Written case and teaching note.Carpenter, M.A. 2009. Flat World Knowledge. Written case, video, and teaching note.HONORS, GRANTS and AWARDS:2009Journal of Management Best Paper Award (based on citations).2009M. Keith Weikel Chair in Leadership (replaces Weikel Professorship)2007M. Keith Weikel Professor of Business Leadership (replaces Pyle-Bascom Professorship)2007Contributing applicant to USDA NRI Grant to study “Measuring Economic Impacts of Cooperatives: A Comprehensive and Sustainable Approach,” with B. Hueth (PI), S. Deller, & B. Barham, $495,000, 2007-2009.2006Pyle-Bascom Professor of Business Leadership (replaces Keller Fellow)2005CIBER Course development grant (with K. Yoho) ($7,500)2005Keller Fellow (replaces Nasgovitz Teaching Fellow)2004 Voted Most Popular Professor in 2003/2004 MBA BusinessWeek Poll2004SWIB study of Corporate Governance Metrics ($20,000) 2003CIBER ($7,500 + $500)2003Center for European Studies Travel Grant ($1,000)2002Business School Research Grant ($12,000)2002UW Distinguished Teaching Award, Emil Steiger Award2001William J. Nasgovitz Teaching Fellow, School of Business (2002-2005 appointment)2001Graduate School Research Award ($10,000)2001Voted Most Popular Professor in 2000/2001 MBA BusinessWeek Poll2001CIBER Grant for International Research ($4,000)2000Larson Excellence in Teaching Award (School of Business)2000AOM International Management Division Excellent Reviewer Award2000Voted top graduate school instructor by the MBA students.2000 Business School Research Award for project on new venture networks ($15,000)1999Nielsen Center Grant for Director Pay Practices ($9,700)1999Voted among top five graduate school instructors by the MBA students.1999CIBER Grant for European Research ($4,000)1999Business School Research Award for project on global start-ups ($15,000)1999European Studies Research Award ($2,000)1998Graduate School Research Award ($17,000)1998BYU International Studies Grant, with W.G. Sanders ($1500)1997BYU CIBER Grant, with W.G. Sanders ($2,500)UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN TEACHING EXPERIENCEMBA Strategic Consulting Undergraduate Strategic Management MACC Strategic ManagementMBA Strategic Management MBA Business StrategyMBA Corporate StrategyEvening MBA Strategic Management Doctoral Seminar in Strategic Management Doctoral Seminar in Theory DevelopmentDirected Study in Strategic Management Executive MBA Global Strategy Fluno Executive Education Programs: Strategy Formulation, Implementation, M&A Integration, Global Strategy, and Strategic Change MS in Biotech modules on Alliances and M&A in entrepreneurial and high-technology contextsACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS:Carpenter, M.A. Top Management Teams (session facilitator). 2009. Strategic Management Society meetings.Carpenter, M.A. Business Groups (panel discussant). 2009. Strategic Management Society meetings.Yoder, M.E., Devers, C.E., & Carpenter, M.A. 2009. Do the pieces fit? A set-theoretic approach to executive compensation. Academy of Management meetings.Graffin, S., Carpenter, M.A., & Boivie, S. 2009. What’s All That (Strategic) Noise? An Examination of Anticipatory Obfuscation in CEO Successions. Academy of Management meetings. Eckhardt, J., Ciuchta, M, & Carpenter, M.A. 2008. Why Exploit? Information, Choice and the Transition to Commercial Entrepreneurship. Academy of Management meetings.Seo, J. & Carpenter, M.A. 2008. Pay Equity in CEO Compensation and Agency Problems: Socio-Psychological Agency Theory Framework. Academy of Management meetings.Seo, J. & Carpenter, M.A. 2007. Board information processing capacity and CEO compensation. Academy of Management meetings.Carpenter, M.A. & Seo, J. 2007. A sociocognitive theory of corporate governance. Academy of Management meetings.Carpenter, M.A. & G. Reilly. 2006. Creating actionable knowledge about research methods in strategic management. Academy of Management meetings.Carpenter, M.A. 2006. What makes executive teams click. Paper presented at INSEAD/BYU Strategic Leadership Series.Carpenter, M.A. & J. Seo. 2005. An information processing perspective on board effectiveness. Paper presented at Kellogg School of Business Speaker Series.Carpenter, M.A., Miller, S., Ross, A. 2005. Integrating the resource- and knowledge-based perspectives to better understand unit performance in multi-market firms. Academy of Management meetings.Carpenter, M.A., D.A. Hofmann, & S.R. Miller. 2005. An integrated learning view of service firm evolutionary trends in emerging markets. Academy of Management meetings. Stajkovic, A., M. Carpenter, & S. Graffin. 2005. Comparing managers; charisma, social networks, and self-set career goals in the US and China. Academy of Management meetings.Carpenter, M.A., D.C. Indro, S.R. Miller, & M. Richards. 2005. Governance Practices, Raising Capital Abroad, and the Moderating Effects of Home-Country Risk. Academy of International Business meetings.Carpenter, M.A. & J. Seo. 2004. Only human? A socio-cognitive perspective of board effectiveness. Academy of Management Meetings, New Orleans.Carpenter, M.A. & J. Seo. 2004. Increasing board effectiveness through corporate refocusing. Across the Board, University of Texas at Austin.Carpenter, M.A., T. Pollock, & M. Leary. 2001. Global strategic intent or false signaling: The reflection of boards and top managers in the global strategies and performance of IPO firms. Academy of Management meetings, Washington, D.C.Carpenter, M.A., T. Pollock, & M. Leary. 2000. IPOs and International strategies: the influence of top management team and board characteristics on new venture performance. Academy of International Business meetings, Phoenix.Carpenter, M.A., J. Wade & C.A. O'Reilly. 2000. A contingency perspective on top executive pay and promotion. Academy of Management meetings, Toronto.Carpenter, M.A., T. Pollock, & M. Leary. 2000. Going global and going public: The role of governance, leadership, and globalization in new venture performance. Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Conference.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 1999. Top management team compensation in multinational firms: An information processing perspective. Academy of International Business meetings, Charleston.Carpenter, M.A. & W.G. Sanders. 1999. The Compensation of Top Management Teams in Multinational Firms. Strategic Management Society meetings, Berlin (voted among top ten papers out of 375 submitted).Sanders, W.G. & M.A. Carpenter. 1999. A behavioral perspective of strategic initiative adoption. Academy of Management meetings, Chicago.Carpenter, M.A. & J.D. Westphal. 1999. A network perspective on how outside directors impact strategic decision making. Academy of Management meetings, Chicago.Waller, M, C. Gibson, & . M.A. Carpenter. 1999. Times arrow: The impact of time perspective on knowledge management in international contexts. Academy of Management meetings, Chicago.Carpenter, M. & J. Westphal. 1998. Are corporate directors spread too thin? The impact of director appointments on monitoring and advice giving. Strategic Management Society meetings, Orlando.Carpenter, M., W.G. Sanders, & H. Gregersen. 1998. Bundling human capital with organizational context: The impact of international experience on CEO pay and multinational firm performance. International Management Division, Academy of Management meetings, Organization and Management Theory division, San Diego.Carpenter, M. 1998. Getting off the path of least resistance: The impact of CEO pay on strategic change. Academy of Management meetings, Organization and Management Theory division, San Diego.Waller, M, C. Gibson, & . M.A. Carpenter. 1998. Times arrow: The impact of time on knowledge processes in international context. Academy of International Business meetings, Vienna.Carpenter, M. 1997. Putting the upper echelons into context: Uncertainty as a moderator of demographic effects. Academy of Management meetings, Organization and Management Theory, Boston.Sanders, W.G. & M. Carpenter. 1996. Structure and the management of global firms: Implications for top team composition and compensation. Academy of Management meetings, Organization and Management Theory, Cincinnati.Carpenter, M. 1995. Internationalization as a reflection of the top management team. Academy of International Business (SWFAD). Carpenter, M. 1994. Organizational identity and strategic decision making: The decision to divest. Academy of Management Meetings, Cognition Interest Group. UW ACADEMIC SERVICE:Committee Assignments:Elected member, School of Business Subcommittee, 2009-2010International Division Dean review, 2007Academic Advisor, LAB/SLI/CASB, 2006-2009Elected member, Academic Planning Committee, 2004-2007Academic Director, SMILES MBA (2004-2006)Chair, UW International Internships Taskforce (campuswide) 2003-2005Chair, MHR Department PhD Committee, 2004-2007Member, School of Business PhD Committee, 2004-2007UW Department of French and Italian, PFMP Steering Committee, 2002 +School of Business Dean Search Committee, 2001 (M. Knetter selected)School of Business Master's Curriculum Committee, 1998 2002MHR Department Ph.D. Committee, 1999-2000, 2002 -2004School of Business International Business Majors, 1997 -2002UW Center for European Studies Program Advisory Committee, 2001 + Dissertations Supervised:Michele Yoder – StrategyMike Ciuchta – Strategy/EntrepreneurshipAnthony Sadler – Strategy/EntrepreneurshipAnthony Nyberg – HR/Strategy (University of South Carolina – 08)Jeongil Seo – Strategy/Organization Theory (06 – KDI)Greg Reilly – Strategy/Organization Theory (06 – Connecticut)Yan Gong – Entrepreneurship (06 – Irvine)Keenan Yoho – Operations (06 -- Rand)Scott Graffin – Strategy/Organization Theory (06 – Univ of Georgia)Yanfeng Zheng – Strategy/Organization Theory (06 – Clemson)June-Young Kim – Strategy/Organization Theory (06 – Marquette)Myleen Leary – Strategy/Organization Theory (03 -- Cal Poly San Luis Obispo)Harald Fischer - Strategy/Organization Theory (03 -- University of Connecticut)Michael DeVaughn - Strategy/Organization Theory (02 – U. of Minnesota)Ingo Holzinger - Strategy/Organization Theory (02 – York University)R. Slotegraaf - Marketing (00 – Indiana University)J. Kim - Strategy/Organization Theory (99 – University of Southern Cal)O. Levy - Sociology (99 - Tel Aviv University)Extracurricular:Director’s Summit panelist/organizer (2005-present)UW CIBER International Case Competition Advisor (2004-present)International Business Students Association Advisor (2001-2004)Big-10 Strategy Case Team Advisor (1997, 1998, 2001)Consortium Case Team Advisor (2001)Notre Dame Case Team Competition Advisor (2000)TENURE CASE REVIEWSUniversity of Michigan-Flint -- AssociateGeorge Mason University -- AssociateUniversity of South Carolina – Associate University of Connecticut – Associate University of Delaware – AssociateNortheastern University – Associate Rice University - FullRice University - FullRice University – AssociateYork University – AssociateACADEMIC AFFILIATIONS:Associate Editor (appointed), Academy of Management Review (2007-2010)Strategy & Corporate Governance Areas Editor (appointed), Business Expert Press, 2008-presentChair (elected), Corporate strategy and governance division, Strategic Management Society (2010)Program Chair (elected), Corporate strategy and governance division, Strategic Management Society (2009)Associate Chair (elected), Corporate strategy and governance division, Strategic Management Society (2008)Executive Committee (elected), Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management (2006-2009)Elected Member. Teaching Committee, International Business Division, Academy of Management (2006-2009)Visiting Professor of Global Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Indian School of Business (Summer 2007)Editorial Review Board, Journal of Management Studies. (2006-2008)Editorial Review Board, Strategic Management Journal. (2006-present)Editorial Review Board, Academy of Management Review. (2005-2007)Editorial Review Board, Academy of Management Journal. (1998-2008)Editorial Review Board, Organization Science. (2003-2006)Visiting Professor of Strategic Management, Copenhagen Business School (Summer 2003)Editorial Review Board. Journal of Management. (1999-2005)Editorial Review Board, Founding Member. (2002-present). Journal of Strategic Management Education.BPS New Faculty Consortium, 2005 (co-chair) and 2006 (chair)Elected Member. Teaching Committee, Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management (2003-2004)Member. Academy of International Business, Academy of Management, and Strategic Management SocietyOTHER WORK EXPERIENCE:1990-1992Vice President, Global Relationship Officer. Bank of America - formerly SPNB. 1989-1990Corporate Officer. First Interstate Bank.1987-1989Managing Director. BLH&K.1986-1987Enology/Commerce Intern. Chateau Haut Brion/La Mission Haut Brion. Graves, France.International Relations/Commercial Attaché Intern. U.S. Consulate. Bordeaux, France.1987Assistant to the Chairman. Beaulieu Vineyards (Heublein, Inc.). VINEXPO. Bordeaux, France. 1983-1986Assistant Manager, Security Pacific National Bank (SPNB). OTHER EDUCATION:1986/1987Advanced Enology Diploma (Formation Continue). University of Bordeaux, France 1986French Language Diploma. Institut de Touraine, Tours, & E.L.F.C.A. , Hyeres, France (Rotary International Intensive French Language Training). ................

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