RONALD D. ZELLNER December, 2007

Associate Professor

Department of Educational Psychology

Coordinator, Educational Technology Program

College of Education, Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843-4225

(979) 845-7276 ZELLNER@TAMU.EDU


Computer Applications in Education Interactive MultiMedia applications

Computer Aided/Managed Instruction Teaching/Learning Strategies

Computer Based Study Materials- Network Delivery Web-based instructional Resources


Ph.D. Educational Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1973

M.A. Educational Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1972

B.S. Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1968

A.A.S. Industrial Chemistry, Erie County Technical Institute, Buffalo, New York, 1962

EXPERIENCE Educational

Associate Professor, Coordinator of Educational Technology, Department of Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University, (2000 - Present)

Associate Professor, Coordinator of Educational Technology, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Texas A&M University, (1990 - 2000)

Associate Professor, Coordinator of Educational Technology, Department of Interdisciplinary Education, Texas A&M University, (1986 - 90)

Associate Professor, Coordinator of Educational Technology, Department of Industrial, Vocational and Technical Education, Texas A&M University, (1984 to 1986).

Associate Professor, Division of Research, Evaluation and Development, University of Northern Colorado, (1983 - 1984)

Associate Professor and Chair, Dept of Educational Psychology, Research and Evaluation, University of Northern Colorado, (1982 - 1983)

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Northern Colorado, (1976 - 1982), Director, Division of Educational Psychology, (1982)

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Counseling and Guidance. University of Northern Colorado, (1973 - 1976)

Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Educational Psychology, Arizona State University, (1971 - 1973)

Research Associate, Department of Educational Psychology, Arizona State University, ( 1972 - 1973)

Graduate Research Associate, Department of Educational Psychology, Arizona State University, (1969 - 1973)

Test Coordinator, Cook Christian Training School. Tempe, Arizona. (1971)

Test Administrator, Tempe, Arizona, (1970 - 73)


Electronics Research Technician, (engineering research program, phonographs & music components), Wurlitzer Co., New York, ( 1968 - 1969)

Mechanical Research Technician, (aircraft and aerospace research), Bell Aerosystems, New York, (1965)

Chemical Research Technician, (organic research chemist, pharmaceuticals and plastics), PennSalt, New York, (1962 - 1965)


American Educational Research Association

Association for Educational Communications and Technology


Texas A&M University


Council on Teacher Education

Knowledge Systems Research Advisory Committee College

University Plagiarism Policy Committee

College of Education

Technology Planning Committee College Reorganization Committee

Technology/Building Planning Committee

Distance Education Committee


Inquiry Group on Computer Technology and Research Assistance, Chair, 1984

Advisory Committee, Laboratory for Applied Technology, Chair.

CSC Coordinator, IDED

University of Northern Colorado


Science Education Steering Committee, 1983 - 1984

Environmental Studies Committee, 1977 - 1979

College of Education

Curriculum Committee, 1983 - 1984

Professional Education Committee, 1979 - 1982

Professional Teacher Education Review Committee, 1976

Teacher Education Faculty, 1973 - 1984


Two year memberships on the following (1973 - 1982):

Advisory Committee, Center for Special and Advanced Programs

Curriculum Committee

Personnel Review Committee

Committee for Off-Campus Instruction

Faculty Selection Committees (6 faculty positions in three departmental divisions)

Scholarship Committee

Program And Curriculum Development Committees, Admissions Committees, Divisions of Educational, General and School Psychology, (1973-1984)

Director, Division of Educational Psychology (1982)

Department Chair, Department of Educational Psychology, Research and Evaluation (1982-1983)



Contributing Editor, Encyclopedia of Special Education, Cecil R. Reynolds,C. & Fletcher-Janzen, E., Eds. John Wiley, 2006

Zellner, R. D., , Denton. J, & Zellner, L. Integrating Technology With Practice: A Technology-Enhanced, Field-Based Teacher Preparation Program. White Paper in “The Unpredictable Certainty Information Infrastructure Through 2000”, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council, National Academy Press, 1997.

Management of Instructional Materials and Student Products in Web-based Instruction Ronald D. Zellner, Chapter in "Web Based Instruction: Development, Application and Evaluation." Badrul H Khan, ed., Educational Technology Publications, 1997

Kwon, M., Goetz, E. & Zellner, R. 1998 Vol 31, No. 2 "Developing a Computer-Based Torrence Test of Creative Thinking: Promises and Problems" The Journal of Creative Behavior.

Zellner, R. D. Development of Interactive Video Disc Modules for Limited English Proficient Students: Techniques, Issues and Products for Vocational Education. In Language Minority Students and Computers (Monograph), Faltis, C.J. and DeVillar, R.A. Eds. The Hawthorn Press. 1990.

Zellner, R.D. Development of Interactive Video Disc Modules for Limited English Proficient Students: Techniques, Issues and Products for Vocational Education. Computers in the Schools, Vol 7, Nos 1/2, pp 1-29.

Zellner, R.D. 7 Parrish L.H., Results of the AVA National Teacher March, 1986, Vol 61, No2, 39-40. Technology and Education: Process, perspectives and interrelationships. Educational Research (Journal of the Society for the Study of Education, Korea) vol. 1, February, 1986, 3-30.

Obrzut, J. E., Hynd, G. W. & Zellner, R. D. Attentional Deficit in Learning Disabled Children: Evidence from Visual Half-field Asymmetries. Brain and Cognition. 1983, 2, 89-101.

Sattler, H. E., Bets, M. A. & Zellner, R D. Children's Preference for Response Cost or Positive Reinforcement as Working Conditions. The Journal of Psychology, 1978, 100, 71-75.

Ash, M. J. & Zellner. R. D. Speculations on the Use of Biofeedback in Sports Psychology. Psychology of Motor Behavior and Sport,. 1977 (D. M. Landers and R. W. Christinia, Eds.) Champaign, Illinois. Human Kinetics, Pub., 1977.

Ash, M. J., Sattler, H. E. & Zellner, R. D. Measuring Classroom Behavior via Stop-action Television, Perceptual and Motor Skills.. 1975, 41, 594-602.


Zellner, R. Computer-Assisted Assessment in Higher Education, Book Review in The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, Volume 4(2), 2003, pp 191-195

Zellner, R.D., (Ed.) IRL Monograph Series, IV: Technology in Education - Applications and Implications, College of Education, Texas A&M University, 1987.

Zellner, R.D. & Ash, M. A. Study Guide and Workbook for Psychology for the Classroom. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1976.

Zellner, R D. An Empirical Investigation of the Relation Between Conservation and the Concrete Operations of Classification and Seriation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University, 1973.

Zellner, R. D. The Development of a Sequenced. Manipulative System of Mathematics Instruction. Unpublished master's thesis, Arizona State University, 1972.


Zellner, R., Adiguzel, T., & Ozel, S., Digitized Video: Integrated Resources for Data Collection, Content Analysis, and Transcription. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Dallas, October 2006.

Yoo, S, Zellner, R. Monitoring Sokoban Problem Solving: What A Case Study Implies For Metacognitive Support For Game-Based Problem Solving? Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Dallas, October 2006.

Adiguzel, T., Zellner, R., & Ozel, S. (2006, June). Revolutionizing reusable adaptive learning objects: Software for cross-platform development and delivery. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Orlando, FL.

Zellner, R., Peden, E., Ozel, S., & Adiguzel, T. Embedded Video: Creating, Managing, Accessing, and Optimizing the Resources in Digitized Video. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Orlando, October 2005

Kwon, S., Yoo, S., Kim, H. & Zellner, R. Designing Web-Based Instruction: Instructors’ Response to Cultural Influence. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Orlando, October 2005

Adiguzel, T , Zellner, R., & Ozel, S. Revolutionizing Reusable Adaptive Learning Objects: Software for Cross-platform Development and Delivery, Presented at ED-MEDIA 2006 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Orlando, June 2006

Zellner, R., Ozel, S. & Adiguzel, T , Maintaining Online Course Management Systems:

Local and Institutional Issues of Development and Delivery. Second Annual ITS Teaching with Technology Conference, College Station, January 2006

Zellner, R. & Peden, E Net Apps and Web Apps: Options for Instructional Development and Delivery,. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Chicago, October, 2004.

Zellner, R. & Yoo, S. Development of a Computer-based Test of Creative Thinking Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Chicago, October, 2004.

Zellner, R. & Peden, E. Developing and Maintaining Instructional Resources: Examples and Issues, (Off the Shelf, or Roll Your Own), ITS Distance Education Conference, Texas A&M, February, 2004.

Zellner, R The Internet, Not Just the Web; Options for Data Collection and Instructional Delivery American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 2004

Zellner, R, Adiguzal, T, Yoo, S., Telford, W., & Calixto, A. Issues and Techniques for Developing and Conducting Computer-Based Research Department of Educational Psychology Educational Research Exchange Conference, TAMU, January 2004

Zellner, R. The Quest for Electronic Resources: the evolution of electronic instructional resources and student activities. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Dallas, October 2002.

Duffy, M, & Zellner, R, Bias, J., Davis, B., Jacobs, Kimbell, A., & Vandenbosch, D. A Web-Based Study of the Developmental, Personal, and Professional Influences on Experienced Psychotherapists. Presented at Counseling Division, British Psychological Society, Torquay, England, June 2002

Duffy, M, & Zellner, R. Varieties of Depression: Differential Dynamics and Treatments. Presented at Counseling Division, British Psychological Society, Torquay, England, June 2002.

Rieber, L., Hooper, S., Zellner, R., & Holmes, G. “The Best Archive” of Graduate Student Multimedia. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Dallas, October 2002.

Zellner, R, A Web-Based Study of the Developmental, Personal, and Professional Influences on Experienced Psychotherapists, Department of Educational Psychology Educational Research Exchange Conference, TAMU, January 2002

Rieber, L., Hooper, S., Zellner, R., & Holmes, G. Archiving the Best Multimedia Designed by Graduate Students-Tapping an Underused Resource for e-Learning, Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Atlanta, November 2001. (Refereed conference)

Duffy, M., Zellner, R., Bias, J., Davis, B., Jacobs, R., Long, R., Kimball, A. & Vandenbosch, D. A web-based study of the developmental, personal, and professional influences on experienced psychotherapists. Presented at annual meeting of the Texas Psychological Association, Austin 2001 (Refereed conference)

Zellner, R., Computer Assisted Assessment: What’s old and What’s new. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Atlanta, November 2001. (Refereed conference)

Zellner, R, Issues and Techniques for Developing and Conducting Computer-Based Research, Department of Educational Psychology Educational Research Exchange Conference, TAMU, January 2001.

Zellner, R, Children’s Maps of their School: Perceptions of School Structure. Part of symposium presented at AERA Arts Based Educational Research SIG Conference, Austin, November 2000. (Refereed conference)

Zellner, R, & Meyer, S .Digital Video editing for Educational Application. Region VI/EDTC annual conference on Technology in Education, TAMU, November 2000. (Refereed conference)

Zellner, R, & Epps, M.L. Computer Applications for Pre-service Teachers: Creating Alternative Course Structure and Instructional Delivery Formats. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Long Beach, Denver, October 2000.(Refereed conference)

Zellner, R., Web-based Data Base Applications for Instructional Activities and Communication. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Denver, October 2000.(Refereed conference)

Zellner, R., Instruction Construction Utilities for Teachers: a Full Range of Applications. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Denver, October 2000.(Refereed conference)

Zellner, R., Using Technology to Identify Professional Development Needs of Prekindergarten Through Fourth Grade Teachers, International Reading Association, 18th World Congress on Reading, Aukland, New Zealand, July 2000 (Refereed conference)

Zellner, R., Electronic Support Resources for Teacher Preparation. Invited presentation, 50th Anniversary Conference, National University of Korea, Taegu Korea, March 2000 Presented in English and Korean translation, Published in conference proceedings in both languages.

Zellner, R, & Epps, M.L. Alternative Instructional Delivery Formats: Computer Applications for Preservice Teachers. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Long Beach, February 2000.(Refereed conference)

Zellner, R., Children’s Perceptions of School Structure as Indicated by Their Drawings of Maps of the School. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, Dallas, January 2000. (Refereed conference)

Zellner, R. D., Interfacing Web pages with Database Resources Region VI/EDTC annual conference on Technology in Education, TAMU, November 1999.

Zellner, R, Talley, R, & Cifuentes, L. " Electronic Support Systems for Preservice Teacher Preparation" Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, Houston, February 1999.

Kwon, M., Goetz, E. & Zellner, R. "Developing a Computer-Based Torrence Test of Creative Thinking: Promises and Problems" Presented at annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, March 1998

Zellner, R. D., Discussant, session on Computer Utilization in Education, annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication & Technology, St. Louis, February 1998.

Zellner, R. D., Internet-based Resources for Mentoring Students in Small School Districts. Region VI/EDTC annual conference on Technology in Education, TAMU, November 1997.

Zellner, R. D., Intranet/Internet Resources to Facilitate Instruction: Delivery of Instructional Materials and Student Products, Presented at annual meeting of AACE, Toronto, November 1997

Zellner, R. D., Delivery of Instructional Materials and Student Products: Intranet/Internet Resources. Presented at annual meeting of the Assoc. for Educational Communication & Technology, Albuquerque, February 1997.

Zellner, R. D., Management of Instructional Materials and Student Products with Intranet/Internet Resources Presented at annual meeting of the Southwestern Educational Research Association, Austin, January 1997

Zellner, R. D., Utilization of Intranet & Internet Resources in Education Region VI/EDTC annual conference on Technology in Education, TAMU, November 1996.

Zellner, R. D., Intranet/Internet Resources for Management of Instructional Materials and Student Products Presented at annual meeting of the Texas Association for Educational Technology, November 1996

Zellner, R. D., Computer-Based Student Workbooks: Activities, Electronic Homework Delivery, and Resources for Evaluating/Recording. presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Assoc., San Francisco, April 1995.

Zellner, R. D., , Denton. J, & Zellner, L. Integrating Technology With Practice: A Technology-Enhanced, Field-Based Teacher Preparation Program. Presented at annual meeting of the Assoc. for Educational Communication & Technology, Anaheim, Feb. 1995.

Zellner, R. D., Computer-Based Workbooks: Design, Activities, Interactivity, and Network Homework Delivery. Presented at annual meeting of the Assoc. for Educational Communication & Technology, Anaheim, Feb. 1995.

Green, F.A., Koppa, R.J. & Zellner, R.D., Determining Legibility Distance for Highway Signs: is the Within Subject Variability being Overlooked? Presented at annual meeting of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Nashville, October 1994

Zellner, R. D. Computer-based Activities for Pre-Service Teacher Preparation: Issues, Design, Activities, and Networking. Paper presented at annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Nashville, February 1994.

Rieber, L.P. & Zellner, R. D. Advanced Design and Production of Interactive Instructional MultiMedia Half-Day Workshop conducted at annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Nashville, February 1994.

Zellner, R. D. Illustrations of Computer-Administered Formats for Enhancing Educational Research. Symposium and paper presented at annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, January, 1994.

Zellner, R. D. & Zellner, L.J. A Computer-based System for Recording, Evaluating and Reporting Classroom Performance of Student Teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, April 1993.

Zellner, R. D. Illustrations of Computer-Administered Formats for Enhancing Educational Research. Symposium and paper presented at annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, Austin, January, 1993.

Zellner, R. D. Computer-Based Research Formats:Utilizing HyperCard to Administer Research Projects and Collect Data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems, Norfolk, November, 1992.

Boyce, M.J. & Zellner, R.D., TheEffects of Computer-Based Evaluations on Students' Responses to Open-Ended Items. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 1992.

Zellner, R. D. Illustrations of Computer-Administered Formats for Enhancing Educational Research. Symposium and paper presented at annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, Houston, January, 1992.

Zellner, R. D. & Zellner, L.J. A Computer-based System for Evaluating and Recording Classroom Performance of Student Teachers. Paper presented at annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Washington, January 1992.

Zellner, R. D. Computer Text Materials: Influences of Student-Selected Text Display Characteristics on Learning Outcome. Paper presented at annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, January, 1991.

Zellner, R. D. Computer-Conducted Research: Utilizing HyperCard for Collecting, Transferring and reporting Data. Paper presented at annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Orlando, February, 1991

Zellner, R. D. & Kini, A. Illustrations of Computer Graphics for Animation and Presentation: Software and Products. Paper & Video presented at annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Orlando, February, 1991

Zellner, R. D. & Boyce, M. J., Computer-Administered Course Evaluations: Utilizing HyperCard for Collecting, Analyzing, and Reporting Student Responses. Paper presented at annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Orlando, February, 1991

Zellner, R. D. Computer Text Materials: Influences of Student-Selected Display Characteristics on Learning Outcome. Paper presented at annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Orlando, February, 1991

Zellner, R. D. & Rieber, L.P., Technology in Educational Practice: an Expanded Role of Educational Technology in Teacher Preparation. Paper presented at annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Orlando, February, 1991

Yurich, J. , Robinson, C., Kapes, J., Moreno, R., & Zellner, R., The early Stages in the Development of an Instrument to Measure Family Interaction. Paper presented at annual meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, January, 1991.

Zellner, R.D. Utilization of HyperCard for Computer-Administered Research: Data Collection, Storage, Manipulation, Transfer and Reporting. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of Southwest Educational Research Association, Austin, January, 1990

Zellner, R.D. Cognitive and Attitudinal Factors Relating to Degree of Success in Introductory Computer Courses. Paper presented at the national meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology. Dallas, February, 1989.

Zellner, R.D. A Survey Conducted at the 1986, 1987 and 1989 AECT Meetings: Results and Comparisons. Paper presented at the national meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology. Dallas, February, 1989.

Zellner, R.D. Development of Interactive Video Disc Modules for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students: Techniques, Issues and Products. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, March 1989.

Zellner, R.D., Kini. A Cognitive and Attitudinal Factors Relating to Degree of Success in Introductory Computer Courses. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Southwest Educational - Research Association, Houston, January, 1989

Zellner, R.D. Interactive Video: Academic Applications and Activities in Higher Education. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Texas Association for Educational Technology, San Antonio, October, 1988.

Zellner, R.D., Rieber, L. Texas A&M: Technology in Education, Presentation at Region IV, Texas Computer Educators Association, Fall Conference, September 1988.

Zellner, R.D. Now that You Have Your Data, What can the Microcomputer do for you: Reporting, Presenting, Graphing and Publishing. Workshop presentation, annual meeting of Southwest Educational Research Association, San Antonio, January, 1988.

Zellner, R.D. What the Educational Technology Program Offers the Revised Teacher Education Program: Current and Proposed Benefits. Presentation for the College of Education, TAMU, Inquiry Day, April, 1988.

Zellner, R.D., Rieber, L. Technology in Education - Texas A&M. Presentation at annual National Educational Computing Conference, Dallas, June. 1988

Zellner, R.D., Rieber, L., & Boyce, M. Educational Technology at Texas A&M, Presentation at Region IV, Texas Computer Educators Association, June, 1988.

Zellner, R.D. A Microcomputer-Managed System for Use in Large Class Teaching Formats, Paper presented at annual meeting of Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Atlanta, February, 1987.

Boyce, M.J. & Zellner, R.D. Slide Production Utilizing Available Computer Hardware/Software and Photographic Equipment, Paper Presented annual meeting of Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Atlanta, February, 1987

Zellner, R.D. Results of 1986 AECT Survey, presented at Annual meeting of the Professors in Instructional Technology, Bloomington, May 1986.

Zellner, R.D. Educational Technology, History and Components. Texas Learning Technology Group. Interactive Training program for Teachers, Dallas, July, 1986.

Zellner, R.D. Microcomputer Managed Research: Applications and Techniques Southwest Educational Research Association. January, 1986 meeting, Houston, Texas.

Zellner, R.D. Development of a Microcomputer Administered and Interpreted Course Evaluation System, Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Annual meeting. January, 1986, Las Vegas.

Zellner, R.D. Light Pen Medicated Computer Based Learning: Exercises for Handicapped Children, Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Annual meeting. January, 1986, Las Vegas.

Zellner, R.D., Technology and Educational Processes: Perspectives and Interrelationships. Presented at Yeung Nam University, Teagu, Korea; November 1, 1985. Part of program to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Department of Education, Paper translated and published in Korean, University publication.

Zellner, R.D. Beyond Literacy: Computer Curriculum Ideas for High School, Southwest Educational Research Association. January, 1985, meeting, Austin, Texas.

Zellner, R.D., Computer Applications in Education, Texas Student Education Association, Fall 1984.

Zellner, R.D., Educational Technology Program: Microcomputer Applications in Education. Phi Delta Kappa, College of Education, TAMU, Fall 1984.

Zellner, R D. & Budzynski, T. H. A Microcomputer-managed Investigation of Left/Right Hemisphere Music Learning.Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1984.

Zellner, R D. Applications of the Microcomputer as an Educational Research Instrument. Organizer and chair, Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1984.

Cooney, J. B. & Zellner, R D. Computer Applications in Psychology. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Chapter: Association of Educational Data Systems, Denver, Colorado, October. 1983.

Zellner, R.D. Process and Product Attributes Necessary for Quality Educational Psychology Textbooks. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association annual meeting, Anaheim, California, August, 1983.

Zellner. R. D. & Cooney, J. B. The Use of Microcomputers in Teaching the Undergraduate Psychology Class. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association annual meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April, 1982.

Zellner, R. D., Stein, C. L. & Lynch, R. M. Occupational Preference and Performance on Tasks of Differential Brain Hemispheric Functioning. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, New York, New York, March, 1982.

Ash, M. J. & Zellner, R. D. Speculation on the Use of Biofeedback Training in Sports Psychology. Paper presented at annual meeting of the North American Society of Psychology in Sports and Physical Activity, 1977.

Zellner, R. D. & Wisner, R. A. Comparison of Anglo and Chicano Student Performance on Measures of Classification and Transitivity. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, New York, 1977.

Zellner, R. D. An Empirical Investigation of the Relation Between Conservation and the Concrete Operations of Classification and Seriation. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois, April, 1974.

VanWagenen, R. K. & Zellner, R. D. The Child's Introduction to Mathematics: a Transfer Model Based in Measurement. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois, April, 1972.


Reviewer: Research Papers- Submitted to Association for Educational Communication & Technology for presentation at 1997, 98, 99 annual meeting. Research and Theory Division

Reviewer: Concurrent Sessions- Submitted to Association for Educational Communication & Technology for presentation at 1997,98, 99 annual meeting. Research and Theory Division


Development of an integrated facility for the development of media resources to support research and instruction Texas A&M Provosts Office, May, 2004 $150,000

A+PLUS Principal Leadership for Urban Schools: Rethinking the Recruitment and Retention of Effective Principal Leadership- April, 2004 Collaborated on technology components preparation, $400,000.

A New Tool Applies Research to Assisted Living Design PI Abbott, R & Rodiek, S.; National Institute of Aging, division of NIH Funded: $99,988, August 2004

Development of Climate Forecasts Decision Making Teaching Materials for Junior High School Teachers and Students, Human Dimensions of Global Climate Change Research Project: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. With Dr. Kerry Litzenberg Dr. James Mjelde & Dr. William Rupley Funded $229,874 over 2 years

Information Technology Experiences for Students and teachers (ITEST) National Science Foundation (NSF-02-147), With Dr. Kerry Litzenberg Dr. James Mjelde & Dr. William Rupley.Proposed budget $400,200/ year for 3 years. Passed internal review, rejected in external review.

Proposal for a Quasquicentennial Presentation: Multimedia Presentation of the Texas A&M College Presidency of T.O. Walton, Sr. Proposal submitted to TAMU Presidents Office, July 2001 $9,500 (not funded).

Expansion and Enhancement of the Online Components of the Educational Technology Program: Resource Design, Development, Delivery and Evaluation. Proposal submitted to TAMU Telecommunications and Informatics Task Force, April 2001 (PI) $ 249,576.00 (not funded)

The Academy for Advanced Telecommunications & Learning Technologies (AATLT) Electronic Learning Incentives Grant; for development of electronic learning resources for my courses in educational technology. Funded:$5,000 July/August 1998)

Two Projects with William Rupley: a TEA Academics 2000 grant and a Texas Reading Academies grant. Activities throughout in the Fall of1998, Spring & Summer 1998. Both resulting projects involve training and the development of technology-based resources in the context of collaborative projects with school districts. In addition, web-based resources were developed and maintained for on-line distribution and activities. (~$200,000)

Ron Zellner & Bill Rupley: Using Telecommunications to Support School Restructuring: a Networked Support system for HeadStart Teachers and Students; Southwestern Bell Foundation, August 1995 $10,000

Computer Innovation Grant, Associate Provost for Computing and Information Systems: Computer Generated Materials for Computer and Video Delivery of Instruction 1993 $7,500

Associate Provost for Computing and Information Systems: TAMU. Student Workstation Laboratory. File server, fourteen workstations, and software (graphics, word processing, spread sheet, instructional materials, etc.) for graduate and undergraduate student instruction and productivity. $43,000 1988

Texas Education Agency Development of Interactive Video Disk Materials for ESL Students, Principle Investigator, $120,000.00. Project June 1987 - July 1988

Texas A&M University College of Education Organized Research funds IRL Monograph Series, IV; Technology in Education - Applications and Implications, $4,315. Published, 1987

Texas A&M University Innovative Teaching Grant Development of Cable Television Broadcast material for Introductory Computer Course $1000.00

Apple Computer, Equipment Loan for survey administration at National meeting of Association for Education Communication and Technology, January 1986, $1000.00

Texas A&M University, College of Education, Start-up Funds Grant, "Development of a Multi-student Response System for Computer Managed Lecture Classes", 1985. $10,000.00

University of Northern Colorado. Faculty Publications and Research Grant, funds for peripheral equipment for microcomputers to enhance teaching and research, 1981. With Cooney, J. B. $1,000.00

University of Northern Colorado, Innovative Teaching Grant, materials for the biofeedback laboratory, 1977. With Morris, G. L. $500.00

University of Northern Colorado, Faculty Publications and Research Grant, funds to develop prototype student response system to aid learning in lecture, 1975. $200.00

Interactive Technologies and Distance Education: Electronic Courseware Development, Delivery and Utilization in Math/Science Education in Rural Texas Schools. Three year program proposal submitted through Dean Corrigan, Commitment to Education, TAMU $900,000. Submitted May 1990. Not funded


Created web site for Brighter Horizons Early Literacy program, (with Rupley, W.) February 2005

Developed & administered online survey instrument: Technology Applications Readiness Grants for Empowering Texas (TARGET), Phase II, May-June 2005

Developed & administered online survey instrument: The Impact of School Improvement Policies on Local Schools, with David Earlandson, administered to educators throughout Texas. May – Sept 2005

Participant Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) program. Received training sessions in Memphis and California, focused on personal development, and software/hardware resources. January 2004, July 2004, July 2005

Awarded full pass to Apple's 2003 Worldwide Developers Conference, San Francisco, June 23- 26, 2003. $1,600

Selected as an Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE), Class of 2003. Membership based on being nominated and then selected after submitting an application which detailed my teaching activities, educational philosophy, educational goals, etc. Received one-week training session in California, including software & hardware resources

Hearne ISD, Instructional computer training workshops for teachers, 2001, Hearne, Texas.

Principal's Center, TAMU. Developed and administered an on-line monthly reporting system for 200 participants as a component of the Teacher Focused Technology Training in Schools: Technology in Education (TIE) Grant Evaluation. September 2000 -May 2001.

Compaq Computer, Tomball Texas, Portable PC Training Team, review of training materials, new materials development planning.

Region VI Service Center, Huntsville, Annual planning and conducting a conference on Technology in Education held at Texas A&M, 1992 - 1998, 9th conference scheduled for November 1999.

Region IV Service Center, Houston, Teach series of introductory computer/technology courses.

Developed modifications to "Merry Xmas" virus detection software, distributed by Claris Corp.

Santa Clara County Office of Education, San Jose, California Develop prototype and development plan for instructional materials for teacher training in ESL & LEP settings.

Brazos County Museum, Committee directed to the planning of building expansion and exhibits development concentrating on technology-based nontraditional educational activities.

Electronics Training Division, Texas A&M Extension Service. Development of computer-based safety testing program.

Texas Learning Technology Group, Project to develop Interactive Video Disk materials for science curriculum. one day, 4 times/year.

Lee College, Nursing Program, Project to develop Interactive Video Disk materials for basic nursing skills. Periodic consulting on techniques and equipment for production and application of materials.

Graphics Materials Development:

Southwest Educational Research Association KAMU Television

Dean's Office, COE College Station Jr. High School

Gifted & Talented Institute Texas Alliance for Science, Technology & Math

Texas State Teachers Assoc. College Station Educators Assoc.

Various faculty & students, COE

Materials Developed

I have been involved in continued work related to the incorporation of modifications and materials related to distance education formats and the developing of a student group based in the Woodlands/Conroe area. In particular, I have worked on a distance format for EDTC 645, incorporating the TTVN teaching facilities and student communications utilizing e-mail, First Class software, and FTP software.. I have been developing a series of applications utilizing DataBase/Internet resource integration for use in my classes. These serve not only as instructional resources in my classes, but as models of technology integration for my students. These applications include internet access to records such as grades, homework delivery and evaluation reporting, bulletin boards and threaded messaging, etc. These resources allow students to access class materials from virtually any location in the world, they can also delivery resources they have developed and interact with other students via these materials. Current emphasis is on adding streaming video components to enhance web-based instruction in my courses.

Videotape Lecture Series: Microcomputer Applications in Education. I developed, authored, and lectured in a series of thirteen lectures developed for broadcast on Cable Television to augment class materials, homework and lab activities for students enrolled in EDTC 645. The series contained lecture material, computer-based instructional material for presenting concepts, interviews, and panel discussions with prominent educators. These were used for a two year period in which they were broadcast on cable television for two semesters, placed in the library for checkout and viewing, and made available on loan to students who traveled from distant sites. The course and technology have evolved so that these materials are no longer appropriate to the course.

Computer-based homework delivery systems and applications. These resources allow students to turn in a variety of homework products over the network from Harrington labs and throughout the campus which are sent to a central point for evaluation by the instructor. This format allows a paperless environment with assignments which access the advantages of computer-based activities such as word processing, conferencing, graphics, HyperText, etc.

Computer-based classroom observation system utilizing a graphical interface for recording activities of student teachers. This provides an efficient and reliable means of recording both teacher and student data in classrooms or from video tape. I am continuing to explore the use of this system in relation to established theory and practice which provides a framework for determining appropriate activities to observe and record.

Computer-based study aids for homework and testing applications. Development of prototype materials including lab network to allow faculty to present test materials from their office and download test results from the lab-based activities and materials. Instructional materials include electronic database of course contents which is developed by students and may be accessed during examinations. Have tested the materials on two graduate classes and have developed an alternate version for use in undergraduate classes. Have developed electronic delivery format whereby students deliver their homework over the network to a file server where it is available to the faculty member for evaluation and recording. This has been tested in EDTC 445 involving approximately 200 students and 4,000 assignments which did not require printing to be turned in and graded. This system will obviously conserve resources, reduce strain on faculty for management, and serve as a model for the use of such applications in Education. The next steps will include aids for uniformity of evaluations and automatic transfer of results to grade book utilities. The format of the exercises will also be expanded.

Computer-based test administration system which presents test items to a class of students, identifies the individual students, accepts student responses, allows students access to approved on-line resources, stores the student responses, and presents the student responses for blind evaluation by the instructor. Provides essay, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice item formats. Objective items are automatically scored by the system and may be distributed over networks for storage and evaluation.

Computer-based research technique providing a format for investigating the role of learner controlled display characteristics and learning outcome. Provides automatic administration of the study with all data stored and made available for analyses with no intervention necessary from the experimenter.

Course on Computer-Based research techniques which enables students to conceptualize a problem in their area of study and develop a fully operational, automatic computer-administered research project which collects data relevant to the problem defined. The skills and knowledge obtained provide a valuable set of tools which can be applied in a variety of research settings and topics. Students are encouraged to pilot dissertation ideas in this course.

Computer-based faculty evaluation system allowing students to evaluate a course on computer. Items include both rating scales and open response formats. Instrument found to elicit more open response input than paper & pencil equivalent.

Computer-based survey system for soliciting information from on-site participants. Items include rating scales, graphically presented selections and open response formats. Participants report greater feeling of confidentiality than on paper & pencil equivalent and summary of results is almost instantaneous. Instrument has been utilized at three national conferences.

Computer laboratory file server system to service a microcomputer workstation lab which remote provides access to software utilities and collects data on how the system is being utilized and by whom. Data includes information such as major, nature of work being done (homework & associated course, dissertation, etc.) software selected, time spent on each portion of the session, etc.)


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