ACC 208A: Managerial Accounting for Decision Making Activity


Winter 2008

Professor: Dr. Rose Marie Martin, PhD, CPA (FL)

Office: Building 94, Room 236

Telephone: (909) 869-2376


Web page:

Course Objectives:

The goal of ACC 208A is to have students practice data analysis and managerial reporting using their microcomputer proficiency skills (taught at Cal Poly Pomona in the prerequisite course, CIS 101), as well as the fundamentals of managerial accounting presented in the co-requisite course (ACC 208). Specific course objectives include:

1. Using critical thinking skills in the case analysis.

2.  Identifying accounting information.

3. Inputting accounting information into Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics accounting software.

4. Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluating Performance Relative to Plan.

5. Analyzing Costs and Extracting Customized Data to Support Decision Making and Performance Evaluation.

All Activities are Self-Paced:

This is a self-paced, Independent Activity course associated with ACC 208, Managerial Accounting for Decision Making. ACC 208A supplements ACC 208 by having students apply the techniques they learn in ACC 208 using a computerized accounting system to prepare managerial reports for a business. A passing grade in Acc 208 does not in any way guarantee a passing grade in Acc 208A. These are separate classes and they are graded and evaluated as such.

The Course Conduct:

This is an on-line course. There are no face-to-face class meetings.

All assignments are to be done by students individually. Students are allowed to ask the Acc 208A instructor for help. They are allowed to work with each other as long as their computer printouts contain their own user names. Printouts with username1, username2, etc will receive no credit. Students are also allowed to check their computer printouts with the solutions in my office.

Required Text Book:

Computerized Managerial Accounting Projects Using Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics by Stacy E. Kovar.

Academic Integrity:

The University has strict guidelines for academic integrity outlined in the University Catalog.  All forms of plagiarism, violations of academic integrity, and violations of the student code of civil conduct will be reported to the Office of Judicial Affairs.

"Plagiarism is intentionally or knowingly presenting words, ideas or work of others as one’s own work. Plagiarism includes copying homework, copying lab reports, copying computer programs, using a work or portion of a work written or created by another but not crediting the source, using one’s own work completed in a previous class for credit in another class without permission, paraphrasing another’s work without giving credit, and borrowing or using ideas without giving credit." University Catalog (p.49)

Important Points to Remember When Using the Great Plains software:

Change the User ID – Before you start work on any assignments, be sure to create your own identification and user name.  This will appear on all the output and reports that you create in Great Plains Dynamics.  You may choose any one of the following IDs as your user name: (i) your Bronco ID, (ii) your Bronco E-mail User Name, or (iii) your full name (subject to a maximum of 15 letters).  Directions for setting your User ID appear on Page 3-20 of the textbook.  Please do not turn in any assignments with the “LESSONUSER1” user ID on your reports and other output.

Set the User Date - The user date can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the Dynamics main window.  Each time you begin work on the projects, you should reset the User Date by going to File>User Date to the last date mentioned in the project you are working on, or to 12/31/01 if you are not directed otherwise.  Setting the User Date will help assure that all transactions are entered using the correct date, and that all reports and inquiry windows default to the correct dates.  If your reports or inquiries contain no data, check the date on the entry window.  It could be that the date has defaulted to the current year's date.  All projects in Computerized Managerial Accounting should be completed using a 2001 User Date.

Getting Locked Out of Dynamics: See page 2-2.

Backups and Lost Data: See page 2-12 to 2-14.

Missing General Journal Entries/Posting: For these projects, Dynamics is configured so that items are not automatically posted from the subsidiary ledgers to the general ledger.  Instead, you must go to Transactions>Financial>Series Posting, to post transactions.  Missing general journal entries are often caused by failure to post.  Always check to be certain that you posted the transactions if you find that something is missing.

Printing Problems: Students sometimes may use a computer that has no printer attached, and wish to create reports and other output on this computer.  You should be aware that Great Plains allows you to save your reports to a computer file, and this computer file can be then used on another computer with an attached printer to create printed output.  Directions to do this are available on Pages 4-5 through 4-8 of the textbook.

Schedule of Assignments:

|Due Date |Project |Assignments |Scoring Weight |

|Mon 1/28/2008 |Project 1 (Job Order Costing). | Boxed items on pages 11, 12, 16, 18, 20- 23, and 26-30. Turn in all | 25 points |

| | |required printouts. | |

|Fri 2/8/2008 |Project 2 | Boxed items on pages 13, 16, 25, and 26. Turn in all required | 25 points |

| |(Activity-Based-Costing). |printouts. | |

|Fri 2/22/2008 |Project 3 (Cost Behavior). | Do entire chapter. Turn in all required printouts. | 25 points |

|Fri 3/7/2008 |Project 4 (Variance Analysis). | Do entire chapter. Turn in all pages with boxes and all required |25 points |

| | |printouts. | |

For your assignments in the blue border boxes give written responses or perform what is asked. Use the original pages in the book to submit your answers. These pages cannot be returned to you as they are kept for department recordkeeping. Student solutions will be graded for accurate responses and not simply completion.

I will use the following scale for determining your course grade.

Percent Course Grade

90-100 A

89-89.9 A-

87-88.9 B+

80-86.9 B

79-79.9 B-

77-78.9 C+

70-76.9 C

69-69.9 C-

67-68.9 D+

60-66.9 D

59-59.9 D-

Assignments: It is required for you to complete the material from Chapters 1 through Chapter 4 of the textbook for this course.  These chapters introduce you to the software, show you how to install the software, as well as give you a tutorial on using the software.  After completing these chapters, you will be able to make entries, create reports, and print statements from the software, reducing the amount of time required to complete each of the assignments above.  You should note that no knowledge of Managerial Accounting is required to complete these first four chapters, so you should start work on this as soon as possible.

All assignments should include any reports that are required to be turned in for that chapter in the textbook. 

All assignments should be stapled with a cover page (the cover page is attached to this syllabus) showing your name, your BroncoID, and your Section Number and Course Number.  The Section Number for this course (ACC 208A) will not be the same Section Number for the ACC 208 course that you are also enrolled in.  It is a good practice to put your name on each page of your assignment, and keep a copy for your own reference. 

Completed assignments should be submitted to the Accounting Department Office at 94-252, before 5:00 pm on the date due.  Note that the Accounting Office is open only during normal business hours. No late assignments will be accepted. Turning in work early is acceptable and encouraged.

Progress Report:

Grades will not be posted during the quarter. The course grades will only be posted to BroncoDirect once all assignments have been graded at the quarter end.



ACC 208A:

Managerial Accounting for Decision Making Activity

Dr. Martin

Student Name:__________________________

Bronco ID #:____________________________

ACC 208A Section No._________

Assignment Name:_______________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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