Perimeter College - Perimeter College

Curriculum Vitae

Wakita R. Bradford, RN, MSN, CPN

1958 Barberrie Lane

Decatur, GA 30032

Email: wakitarb@

Cell Number: (404) 663-9335


Education background (specify degrees completed and majors or specializations):

|Degree |Date |Institution |Concentration |

|EDD Candidate |Completed without Dissertation |The University of Phoenix |Education Leadership |

|MPH Candidate |Completed without Thesis |Mercer University @ Macon |Public Health |

|MSN |September 2004 |The University of Phoenix |Nursing |

|BSN |March 1993 |Clayton State University |Nursing |

|ASN |June 1992 |Clayton State University |Nursing |

Non degree, graduate coursework (not included in degrees listed above – includes coursework for degrees in progress)

| Courses Taken |Dates Attended |Institution Organization |

|Proposal Course |April-June, 2013 2012 |The University of Phoenix |

| | | |

|Certificate License |Date |Expiration |Institution or Organization |

|RN105982 Nursing License |1992 |1/31/2018 |Georgia Board of Nursing |

|Certified Pediatric Nurse |1997 |Present |Pediatric Nursing Certification |

| | | |Board |

| | | | |

|Awards, Honors, and Recognitions |Year Received |Organization |

|Volunteer Award for the Medical |2011 and 2007 |DeKalb County Board of |

|Reserve Corp | |Health |

|Inducted into the Honor Society of |2004 |Sigma Theta Tau |

|nursing | | |

|Employee of the Month/October |1998 |The HUG Center |

|Tenacity Award/Graduation BSN |March 1993 |Clayton State College School |

| | |of Nursing |

Prior work experience not in higher education:

|Years |Organization |Job Title |Job Duties |

|2006-2007 |CHOA |Agency Nurse |I worked on weekends and holidays at Children’s Healthcare of |

| | | |Atlanta at the Scottish Rite’s Campus. |

|2004- |DeKalb County |Public Health |I supervised nursing and ancillary staff in a clinical setting, as |

|2006 |Board of Health |Nurse Coordinator |well as in other environments (specifically in the Teen Center, |

| | | |Women’s homeless shelter and the Adult Clinics). I compiled monthly|

| | | |reports, which is an evaluation of our quality and quantity of |

| | | |services rendered to our clients. I helped coordinate health fairs |

| | | |and work in the clinics as needed. As a member of the healthcare |

| | | |team, I demonstrated nursing expertise as a clinician, coordinator |

| | | |of services, and an |

| | | |educator of health care and service to our internal and external |

| | | |clients. |

|2002- |DeKalb County |Public Health |I supervised nursing and ancillary staff in a clinical setting |

|2004 |Board of Health |Nurse |(supervising staff in the pediatric urgent care center, pediatric |

| | |Supervisor |vaccination and travel vaccinations), as well as in other |

| | | |environments. I compiled monthly reports, which is an evaluation of|

| | | |our quality and quantity of services rendered to our clients. I |

| | | |helped coordinate health fairs and |

| | | |work in the clinics as needed. As a member of the healthcare team, |

| | | |I demonstrated nursing expertise as a clinician, coordinator of |

| | | |services, and educator of health care and service to our internal |

| | | |and external clients. |

|1999- |Grady Health |Pool Nurse |I worked in all nursing departments at Hughes |

|2003 |System |(1999-2003) Staff Nurse|Spalding Children’s Hospital, and North DeKalb Grady Clinic, a part|

|1993- | |(1993-1995) |of the Grady Health System. Under general direction, I provided |

|1995 | | |care and services to patients, clients and significant others, |

| | | |utilizing the nursing process. As a member of the healthcare team, |

| | | |I demonstrated nursing expertise as a clinician, educator, and |

| | | |innovator or care and services. |

|1995-1996 |Scottish Rites Children |ED Nurse |I worked in the Emergency Department; under general direction, I |

| |Medical Center | |provided care to patients, clients and significant others utilizing|

| | | |the nursing process as well as to collaborate with other healthcare|

| | | |providers to give emergent care to our clients. |

|1997- |The HUG |Charge Nurse |My duties included supervising RN’s, LPN’s, |

|1999 |Center | |and CNA’s, making the monthly nursing schedule, coordinating with |

| | | |other disciplines, such as therapists, teachers, and other |

| | | |professionals for the benefit of our patients. I also provided |

| | | |medical care to the many infants and toddlers we serviced both at the|

| | | |center as well as in the home environments. |

Higher Education Teaching Experience

Higher Education Teaching Experience (specify number years, institution, and courses taught):

|# years |Dates |Institution |Discipline / Subjects Taught |

|1 ½ years |February 2016-present |Perimeter College at Georgia State |ASN RN program as the Interim Simulation |

| | |University |Coordinator for N1930 (Med/Surg), N1926 (LPN |

| | | |Bridge), as well as for N2928 (Advance Med/Surg). |

|1 ½ years |August 2014 – December, |Herzing University |I taught several courses in an accelerated |

| |2015 | |Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing program (BSN), |

| | | |including nursing informatics, intro to clinicals,|

| | | |Legal/Ethical, Med/Surg I and Med/Surg II. |

|7 |January 2006- |Georgia Perimeter College |ASN RN program as the Clinical Practice Lab |

| |June 2014 | |Coordinator until 2009 and as the Community |

| | | |Outreach and Technology Coordinator |

|1 |2007-Present |South University |BSN Completion Online (have taught every course in|

| | | |this program) |

|7 |2009-22201016Present |Axia College |The Psychology of Health |

|2 |2012-2014 |I-connect |I was an Academic Coach for The University of |

| | | |Texas at Arlington. I coached Health Promotion and|

| | | |Transition to Professional Nursing courses. |

Professional Enrichment

Professional memberships held within the last 5 years:

|Organization |Office Held |Current |

| |(if applicable) |(Y/N) |

|DeKalb County Medical Reserve Corp |Media Relation Officer- 2007-2008 |Y |

| |2008 | |

Professional conferences attended (include dates):

|Conference |Year |Presentation Title |

| | |(If you presented) |

|Kennesaw State University Research on Teaching and Learning Summit |2016 |Poster presentation "There's not an app for |

| | |that...until now" - Development of an app for ESL |

| | |Nursing Students |

|NLN/Elsevier Technology Conference |2015 |"There's not an app for that...until now" - |

| | |Development of an application for ESL Students |

| | |nursing student to improve and enhance learning |

| | |Poster Presentation: 24/7 |

| | |connections for 21st century success: Going |

|Herzing University Online Conference |2015 |Online presentation "There's not an app for |

| | |that...until now" - Development of an app for ESL |

| | |Nursing Students |

|Nursing and Nurse Educator’s Conference |2014 |"There's not an app for that...until now" - |

| | |Development of an application for ESL Students |

| | |nursing student to improve and enhance learning |

|NLN/Elsevier Technology Conference |2013 |Poster Presentation: 24/7 |

| | |connections for 21st century success: Going |

|9th Annual Faculty Development Workshop at the University of Kentucky |2013 |24/7 connections for 21st century |

|18th Georgia Conference on College & |2011 |24/7 connections for 21st century |

|University Teaching | |success: Going mobile |

|Digital Wisdom in Nursing Education SREB Council on Collegiate Education |2011 |Poster Presentation: 24/7 |

|for | |connections for 21st century success: Going mobile |

|Nursing 2011 Annual Meeting | | |

|Educause S. E. Region Conference |2011 |24/7 connections for 21st century |

| | |success: Going mobile |

|HIT Scholar Presentation-The National |2011 |Development of an application |

|League for Nursing HIT Conference | |for the ESL nursing student to improve and enhance |

| | |learning |

|The League for Innovations in the |2011 |24/7 connections for 21st century |

|Community College Conference | |success: Going mobile |

|17th Georgia Conference on College & |2010 |Handheld Learning- Using the |

|University Teaching | |iPod Touch as an |

| | |Educational Tool |

|eLearning 2010 |2010 |Handheld Learning- Using the |

| | |iPod Touch as an |

| | |Educational Too |

|Technology Integration Program for Nursing |2008 |iTeaching and iLearning: |

|Education and Practice Conference | |Presenting content on iPods and the use of |

| | |simulators to facilitate students' learning |

|Conference on Information Technology, |2007 |iTeaching and iLearning: |

|League for Innovation in the Community | |Presenting content on iPods |

|College | | |

|eLearning 2007 |2007 |Teaching and iLearning: |

| | |Presenting content on iPods |

Service to University, School, or Location

Major institutional services performed (i.e. curriculum development, internal training, mentoring, committees, student organizations, etc.):

|Major Service |Dates |Specific Involvement |

|iCollege Advisory Committee |2012 |We worked on the transition of |

| | |our college from iCollege LMS (Blackboard) to Desire to |

| | |Learn |

|ATAC @ Georgia Perimeter College |2011- |Adaptation of Technology for |

| |2014 |faculty/staff and students at Georgia |

| | |Perimeter College |

|SREB Council on Collegiate Education |2010- |We created a survey that went out to all Nursing programs|

|for Nursing Education Technology |2011 |in the southern region regard their use of technology |

|Committee | | |

|Community Outreach and service |2006- |Chairperson, 2010-2014 |

|Committee @ Georgia Perimeter |2014 | |

|College | | |

Grants Received or Sought: Include source, title, PI status or role, dollar amount, and dates:

The National League for Nursing Health Information Technology Scholar (NLN HIT Scholar), 2011, to help buy Mac computer, software, textbooks to help develop the Idiomatic nursing ESL IOS app.

Bradford, W. R. & Buchholz, S. (2011). Development of an application

for the ESL nursing student to improve and enhance learning. HIT Scholar Presentation-The National League for Nursing HIT Conference, John Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland.

Technology Integration Program for Nursing Education and Practice (TIP NEP) Scholar, $2,000, 2008, to help purchase IOS technology for Nursing students:

Bassett, C., Bradford, W. R., & Buchholz, S. (2008, August). iTeaching and iLearning: Presenting content on iPods and the use of Simulators to Facilitate Students' Learning. Technology Integration Program for Nursing Education and Practice Conference at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.


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