Motion Quiz Review


1. Speed = __________ ÷ _____________.

2. Velocity = __________________ + ___________________.

3. If a car is driving around a curve, but maintains a constant speed, does it change

velocity? Why or why not?

4. Acceleration = rate of change in _______________.

5. A vector represents the ________________ and _______________ of a velocity.

6. If we have two velocity vectors, we can combine them by constructing a

________________ vector, using a parallelogram.

7. Negative acceleration is called ____________________.

Formulas and Units

| |Letter formula |SI Unit |

|velocity | | |

|distance | | |

|time | | |

|acceleration |(Give 2) | |

| | | |

Problems (4 points each)

Write the formula

Check for the need for conversions

Show ALL work, including units

Express answer in scientific notation, and circle your answer including units.

Speed and Velocity

1. A motorcycle goes North 1200 meters in 85 seconds. What is its velocity?

2. A spaceship travels at a velocity of 3.70 km/s . The distance from the earth to the

moon is 3.87 x 10 5 km. How many DAYS will it take to reach the moon?

3. A downhill ski racer can cover the 2.35 mile course in exactly three minutes.

A. What is the racer’s velocity in miles/minute?

B. How many miles could he cover in 1.50 hours?

4. A top sprinter runs the hundred-yard dash in 9.62 seconds. What is the runner’s

velocity in miles per hour?

5. During a canoe race, a camper paddles 406 meters in 70 seconds. What is the average

speed in m/s?

6. The distance from home plate to the pitcher’s mound is 18.5 meters. If a pitcher is

capable of throwing a ball at 38.5 m/s, how much time will it take a thrown ball to

reach home plate?

7. Light from the sun reaches the Earth in 8.3 minutes. The speed of light is 3.0 x 108 m/s.

In meters, how far is the Earth from the Sun?


1. An airplane goes from rest to a velocity of 80 m/s in 5 seconds. What is its rate of


2. You are riding your bicycle at 14 m/s. You see a pot hole which you cannot avoid and

slow down to 4 m/s in 1.5 seconds to soften the impact. What is your acceleration?

3. If a car starts from rest and reaches 62 m/s in 4 seconds, what is its acceleration in


4. Han Solo puts the Millennium Falcon into hyper-drive and the ship accelerates from

250,000 m/s to 800,000 m/s in 3.5 seconds. What is the rate of acceleration?

5. A Cheetah changes speed from 20 mi/hr to 60 mi/hr in 3 seconds. What is its




1. Speed = distance ÷ time.

2. Velocity = amount of speed plus a direction

3. If a car is driving around a curve, but maintains a constant speed, does it change

velocity? Why or why not? Yes, it changes direction

4. Acceleration = rate of change in velocity

5. A vector represents the amount / speed and of a velocity.

6. If we have two velocity vectors, we can combine them by constructing a

resultant vector, using a parallelogram.

7. Negative acceleration is called deceleration.

Formulas and Units

| |Letter formula |SI Unit |

|velocity |v = d / t |meter / second |

|distance |d = v t |meter |

|time |t = d / v |second |

| |(Give 2) a = ∆ v / ∆ t | |

|acceleration |a = v2 – v1 |meter / second 2 |

| |t2 – t1 | |

Problems (4 points each)

▪ Write the formula

▪ Check for the need for conversions

▪ Show ALL work, including units

▪ Express answer in scientific notation, and circle your answer including units.

Speed and Velocity

1. A motorcycle goes North 1200 meters in 85 seconds. What is its velocity?

v = d / t 1200 m = 1.41 x 101 m / s

2. A spaceship travels at a velocity of 3.70 km/s . The distance from the earth to the

moon is 3.87 x 10 5 km. How many DAYS will it take to reach the moon?

t =d / v (3.87 x 105 km) = (1.05 x 105 s) (1 min) (1 hr) (1 day) = 1.22 days

(3.70 km/ s) (60 sec) (60 min) (24 hrs)

3. A downhill ski racer can cover the 2.35 mile course in exactly three minutes.

A. What is the racer’s velocity in miles/minute? v = d/t 2.35 mi =

7.83 x 10-1 mi / min 3.00 min

B. How many miles could he cover in 1.50 hours?

v = d / t (7.83 x 10-1 mi) (90 min) = 7.05 x 101 mi


4. A top sprinter runs the hundred-yard dash in 9.62 seconds. What is the runner’s

velocity in miles per hour? v = d / t (100 yd ) =

(9.62 s)

(1.04 x 101 yd/s) (1 mi) (3.6 x 103 s) = 2.13 x 101 mi/hr

(1.76 yd) (1 hr)

5. During a canoe race, a camper paddles 406 meters in 70 seconds. What is the average

speed in m/s? s = d / t 406 m = 5.8 m/s

70 s

6. The distance from home plate to the pitcher’s mound is 18.5 meters. If a pitcher is

capable of throwing a ball at 38.5 m/s, how much time will it take a thrown ball to

reach home plate? t=d / v 18.5 m = 4.81 x 10-1 s

38.5 m/s

7. Light from the sun reaches the Earth in 8.3 minutes. The speed of light is 3.0 x 108 m/s.

In meters, how far is the Earth from the Sun? d = v t

(3.0 x 108 m ) (8.3 min) (60 sec) = 1.49 x 1011 m

sec (1 min)


a = v2 – v1

t2 – t1

1. An airplane goes from rest to a velocity of 80 m/s in 5 seconds. What is its rate of

acceleration? (80 m/s) – 0 m/s) = 1.6 x 101 m/s2

( 5 sec- 0 s)

2. You are riding your bicycle at 14 m/s. You see a pot hole which you cannot avoid and

slow down to 4 m/s in 1.5 seconds to soften the impact. What is your acceleration?

(4 m/s – 14 m/s) = - 10 m/s = - 6.67 m/s2

(1.5 s -0s) 1.5 s

3. If a car starts from rest and reaches 62 m/s in 4 seconds, what is its acceleration in


62 m/s – 0 m/s = 1.55 x 101 m/s2

4 s – 0 s

4. Han Solo puts the Millennium Falcon into hyper-drive and the ship accelerates from

250,000 m/s to 800,000 m/s in 3.5 seconds. What is the rate of acceleration?

8 x 105 m/s - 2.5 x 105 m/s = 5.5 x 105 m/s = 1.57 x 105 m/s2

3.5 s – 0 s 3.5 s

5. A Cheetah changes speed from 20 mi/hr to 60 mi/hr in 3 seconds. What is its

acceleration? 60 mi/hr – 20 mi/hr

= (40 mi ) ( 1 hr ) = 1.11 x 10-2 mi/s 1.11 x 10-2 mi/s = 3.7 x 10-3 mi/s2

(1 hr ) ( 3.6 x 103 s ) 3s


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