Graphs of Linear Motion

Graphs of Linear Motion

Graphs of Linear Motion

Graphs of distance (position) versus time are commonly used to represent the linear motion of an object.

o X-axis (independent variable) – time

o Y-axis (dependent variable) – distance, position, displacement

o Slope – speed (velocity)

You try: To begin, consider a car moving with a constant, rightward (+) velocity of 25 m/s.


|[pic] |Sketch the graphs of motion indicated for the car |[pic] |

| |shown above. | |

1. Calculate the slope of the position-time graph. What is its physical significance?


2. Calculate the area beneath the velocity-time graph. What is its physical significance?


Using the graph to the left, determine which runner is moving with the greatest speed. Explain.

Runner A, because it has the steepest


Consider a car moving with a constant velocity of +5 m/s for 5 seconds, stopping abruptly, remaining at rest (v = 0 m/s) for 5 seconds and then returning back to its original position.


Now, sketch a position time graph representing the velocity of the car.

[pic] [pic]

Graphs of Changing Velocity

Now consider a car moving with a changing, rightward (+) velocity – that is, a car that is moving rightward and speeding up or accelerating.


Sketch a position-time graph for the cars above.


Sketch the graphs below accordingly.

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Time |Time |Time |

|Constant speed in positive direction |Constant speed in negative direction |Standing still |

Graphs of Accelerated Linear Motion

Consider a car with a rightward (+) changing velocity. That is, a car moving to the right and speeding up or accelerating. Since the car is moving in the positive direction and speeding up, it is said to have a positive acceleration.


|Time (s) |0 - 1 |1 - 2 |2 - 3 |3 - 4 |4 - 5 |

|Distance (m) |2 |6 |10 |14 |18 |

|Velocity (m/s) |4 |8 |12 |16 |20 |

|Acceleration |4 m/s2 (speed increased 4 m/s each second) |

Sketch a velocity-time graph for the cars above.

|[pic] | |

| |What does the slope of the graph represent? |

| | |

| |acceleration |

| | |

| |Calculate the area underneath the slope. What is its physical significance? |

| |distance, [pic] |

Characteristics of Velocity vs. Time graphs

o X-axis (independent variable) – Time

o Y-axis (dependent variable) – Velocity

o Slope - Acceleration

• If slope is zero, than acceleration is _______zero_________.

• If slope is positive, than acceleration is _______positive_____.

• If slope is negative, than acceleration is _______negative_____.

How can you tell if the object is moving in the positive direction (i.e., positive velocity) or in the negative direction (i.e., negative velocity)?

Positive Velocity Negative Velocity

[pic] [pic][pic][pic]

How can you tell if the object is speeding up or slowing down?

Speeding Up Slowing Down

[pic] [pic]

Sketch the graphs below accordingly.

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Time |Time |Time |

|Increasing speed |Decreasing speed |Constant speed, then decreasing speed to stop. |

Consider the graph below. The object whose motion is represented by this graph is ... (circle all that apply):

a. moving in the positive direction.

b. moving with a constant velocity.

c. moving with a negative velocity.

d. slowing down.

e. changing directions.

f. speeding up.

g. moving with a positive acceleration.

h. moving with a constant acceleration.


How can you tell that the car is moving at a constant speed?


The slope is the velocity.

The area is the distance traveled.

Time (s)

Distance (m)

To linearize graph, plot (time)2 on the x-axis.




Equations needed to solve for velocity will be learned at a later date.

Velocity values are for the end of the time interval.



+ away

- towards



+ away

- towards


How can you tell that the car is speeding up?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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