CMS Signature Requirements - CGS Medicare

CMS Signature Requirements

For medical review purposes, Medicare requires that services provided/ordered be authenticated by the author. The method used shall be a handwritten or an electronic signature. Stamp signatures are not acceptable.

Handwritten Signature

A handwritten signature is a mark or sign by an individual on a document to signify knowledge, approval, acceptance or obligation.

? If the signature is illegible, MACs, UPICs, SMRC, and CERT shall consider evidence in a signature log, attestation statement, or other documentation submitted to determine the identity of the author of a medical record entry.

? If the signature is missing from an order, MACs, SMRC, and CERT shall disregard the order during the review of the claim (e.g., the reviewer will proceed as if the order was not received).

? If the signature is missing from any other medical documentation, (other than an order), MACs, SMRC, and CERT shall accept a signature attestation from the author of the medical record entry.

Signature Log

A signature log lists the typed or printed name of the author associated with initials or an illegible signature. The signature log might be included on the actual page where the initials or illegible signature are used or might be a separate document. The provider should also list his/her credentials in the log.

Signature Attestation Statement

An attestation statement may be submitted to authenticate an illegible or missing signature on medical documentation. In order to be considered valid for Medicare medical review purposes, an attestation statement must be signed and dated by the author of the medical record entry and must contain sufficient information to identify the beneficiary.

Reviewers will consider all attestations that meet CMS requirements regardless of the date the attestation was created, except in those cases where the regulations or policy indicate that a signature must be in place prior to a given event or a given date.

The following page contains an acceptable form that suppliers may use as an attestation statement. However, CMS and CGS are neither requiring nor instructing suppliers to use this form or format.

Electronic Signatures

Due to the potential for misuse or abuse with alternate signature methods, providers should use a system and software products which are protected against modification, etc., and should apply administrative procedures which are adequate and correspond to recognized standards and laws. The individual whose name is on the alternate signature method and the provider bears the responsibility for the authenticity of the information being attested to.

Please refer to the CMS Pub. 100-08, Medicare Program Integrity Manual, Chapter Three ? Section for additional information concerning signature requirements.

Revised October 19, 2020.

? 2020 Copyright, CGS Administrators, LLC.

Medical Record Signature Attestation Statement

NOTE: This form provides a suggested format for a signature attestation statement. Submission of a signature attestation statement and use of this form is optional.

Name of Patient: Medicare Number:


Print full name of the physician/practitioner.

, hereby attest that the

medical record entry for

Date of medical record entry.

accurately reflects signatures/

notations that I made in my capacity as a(n)

Insert credentials, e.g. M.D.


I treated/diagnosed the above listed Medicare beneficiary. I do hereby attest that this information

is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and I understand that any

falsification, omission, or concealment of material fact may subject me to administrative,

civil, or criminal liability.

Signature of Author of the Medical Record


In order to be considered valid for Medicare medical review purposes, an attestation statement must be signed and dated by the author of the medical record entry. Reviewers will not consider attestation statements where there is no associated medical record entry or someone other than the author (even a partner in the same group practice) of the medical record entry in question signs this statement.

Revised October 19, 2020.

? 2020 Copyright, CGS Administrators, LLC.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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