Acceptance Letter

Dear Author,

it is a pleasure to inform you that your manuscript, has been accepted for publication as a REGULAR PAPER in the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Your paper will be published in IEEE Xplore edition and the print edition of the Transactions. If there are any final comments from the reviewers or the editor, they can be found at the bottom of this letter.

Please prepare and send your final manuscript at your earliest convenience to my Assistant Editor. After checking your material, we will forward your paper to IEEE headquarters, who will promptly work on your manuscript and send galley proofs to the contact author. You will then have 48 hours to make your corrections. After a few days from receiving your corrected proofs, IEEE will publish your paper on line on IEEE Xplore even before appearing in hardcopy. IEEE Trans on ITS is using "rapid posting" to quicly disseminate our papers in the scientific community.

You may send all the material electronically on a CD or via e-mail. If you are going to send a CD, please send it to:

Dr. Simona Berte' CEDI - Facolta' di Ingegneria Universita' degli Studi di Parma Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A 43100 Parma Italy

In case you prefer to send the material via e-mail, please ZIP all the files and send them to:

The receipt of each e-mail message will be automatically acknowledged.

When sending your final paper, please reference the paper ID and type (Regular Paper, Short Papers, Review) and include the following:

1. A PDF version of the paper (IEEE style) and an identical version using either LaTeX or MSWord

2. Original versions of figures and tables (high definition) (tiff or postscript formats only) in separate files

3. A text file with the list of captions and footnotes

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4. Name, mailing address, phone, FAX, and e-mail of author to be

sent galley proofs (please note that proofs will need to be returned within 48 hours from reception)

5. A text file including the complete postal and e-mail address of all authors

6. Bio-sketches (in IEEE format) and high-resolutions photos of each of the authors (not required for Short Papers)

7. Electronic version of the signed Copyright Form

Be sure that you understand the rules governing over length page charges discussed in the Instructions for Authors which can be found on the Transactions website (there is a charge for each page exceeding 12 pages for regular papers).

If your paper includes color figures, you must decide now whether to print them in color or gray tone and comunicate your decision while sending the final manuscript. If you choose color, there will be a charge (see for more details). Even if you decide to print your paper in gray tone, it will be published electronically in color on IEEE Xplore if it includes color figures.

Upon submission, please send an email message to indicating the paper ID number, title, and authors, and specifying your choice regarding using color, in case your paper has color figures.

Please send the abstract of your paper (plain ascii file) also to for inclusion in the IEEE ITSC Newsletter.

We congratulate you on acceptance of your manuscript for publication as a REGULAR PAPER and look forward to receiving the needed publication material.


Prof. Alberto Broggi Editor-in-Chief IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

(updated Feb 2007)

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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