INVITATION FOR BID - University of Arkansas




Please Print or Type

|Company Name: | | |Phone: | |

|Address: | | | | |

| | | |Fax: | |

| | | | | |

|City: | | |EMail: | |

|State: | | |Web Site: | |

|Zip Code: | | | | |


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|NOTE: The above listed date and time is the LATEST the bid will be accepted. ANY bids received after that time will NOT be considered. |

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|NOTE: Pricing awarded on a resulting contract from this bid shall be available to all University of Arkansas departments. Terms stated in the bid response, including|

|pricing and delivery, are available for use outside of the Northwest Arkansas region, but may result in higher shipping costs. |

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|NOTE: All Arkansas state agencies and institutions of higher education may utilize or "Piggy Back" onto this contract if it is acceptable to the supplier and in the |

|best interest of the institution and the taxpayers of the state of Arkansas. |

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|By signing below, bidder agrees to furnish the items and/or services listed herein at the prices and/or under the conditions indicated in the official Bid Document. |

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|Name (Type or Print): ________________________________        Title: _______________________________ |

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|                  Signature:  ________________________________        Date:_______________________________ |

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| |1.1 |Failure to examine any drawings, specifications, and instructions will be at bidder’s risk. |

| | | |

| |1.2 |All prices and notations must be printed in ink or typewritten. No erasures permitted. Errors may be crossed out and corrections printed in ink |

| | |or typewritten adjacent, and must be initialed in ink by person signing bid. |

| | | |

| |1.3 |Brand Name References: Unless specified “No Substitute” any catalog brand name or manufacturer’s reference used in the bid invitation is |

| | |descriptive only, not restrictive, and used to indicate the type and quality desired. If bidding on other |

| | |than referenced specifications, the bid must show the manufacturer, brand or trade name, and other descriptions, and |

| | |should include the manufacturer’s illustrations and complete descriptions of the product offered. The University reserves the right to determine |

| | |whether a substitute offered is equivalent to and meets the standards of the item specified, and the University may require the bidder to supply |

| | |additional descriptive material, samples, or demonstrators. The bidder |

| | |guarantees that the product offered will meet or exceed the referenced product and/or specifications identified in this bid invitation. If the |

| | |bidder takes no exception to the specifications, bidder will be required to furnish the product exactly as |

| | |specified in the invitation. |

| |1.4 |Samples: Samples or demonstrators, when requested, must be furnished free of expense to the University. Samples not destroyed during reasonable |

| | |examination will become property of the University unless bidder states otherwise. All |

| | |demonstrators will be returned after reasonable examination. Each sample should be marked with the bidder’s name |

| | |and address, bid number and item number. |

| | | |

| |1.5 |Time of Performance: The number of calendar days in which delivery will be made after receipt of order shall be stated in the bid. |


| |2.1 |Bids, modifications or corrections thereof received after the closing time specified will not be considered. |


| |3.1 |The University reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of a bid or any and all bids, to waive any informality, and to award the bid |

| | |to best serve the interest of the University. |

| | | |

| |3.2 |If a bidder fails to state the time within which a bid must be accepted, it is understood and agreed that the University shall have 60 days to |

| | |accept. |

|4. |ERROR IN BID | |

| |4.1 |In case of error in the extension of prices in the bid, the unit price will govern. No bid shall be altered or amended after the specified time |

| | |for opening bids. |

| | | |

|5. |AWARD | |

| |5.1 |Contracts and purchases will be made or entered into with the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications or on the basis for best value. |

| | | |

| |5.2 |When more than one item is specified in the Invitation, the University reserves the right to determine the low bidder either on the basis of the |

| | |individual items or on the basis of all items included in its Invitation for Bids, or as expressly stated in the Invitation for Bid. |

| | | |

| |5.3 |A written purchase order or contract award mailed, or otherwise furnished, to the successful bidder within the time of acceptance specified in the |

| | |Invitation for Bid results in a binding contract without further action by either party. The contract shall not be assignable by the vendor in |

| | |whole or part without the written consent of the University. |

| | | |

| |5.4 |Vendors awarded contracts for commodities and/or services are encouraged to participate in our University Shopping Mall. This online catalog |

| | |database is operated by a third-party provider and will allow all University departments to place orders to multiple vendors online. A monthly |

| | |maintenance fee, to be negotiated between each vendor and the shopping mall data base provider, is required. |

|6. |DELIVERY | |

| |6.1 |The Invitation for Bid will show the number of days to place a commodity in the University designated location under normal conditions. If the |

| | |bidder cannot meet the stated delivery, alternate delivery schedules may become a factor in award. The University has the right to extend delivery|

| | |if reasons appear valid. |

| | | |

| |6.2 |Delivery shall be made during University work hours only, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.., unless prior approval for other shipment has been obtained. |

| | | |

| |6.3 |Packing memoranda shall be enclosed with each shipment. |


| |7.1 |Final inspection and acceptance or rejection may be made at delivery destination, but all materials and workmanship shall be subject to inspection |

| | |and test at all times and places, and when practicable. During manufacture, the right is reserved to reject articles which contain defective |

| | |material and workmanship. Rejected material shall be removed by and at the expense of the contractor promptly after notification of rejection. |

| | |Final inspection and acceptance or rejection of the materials or supplies shall be made as promptly as practicable, but failure to inspect and |

| | |accept or reject materials or supplies shall not impose liability on the University thereof for such materials or supplies as are not in accordance|

| | |with the specification. In the event necessity requires the use of materials or supplies not conforming to the specification, payment may be made |

| | |with a proper reduction in price. |


| |8.1 |Do not include state or local sales taxes in bid price. |

| | | |

| |8.2 |Trade discounts should be deducted from the unit price and net price should be shown in the bid. |

|9. |DEFAULT | |

| |9.1 |Back orders, default in promised delivery, or failure to meet specifications authorize the University to cancel this contract to the defaulting |

| | |contractor. The contractor must give written notice to the University of the reason and the expected delivery date. |

| |9.2 |Consistent failure to meet delivery without a valid reason may cause removal from the bidders list or suspension of |

| | |eligibility for award. |

|10 |WAIVER | |

| |10.1 |The University reserves the right to waive any General Condition, Special Condition, or minor specification deviation when considered to be in the |

| | |best interest of the University, so long as such waiver is not given so as to deliberately |

| | |favor any single vendor and would have the same effect on all vendors. |

| | | |


| |11.1 |Any contract or item award may be canceled for cause by either party by giving 30 days written notice of intent to cancel. Cause for the University|

| | |to cancel shall include, but is not limited to, cost exceeding current market prices for comparable purchases; request for increase in prices |

| | |during the period of the contract; or failure to perform to contract |

| | |conditions. The contractor will be required to honor all purchase orders that were prepared and dated prior to the date of expiration or |

| | |cancellation if received by the contractor within period of 30 days following the date of expiration or cancellation. Cancellation by the |

| | |University does not relieve the Contractor of any liability arising out of a default or nonperformance. If a contract is canceled due to a request|

| | |for increase in prices or failure to perform, that vendor shall be removed from the Qualified Bidders List for a period of 24 months. Cause for |

| | |the vendor to cancel shall include, but is not limited to the item(s) being discontinued and unavailable from the manufacturer. |

|12 |ADDENDA | |

| |12.1 |Addenda modifying plans and/or specifications may be issued if time permits. No addendum will be issued within a period of three (3) working days |

| | |prior to the time and date set for the bid opening. Should it become necessary to issue an addendum within the three-day period prior to the bid |

| | |opening, the bid date will be reset giving bidders ample time to answer the addendum. |

| | | |

| |12.2 |Only written addenda is part of the bid packet and should be considered. |


| |13.1 |Unless specifically requested alternate bids will not be considered. An alternate is considered to be a bid that does not comply with the minimum |

| | |provisions of the specifications. |


| |14.1 |Bid opening will be conducted open to the public. However, they will serve only to open, read and tabulate the bid price on each bid. No |

| | |discussion will be entered into with any vendor as to the quality or provisions of the specifications and no award will be made either stated or |

| | |implied at the bid opening. |


| |15.1 |All debris must be removed from the University after installation of said equipment. |

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Please send one (1) signed original, and one (1) signed copy (including two (2) separate copies on CD and/or USB Flash Drive) of your response to this bid. The extra copies are needed for bid evaluation purposes. Please do not send bid responses to different bids in the same envelope.

Additional Redacted Copy REQUIRED

Proprietary information submitted in response to this IFB will be processed in accordance with applicable State of Arkansas procurement law. Documents pertaining to the IFB become the property of the University of Arkansas and shall be open to public inspection when the bid solicitation has been awarded and a final contract agreement is complete.

It is the responsibility of the respondent to identify all proprietary information included in their bid proposal response. The respondent shall submit one (1) separate electronic copy of the bid from which any proprietary information has been removed, i.e., a redacted copy (marked “REDACTED COPY”). The redacted copy should reflect the same pagination as the original, show the empty space from which information was redacted, and should be submitted on a CD or flash drive, preferably in a PDF format. Except for the redacted information, the redacted copy must be identical to the original hard copy submitted for the bid response to be considered. The respondent is responsible for ensuring the redacted copy on CD/flash drive is protected against restoration of redacted data. The redacted copy may be open to public inspection under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) without further notice to the respondent once a contract is final. If during a subsequent review process the University determines that specific information redacted by the respondent is subject to disclosure under FOIA, the respondent will be contacted prior to release of the information.


IMPORTANT: Respondents must address each of the requirements of this bid request which is in the format of a Invitation for Bid. Vendor’s required responses should contain sufficient information and detail for the University to further evaluate the merit of the vendor’s response. Failure to respond in this format may result in bid disqualification.

IMPORTANT: If questions are submitted to the University to clarify bid specifications or the scope of the bid, an individual response will be sent to the submitting party only. All question and answer documents will be immediately posted to the University Hogbid website, information and a link is listed here:    for interested firms, companies, individuals to review. It is the responsibility of all parties to review the University official bid website, Hogbid, to be informed of all important information specific to the solicitation.

Vendor Identification

Bidder should complete the Vendor Identification form at the following link, and submit with bid proposal: .

General Campus Background for University of Arkansas

Founded in 1871 as a land-grant institution, the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Arkansas, is the flagship campus of the University of Arkansas System. Our students represent all 50 states and more than 120 countries. The UofA has 10 colleges and schools offering more than 210 academic programs. As of Fall 2016, student enrollment totaled approximately 27,194. The faculty count totaled 1,384 and the staff count totaled 3,169. The UofA is the state’s foremost partner and resource for education and economic development. Its public service activities reach every county in Arkansas, throughout the nation, and around the world. The Carnegie Foundation classifies the UofA as having "the highest possible level of research," placing us among the top 2 percent of colleges and universities nationwide.

Proprietary Information

Proprietary information submitted in response to this bid will be processed in accordance with applicable University of Arkansas procurement procedures. All material submitted in response to this bid becomes the public property of the State of Arkansas and will be a matter of public record and open to public inspection subsequent to bid opening as defined by the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. The Respondent is hereby cautioned that any part of its bid that is considered confidential, proprietary, or trade secret, must be labeled as such and submitted in a separate envelope along with the bid, [include with Original and any required Copies] and can only be protected to the extent permitted by Arkansas law.

Note of caution:  Do not attempt to mark the entire proposal as "proprietary".  Do not submit letterhead or similarly customized paper within the proposal to reference the page(s) as "Confidential" unless the information is sealed separately and identified as proprietary.  Acceptable proprietary items may include references, resumes, and financials or system/software/hardware manuals. Cost cannot be considered as proprietary.

Ethical Standards

It shall be a breach of ethical standards for a person to be retained, or to retain a person, to solicit or secure a state contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, except for retention of bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial selling agencies maintained by the contractor for the purpose of securing business.

Arkansas Technology Access Clause

When procuring a technology product or when soliciting the development of such a product, the State of Arkansas is required to comply with the provisions of Arkansas Code Annotated § 25-26-201 et seq., as amended by Act 308 of 2013, which expresses the policy of the State to provide individuals who are blind or visually impaired with access to information technology purchased in whole or in part with state funds. The Vendor expressly acknowledges and agrees that state funds may not be expended in connection with the purchase of information technology unless that system meets the statutory requirements found in 36 C.F.R. § 1194.21, as it existed on January 1, 2013 (software applications and operating systems) and 36 C.F.R. § 1194.22, as it existed on January 1, 2013 (web-based intranet and internet information and applications), in accordance with the State of Arkansas technology policy standards relating to accessibility by persons with visual impairments.

Accordingly, the vendor expressly represents and warrants to the State of Arkansas through the procurement process by submission of a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) or similar documentation to demonstrate compliance with 36 C.F.R. § 1194.21, as it existed on January 1, 2013 (software applications and operating systems) and 36 C.F.R. § 1194.22, as it existed on January 1, 2013 (web-based intranet and internet information and applications) that the technology provided to the State for purchase is capable, either by virtue of features included within the technology, or because it is readily adaptable by use with other technology, of:

- Providing, to the extent required by Arkansas Code Annotated § 25-26-201 et seq., as amended by Act 308 of 2013, equivalent access for effective use by both visual and non-visual means;

- Presenting information, including prompts used for interactive communications, in formats intended for non-visual use;

- After being made accessible, integrating into networks for obtaining, retrieving, and disseminating information used by individuals who are not blind or visually impaired;

- Providing effective, interactive control and use of the technology, including without limitation the operating system, software applications, and format of the data presented is readily achievable by nonvisual means;

- Being compatible with information technology used by other individuals with whom the blind or visually impaired individuals interact;

- Integrating into networks used to share communications among employees, program participants, and the public; and

- Providing the capability of equivalent access by nonvisual means to telecommunications or other interconnected network services used by persons who are not blind or visually impaired.

If the information technology product or system being offered by the Vendor does not completely meet these standards, the Vendor must provide an explanation within the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) detailing the deviation from these standards.

State agencies cannot claim a product as a whole is not commercially available because no product in the marketplace meets all the standards. Agencies must evaluate products to determine which product best meets the standards. If an agency purchases a product that does not best meet the standards, the agency must provide written documentation supporting the selection of a different product.

For purposes of this section, the phrase “equivalent access” means a substantially similar ability to communicate with, or make use of, the technology, either directly, by features incorporated within the technology, or by other reasonable means such as assistive devices or services which would constitute reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or similar state and federal laws. Examples of methods by which equivalent access may be provided include, but are not limited to, keyboard alternatives to mouse commands or other means of navigating graphical displays, and customizable display appearance. As provided in Arkansas Code Annotated § 25-26-201 et seq., as amended by Act 308 of 2013, if equivalent access is not reasonably available, then individuals who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided a reasonable accommodation as defined in 42 U.S.C. § 12111(9), as it existed on January 1, 2013.

If the information manipulated or presented by the product is inherently visual in nature, so that its meaning cannot be conveyed non-visually, these specifications do not prohibit the purchase or use of an information technology product that does not meet these standards.

All State of Arkansas electronic and information technology purchases must be accessible as specified by standards listed in Arkansas Act 308. A copy of the act is available here: .

A blank copy of the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) form is available here:

Note: All vendors should complete the VPAT form as it relates to the scope of the item(s) or commodity requested in the bid solicitation. Our expectation is that the vendor will assign technical personnel who understand accessibility to the task. If a component of a VPAT does not apply, it is up to the vendor to make that notation and explain why in the “Comments” column. The notation can be as simple as “Not a telecommunications or technology product.”

Please note here if a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) form IS or IS NOT INCLUDED with this bid response. ____________________________________________.

Failure to include the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) form (if needed) could result in bid disqualification.

University of Arkansas Logo / Trademark Licensing

Merchandise that carries a University logo or trademark must be purchased from vendors that are licensed through the Collegiate Licensing Corporation. Therefore, bidders are required to be currently licensed to carry the University of Arkansas logo in order to be eligible to submit bids for those requests that involve the University of Arkansas logo or trademark.  Only those offers submitted by currently licensed bidders will be considered for award.

Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action

Vendor agrees to adhere to any and all applicable Federal and State laws, including laws pertaining to non-discrimination and affirmative action.

a. Consistent with Ark. Code Ann. § 25-17-101, the vendor agrees as follows: (a) the vendor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, sex, color, age, religion, handicap or national origin; (b) in all solicitations or advertisements for employees, the vendor will state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, handicap or national origin; (c) failure of the vendor to comply with the statute, the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder and this non- discrimination clause shall be deemed a breach of contract and this contract may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part; (d) the vendor will include the provisions of items (a) through (c) in every subcontract so that such provisions will be binding upon such subcontractor or vendor.

b. The parties hereby incorporate by reference the Equal Employment Opportunity Clause required under 41 C.F.R. § 60-1.4, 41 C.F.R. § 60-300.5(a), and 41 C.F.R. § 60-741.5(a), if applicable.

This contractor and subcontractor shall abide by the requirements of 41 CFR §§ 60-1.4(a), 60-300.5(a) and 60-741.5(a). These regulations prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals based on their status as protected veterans or individuals with disabilities, and prohibit discrimination against all individuals based on their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Moreover, these regulations require that covered prime contractors and subcontractors take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, protected veteran status or disability.

This contractor and subcontractor certify that they do not maintain segregated facilities or permit their employees to perform services at locations where segregated facilities are maintained, as required by 41 CFR 60-1.8.

Performance Timeline

Contractor agrees to begin performance of this Agreement within ten (10) calendar days after it receives notice from the University that the Agreement has received legislative approval, if necessary, or the final contract has been signed by both parties, whichever is later (the “Commencement Date”).  Time is of the essence in the Contractor’s performance of this contract. If the Contractor fails to meet certain milestones within a specific timeline, the University will sustain damages. Therefore, if Contractor fails to complete certain services with the time limits herein specified, Contractor shall pay to the University, as liquidated damages and not in the nature of a penalty, the amount specified below, it being understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the said sum fixed as liquidated damages is a reasonable sum, considering the damages that the University will sustain in the event of any such delay. Said amount is herein agreed upon and fixed as liquidated damages because of difficulty of ascertaining the exact amount of damages that may be sustained by such delay.  The said liquidated damages amount shall be deducted from the amount due to Contractor.

|Performance Milestone |Completion Deadline (calculated from the |Liquidated Damages |

| |Commencement Date) | |

|If there is a default in the performance of |3 months |20% of the total initial cost and annual fee |

|any of the material terms, conditions or | | |

|covenants contained in this Agreement or | | |

|Contract | | |

|If there is failure to cure in the |3 months |15% of the total initial cost and annual fee |

|performance of any material terms, | | |

|conditions or covenants contained in this | | |

|Agreement or Contract | | |

|If there is failure to perform in the |6 months |10% of the total initial cost and annual fee |

|performance of any material terms, | | |

|conditions or covenants contained in this | | |

|Agreement or Contract | | |

Prohibition on Contracting

In accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 25-1-503, Vendor hereby certifies to University that Vendor (a) is not currently engaged in a boycott of Israel and (b) agrees for the duration of the Agreement/PO/Contract not to engage in a boycott of Israel.  A breach of this certification will be considered a material breach of contract.  In the event that Vendor breaches this certification, University may immediately terminate the Agreement/PO/Contract without penalty or further obligation and exercise any rights and remedies available to it by law or in equity.

Dun and Bradstreet DUNS Number

We highly encourage all University of Arkansas contract vendors to use a Dun and Bradstreet number (DUNS Number). The D & B DUNS Number is a unique nine digit identification sequence, which provides unique identifiers of single business entities, while linking corporate family structures together. If your business has not registered, you may do so at:

If available, please provide your Dun and Bradstreet DUNS Number below:

University of Arkansas

Invitation for Bid for

Uniform, Apparel and Accessories Services

(Rental & Cleaning)

Section 1


The Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas, acting for and on behalf of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville (“the University”), is seeking Bids to establish a term contract for Uniforms and Apparel, to include cleaning service, maintenance, rental only or purchase of uniforms, apparel, dust mops, mats, shop towels and other janitorial items as needed. Uniform rentals with maintenance an cleaning will be on a contractual basis with the University of Arkansas for *Facilities Management with approximately 300 employees.


The University of Arkansas makes no commitment to purchase any minimum or maximum dollar volume of apparel or accessories from the contractor. Quantities are on an estimated usage basis and do not represent a commitment to purchase. Utilization of this agreement will be on an as needed basis by departments.

*Departments not listed in the original specifications may be added as needed by the University at the prevailing contract price. In other words, any other campus department which would like to partake of the items represented in this contract may do so at any time during the life of the contract at the contract pricing.

This contract will be for the period of February 1, 2018 end January 21, 2019, annually renewable, with the written agreement of both parties, for a maximum of six (6) years pursuant to Arkansas State Procurement Law.

Section 2


Award of the bid shall be made to the bidder with the lowest Grand Total Cost. This is an All or None Bid.

Section 3


3.1 Submitted Deadline and Location

(a) All bids must be received by the University no later than 2:30 pm.*

(b) Bids are to be submitted to:

University of Arkansas

Office of Business Services

Procurement Department

1125 W Maple Street, Suite 321

Fayetteville, AR 72701

*Late bids will be returned unopened and will not be considered under any circumstances.

3.2 Submittal Instructions

(a) Bid Terms and Conditions must be signed by Respondent’s company official

authorized to commit to such Bids. Failure to sign these documents will be basis

for disqualification.

(b) An original plus three (3) copies of the complete Bid response is required.

(c) Telephone and/or facsimile (FAX) responses to this IFB will not be accepted.

3.3 For all questions related to this IFB contact

3.4 Open Records

The University considers all information, documentation and other materials

requested to be submitted in response to this solicitation to be of non-confidential

and/or non-proprietary nature and therefore shall be subject to public disclosure

after agreement is awarded.

Financial data, trade secrets, test data, and similar proprietary information will, to

the extent permitted by law, remain confidential provided such material is clearly

marked by the bidder when the bid is submitted.

3.5 Definition of Terms

The University of Arkansas Procurement Department has made every effort to use

industry-accepted terminology in this IFB. The words “bidder”, “vendor”,

“supplier”, “seller”, “respondent”, and “contractor” are used synonymously in this

document. The competitive procurement process being utilized in this

transaction is “Invitation For Bid” (IFB)

3.6 Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions (see Section 4) and the authorized signature page of

the IFB shall govern any Contract(s) issued as a result of this IFB.

Additional or attached terms and conditions, which are determined to be

unacceptable to the University, may result in the disqualification of your Bid.

Examples include; but are not limited to: indemnification statements, subjugation

to the laws of another State, and limitations on remedies.

3.7 Bid Contents

The following documents must be returned as part of your Bid submittal:

a) Signed Terms and Conditions for Invitation for Bid (IFB), response to Section 6 of the IFB and Section 7, Totaled Pricing Sections.

b) References.

The following documents should be returned as part of your Bid.

a) Billing statement and invoice samples.

b) Sample contract.

c) Original plus three (3) copies of Bid.

d) Disclosure Statement (Attachment B)

Section 4


These General Terms and Conditions shall be made a part of and govern any

Contract(s)/Purchase Order(s) resulting from this Invitation for Bid.

Each Bid should be prepared simply and economically, providing a

straightforward and concise description of vendor’s ability to meet the

requirements of this IFB. Emphasis should be on completeness, clarity of content

and responsiveness to the offer requirements.

The University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers, to

waive informalities and technicalities, to accept the offer considered most

advantageous and to award the agreement to the most responsive vendor.

Additionally, all Bidders are hereby notified that the University shall

consider all factors it believes to be relevant in the selection of the most

responsive offer including, but not limited to, the ability to perform the


Bids are to be valid for a minimum of ninety (90) days from the submittal

deadline date to allow time for evaluation, selection, and any unforeseen delays.

Failure to comply with the requirements contained in this Invitation for Bid may

result in the rejection of the bid.

The bidder agrees to protect the University from clains involving infringement of

patents or copyrights.

The Bidder hereby assigns to purchaser, any and all claims for overcharges

associated with any contract(s) resulting from this IFB which arise under the

antitrust laws of the University State 15 U.S.C.A. Section, et seq. (1973) and

which arise under the Commercial Code Ann. Sec. 15.01, et seq. (1967).

Questions should be directed to the University Procurement Official identified in

Section 3.4 of this Invitation for Bid.

Bids and any other information submitted by Bidders in response to this IFB

shall become the property of the University. The University will not provide

compensation to Proposers for any expenses incurred.

Bids which are qualified with conditional clauses, alterations, items not called

for in the IFB documents, or irregularities of any kind are subject to

disqualification by the University at its option.

4.2 Time o 4.2 Time of Performance

Time I Time is of the essence in the rendering of services hereunder. Proposer

Agre agrees to perform all obligations and rendering of services set forth in


4.3 Price Decrease

In the event of a price decrease, the University shall be guaranteed full benefit of any

savings that may occur during the term of this contract.

4. Termination

a) The agreement may be terminated, without penalty, by the University without cause by giving thirty (30) days written notice of such termination to the seller.

b) Upon award, the agreement is subject to cancellation, without penalty, either in whole or in part, if funds are not appropriated.

c) In no event shall such termination by the University as provided for under this Section give rise to any liability on the part of the University including, but not limited to, claims of Proposer for compensation for anticipated profits, unabsorbed overhead, or on borrowing. The University’s sole obligation hereunder is to pay Proposer for products and/or services ordered and received prior to the date of termination.

4.3 Default

4.5 Default

In the event that the Proposer fails to carry out or comply with any of the

Terms Terms and Conditions of the contract with the University, the University

may notify the Proposer of such failure or default in writing and demand

that th that the failure or default be remedied within ten (10) working days; and in

the ev the event the Proposer fails to remedy such failure or default within the

ten (1 10 working day period, the University shall have the right to cancel

the co the contract upon thirty (30) days written notice.

4.6 Qualifications of Bidder

The University may make such investigations as it deems necessary to

determine the ability of the bidder to meet all order and delivery

requirements as stated herein and the bidder shall furnish to the

University all such information and data for this purpose that the

University may request. The University reserves the right to reject any

bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigations of, such bidder fails to

satisfy the University that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out

the obligations of the Agreement.

4.7 Indemnification

Under Arkansas law the University of Arkansas may not enter into a

covenant or agreement to hold a party harmless or to indemnify a party

from prospective damages. However, with respect to loss, expense,

damage, liability, claims or demands either at law or in equity for actual

or alleged injuries to persons or property arising out of any negligent act

or omission by the University and its employees or agents in the

performance of this Agreement, the University agrees with Seller that:

it will cooperate with Seller in the defense of any action or claim

brought against Seller seeking the foregoing damages or relief; (b) it will

in good faith cooperate with Seller should present any claims of

the foregoing nature against University to the Claims Commission of the

State of Arkansas; (c) it will not take any action to frustrate or delay the

prompt hearing on claims of the foregoing nature by the said Claims

Commission and will make reasonable efforts to expedite said hearing;

provided, however, the University reserves its right to assert in good faith

all claims and defenses available to it in any proceedings in said Claims

Commission or other appropriate forum. The obligations of this

paragraph shall survive the expiration or termination of this agreement.

4.8 Permits and License

Contractor shall, at its sole expense, procure and keep in effect all necessary

permits and licenses required for its performance under this Agreement, and

shall post or display in a prominent place such permits and/or notices as are

required by law.

4.9 Independent Vendor Status

Bidder agrees that it’s employees and agents have no employer-employee

relationship with the University (refer to Contract/Disclosure Form. The

University shall not be responsible for the Federal Insurance Contribution

Act (FICA) payments, federal or state unemployment taxes, income tax

withholding, workers compensation insurance payments, or any other

insurance payments, nor will the University furnish any medical or

retirement benefits or any paid vacation or sick leave.

4.10 Right to Audit

At any time during the term of the agreement and for a period of four (4)

years thereafter the University duly authorized audit representative, at its

expense and at the reasonable times, reserves the right to incrementally

audit Proposer’s records and manufacturer’s pricing relevant to all pricing

provided under this agreement. In the event such an audit by the

University reveals any error/overpayments, the Proposer shall refund the

University the full amount of such overpayments within thirty (30) days of

such audit findings, or the University at its option, reserves the right to

deduct such amounts plus interest owing the University from any

payments due Seller.

4.11 Acceptance of Services

All services performed under this agreement shall be to the satisfaction of

the University and in accordance with the specifications, terms, and

conditions of the agreement. The University reserves the right to inspect

the products furnished or the services performed, and to determine the

quality, acceptability, and fitness of such products or services.

4.12 Non-Disclosure

Bidder and the University acknowledge that they or their employees may, in

the performance of the resultant contract, come into the possession of

proprietary or confidential information owned by or in the possession of the

other. Neither party shall use any such information for its own benefit or

make such information available to any person, firm, corporation, or other

organizations, whether directly or indirectly affiliated with Proposer or the

University, unless required by law.

4.13 Publicity

Bidder agrees that it shall not publicize this agreement, disclose, confirm or deny

any details thereof, to third parties or use any photographs or video recordings of

the University name in connection with any sales promotions or publicity event

without the prior express written approval of the University.

4.14 Severability

If one or more provisions of the resultant agreement, or the application of

any provision to any party or circumstance is held invalid, unenforceable, or

illegal in any respect, the remainder of the agreement and the application of

the provision to other parties or circumstances shall remain valid and in full

force and effect.

4.15 Non-Waiver of Defaults

Any failure of the University at any time, to enforce or require the strict

keeping and performance of any of the terms and conditions of this

agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such terms, conditions, or rights,

and shall not affect or impair same, or the right of the University at any time

to avail itself of same.

4.16 Contract Information

The University of Arkansas may not contract with another party:

For a period of time which continues past the end of a fiscal year unless the

contract allow cancellation by the Agency Purchasing Official upon 30 days

written notice whenever there are no funded appropriations for the contract.

To pay any penalties or charges for late payment or any penalties or charges

which in fact are penalties for any reason. To indemnify, defend, or hold

harmless any party for any liability and damages.

Upon default, to pay all sums to become due under a contract.

To pay damages, legal expenses or other costs and expenses of any party.

To continue a contract once the equipment has been repossessed.

To conduct litigation in a place other than Washington County, Arkansas.

To agree to any provision of a contract which violates the laws or constitution of the State of Arkansas.

A party wishing to contract with the University of Arkansas should:

Remove any language from its contract which grants to it any remedies other than:

The right to possession

The right to accrued payments

The right to expenses of deinstallation

The right to expenses of repair to return the equipment to normal working order, normal wear and tear excluded.

The right to recover only amounts due at the time of repossession and any unamortized nonrecurring costs as allowed by Arkansas law.

Include in its contract that the laws of the State of Arkansas govern the contract.

Acknowledge in its contract that contracts become effective when awarded by the Agency Purchasing Official.

The University of Arkansas may contract with another party:

To accept the risk of loss of the equipment and pay for any destruction, lost or damage of the equipment while the University has such risk, when the extent of liability for such risk is based upon the purchase price of the equipment at the time of any loss and the contract has required the University to carry insurance for such risk.To lease any equipment for a period of time which continues past the end of a fiscal year provided that, in the event funds are not appropriated for the equipment described in the agreement, the Agency Purchasing Official may, upon thirty days written notice to the vendor/lessor, cancel the agreement regarding that equipment for which no appropriations are made, or, in the event that there are no funded appropriations from which payment can be made for the equipment described in the agreement, the Agency Purchasing Official may upon thirty (30) days written notice to the vendor/lessor, cancel this agreement as to that equipment for which there are no funded appropriations from which payment can be made for the equipment.

4.17 Insurance Requirements

The contractor shall maintain liability insurance and shall file certificates of

insurance with the owner prior to commencement of work. Insurance policies

shall be written by a company or companies authorized to do business in the

State of Arkansas. The limits of liability of such insurance shall be written for

not less than the following limits:

A. Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation as required by the State of Arkansas

B. Comprehensive General Liability (including Premises-Operations; Independent Contractors’ Protective; Products and Completed Operations; Broad Form Property Damage):

1. 1. Bodily Injury - $1,000,000.00 each occurrence, $1,000,000.00

2. aggregate.

2. Property Damage - $1,000,000.00 each occurrence, $1,000,000.00 aggregate.

a. Products and Completed Operations Insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period of (1) one year after final payment $1,000,000.00 aggregate.

b. Property Damage Liability shall provide X, C, and U


c. Broad Form Property Damage coverage shall include Completed Operations

C. Contractual Liability

3. 1. Bodily Injury - $1,000,000.00 each occurrence, $1,000,000.00

4. aggregate.

2. Property Damage - $1,000,000.00 each occurrence, $1,000,000.00 aggregate.

D. Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted, $1,000,000.00 aggregate

1. Comprehensive Business Automobile Liability (including Owned, Non-Owned, and Hired Vehicles)

Bodily Injury and Property Damage – combined single limit of $500,000 per occurrence.

NOTE: Failure to file certificates, or acceptance by the University of certificates of

insurance which do not indicate the specified coverage shall in no way relieve the

Contractor of his responsibility for maintaining adequate insurance.

4.18 Governing Law

This agreement shall be construed and governed by the laws of the State of Arkansas.

Section 5

5.1 General

A. Examination of Premises

The successful bidder (contractor) will be held to have examined all premises and satisfied himself as to the existing conditions under which h e will be obliged to operate or that will in any manner affect the work.

B. Prices

Prices quoted will be firm for the length of the contract. However, under the original terms and conditions, price decreases or increases shall be negotiated at the time of renewal. Any renewal of this contract shall be contingent upon mutual agreement of both parties in writing. All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. the delivery points as required and shall include delivery as well as any necessary unloading, loading of soiled items, counting, and any other activity required by this bid or customary in the industry. PRICING FOR THE SAME GARMENTS OR ARTICLES MUST BE CONSISTENT THROUGHOUT PRICING SECTIONS. FAILURE TO KEEP ROCING CONSISTENT THROUGHOUT BID MAY BE GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OF THE BID.

C. Consumption Estimates

The quantities appearing in the IFB are approximate only and are prepared for the

solicitation of bids. Payment to the successful bidder will be made only for the actual

quantity of goods or services furnished in accordance with the bid; and it is understood

that the quantity of goods or services to be furnished may be increased, decreased or

omitted without, in any way, invalidating bid price.

D. Uniforms

Uniform and apparel rental/lease for staff consisting (but not limited to) uniform shirts,

smocks, coveralls, Arch Flash Protection Apparel etc. as specified within, or requested

in the future; dust mop, rental requirements for campus buildings as specified, or

requested in the future: shop towels and mat rental services as specified, or

requested in the future.

Contractor will be required to provide new uniforms for all employees at the beginning

of the contract and for all employees hired during the term contract.

Contractor may provide new or used uniforms (a or b grade quality as shown below) to

employees requiring resizing or uniform replacement at any time during the life of the


Contractor will be required to size and provide new uniforms for all existing employees

within thirty (30) days of the start of the contract. After the initial sizing, contractor will

be required to provide uniforms for additional employees as required within two week of

the request. Resizing of existing employees required during the life of the contract will

be done at no additional cost. All sizing and resizing shall be at the employees various


E. Quality of Uniforms and Garments

The quality of uniforms and garments will be judged on the following scale:

a. New (no seconds).

b. Previously worn, no stains, minor repairs, no patches, no holes, no obvious signs of wear.

c. Previously worn, stains, large repairs, patches, holes, signs of wear.

Contractor will be required to maintain a minimum “b” quality level for all uniforms and

garments supplied under this contract.

F. Support Items and Equipment

Contractor will be required to provide support items and equipment at no charge during

the life of the contract. These items include, but are not limited to, lockable soiled

garment lockers, racks, dust mop frames and handles, laundry bags, laundry bag

stands, hanger totes and any other support items necessary or beneficial to the

performance of the contract.

G. Responsibility for Damaged or Lost Items

Garments lost, damaged beyond repair, or damaged to such an extent that the repair

will render the item unserviceable while in the custody of the employee, will be replaced

by the contractor and the “charge for loss” will be paid by the University or its employee

at a price mutually agreed to by The University and the Contractor. Submit a list of

purchase prices for new garments and accessories with your bid. This price list will not

the considered for award of the IFB>

Non-uniform items lost, damaged beyond repair, or damaged to such an extent that the

repair will render the item unserviceable, while in the custody of the University, will be

replaced by the contractor and the “charge for loss” will be paid by the University or its


Items lost or damaged while in the custody of the contractor will be repaired in such a

manner so as to meet the serviceability requirements of the University or be replaced at

no cost to the University. Minor repairs will be made by contractor at no cost to the

employee or customer.

Normal wear and tear associated with the work performed by that employee will not be

considered as damage and will be repaired/replaced by contractor at no cost to the

University or its employees. For example: paint spots on painters uniform is normal

wear and tear, pain spots on a custodial uniform is not normal wear and tear.

Contractor and the University agree that some employees and/or their work may cause

uniforms to “wear out” sooner than others due to normal wear and tear. While the

University believes that uniforms specified in this Invitation for Bid will last 18 months,

the University shall not be assessed a replacement charge (charge for loss) for

uniforms that “wear out” sooner. The condition of the Uniform articles will be jointly

determined by University representative and vendor representative.

H. Custody

The University, or its individual employees, will be responsible for the condition and

security of items in its custody.

Items will be deemed to be in the custody of the contractor when they are placed in a

“soiled item locker”, or equivalent, by the University’s employee if the “locker” is locked

and access can be gained by contractor employees only. Otherwise items will be

deemed to be in the custody of the University, or its individual employees, until

physically picked up by the contractor.

I. Item Counts

Items must be counted by a contractor employee jointly with a University representative prior to leaving the pickup location. A written record of the count must be given to and signed by the University representative at the pickup location before the items are removed from that location. Failure to jointly count and to obtain the University’s signature will result in all items to be considered to be “in the custody of contractor” in the event items are later deemed damaged or lost.

Items soiled with medical or hazardous waste will be collected in a “melt away bag” by

University employees. They will be counted after being cleaned at contractor’s plant.

I. Value of Lost or Unserviceable Items

A pro rated charge will be assessed to the University or its individual employees for

items lost or deemed unserviceable due to the action or inaction of the University or its

employees (separate from normal wear and tear) based in eighteen (18) month

service life. The condition of uniform articles will be jointly determined by University

representative and vendor representative. Submit a list of purchase prices for new

garments and accessories with your bid. This price list will not be considered for

award of the IFB.

J. Custom Floor Mats

Custom designed floor mats may be purchased by the University. Any such mats will

remain with the University after the contract expires. The cost to repair or replace

custom floor mats lost, stolen, or damaged while in the custody of the University will

be the responsibility of the University. Custom floor mats lost or stolen while in

custody of the contractor will be replaced with new mats of the same design at no cost

to the University.

K. Customer Responsibilities

• Promptly notify contractor of additions, deletions and transfers of employees.

• Notify contractor of any shortages within three (3) business days.

• Develop a plan with contractor for each “drop of point.

L. Discrepancies, Shortages and Credits

The successful bidder acknowledges that it is important to each entity that employees

receive their uniforms, garments and janitorial items on time and at regularly

scheduled intervals. Both parties agree that the using entities are entitled to a credit

whenever the successful bidder does not delivery these items on time. The amount

of such credit shall be the billing amount associated with the items not delivered or

delivered late. Credit will not be issued if delivery problem is the fault of the

University or its employees. The University shall make the sole determination as to

who caused the problem. In the event user and Contractor do not agree, the

University Procurement Department shall make the final determination.

M. Samples

Samples (of any type) shall be made available to the University upon request prior to

final award of the bid. If samples are requested, vendor shall provide requested

articles with color swatches for standard uniform items within ten (10) days of request

after bid opening.

Winning bidder must provide initial uniform requirements within thirty (30) days after

the actual award of contract.

The samples must include descriptive literature describing the colors offered and

specifications sufficient to show that the bid specifications for each item are met

. Differences between bid specifications and the samples must be listed and provided

with each sample.

The bidder will be notified of any samples that are unacceptable. The bidder will be

given one opportunity to submit another sample as a replacement for any rejected


N. Drop off Points

• Facilities Management

• Other areas added or deleted as needed during the period of the contract.

Section 6

6.1 References

A minimum of three references from customers similar in size to the University is required. This list must include the name, address and phone number and email of the owners for whom the prior work was performed. The University reserves the right to inquire about the reliability of the vendor’s performance history. The University further reserves the right to conduct site visits to vendor’s referenced source to confirm this information. References used shall be serviced out of the same location as will be used for this IFB. Failure to provide references with your bid submittal shall render your bid non-responsive.

Point of Contact/Company: __________________ Phone Number:_________________

__________________ Email Address:_________________

Point of Contact/Company: __________________ Phone Number:_________________

__________________ Email Address:_________________

Point of Contact/Company: __________________ Phone Number:_________________

__________________ Email Address:_________________

Section 7


Facilities Management

1. The bidder shall provide both poly/cotton blend, 100% cotton and Arc Flash Protection uniform shirts as required. Garment materials, colors, quantities, service frequencies, emblem/patch specifications and miscellaneous requirements shall be provided as listed in theses specifications.

2. Bidder shall offer and bid number of changes per week, change rate per set and per person-total weekly cost base don seven (7) uniform shirts being provided. Cost to be based on three (3) changes per week with the rental and laundry service option and cost per week as lease only option. Coveralls will be rental with laundry service, whereas uniform shirts will be either rental and laundry or lease and maintenance only, with the employee having the option a the beginning of the contract.

3. All uniform garments shall be poly/cotton blend or functional equivalent as specified. 100% cotton uniform shirts shall be provided for safety and medical reasons where required as specified. Coveralls, unlined, shall be rented based on the number specified as a rental and laundry service. Smocks shall be substituted for shirts where applicable. Bidders shall provide appropriate uniform garments for both male and female employees as required.

4. Uniform shirts shall be “Exxon Stripe” type. Smocks and shirts shall be considered interchangeable under the standard uniform parameters, the choice to be made at the beginning of the contract period. Currently approximately 30 employees are expected t6o choose the smock option in place of the standard work shirt.

a. Shirts will be a poly/cotton blend or Cotton and be available in “Exxon Stripe” and Solid White colors, come in short sleeve, long sleeve, and extra long sleeve sizes and men’s and women’s tailoring and come in sizes S-3XL and special orders. Shirts will feature double-breasted pockets and buttons but no pocket flaps. All shirts will feature buttons down the front and buttons on the long sleeves, no snaps, grippers or “Velcro” the fasteners will be accepted. One snap in place of the top collar button will be acceptable.

b. The women’s blouse will be a poly/cotton blend or functional equivalent, be available in “Exxon Stripe” and Solid White, come in short sleeve and long sleeve styles, and feature double breasted pockets with buttons and no flaps. The blouse will have a button down front (a metal snap/fasteners for the collar will be acceptable) and be available in sizes S-2XL and special orders.

c. The women’s smock will be poly/cotton fiber blend, made of durable press poplin, come in navy blue and medium blue colors, and be available in short sleeve and ¾ length sleeve and sizes XS-3XL and special orders.

d. Welder’s uniform shirts to include regular style work shirts, 100% cotton fabric, featuring double-breasted pockets with buttons, button-down front; available in long sleeve and blue color. Shirt sizes as in 4.a. above.

e. Unlimited coveralls will be a poly/cotton twill fabric with expandable action back and long sleeve. To be worn over uniforms, the coveralls will have pass-thru side pockets, chest pockets and zippered back pockets. Color is navy. Available in chest sizes 36-60 and length 28 (small) to 34 (x-tall).

f. All work shirts, supervisor shirts, women’s shirts, blouses, and smocks will come with emblems/patches as shown on page 21. Coveralls shall require the University Facilities Management patch only.

g. Arc Flash Protection shirts and coveralls must meet NFPA 70E.

5. The following shall be bid according to uniform shirts and service levels as specified. Numbers are supplied for bidding purposes only and are best estimates at this time. Actual number of employees serviced will vary slightly throughout the period for this contract.

A. Standard poly/cotton “Exxon Stripe” Rental and Laundry 3 exchanges per week:

50 employees (7 shirts) X $_____per shirt = $______per week per person=Total per week$___________.

B. Standard 100% Cotton “Exxon Stripe” Rental and Laundry 3 exchanges per week:

7 employees (7 shirts) X $______per shirt = $______per week per person=Total per week$___________.

C. Standard poly/cotton Solid White Rental and Laundry 3 exchanges per week:

15 employees (7 shirts) X$_____ per shirt = $_______per week=Total per week$_______.

Weekly Sub Total of Rental and Laundry $__________________x 52 weeks = Annual $________________________.

D. Standard poly/cotton “Exxon Stripe” Lease only with Maintenance 7 shirts per person: 202 employees (7 shirts) $________per week =Total per week$_____________.

E. Standard 100% Cotton “Exxon Stripe” Lease only with Maintenance 7 shirts per person: 6 employees (7 shirts)=$_______per week =Total per week $________________

Weekly Sub Total of Lease Only with Maintenance $____________________x 52 weeks=Annual $________________________.


F. Standard poly/cotton smock Navy or medium blue Rental and Laundry 3 exchanges per week: 30 employees (7 smocks) X$_______ per smock =$_______per week=Total per week$___________.

G. Standard poly/cotton smock Navy or medium blue Lease only with Maintenance 7 smocks per person: 30 employees (7 smocks) X$__________ per week =Total per week$_____________.

H. Standard Coveralls poly/cotton, unlined, Navy Blue with Facilities Management patch only. Rental with Laundry 10 Pair:

(10 ) pair $______per week X 52 weeks = Annual Total cost$__________________

I. Arc Flash Protection Clothing: Must meet National Fire Protection Association Code NFPA 70E.

Coveralls: (40) pair with Rental and Laundry, $________per week X 52


Shirts: seven (7) each with Rental and Laundry 20 employees=$_____per week X 52

Weeks = $___________________________.

Total Annual projected cost for all Apparel Section 7.1, 5.a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h and i=


6. Service schedules and locations shall be as follows:

a. The vendor will be expected to schedule once a week service to all service

locations to deliver clean uniforms and to pick up dirty uniforms.

b. Service locations may include:

1) Building Services Annex, 238 Harmon Ave

2) Heating Plat/Chiller plant, Dickson St.

3) Grounds Shop, 726 W. Maple St.

4) Facilities Management Complex and these shops:

▪ Grounds

▪ Electric

▪ Power Distribution

▪ Labor

▪ Environmental Compliance

▪ Paint

▪ Carpenter

▪ Central Supply

▪ Tool Crib

▪ Special set Ups

▪ Garage

▪ Plumbing

▪ Maintenance Zones

▪ Central Maintenance of Buildings

The University of Arkansas reserves the right to add or drop service locations at any

time during the contract.

7. Facilities Management Resource Management and/or Facilities Management Central Supply (CESU) will be the administrative authority for this contract on behalf of Facilities Management University of Arkansas. All transactions requiring interface with the vendor shall be coordinated through Resource Management or CESU while executing this contract; including but not limited to new orders, replacements, repairs, complaints and turn-ins. Resource Management/CESU shall retain “right of first refusal” on all new, replacement or repaired garments.

8. Garment repairs and replacement articles should be delivered on the next scheduled weekly delivery after turn-in of articles by Resource Management or CESU. In the event uniform articles are not available on the second scheduled weekly delivery after turn in, vendor shall reduce the weekly charges for the number of uniforms affected for each respective employee under this contract. Reduced charges to continue until affected employee has received uniform articles required to bring their status back to a full set of uniforms. Normal wear replacement of uniform articles will be facilitated by a Resource Management/CESU representative on behalf of Facilities Management. Pro-rated costs for uniform replacements that are replaced for reasons other than normal wear shall be employed by the vendor when such replacements are requested by Resource Management/CESU. Uniform lie to be pro-rated against a period not to exceed eighteen (18) months life expectancy as a standard measure.

9. Specifications for dust mops.

a. Dust mop measurements (length and width) shall be determined by canvas (boot) size, not from the end of the mop strings extended. All dust mop heads shall affix securely to the (holder’s) frames. There will be at least four continuously sewn rows of stitches to attach each row of fringe. It shall be the successful bidder’s responsibility to inspect all dust mop heads for torn, ripped or worn canvas backings, and mop head strings for excessive wear, and remove such inferior products prior to each delivery. All clean dust mops shall be individually packaged in clear plastic bags with the mop sizes readily visible.

Frames (holders) for the mops shall be furnished by supplier as indicated below. Holders shall have full swivel for 360-degree turns, and handles shall lower to such position that the end of the handle be not more than 1 ¾ inches from the floor. Handles must be wood with diameter of approximately 1 ¼”.

Frames (holders) must be so designed that they shall collapse to allow insertion into mop pockets for changing mops. Fill pieces for the wire frames shall be available in all sizes to insure equal pressure to the entire mop area on the floor.

Mops shall be furnished in the following sizes and shall be made with cotton duck boot and suitable grade cotton string trim. Dye in mops shall not stain floors. The strings shall be sewn into the boot and have looped ends, not cut ends. The mops will not be treated with any treating fluid.

b. String Trim Length

Center Row Two outside Rows Fringe Trim

12” boot 1 ¾” 1 ¾” 2 7/8” x 4 ½”

18” boot 1 ¾” 1 ¾” 2 7/8” x 4 ½”

24” boot 1 ¾” 1 ¾” 2 7/8” x 4 ½”

42” boot 1 ¾” 3 1/8” 3 ¼” x 5 1/8”

60” boot 1 ¾” 3 1/8” 3 ¼” x 5 1/8”

c. Deliveries of clean mops and pick up of soil mops to be made once weekly, except last two weeks in December. The delivery point(s) shall be determined by University staff. Accurate counts of soiled mops picked up and clean mops is required along with a delivery and pick up receipts provide for confirmation by University designated personnel at each delivery point at the time of delivery.

d. Terms of Delivery & Pickup

Initial Delivery:

Size Quantity

Dust Mittens 25

Dust Mops 12” 100

18” 160

24” 250

42” 200

60” 8

Frames (holders) and Handles

12” frame only 10

12” frame and handle 40

18” frame and handle 80

24” frame and handle 125

42” frame and handle 100

60” frame and handle 4

Weekly pick up and delivery to on campus drop off points will be as follows:

Building Services Annex, 238 Harmon Road.

e. Quantities for each drop off point will be coordinated with Facilities Management personnel, reserving the right to adjust quantities and drop points, based on actual usage. The successful bidder will supply dust mops, handles, and frames for the entire campus and contract period identical to sample items submitted to Facilities Management for final approval and bid award. Replacement of defective frames and handles will be done by successful bidder in a timely manner and at no cost to the University. Should the successful bidder desire to supply substitute items at any time during the contract period, they must submit the substitute items to the appropriate Facilities Management personnel for product approval prior to any campus deliveries of such substitute products. Failure to seek alternate product approval will be grounds for immediate rejection of the existing contract by Facilities Management.

f. Bid rental and cleaning of dust mops specified according to the following estimated weekly usage. Numbers provided for bidding purposes only and are provided as an estimate of weekly usage only.




Dust Mitten 8 $_________ 400 $__________

Dust Mop 12” 30 $_________ 1500 $__________

Dust Mop 18” 50 $_________ 2500 $__________

Dust Mop 24” 80 $_________ 4000 $__________

Dust Mop 42” 60 $_________ 3000 $__________

Dust Mop 60” 2 $_________ 100 $__________

TOTAL COST: $__________


a. Shop Towels Cleaning Fee:

Red Ship Towel, 200 per week X $______per week X 52 weeks = Total$_______ per year.

b. Mats, weekly pick up and exchange:

1. 3’ x 4’ black, vinyl back entrance mats, 10/week X $_____each = weekly

total $___________.

2. 3’ x 4’ Running Razorback Logo mats, 3/week X $______each = weekly


3. 4’ x 6’ black, vinyl back entrance mats, 17/week X $_____each = weekly

total $____________.

4. 4’ x 6’ Running Razorback Logo mats, 2/week X $______each = weekly


5. 3’ x 10’ black, vinyl back entrance mats, 2/week X$______ each = weekly


6. 3’ x 5’ scraper mats, 2/week X $______each = weekly total $___________.

Total Annual cost of all Mats:$_________________________________________.

11 Grand Total Annual Cost of Section 7.1, 5.a, b, c ,d, e, f, g, g and i.9.f. and 10.a and b. $_________________________________________________________________.


Standard size emblems: 1 5/8” x 3 5/8” to be centered 1” above pockets

-White background, white embroidered thread border.

-Colors, font and lettering as indicated in the above format.

-Font: Arial Rounded MT Bold

-Illustrator file available on request.

Equal Opportunity Policy Disclaimer



Act 2157 of 2005 of the Arkansas Regular Legislative Session requires that any business or person bidding, who is responding to a formal bid request, Request for Proposal or Qualification, or negotiating a contract with the state for professional or consultant services, submit their most current equal opportunity policy (EO Policy).


Although bidders are encouraged to have a viable equal opportunity policy, a written response stating the bidder does not have such an EO Policy will be considered that bidder’s response and will be acceptable in complying with the requirement of Act 2157.


Submitting the EO Policy is a one-time requirement.  The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Procurement Department, will maintain a database of policies or written responses received from all bidders.


Note: This is a mandatory requirement when submitting an offer as described above.


Please complete and return this form with your bid response.

Should you have any questions regarding this requirement, please contact this office by calling (479) 575-2551.




Linda K. Fast


Linda K. Fast, APO, CPPO, CPPB

Manager of Procurement Services

University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, AR



To be completed by business or person submitting response: (check appropriate box)


____   EO Policy Attached


____   EO Policy previously submitted to UA Purchasing Department


____   EO Policy is not available from business or person


Company Name

Or Individual: __________________________________________________________



 Title:  _____________________________________Date:  ______________________



 Signature:  ____________________________________________________________



1125 W. Maple ADMIN 321

Fayetteville, AR 72701

Tel: 479-575-2551

Fax: 479-575-4158

Act 157 of 2007 of the Arkansas Regular Legislative Session requires that any contractor, business or individual, having a public contract with a state agency for professional services, technical and general services, or any category of construction, in which the total dollar value of the contract is $25,000 or greater must certify, prior to the award of the contract, that they do not employ or contract with any illegal immigrants.

For purposes of this requirement, “Illegal immigrants” means any person not a citizen of the United States who has:

A) Entered the United States in violation of the Federal Immigration and Naturalization Act or regulations issued the act;

B) Legally entered but without the right to be employed in the United States; or

C) Legally entered subject to a time limit but has remained illegally after expiration of the time limit.

This is a mandatory requirement. Failure to certify will result in our inability to issue a Purchase Order or Contract to you or your company.

Bidders shall certify online at

Click on: “Procurement” on left-side information bar

Click on: Illegal Immigrant Reporting

Click on: “Vendor” Illegal Immigrant Contracting Disclosure Reporting Screen

Click on: “Vendor Submit Disclosure Form” to complete all fields required for the certification – then indicate below and sign this form to submit with your bid. ***NOTE*** Bid Number field is applicable if known.

REQUIRED: Print Screenshot and include with your proposal and/or contract.

If you have any questions, please call the UA Procurement Department at 479-575-2551.

Thank you.

Linda K. Fast

Linda K. Fast, APO, CPPO, CPPB

Manager of Procurement Services

University of Arkansas



Please check the appropriate statement below:

_______ We certified that we are not an illegal immigrant

or do not employ or contract with any illegal immigrants.

Date of certification: ________________________

_______ We cannot so certify at this time, and we understand that

a contract cannot be awarded until we have done so.

Reason for non-certification: ______________________________

Name of Company: ___________________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________________

Name & Title: ___________________________________________

(Printed or typed)

Date: ___________________________________________





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