University Conference Call Minutes

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|Date |February 11, 2010 |

|Time |10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. |

|Location |Tallahassee, Florida |

|Facilitator |Verla Lawson |

|Minutes |Verla Lawson |

|Attendees |Florida Atlantic University, Florida State University, Florida A& M University, University of|

| |Florida, University of Central Florida, University of West Florida, University of South |

| |Florida, University of North Florida, New College, Florida International University, Florida |

| |Gulf Coast University, Jimmy Cox, Jackie Ward, Regla Mompeller, Mike Waller, David DiSalvo, |

| |Tim Vause, Shelby Jefferson, James West, Suzetta Furlong , Keith Young, Carol Broome, Andrea |

| |Simpson, Brian Andrew and Verla Lawson |

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Verla Lawson opened the meeting with a welcome to all Universities participating and introduced the Department of Management Services (DMS) team and the Convergys team.

Convergys Contract Renewal

David DiSalvo began the meeting by discussing the contract renewal with Convergys. The contract renewal that the State of Florida has signed with Convergys is anticipated bring a cost savings of $45 million dollars. The contract has been renewed for the time period of 2011 to 2016. The state has begun to receive the cost savings as a result of the renewal. Just last month the states payments to Convergys decreased by $300,000. We are very excited because there are a number of new improvements we will be implementing in months to come.

There will be approximately 20 new enhancements which represent approximately 150 new systems upgrades. With technology changes it is very important to the State to have agreed upon these upgrades with Convergys.

During implementation, impact to the State University System will be minimal. State Agencies will experience the greatest impact because they are full users of the system. In January 2011 we will launch the new Debit Card for the Flexible Spending Accounts. The Department of Management Services is very excited to roll out this new process.

Effective 1-20-11 the Service Center hours will change. Currently the hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The new hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 6:00p.m. This will be very beneficial to all of our employees who live in the Central Time Zone especially to the University of West Florida and other universities who have staff residing this that area.

The University of West Florida (UWF) was very pleased to hear about the service hour’s change and they thought the new performance module for Convergys was outstanding.

Florida International University (FIU) asked how employees will process flexible spending account claims prior to the implementation of the debit card between 1-1-11 to 1-20-11. DMS responded by indicating that we are currently working on procedures for that timeframe and will provide an update once an workable solution is finalized.

David DiSalvo also emphasized that there is a challenge for to implement the July 2010 release, successfully do open enrollment and implement the debit card release. One major feature of the debit card is that there will be no paperwork. Employees won’t have to set up a bank account with the Tallahassee State Bank.

July 2010 People First System Release

Jimmy Cox began by informing all Universities that there will be between 125 to 150 systems enhancements with the new contract renewal. For anyone who wants to read the terms and conditions of the contract, it is located on the DMS website. The section relating to the enhancements can be found on Exhibit L. There is a summary of the 22 work items which averages out to the 125 to 150 enhancements.

How will Universities be impacted? There will be very minimal impact. The look will change. We will provide them with updates in April 2010. They will have the opportunity to view all screens before implementation. They will be invited to participate in User Acceptance Testing. The enrollment process will not change only the screens.

What will change are the user role codes. Current employees with an H role code will have a new user role code. With this release, this role code will allow statewide access. The new code will take of the problem you’ve experienced over the years of not being able to see an employee’s records when they terminate or transfer from another agency. Each university must decide at that time who based on security level will be allowed to have this new code. It is our recommendation that these individuals go through a level II background check.

Security Sign In: We will change the password structure too allow up to 30 characters. Currently you are limited to 8 characters. You will be able to perform more detailed tracking in the system. This will provide the option of who did what.

The Sign In page and the Home page will change. There will be a website section with web helpful hints. This link will be controlled by DMS. This allows us update control. We will be able to update this site at anytime with changes faster. The requested early effective dates will appear on the confirmation statements. Currently, this does not happen. We are redesigning all letters and we hope to have better control on the wrong letter being forwarded to employees.

The updates will allow you to process some QSC events on line. FTE changes require backend management workarounds currently, this will stop. You will be able to make these corrections. You will NOT be able to process death or divorce on line. They will remain as currently processed. Those QSC events which will be electronic will be provided to everyone.

The July 2010 release will provide you with the capability to retrieve certain reports. Reports such as Dependent Documentation will be available on line. The new updated report is real time. Currently, reports are a day behind. With this new release, they will be as of input date. This upgrade will affect everyone. We will have the latest technology supported until 2013. The SAP upgrade will provide welcomed changes.

Some other reports available on line are the Benefits Early Effective Date Report, Benefits Cancellation Report and Benefit Change Report. These reports will provide but not be limited to the following information:

• Listing of employees

• Missing premium

• Premium overpayments

• Employees who has made a change

• Employees with Qualifying Status Change Events

It will be much easier for you all to retrieve information on your employees.

FIU asked if they would have capability to see terminating & retiring employees. DMS responded by confirming that everyone who’s assigned the new role code would have this capability. Additionally, user ID numbers will not change. With the new system, the ID will belong to the agency not necessarily to the employee.

Be very careful choosing who will have the new role codes. Current Benefits employees made need the new code. Each manager will determine who will maintain the H role code and who will be given the new role code to view cross agency statewide.

University of Central Florida (UCF) questioned why the system is closed after an employee makes an election specifically new hires. DMS explained that it was a management decision to allow an employee one opportunity to enroll in the system. If they did not enroll into the correct coverage, they would have to appeal to Convergys to have the error corrected.

FIU followed up with the same question as it relates to open enrollment. DMS explained that during open enrollment employees have the ability to make changes at anytime, there is no block in the system until open enrollment ends. After open enrollment, if a new hire or an employee with a QSC inputs the wrong date in the system, they will have to appeal. This is current policy and it was also explained to everyone via Management Advisory #09-013.

USF asked for clarification when a new hire enrolls in health & life one day and while during their 60 days of hire, they decide to pick up supplemental coverage before the 60 days expire. DMS explained that new hires can enroll in health and life insurance with one effective date and a supplemental policy with another effective date as long as they are within their first 60 days of hire.

UCF asked if the employee can call the service center if they make a mistake and DMS responded by confirming yes they should call the service immediately upon recognition of the error.

Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) asked if those individuals receiving a new user role code have access to dependent social security numbers and DMs responded yes they will have this access.

In April, May, June and July, we will have a web-ex available so that you will be able to view the new screens. (Homepage, log in process, etc...)

Verla is currently scheduling these meetings so that we will meet on a monthly basis to respond to any of your question prior to the release. There will be a website established explaining the various aspects of the July 2010 release. As we get closer the site will have more data stored. You will be given access to the system in the User Acceptance Testing environment. We want your feedback after you have a chance to manipulate the system.

ALERT: Please remember all benefits only users will be on our future conference calls. The calls will not be University specific. Some of our other participants are the State Board of Administration, Tri-Rail, Miami-Dade Expressway Authority, etc... This group will experience many of the same issues and the state university system.

COBRA Subsidy Update

Suzetta Furlong, informed universities that the Federal Government extended the COBRA Subsidy period to February 28th. This extends the subsidy from 9 months to 15 months. Currently, those individuals whose subsidy has run out may reenroll before the enrollment period runs out. The deadline is February 17, 2010. Notifications were mailed in January. Universities are to continue current process. There have been no procedural changes. Please continue to follow current account and payroll procedures.

DSGI’s Employee Survey

Suzetta Furlong apologized to all universities for not providing them with a copy of the survey prior to its distribution. This will not happen in the future. Additionally the Division deeply regrets the way the language was written which led employees to believe they did not have coverage and had to contact their HR Offices or Convergys to check on their coverage. They agreed that the wording was somewhat unclear and would correct this in future distributions.

Open Enrollment Updates

Open enrollment will begin September 27, 2010 and end October 22, 2010. Management Advisory 10-002 officially announces the dates.

The Department of Management Services will not have a pre-open enrollment preview period this year. We will provide you with updates and they are finalized.

Dependent Documentation

Convergys sent reports out to all universities in December asking everyone to clean up their reports. We will do another clean up in March.

The University of Florida (UF) was concerned as to whether DMS was contacting the employees directly because of the number of employees with missing documentation on their report. DMS informed UF that we do not contact these employees directly, but we will look into whether there’s some form of mapping we can do to assist them with this process. We understand they have a large number of employees and will do everything within our power to assist. We do not have university e-mail addresses but will try to assist in any way we can.

Currently the process for documentation is a 30 day notice, message on the home page and continuous reminders in the system that documentation is missing.


James west of Convergys, reminded universities of what types of documents to attached to E-Case and what to e-mail. Universities were asked to contact the service center before they submit a large volume of refund adjustments and premium transfers. Contacting the service center will allow their cases to be worked on faster. Use e-case for agency errors as well. HR Action forms should be forwarded to Org Management. Don’t use e-case for correspondence or move money. Use right fax or e-mail pf client services @. Follow this process for reinstatements and day to day issues as well.

Jimmy announced that Convergys will implement a toll free fax number for benefits and staffing. This should be in place March 1, 2010. The current fax number will remain active until December 31, 2010. Our correspondence will be updated to reflect the new 800 number.

Closing Remarks

David DiSalvo thanked all universities for their concerted efforts in committing a few errors as possible which is reflected in the KPI reports. We are very please with everyone’s progress since this process was implemented.

FIU mentioned that they did not get the complete attachment from DMS. David mentioned that it was three pages and that he would send it out again.

Keith Young informed the universities that benefit users will receive a survey by e-mail within the next month. He asked that they please complete the survey and submit it back as quickly as possible. We need everyone’s 100% response so that we can measure how we are providing services on a day to day basis.

UF asked about the AvMed Security Breech. Suzetta Furlong assured all universities that DSGI was working directly with AvMed to correct the issue that dependents are being charged a fee for the free credit protection. As soon as this issue is corrected, DSGI will provide and update.


• DMS will provide monthly updates to Universities as we near the July release.

• Verla Lawson will distribute an invitation to universities to participate in UAT during the months of April, May June & July.

• Suzetta Furlong will provide an update on the AvMed Security Breech.

• DMS will look into assisting UF with some form of mapping to retrieve employee email addresses for the dependent documentation report.

• David would provide another copy of the KPI report to FIU. David e-mailed another copy of the KPI report on February 12, 2010.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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