JUNE 16, 2009

9:00 A.M.

Members Present: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Robert McCullion, Edwin Koehler, Joseph Duncan, Kellyann Tolomeo, Richard Ogen and Robert Maschio. Also present were City Administrator Raymond Townsend, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.



RE: Closed Meeting – Contract Negotiations

The above resolution was offered by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

On a motion by Duncan, seconded by McCullion, that Council now return to open session. Carried. 9:15 AM

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO stated that a Fire Department Appointment has been added to the agenda for this morning’s meeting along with Communication #15, an application from Anglesea Fire Company #1 for a Social Affair Permit in connection with the Barbecue and Blues Festival in July.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that Resolution #15 deals with an amendment to the current COWCO agreement for the remainder of this year that will allow the municipalities to share in the profit or loss of the office. The City must indicate by August 31 whether or not it will remain in COWCO after the end of the year.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that he is not happy with the COWCO situation but the City has been in for this long and must stay in at least until the end of this year. Then the City can decide what to do in the future.

COUNCILMAN KOEHLER stated that we must not miss the August 31 deadline and we should tell them that we are withdrawing.

MAYOR HENFEY suggested that at the next Council Meeting the letter should be approved stating the intention of the City to withdraw.

COUNCILMAN MASCHIO asked what would happen if we do not pass this resolution today, and what are the short-term consequences?

MAYOR HENFEY responded that the construction office could stop doing inspections.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that there are no arrears to pay and the proposed addendum deals with budget and anticipated income for the office.

COUNCILMAN MASCHIO stated that it looks like the office is anticipating a deficit of $100,000 and asked if the City will be subject to paying for deficits of previous years if we withdraw at the end of this year.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that the worst-case scenario would be a deficit of $100,000. The City is involved according to the agreement for 34% of the office and would share by that percentage in any loss or profit.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that the budget for COWCO is a set amount to run the office, pay employees and their benefits, etc., and any amount that is spent above that budget is the responsibility of the City of Wildwood, not the other municipalities.

COUNCILMAN MASCHIO stated that it seems that we are still paying for something that isn’t working correctly.


JUNE 16, 2009

MAYOR HENFEY stated that if we leave COWCO the biggest wild card would be the old issues of JCOW and the City will inherit them. The City will have to pay for all of the unknowns that were left over—all of it will fall on the City. We have wanted this office and shared services agreement to work but it is not working. There are still big issues to resolve.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that Wildwood Crest Administrator Kevin Yecco has requested all of his borough’s construction records be withdrawn from Iron Mountain. Townsend also stated that Resolution #14 deals with the City’s application for NJEIT funding for water/sewer projects. This is stimulus money that is being applied throughout the State. The City’s application will be for $5,250,000 and we are 130th on the list, which seems pretty good, but it is not known how far down the list the money will go. Perhaps as much as 50% for the projects could come from the stimulus money at a finance rate of 2%. Council must pass this resolution and introduce the Bond Ordinance today as the next step to obtain this funding. Bond Counsel and Engineers have already been proceeding but the City is under no obligation to accept the money if it is not on terms that would be beneficial to the City. There may be no money available, or the City may end up getting 50% at a low interest rate and pay the other 50%.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that this is a scenario similar to the latest USDA funding—if it is not on good terms for the City then we will not take the money. At this point we will wait and see what happens.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that the projects involved are already included in the capital budget. If we make the commitment to them through the resolution and ordinance then perhaps we can get the money to complete them. NJEIT was brought about to help with projects like these.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that the City has been aggressive with its street projects but a big problem remains with the sewer main on Surf Avenue. It must be completed to 11th Avenue to make the turn out to the MUA. We can do just the pipe, not necessarily the new parking islands, curbs, etc. Jim Verna has brought it to our attention numerous times and it needs to be worked on.

ENGINEER PETRELLA stated that there are a number of dips caused by sand shifting around and into the pipes, which can cause the street to collapse.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that replacing old sewer lines can save money by eliminating infiltration.

ENGINEER PETRELLA stated that when the west side project was completed there was a significant drop in MUA fees afterwards due to the reduction in infiltration.

COUNCILMAN MASCHIO asked about the maintenance of laterals.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND responded that the City maintains to the curb. Townsend then stated that Keenans had appeared before the Planning Board at a meeting on June 10, 2009 and changes have been made to the special conditions associated with their liquor license. The resolution renewing the liquor license is on the agenda for today’s meeting but there are questions about some points in the Planning Board resolution that may not specifically apply to the liquor license.

SOLICITOR KAUFMANN stated that he has received a draft of the 16-page Planning Board resolution and wants to know if it accurately reflects the substance of the meeting.

COUNCILMAN OGEN stated that it was a four-hour meeting.


JUNE 16, 2009

SOLICITOR KAUFMANN stated that the site plan involves specific conditions. Kaufmann stated that the applicant and the licensee are different entities and it is questionable as to which of the conditions the City can reasonably enforce. Many issues in the site plan and Planning Board resolution may not be applicable to the liquor license. It may be advisable to include a blanket statement advising that all points of the Planning Board resolution must be adhered to as the Special Condition attached to the liquor license. It would also be advisable to include a statement of agreement by the licensee as to the Special Condition.

COUNCILMAN OGEN stated that the minutes of the Planning Board meeting reflect that the licensee agrees to all of the conditions in the Planning Board resolution, including the prohibition of music on Peggy’s Patio.

SOLICITOR KAUFMANN stated that Council can approve the resolution granting renewal of the liquor license contingent upon the licensee agreeing to the Special Conditions.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND asked if Kaufmann can obtain approval from the licensee.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO stated that if the licensee does not approve by June 30 then the license will expire.

COUNCILMAN MASCHIO asked if the Special Condition on the Acropolis license has ever been met.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO stated that no alcohol can be sold or consumed in the fenced-in area of the pool until the correct buffer zone has been constructed on Kennedy Drive.

COUNCILMAN MASCHIO stated that he saw liquor at an outside bar last year.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO stated that people had probably bought the liquor outside the gated pool area.

COUNCILMAN MASCHIO stated that he thought people were buying it inside and then bringing it outside.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO stated that if such were the case it would be an ABC violation. There is not to be a pool bar at the Acropolis because the Engineer has never given approval of the buffer on JFK. The Police Dept. should be called if someone sees a violation.

COUNCILMAN MASCHIO asked about signs advertising alcoholic beverages that are on the railing by the pool.

ENGINEER PETRELLA stated that signs would be a zoning issue.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND asked the Deputy City Clerk to remind the Acropolis of its Special Conditions when the 2009-2010 License is given to the owner.

DEPUTY CITY CLERK JETT stated that Resolution #12 regarding the liquor license renewal for Flip Flopz is OK, as the Tax Clearance has been received from the State. Resolution #11, for Woody’s Place, must be pulled from the agenda as that Tax Clearance has not been received. The Certificate of Insurance for Communication #13, the Italian Festival, has been received.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO expressed concern that since the next Council Meeting is not until July 7 Woody’s will want to ask for a Special Meeting to renew their liquor license before it expires on June 30.


JUNE 16, 2009

SOLICITOR KAUFMANN explained the procedure for Woody’s to obtain an Ad Interim Permit until the regular license can be renewed on July 7.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that residents are upset with the striping on West 3rd Avenue. We are proposing to have striping up against the bulkhead but we don’t have it on any other street.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO expressed concern with the striping on the south side of the street. Should there be angle parking on that side close to the bulkhead, and why do we want striping at the street end.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that the street end is an odd configuration with no place to turn around at the bulkhead. With parallel parking three spaces are lost.

COUNCILWOMAN TOLOMEO stated that there was no parking at the street end before.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that all angle parking in the City is striped.

COUNCILMAN OGEN stated that curbing was added on the street after the fact adding 14’.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that the Fire Department had a problem down the street with ambulance access and this problem needs to be fixed now.

COUNCILMAN MCCULLION stated that people use parking at the street ends all the time for access to marinas, fishing, etc. If there is to be no parking by the bulkhead then it must be enforced.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that it should be the same as other street ends. The residents there seem to want stripes by the bulkhead.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO stated that some residents do not want stripes but what has been proposed is probably as fair as we can get.

COUNCILWOMAN TOLOMEO stated that currently people are angle parking down the street.

ENGINEER PETRELLA stated that normally there would not be angle parking on both sides of a through street but with a dead-end street it might be OK. Petrella asked for the opinion of the Police Chief.

COUNCILMAN MCCULLION stated that it is dead-end street so backing out should not be difficult.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO asked if the street could not have angle parking on both sides.

POLICE CHIEF MATTEUCCI stated that if there is sufficient room for two-way traffic then there should be no problem.

ENGINEER PETRELLA stated that a 20’ clearance is needed for turnaround. Petrella will look into angle parking on both sides.

COUNCILWOMAN TOLOMEO asked if EarthTech needed a mercantile license to sell equipment to businesses in the City.

SOLICITOR KAUFMANN responded that they probably did not but would research it further.


JUNE 16, 2009

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO stated that the City no longer requires delivery vehicles to have a license to transport and deliver in the City so EarthTech probably would not need one either.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that currently there is a legal situation between EarthTech and Waste Management and there should not be further public comment at this time.

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, that caucus now be adjourned for a five-minute break before the regular meeting begins. Carried. 10:08 AM


JUNE 16, 2009

10:00 A.M.

A regular meeting of the North Wildwood City Council was held on the morning of the above date in the City Hall. The President of Council stated, “The meeting is now open. Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy of the notice of the time and place of this meeting on the City Clerk’s bulletin board and by mailing a copy of the same to The Herald, The Press and Wildwood Leader on January 7, 2009.”

ROLL CALL: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Robert McCullion, Edwin Koehler, Joseph Duncan, Robert Maschio, Richard Ogen and Kellyann Tolomeo. Also present were City Administrator Raymond Townsend, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.

MINUTES: On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 3, 2009 be approved as read. Carried.



RE: Coastal General Permit Application,

235 E. 1st Avenue

On a motion by Maschio, seconded by Duncan, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried, with Rosenello abstaining.


RE: Notice of Public Hearing, June 23, 2009

On a motion by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.


RE: Application for Social Affair Permit,

June 28, 2009

On a motion by Tolomeo, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Notice of Public Hearing for Master Plan Review, June 22, 2009

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Maschio, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.


JUNE 16, 2009


RE: Application for Extension of Licensed Premises, West Catholic HS Reunion, 7/12/09

On a motion by Maschio, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Application for Extension of Licensed Premises, Ryan HS Reunion, 7/25/09

On a motion by Maschio, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Application for Extension of Licensed Premises, St. James HS Reunion, 8/8/09

On a motion by Maschio, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Results of Primary Election, June 2, 2009

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.


RE: Report of Audit for Year ending 12/31/08

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Ogen, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.


RE: Application for Raffle License, Merchandise Raffle, October 17, 2009

On a motion by Maschio, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Wildwood Crest Wheelin’ the Wildwoods Bike Tour, June 21, 2009

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Maschio, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.


RE: Eastern Surfing Association, SJ District

Contest, July 11, 2009

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Maschio, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.


RE: Knights of Columbus 15th Annual Italian-American Festival, June 26-28, 2009

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Maschio, that the above special events application be approved. Carried.


JUNE 16, 2009


RE: Application for Raffle License, 50/50 Raffle, October 4, 2009

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Application for Social Affair Permit, NJ State Barbecue & Blues Festival, July 10-12, 2009

On a motion by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


Mayor Henfey stated that he had received a letter thanking the volunteers at the Recreation Center.



Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer…………………………….$135,299.50


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 634.00

Totals in NW for Month: Deaths -4- Marriages -2- Births -0-


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……………………….$ 15,339.54

Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month……………… 216


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 30,111.00

Total Inspections for Month……………………………………………. 304


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 3,305,677.64


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 626,146.92

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, that the above reports be received and filed as presented. Carried.


MAYOR HENFEY announced the appointment of George Greenland to serve on the Recreation Commission, replacing Michelle Rosenello, who has resigned.

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Duncan, the above appointment be confirmed. Carried.

Hereford Inlet Lighthouse:

Austin J. Darigo Clerk Tour Guide-Seasonal 6/17/09

Recreation Dept:

Diana G. Altobelli Recreation Aide-Seasonal 6/19/09

James Griffin Recreation Aide-Seasonal 6/19/09

Daniel Konefal Recreation Aide-Seasonal 6/19/09

Daniel McCann Recreation Aide-Seasonal 6/19/09

Victoria Miniscalco Recreation Aide-Seasonal 6/19/09

Lindsay Toriello Recreation Aide-Seasonal 6/19/09

Jennifer Owens Recreation Aide-Seasonal 6/19/09


JUNE 16, 2009

Fire Department:

Lindsey Ann Johnson Fire/EMT-Seasonal 6/17/09

On a motion by Duncan, seconded by Tolomeo, the above appointments be confirmed. Carried.



RE: Refund For Overpayment Of Real Estate Taxes

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Refund For Overpayment Of Sewer Taxes

The above resolution was offered by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Authorizing The Sale Of Surplus Property No Longer Needed For Public Use On An Online Auction Website

The above resolution was offered by Maschio, seconded by Duncan, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted. Tolomeo asked if there would still be a public auction in the City for bicycles, and after discussion it was decided that there will be a bicycle/personal items auction in the City, probably sometime in July.


RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage Licenses For North Wildwood For The License Year July 1, 2009 To June 30, 2010

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-004-009, Issued To Westy’s Of New Jersey, Inc. t/a Westy’s Irish Pub

The above resolution was offered by Duncan, seconded by Maschio, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-012-004, Issued To Cakes And Catering, Inc. T/A Claude’s Restaurant

The above resolution was offered by Ogen, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


JUNE 16, 2009


RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-013-006, Issued To Adam Youschak, Inc. t/a Adam’s Restaurant, Red Parrot Lounge and Montego Bay Resort And Conference Center

The above resolution was offered by McCullion, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-017-006, Issued To Boyz Club & Sportzyard, Inc.

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted, contingent upon the licensee’s acceptance of the Special Conditions imposed upon the applicant by the North Wildwood Planning Board.


RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-36-024-005, Issued To Aloha Tropical Drinks, LLC t/a Acropolis Oceanfront Resort

The above resolution was offered by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted, with a reminder that the Deputy City Clerk shall remind the licensee of the Special Conditions of this resolution.


RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-025-009, Issued To Boardwalk Hospitality, L.L.C.

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative with Rosenello abstaining, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-010-005, Issued To Flip Flopz, LLC

The above resolution was offered by Maschio, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Making Application To The Local Finance Board Pursuant To N.J.S.A. 58:11B-9(a), N.J.S.A. 40A:2-7(d), N.J.S.A. 40A:2-11 And N.J.S.A. 2-26(e)

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


JUNE 16, 2009


RE: Declaring The Official Intent Of The City Of North Wildwood To Reimburse Expenditures For Project Costs From The Proceeds Of Debt Obligations In Connection With Its Participation In The New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust Financing Program

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Ogen, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Authorizing Second Amendment To An Interlocal Services Agreement With The City Of Wildwood For The Provision Of Services By The Wildwood Construction Office To The City Of North Wildwood

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Authorizing Mayor And City Clerk To Execute Contract With Police Superior Officers Association Effective June 23, 2009

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


ORDINANCE NO. 1563 - On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, that Ordinance No. 1563 be placed on its second reading. Carried.

The Clerk read Ordinance No. 1563 by its title, as required by Law, known as “An Ordinance Amending Ordinances, Or Portions Thereof, That Been Codified At Sections 418-1a And 418-10 Of The Code Of The City Of North Wildwood“.

This Ordinance has been published according to Law, posted on the City Clerk’s bulletin board with copies available in the City Clerk’s Office on request.

The President of Council stated this was the time and place to hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1563 and asked if anyone present had any objections to the passage of this Ordinance.

JIM KOCH, 1301 Surf Avenue, asked for an explanation of this ordinance, which explanation was provided by President of Council Rosenello.

The President of Council then asked the Deputy Clerk if he had received any objections in writing, the Deputy Clerk stated none, the President of Council declared the hearing closed.

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, that Ordinance No. 1563 be passed on its second reading and published according to Law, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1563 duly adopted.


JUNE 16, 2009

ORDINANCE NO. 1564 - On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, that Ordinance No. 1564 be placed on its first reading. Carried.

The Clerk read Ordinance No. 1564 by its title, known as “Bond Ordinance Providing For Various Improvements To The Sanitary And Storm Sewers In And By The City Of North Wildwood, In The County Of Cape May, New Jersey, Appropriating $5,250,000 Therefor And Authorizing The Issuance Of $5,250,000 Bonds Or Notes Of The City To Finance Part Of The Cost Thereof.“

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, that Ordinance No. 1564 be passed on its first reading and published according to Law, the Clerk called the roll, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1564 passed on its first reading.


On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, authorizing payment of all approved vouchers. Carried. As per Resolution #09-09, all bills listed below be paid and warrants drawn by the proper officers for the stated amounts.

|Check # |Check Date |Vendor | Amount Paid |

|24197 |6/3/2009 |VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES |$28,089.58 |

|24198 |6/10/2009 |SEAROSE CONDO ASSOCIATION |$115.37 |

|24199 |6/16/2009 |ABS SIGNS |$1,430.76 |

|24200 |6/16/2009 |A&M PRODUCTS |$412.86 |

|24201 |6/16/2009 |ATLANTIC TIME SYSTEMS, INC. |$340.76 |

|24202 |6/16/2009 |ATLANTIC CTY MUNICIPAL JIF |$1,550.00 |

|24203 |6/16/2009 |AT&T |$78.13 |

|24204 |6/16/2009 |MARTIN A. ACKLEY ASSOC., INC. |$1,655.00 |

|24205 |6/16/2009 |AVAYA FINANCIAL SERVICES |$704.30 |

|24206 |6/16/2009 |BROADVIEW NETWORKS |$3,390.08 |

|24207 |6/16/2009 |ASPHALT PAVING SYSTEMS, INC |$360,439.31 |

|24208 |6/16/2009 |AT&T |$0.30 |

|24209 |6/16/2009 |ARBILL SAFETY PRODUCTS |$509.97 |

|24210 |6/16/2009 |AVAYA INC |$1,895.13 |

|24211 |6/16/2009 |APX ENCLOSURES INC |$1,322.00 |

|24212 |6/16/2009 |ABLE OFFICE PRODUCTS |$229.34 |

|24213 |6/16/2009 |AMI IMAGING LLC |$2,580.00 |

|24214 |6/16/2009 |AVALON COFFEE CO (RG OR NW) |$198.25 |

|24215 |6/16/2009 |AIR LAND AND SEA |$1,750.00 |

|24216 |6/16/2009 |BOARDWALK SID MGMT CORP. |$5,500.00 |

|24217 |6/16/2009 |THE BRIGHT SIDE |$27.00 |

|24218 |6/16/2009 |BLUE STAR OF NJ, INC. |$2,134.89 |

|24219 |6/16/2009 |BUCK'S ELECTRICAL SERVICE |$2,189.00 |

|24220 |6/16/2009 |CRYSTAL SPRINGS |$452.01 |

|24221 |6/16/2009 |BARBER CONSULTING SERVICES |$149.00 |

|24222 |6/16/2009 |PATRICIA BOURGEAU |$100.00 |

|24223 |6/16/2009 |C.M.C.M.U.A. |$27,341.59 |

|24224 |6/16/2009 |CAPRIONI PORTABLE TOILETS |$50.00 |

|24225 |6/16/2009 |CONTINENTAL FIRE & SAFETY, INC |$2,962.00 |

|24226 |6/16/2009 |CAFIERO AND BALLIETTE |$8,086.80 |

|24227 |6/16/2009 |COASTAL LANDSCAPING |$242.00 |

|24228 |6/16/2009 |CONTRACTORS SERVICES |$390.00 |

|24229 |6/16/2009 |CAPE PROFESSIONAL BILLING, INC |$1,073.41 |

|24230 |6/16/2009 |ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC |$28,258.39 |

|24231 |6/16/2009 |COMCAST |$149.56 |

|24232 |6/16/2009 |COLONIAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY |$776.91 |

|24233 |6/16/2009 |CHARIS CONN |$100.00 |

|24234 |6/16/2009 |MARY CUNNINGHAM |$100.00 |

|24235 |6/16/2009 |CAMILLE M. COCOZZA |$25.00 |

|24236 |6/16/2009 |DUFFY STRING BAND |$750.00 |

|24237 |6/16/2009 |EDWARD J. DENI |$47.47 |

|24238 |6/16/2009 |DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERV |$2,833.56 |

|24239 |6/16/2009 |DUFFIELD ASSOCIATES INC |$590.00 |

|24240 |6/16/2009 |DEJANA TRUCK & UTILITY EQUIP. |$6,203.00 |

|24241 |6/16/2009 |EDMUNDS & ASSOCIATES |$1,000.00 |

|24242 |6/16/2009 |EXPRESS PRESS |$202.50 |

|24243 |6/16/2009 |EAST LYNNE THEATER COMPANY |$100.00 |

|24244 |6/16/2009 |FUTURE MINING & RECYCLING, INC |$537.39 |

|24245 |6/16/2009 |FORD SCOTT & ASSOC., L.L.C. |$14,000.00 |

|24246 |6/16/2009 |FRIENDS OF HEREFORD LIGHTHOUSE |$200.00 |

|24247 |6/16/2009 |GALL'S INC. |$192.36 |

|24248 |6/16/2009 |GUARDIAN FIRE EQUIPMENT,LLC |$324.01 |

|24249 |6/16/2009 |GALLS |$99.00 |

|24250 |6/16/2009 |GRANT GRAPHICS |$267.96 |

|24251 |6/16/2009 |GOODYEAR |$776.00 |

|24252 |6/16/2009 |HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES |$3,649.84 |

|24253 |6/16/2009 |HERITAGE PUZZLE |$112.35 |

|24254 |6/16/2009 |THE HARDWARE STORE |$168.65 |

|24255 |6/16/2009 |HARLEY DAVIDSON LEASING |$20.00 |

|24256 |6/16/2009 |JEANNE HOKANSON |$127.22 |

|24257 |6/16/2009 |JOHN F. HARNISH |$100.00 |

|24258 |6/16/2009 |INTERSTATE BATTERIES |$539.70 |

|24259 |6/16/2009 |INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL |$246.00 |

|24260 |6/16/2009 |JOHN J. CALLAHAN ROOFING |$375.00 |

|24261 |6/16/2009 |JOYCEMEDIA |$612.50 |

|24262 |6/16/2009 |JAX LLC |$198.00 |

|24263 |6/16/2009 |K-MART |$1,479.85 |

|24264 |6/16/2009 |K.O. SPORTS |$1,626.00 |

|24265 |6/16/2009 |JACK KAMMER |$50.00 |

|24266 |6/16/2009 |LAWMEN SUPPLY CO. OF NJ |$214.00 |

|24267 |6/16/2009 |LEADER PRINTERS |$725.03 |

|24268 |6/16/2009 |LAWSON PRODUCTS |$275.60 |

|24269 |6/16/2009 |LORRAINE RANALLI |$100.00 |

|24270 |6/16/2009 |MITCHELL WELDING & IRON WORKS |$570.00 |

|24271 |6/16/2009 |STEPHEN MURRAY |$252.87 |

|24272 |6/16/2009 |OFFICE OF NATHAN VAN EMBDEN |$3,290.00 |

|24273 |6/16/2009 |MAACM TREASURER |$200.00 |

|24274 |6/16/2009 |MASS MARKETING INC. |$120.00 |

|24275 |6/16/2009 |DON MORTENSEN |$50.00 |

|24276 |6/16/2009 |MIDATLANTIC LAW ENFORCEMENT SW |$500.00 |

|24277 |6/16/2009 |MARY MARINO |$100.00 |

|24278 |6/16/2009 |CAROLYN MILLER |$493.63 |

|24279 |6/16/2009 |NORTH WILDWOOD MEDICAL ASSOC. |$30.00 |

|24280 |6/16/2009 |NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO. |$523.50 |

|24281 |6/16/2009 |NAT'L TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRE- |$80.00 |

|24282 |6/16/2009 |NORTH WILDWOOD BD OF EDUCATION |$535,880.70 |

|24283 |6/16/2009 |NEXTEL |$2,141.06 |

|24284 |6/16/2009 |TREASURER-STATE OF NEW JERSEY |$30.00 |

|24285 |6/16/2009 |NEW JERSEY FIRE EQUIPMENT CO |$45.90 |

|24286 |6/16/2009 |NATIONAL MAILBOXES |$390.00 |

|24287 |6/16/2009 |DR. ELIZABETH M. NOLLEN |$100.00 |

|24288 |6/16/2009 |MARY OTT |$750.00 |

|24289 |6/16/2009 |ONE CALL COMPUTER SUPPLY |$245.87 |

|24290 |6/16/2009 |THE PRESS |$27.20 |

|24291 |6/16/2009 |GRUCCIO,PEPPER,DESANTO & RUTH |$1,262.25 |

|24292 |6/16/2009 |PEDRONI FUEL COMPANY |$6,201.19 |

|24293 |6/16/2009 |POGUE INC. |$928.00 |

|24294 |6/16/2009 |POLICE & FIRE CREDIT UNION |$3,871.95 |

|24295 |6/16/2009 |POLAR BEAR MECHANICAL SERVICES |$2,046.20 |

|24296 |6/16/2009 |STEVE PISELLI |$1,280.28 |

|24297 |6/16/2009 |CAROL PLUM-UCCI |$100.00 |

|24298 |6/16/2009 |PARA PUBLISHING |$100.00 |

|24299 |6/16/2009 |JOSEPH QUATTRONE |$1,450.00 |

|24300 |6/16/2009 |RUTGERS UNIVERSITY |$410.00 |

|24301 |6/16/2009 |RAWDEN'S OFFICE SERVICE LLC |$22.79 |

|24302 |6/16/2009 |REMINGTON,VERNICK & WALBERG |$2,676.75 |

|24303 |6/16/2009 |JOHN RIDDLE |$260.00 |

|24304 |6/16/2009 |RE PIERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. |$52,032.41 |

|24305 |6/16/2009 |ELAINE ROSE |$25.00 |

|24306 |6/16/2009 |SEASHORE SUPPLY OF WILDWOOD |$67.25 |

|24307 |6/16/2009 |STAPLES - (PUBLIC WORKS) |$314.95 |

|24308 |6/16/2009 |SEAGEAR MARINE SUPPLY, INC. |$10,011.42 |

|24309 |6/16/2009 |JACOB SCHAAD, JR. |$200.00 |

|24310 |6/16/2009 |SOUTH JERSEY GAS CO |$1,863.87 |

|24311 |6/16/2009 |STAPLES |$807.36 |

|24312 |6/16/2009 |CHIEF ROBERT MATTEUCCI |$92.52 |

|24313 |6/16/2009 |SHAW CRANE CO., INC |$1,300.00 |

|24314 |6/16/2009 |SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO |$214.97 |

|24315 |6/16/2009 |SOUTH JERSEY BOBCAT |$246.57 |

|24316 |6/16/2009 |SOUTH JERSEY ECONOMIC DEVEL |$18,500.00 |

|24317 |6/16/2009 |THE STUDIO OF RAYMOND SCHORLE |$465.00 |

|24318 |6/16/2009 |SENTRY LOCKSMITH, LLC |$52.50 |

|24319 |6/16/2009 |SERVICE STATION SERVICE INC. |$250.00 |

|24320 |6/16/2009 |FRED SPIEGEL |$100.00 |

|24321 |6/16/2009 |TRIAD ASSOCIATES |$50.00 |

|24322 |6/16/2009 |TEE'S PLUS |$198.98 |

|24323 |6/16/2009 |U.S. POSTAL SERVICE |$176.00 |

|24324 |6/16/2009 |UNIVERSAL SOUVENIR COMPANY |$164.32 |

|24325 |6/16/2009 |K. VAN BOURGONDIEN & SONS |$429.46 |

|24326 |6/16/2009 |VERIZON |$470.37 |

|24327 |6/16/2009 |VECTOR SECURITY |$80.00 |

|24328 |6/16/2009 |VERIZON CABS |$712.04 |

|24329 |6/16/2009 |VISUAL COMPUTER SOLUTIONS, INC |$3,495.00 |

|24330 |6/16/2009 |JIM VANORE |$100.00 |

|24331 |6/16/2009 |WASTE MANAGEMENT |$43,283.00 |

|24332 |6/16/2009 |WELL BREAD |$2,735.04 |

|24333 |6/16/2009 |EDWARD WILLIAMS |$2,759.83 |


MAYOR HENFEY stated that the VFW Parade will begin on Saturday at 21st & Atlantic at 1:30 PM. The Italian Festival will begin at 6 PM on Friday, June 26, with activities beginning on June 27 at 2 PM and June 28 at Noon. Knights of Columbus are sponsoring the event again this year. On the 4th of July the Pooch Parade will begin at 9 AM at 8th Avenue field. There will be fireworks at 10 PM for free. Upcoming activities include beach aerobics, yoga, karate, crime watch, and men’s, high school and grade school basketball. Please check with the Recreation Department for more details.


TOM MCGARRY, 110 W. 7th Avenue, stated that concerning the Comcast contract, Middle Township has an ordinance regarding complaints, etc. McGarry stated that he believes the City of Wildwood would be agreeable to teaming up with the City to bargain as one unit. McGarry has contacted DirecTV and they would like to present a package to compete with Comcast.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that the Wildwood contract expires in April 2011 and ours in December 2010. The City can still offer other franchises the opportunity to present proposals. Comcast does not have the exclusive right and if other proposals are presented then Comcast may take notice and work on a better deal.

TOM MCGARRY stated that DirecTV would be cheaper than Comcast. Verizon is bringing Fiber Optics into the area. They will start in Cape May Court House but might come over here if asked.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that Verizon or DirecTV could charge whatever they want.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that the Board of Public Utilities would regulate the charges.

ENGINEER PETRELLA stated that Bell Atlantic ran Fiber Optics here a few years ago.


JUNE 16, 2009

TOM MCGARRY stated that maybe all the Wildwoods can team up and work together. McGarry stated that he tried to get more information regarding the 911 issues discussed previously but could not get it. He will ask the Census Bureau. There is $20-30 million from phone bills but where does that money go? Straight to the State’s General Fund?

MAYOR HENFEY stated that in any other state the money collected from fees is dedicated to that specific purpose. In Florida, the fishing license fees go to the Fish & Game. In Pennsylvania, fees from Hunting Licenses go to land acquisition, etc. But in New Jersey, it all just goes into the General Fund. We have also seen a decrease in the withholding tax but we will still owe the same tax amount at the end of the year.

JIM KOCH, 1301 Surf Avenue, asked about Resolution #4. Rosenello explained that the Resolution dealt with liquor licenses that have no Special Conditions attached. Koch mentioned that JP Prime had many problems last year. Mayor Henfey stated that JP Prime’s liquor license was not renewed today.


On a motion by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, that there being no further business before Council, we do now adjourn. Carried. 10:54 A.M.



William J. Henfey - Mayor



W. Scott Jett - Deputy City Clerk

This is a generalization of the meeting of June 16, 2009 and not a verbatim transcript.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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