STA Application Tracker Implementation

STA Application Tracker ImplementationCristopher LydonUniversity of PhoenixSTA Application Tracker ImplementationWe have discovered a need for a Tracker that helps tracks the applications that are received for State Tuition Assistance. The need is for a program or database system that allows for the tracking of the application and the status of where the application is. The primary goal is to make sure we don’t lose any applications and all applications are either approved or denied in a timely manner.Project Background and Stake HoldersThe Utah National Guard Education Office is need of transferring from a Microsoft Excel tracker to a Microsoft Access tracking system. Currently all information is added to a spreadsheet and documented from there. However this has caused problems of being able to fully track a State Tuition Assistance application from start to the finish. There is no historical data that is kept and able to be analyzed for future needs.This system will help all Soldiers in making sure their applications are processed in a timely manner and allows them to be kept informed as the process is done. This will also assist the State Tuition Manager in being able to effectively track what applications were denied, waiting approval, or approved. It allows for upload of all applications, statements, and other needed documents to keep a historical record. This in turn allows for any future employees to be able to get a historical record of all funds paid to a soldier for the Tuition.Measure of SuccessWe will be able to tell how well this application helps by the time we are able to get through applications, able to track all current applications and historical applications, analyze the amounts of tuition that is being paid yearly to each individual soldier, and how many applications are not lost during the process.ScopeThis project only includes 1 Access database that will cover all State Tuition Applications. This includes Assistance and Waiver. Due to constraints it must be written in Access and no other program. The Database must have the ability to email the Soldier, have data entry abilities to take in the application and Soldier data, and be able to run reports. Also the migration of data will be within the scope to help with testing. All current data from the spreadsheet will be used in testing.Project InformationThis project has been deemed necessary and the application will be started immediately. The database must be in a beta format in 2 weeks able to be fully tested. The final version should be done in 1 month, and maintenance throughout as the forms change and policies change. There is no budget for this project as it will be developed in house during normal business hours by the State Tuition Manager. A budget is not required for this project as it is an ongoing project and will require minimal maintenance and the application is able to be written within the normal duties of the State Tuition Manager. Resources required are Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, and a desktop environment.ImplementationThe project will be implemented in 4 phases. The first phase is that of Localized testing by the State Tuition Manager. This will require the database to be tested on multiple computers before able to be publicly tested. The next phase will be training and public testing. Prior to the public being able to test or utilize the Access Database they will need to be trained on the functions and how to move throughout the program. The third phase is opening the Access database to the public in the department for all to utilize. The final phase is the maintenance of the Access Database. This will require training for anyone who is to maintain the database as to help prevent corruption and doubling of data. The maintenance will be ongoing as the forms and policies can change year to year based on budget constraints and new laws that may be passed.SecurityThe Access database will be kept on a secured server that requires permissions to get to the file folder the database is kept in. This will make sure that PII is protected and no one can open the database unless they have the directory path and permissions given by Active Directory.PII that is kept on the database will be limited to the Soldier’s Name, School attending, grades, and cost. The Access Database it will need to be closed while not being used to help keep the information protected. All computer systems will be locked when not in use.TrainingThe training will comprise of hands on training and written documentation. There will be a PowerPoint Presentation to help guide through the use of the program. A website will also be created to help understand the use and need of the program. Screenshots and visual representations will be available to use to guide through the processes.ConclusionThis plan will assist in make sure that all needs are met and we are able to define success and complete this project. The need for the program will be met with ease and the success will be measured by the speed the project is completed, the speed applications can be processed and the amount of applications that are not lost.References BIBLIOGRAPHY Best Practices for Developing an Implementation Plan. (n.d.). Retrieved August 16, 2015, from ................

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