To use Access Project with SQL Server - JMU

To use Access Project with SQL Server

First OPEN SQL Server (Enterprise Manager)



Open Access

click on File

click on New

click on Project using existing data


Enter a filename


Click create

Enter Server name


click on Use Windows NT Integrated Security

select the database on the server

test connection

Click on any table that appear… Make sure that the * appears at the bottom[pic]

If it doesn’t, you will have trouble entering data in the table OR IN YOUR FORM. If it’s not there, the chances are that your SQL server table doesn’t have a primary key indicated. Go back and change it.

Click on FORMS


Click on


Choose fields you want from one or more tables.


Choose next


Choose any format and click finish

Example form


Again, make sure that the * appears

If you get an error message about , note that in your SQL Server database you should either explicitly allow nulls or provide a default value for attributes not on your form.

Bells and Whistles

Click on Forms

Select a Form

Open in Design View

Right click on white part of box you want to make combo box


Click on Change To


Select what you want to have (i.e. combo box, list box, etc.)


You want the data tab

on the Row Source Type


select Value List

On Row Source type in the values you want separated by semi-colons


Choose whether you want to limit the possible input values to the Value List or not (e.g. Limit To List – yes or no

Save your changes by clicking on the red X

If you want something to happen when you start up

go to Tools and click on Startup

when the screen below comes up – type in the FORM you want



Then click on ok to save.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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