Exporting Files from Re:discovery for use in Access

Exporting Files from Re:discovery for use in Microsoft Access®

1. In Re:discovery, create and set a tag file of the records you wish to export by using Word Search, Filter, Range, etc. Unless a tag file is set, your entire database will be exported.

2. Click on "Select/Tag/" and then "Import/Export Selected Fields".


3. When the Import/Export Formats screen appears, click on 'Create Import/Export Format" and the following format contents screen will appear (or skip to number 6 if using an existing format).


Name the export file and select a field delimiter that will not appear in the data. The "~" character is usually a good choice. (A code number may appear in the Field Delimiter ASCII Code for the character you chose.) Select an appropriate Text Indicator (usually a " or a '). If your data has double quotes, such as dimensions, the single quote will be your best option.

4. To add fields to the format, highlight a field on the left and then click on the 'Add Item' button for each field you want to export. The field name will then appear in the right column.


NOTE: If a field you have selected, includes a '#' or '.', you will need to remove the character from the title. You can do this when you have selected it and clicked on 'Add Item'. Simply remove the character from the field labeled "Column Header" before clicking on "OK". If you have already added the field, highlight it on the right and click on ‘Update Item’ to remove the character from the field label.

5. When you have completed selecting your fields, click on "OK" to create your import/export format.


6. Click on "Export" and select your template from the list.


7. Enter the name of the output file if you wish it to be different from the default (which is the same as the name of the export template) and then click on "OK". (NOTE: If you have previously used this export format with the same output file name, you will get a popup message, advising you that the file already exists, do you wish to overwrite. Click on 'Yes' or 'No' as appropriate.)


8. The system will then export the records and will display where the txt file has been saved. Make a note of the file location.


9. Click anywhere to get rid of this gray message box and then click on "EXIT". You are now ready to bring your records into Access.

Importing Re:discovery Records into Access

NOTE: These instructions were written using Microsoft Access( 2000. If you have an earlier version, your options may differ slightly.

1. After opening Microsoft Access, select "Create a New Database using Blank Access Database" then click on OK. Assign it a name in the file name field, making sure to give it a .mdb file extension. Make note of where it is stored so you may find it again.

2. After clicking on "Create", another window will pop up. Click on "New" to create a new table.


3. Select "Import Table" (to bring in data from another file) and then click on "OK".


4. Select the text file you exported from Re:discovery from the dialog box and click on Import. NOTE: You may have to change the 'FILES OF TYPE" option so that the "TXT" files will be displayed.


5. At the Import Text Wizard, select "Delimited" and then click on "Next".


6. Select the same field delimiter that you used when you exported your Re:discovery data, e.g. the "~" character.


7. Select an appropriate Text Qualifier (usually a " or a ') as you indicated in the Import/Export Format in Re:discovery.

8. Check the "First Row Contains Field Names" box and then click on "NEXT".

9. On the next screen, unless you have an existing table in which you wish to open your exported records, click on "In a New Table" at the next menu. Then click on "NEXT".


10. The next screen will give you the option to change the type of fields, if necessary. For ease in importing/exporting, it is usually best to leave all fields as text fields. If you have a date field, you will want to be sure to treat it as a text field, otherwise, Access may insert zeros at the end of the date, treating it like a number. When finished, click on "NEXT".


11. On the next screen, select "NO PRIMARY KEY". Otherwise, there will be an extra field and it will not import the data from Re:discovery. When completed, click on "NEXT".


12. The last page of the Wizard will prompt you for the name of the database. If you do not need to change it, click on 'Finish'.


13. You will then get a message that the file has been imported successfully into Access. Click on 'OK'.


14. To open the file in Access, select the table and then click on 'Open' to use the data in Access.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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